Hoon Dok Hae Seminar Manual |
Hoon Dok Hae Seminar Manual
Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
Table of Contents
A. Statement of Purpose
B. Sponsorship
Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
World University Federation
World Media Association
C. The Heart of the Matter
D. Organizational Structure and Areas of Responsibility
E. Hoon Dok Hae Themes and Readings
F. The Seminar Schedule and Program
Schedule Overview
Opening Banquet
Opening Plenary
Hoon Dok Hae Sessions
The Reading
The Responses
Questions and Answers
Special Presentations
Discussion Groups
The Closing
Closing Remarks
Certificates of Graduation
Group Photo
Evaluation Forms
Declaration of Support
G. Discussion Groups
H. Inviting Participants
Selection of Participants
Invitation Letter
Response Form
Travel Form
I. Seminar Venue Setup and Participant Services
Seminar Room Setup
J. Displays and Book Table
K. Translation
L. Hospitality
M. Ground Transportation
N. Data Management
O. Media Outreach
P. Video and Photography
Q. Sound and Lighting
R. Printing
The Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace was inaugurated by our True Parents in order to effectively establish world peace through the restoration of nations. Current efforts to establish peace among nations are too narrowly focused on political interests. This can be clearly seen in the way the United Nations is itself structured, namely, with representatives solely from politically sovereign entities. Existing international organizations do not adequately solicit or benefit from the wisdom of religious, academic, or other cultural leaders. In this way, we may say that the analysis of the causes and solutions to evil often remains superficial or one-dimensional. Our True Parents have always known that only through a God-centered vision can lasting peace be obtained.
In calling for the series of International Seminars dedicated to hoon dok hae, True Parents are offering world leaders the oppotunity to focus directly on God’s word. If a core of God-centered leaders—from the political, religious, academic and media realms—can be established in a given nation then there is hope for the restoration of that nation. The International Seminars are not only a great providential development, but a tremendous blessing and opportunity for our work within our respective nations. Through these seminars a core or vanguard group of leaders can be introduced to True Parents vision and, on that foundation, further seminars can be organized on the national and local level. This kind of activity can only bring greater spiritual blessing and power to our work on behalf of God’s providence.
Those of you who have participated in the International Seminars have some experience of the awesome power of God’s word. As this hoon dok hae tradition, which is so critical to our own life of faith and to our families, is multiplied, your nation will prosper. In this way, the vision of world peace for which our True Parents have sacrificed everything, can become a living reality.
Indeed, we live in a most exciting time. At the turn of the millennium and on the eve of our True Parents birthday, we are living at a time of great opportunity. Existing ideologies are being called into question. God and spirit world are moving in profound ways to stir the hearts of people throughout the world. At this time we have been given this direction to develop the national level hoon dok hae seminars. If we fulfill this mission, I am sure that truly amazing things will happen.
Please focus on the internal significance of the time we live in and on the meaning and value of the hoon dok hae seminar for the restoration of your country. This manual represents an external guideline to assist you in carrying out your mission.
God bless you in your work on behalf of God’s great providence.
In True Parents Name,
Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak
Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace 1
In June of 1999 True Parents gave direction to Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, Chairman of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, to organize an International Seminar dedicated to the study of True Father’s words. In essence these seminars were to provide a direct encounter with Father’s words—a "Hoon Dok Hae" experience—for leaders from around the world. Initially, forty-three nations were asked to participate, with each sending three participants—one religious leader, one political leader and one university leader. The first seminar was quickly organized around the theme of "True Families as the Foundation for World Peace in the New Millennium." This first International Seminar was held in Washington, D.C. on July 29 to August 1, 1999.
After hearing reports of the very successful completion of the first International Seminar, True Parents gave direction for there to be two additional seminars, a total of three, also to be held in Washington, D.C. The forty-three participating nations were to send a total of three participants to each of the three seminars; at the completion of the three seminars, the participating nations would then have a core of nine persons graduated from the program.
The second International Seminar was held on September 17-20, and True Parents attended, speaking at the closing banquet. Also, around this time, Father gave direction for there to be a total of seven International Seminars completed by January of 2000. In addition, more nations than the original forty-three began participating in the seminars. Furthermore, Father asked that media leaders also be included among the participants.
As of this printing, four International Seminars have been completed; each with approximately 225 international participants. The dates of all seven seminars are as follows:
Seminar I July 29-August 1, 1999
Seminar II September 17-20, 1999
Seminar III October 10-13, 1999
Seminar IV October 29-November 1, 1999
Seminar V November 27-30, 1999
Seminar VI December 10-13, 1999
Seminar VII January 20-23, 2000
A central purpose of the International Seminars is to establish a core group of leaders from the participating nations who, on the foundation of their participation in the International Seminars, can both assist FFWPU and IIFWP in the restoration of the nation, and help with the organization of national level seminars.
This manual is being prepared to help with the organization of National Seminars. What we offer here is intended to serve as a guideline for organizing a seminar. The leadership in a given region and nation will determine the appropriateness or feasibility of the various suggestions contained in this manual.
Statement of Purpose
The establishment of ideal families has been the fundamental purpose and goal throughout the lifelong work of the Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. As we prepare to celebrate the 80th birthday of the Rev. Moon, it is appropriate that we pause to reflect on the remarkable achievement of this man. It is important to examine the many projects and activities he has founded, but it is equally important to consider the ideas, the teachings which form the basis of his every endeavor.
In anticipation of Rev. Moon’s 80th birthday, the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International, the World Media Association, and the World University Federation have sponsored this seminar on "True Families as the Foundation for World Peace in the New Millennium." Political leaders, religious leaders, scholars and university administrators from around the world have been invited to explore and discuss the teachings of the Rev. Moon.
It is well known that Rev. and Mrs. Moon have millions of followers and have established a foundation through the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) in 185 nations. The leaders and volunteers who serve the FFWPU are known for their vitality, dedication, and sacrificial spirit. In addition they are respected for their strong and loving family relationships.
One of the traditional, daily practices of FFWPU members is know as Hoon Dok Hae, a Korean phrase that can be translated as "gathering for reading and learning." Each day, FFWPU members in all parts of the world set aside time with their families for Hoon Dok Hae. At these gatherings, one family member will read a selection from Rev. Moon’s teachings. For example, the reading could be from a speech given in 1954 to a small group in Korea or from a speech from 1974 to 30,000 at New York’s Madison Square Garden. In these speeches one finds a wealth of spiritual insight and guidance for daily living.
Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, who has followed Rev. Moon for more than 40 years and has served as chief editor of his speeches, says, "Rev. Moon has spoken extensively throughout his life. Even if only one or two people were present, he would speak for the whole night. He would passionately speak the truth in front of a few as if he were addressing thousands. Reverend Moon has put his whole heart into teaching. Besides speaking to his followers, Reverend Moon has spoken a great deal to the public and to leaders of religion, science, politics, education, media and culture. In speaking directly with groups transcending the boundaries of nation, race and religion, Reverend Moon has established an incomparable record as a prolific speaker. The words of Reverend Moon, which address all aspects of God’s will and providence, offer the solution to the problems of life and history; they are, moreover, the words of the Completed Testament for the fulfillment of the promises which were made in the providence of salvation…. In coming to hear or read the words of Reverend Moon, leaders discover the proper way to guide their society and nation, and educators realize the true path of a teacher. When parents and children read these words together they will discover the true way for their family and find happiness." [From the Preface to the Gathering for Reading and Learning Series.]
This seminar brings together distinguished participants from all continents and from well over forty nations. Together these leaders, from religion, politics, universities, the media, and culture will reflect and offer commentary on the teachings of the Rev. Moon. In effect this seminar is a global Hoon Dok Hae. In terms of format we will begin each session with a reading. After each reading there will be assigned respondents from among the participants. We will then break into small groups allowing for more effective dialogue and discussion.
[Note: This "Statement of Purpose" was included in the participants registration packet at each seminar.]
The International Seminars were sponsored by the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, along with the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, the World University Federation and the World Media Association. Essentially these organizations correspond to the kinds of leaders being invited for participation: political leaders, religious leaders, academic leaders and media leaders. Based on the situation in your nation, it may be appropriate to select additional or different sponsoring organizations.
Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
The Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP) is a worldwide, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of world peace through education programs, workshops, conferences and publications. IIFWP seeks to encourage and support the efforts of world leaders from all disciplines and to build coalitions with a wide-range of non-governmental, religious, cultural and educational institutions in advancing solutions to pressing world problems.
The vision for the establishment of IIFWP was first presented in Washington, DC on December 19, 1998 to participants at an international and interreligious conference sponsored by the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International. In his Founder’s address to the conference, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon referred to his hope to develop the IIFWP and eventually to see a council of religious leaders working within the context of the United Nations.
On this foundation, only a few weeks later, the Inaugural Assembly of the IIFWP was held in Seoul, Korea on February 6, 1999 with over 500 participants in attendance, including more than 30 former heads of state, several United Nations ambassadors, religious leaders representing all the world’s major faith traditions, and a wide range of scholars, scientists, journalists and artists.
In his founder’s address at the Assembly, Rev. Moon outlined his vision for IIFWP, underscoring the need for political and religious leaders to work together in providing solutions to global problems. He urged the United Nations to lead the way in implementing such a system of cooperation.
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International works at all levels of society to heighten awareness and understanding of how to support healthy families, which are essential to creating a culture of peace. The Family Federation works earnestly to strengthen families of every race, religion, culture, and nation.
The Family Federation sees families as the "school of peace" and as the ideal starting place to deal with social and political problems. While the pursuit of world peace is often presumed most appropriate in the halls of government and justice, the Family Federation believes the possibility of world peace requires the participation of each family. In this way, each of us can be an activist for peace. Because families shape our communities, our nations, and world, there is a clear need for a movement that promotes strong families.
To be effective in this era of globalization, industrialization, commercialization, and urban blight, the Family Federation seeks to work both among leaders and on a grass-roots level in addressing family issues. This is why the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International has both an international branch as well as national and local chapters established throughout the world.
World University Federation
The purpose of the World University Federation (WUF) is to contribute to a world where people live in peace, cooperate with each other, and respect individual rights and values, eventually becoming members of a global society. In this sense WUF gives wide meaning to the term "education." WUF will promote the establishment of an international network of higher learning institutions.
The World University Federation, with the support of distinguished scholars worldwide, seeks to make a positive global impact on education. For this purpose, WUF will take full advantage of the possibilities and opportunities offered by current information technologies. An effective international, interactive net-work or virtual community of institutions and scholars, dedicated to using the new information technologies properly and constructively, is being formed.
To play their part in achieving world peace, educational institutions must not only train students to be professionally competent but also to be responsible citizens who can contribute to building better societies and to be aware of the global nature of current issues. Education of the whole person should be a primary responsibility of universities and institutions of higher learning. For that reason, at the first international meeting of the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) held in 1983 in Seoul, Korea, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon proposed the establishment of an organization bringing together institutions of higher education from all over the world to address this concern on a global level. The implementation of this vision is more feasible today, thanks to the development of new information technologies.
World Media Association
The World Media Association (WMA) provides an international forum for media professionals and opinion leaders dedicated to advancing the highest standards of journalistic ethics. The WMA is committed to advance press freedom in places where it does not exist and to encourage the responsible use of that freedom where it does exist.
The World Media Conference was founded in 1978, based on the vision of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon to promote an ethically aware and responsible media. That concern has proved timely as public trust in the media in the United States has plummeted to all-time lows. In 1985 the organization was renamed the World Media Association.
The WMA has promoted its goals through a number of projects, most notably the fifteen World Media Conferences and a series of international fact-finding tours. The tours have taken journalists to many of the world’s critical hot spots. During the 1980s, tours went to Central America, Southern Africa, and Southeast and Northeast Asia.
Most remarkable were the series of tours to the Soviet Union from the Brezhnev era through the emergence of glasnost and perestroika. They culminated with World Media Conference XI in Moscow in 1990 that led to the historic meeting of then President Gorbachev with the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. During the 1990s, WMA has sponsored leaders from Latin American countries on visits to the United States to study the operation of a free press in a free-market democracy.
World Media Conferences have been held in Washington, D.C., Seoul, Tokyo, and Cartagena, as well as Moscow. They examine the media’s role in the larger context of society, exploring such themes as: "Media Credibility and Social Responsibility," "The Responsibility of the Media in Advancing Democratic Institutions," "Globalization and the Media," and "The Family, the Media, and the Culture."
The Heart of the Matter
The situations in each nation and local area where a seminar is organized will be unique. While this manual offers guidelines for a full three-day seminar with many high-level international participants, we recognize that on the local level the length and format of a seminar may vary, case by case. In whatever way the seminar in your area is organized, we hope these guidelines will be helpful, even as you adapt them to your particular situation. For example, although we list many areas of responsibility and positions in an ideal organizational structure, in many contexts there will be limitations that make implementation unrealistic.
However you choose to organize the seminar, the most critical factor in creating a successful seminar lies with the selection of the moderator, reader and discussant(s).
The Moderator(s) need to establish good rapport with the participants. A personable, high-spirited moderator provides the important link between the audience and Father’s words. The Moderator should orient the participants at the outset of each session, and should respectfully introduce the Readers and Discussants. Whenever necessary the Moderator should make relevant announcements. However, a good Moderator does not speak too much.
The Reader
The Reader(s) should be carefully selected and should have not only great facility with the language and a good, clear voice, but also should be able to project the depth and heart of the reading. The Reader should prepare well in advance and should be relieved of any other duties that would distract from his/her main assignment. Also, it is quite to good have both a male and a female Reader read at alternating sessions.
The Discussants
At the International Seminars, following each reading there were two discussants; one a close, VIP contact and the other a well-educated and articulate FFWPU member. The first discussant should be a credible, well-respected person who can stand in the "John the Baptist" position in relation to the reading and who can set the tone of substantial and constructive engagement of the content of the reading. The second discussant should be a knowledgeable member who can provide a spirited and clear elaboration or explanation of the text, using examples from his or her own life experience; for example, life in the movement, experience with True Parents, spiritual experiences, etc.
Organizational Structure and Areas of Responsibility
IIFWP Chairman
Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak
Continental Director, National Messiahs and National Leaders
Central figures for the Region and Nation
Seminar Coordinator
The overall responsible person who supervises all aspects of the seminar.
Program Coordinator
Responsible for developing the seminar program, including the hoon dok hae moderator, readers and discussants.
Discussion Group Coordinator
Responsible for assigning participants to discussion groups and for selecting and orienting the group moderator.
Venue Coordinator
Responsible for arrangements at the venue
Arrange contract for venue
Plenary room set-up
Discussion group rooms set-up
General affairs
Participant Services Coordinator
Responsible for the care of participants.
Ground Transportation
Airport pick-up and return as needed.
Welcoming and registering participants upon arrival.
Providing care as needed for special requests; VIP care.
Facilitates seating of participants at meals and plenary sessions.
Accommodations Coordinator
Responsible for arranging room shares and room assignments for those needing overnight accommodations.
Banquet Services Coordinator
Responsible for coordinating meal functions throughout the seminar, as well as any special needs such as celebration cake.
Invitation and Data Management Coordinator
Responsible for supervising the invitation process and collection of data:
Prepare Invitation Packets
Receive Response Forms
Enter Data on Acceptances and Declines
Create Accurate List of Participants
Finance Coordinator
Responsible for preparing an overall budget and supervising contracts, expenditures, petty cash, etc.
Translation Coordinator
Responsible for making arrangements for translation as needed.
Video and Photography Coordinator
Responsible for making sure the seminar is properly recorded. Samples of best photos and footage should be sent to IIFWP headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Printing Coordinator
Responsible to prepare all materials to be printed for the seminar, including the set of readings, the printed schedule, program booklet, etc.
Responsible to collect participant evaluations, testimonies, discussion group reports, and to make sure a final report is prepared and sent to IIFWP and FFWPUI Headquarters.
Hoon Dok Hae Themes and Readings
For the International Seminars, readings were selected based on the following themes:
True Parents
The Spiritual Life
The Ideal Family
The Kingdom of God
True Father’s Prayer
Spirit World
The excerpts for the readings were selected from English translations contained in the Gathering for Reading and Learning Series (15 Volumes published by FFWPU in 1998), Life in the Spirit World and on Earth (FFWPU, 1998), and The Completed Testament Age and the Ideal Kingdom (FFWPU, 1999).
The readings selected for the International Seminar were put together in a booklet that was provided for each participant to use in order to read along during the hoon dok hae.
Based on the situation in each region or nation a set of readings may be selected, or you may choose to use some or all of the readings used during the International Seminars.
The Seminar Schedule and Program
The International Seminar schedule remained consistent throughout, although with minor adjustments in the interest of improving the overall effectiveness of the seminars. What follows is description of the main components in the schedule and program:
Day One
6:00 am Staff Meeting
The entire seminar staff met each morning at 6:00 am (5:00 am on Sundays and/or the first of the month) for an internal Hoon Dok Hae, followed by the staff meeting to go over the day’s schedule and to make sure all areas of responsibility were covered. In addition, small staff meetings were held each day and evening as needed throughout the seminar.
All Day, Participants Arrival
The staff needs to be fully prepared to receive the participants as they arrive. In particular, it is important that they be met and courteously transported from the airport to the seminar venue. Upon arrival at the hotel, the hotel registration process should go as smoothly and courteously as possible. Finally, they should be given information as to when and where they can register for the seminar.
All Day, Registration
The registration team should be fully in place on the day when participants arrive. All registration materials should be ready and organized for an efficient registration process. These include their name badge, a welcome letter, a seminar schedule, a booklet of the readings, and any other relevant material, brochures, etc.
6:00 pm Opening Banquet
The seminar officially begins with an opening banquet on the first evening. At this banquet, the participants are welcomed by the Regional and National Leadership of FFWPU and IIFWP as well as by the Seminar Coordinator. At the International Seminars, Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak delivered an Opening Address to orient the participants to the internal purpose of the seminar.
8:00 pm Plenary Session One
After the Opening Banquet, the first Plenary Session was held. At this session, a video introduction can be presented, or a slide show offering a broad overview of the international activities of the FFWPUI and IIFWP, including the many conferences, organizations and federations founded and sponsored by our True Parents.
Day Two
6:00 am Staff Meeting
7:00-8:30 am Breakfast
9:00-10:30 am Plenary Session Two
Reading: At this session the participants begin Hoon Dok Hae. The assigned reader is introduced and begins reading, usually for 30-45 minutes.
Discussants: At the conclusion of the reading, two discussants are each given the opportunity to offer commentary or reflection on the reading, each for approximately 12-15 minutes. In the International Seminars one discussant was a close VIP contact of our movement and the other a long-time member of our movement with the ability to inform and inspire the audience.
Questions and Answers: Members of the audience are invited to ask questions to the members of the panel (the reader and the discussants). The moderator must make sure the questioners do not simply give speeches or go off in unrelated areas.
10:30 am Coffee Break
11:00 am-12:30 pm Plenary Session Three
The same format and procedure as with the previous session.
12:30 pm Lunch
On occasion at the International Seminars a luncheon speaker was scheduled.
2:30-4:00 pm Plenary Session Four
The same format and procedure as with the previous sessions.
4:00 pm Coffee Break
4:30-6:00 pm Discussion Groups
The discussion groups provide a forum for participants to speak together and discuss the issues, questions, concerns, inspirations, etc., that derive from the readings. It is important that there be an able moderator who can both allow participants the freedom to speak openly and comfortably while also keeping the group focused on topics related to the readings.
The ideal size for the discussion groups is 12-15 persons. Depending on the limitations of the venue and/or available skilled persons who can serve as moderators, the groups may be larger.
It is good to have two or three experienced FFWPU members in the discussion groups to help keep the discussion focused and to support the moderator.
Some should be assigned to take notes during the discussion group sessions and to prepare a summary.
In addition, it is useful to have a FFWPU member prepare a evaluation of the participants’ participation in the discussion group. This will help identify those who can be especially helpful in the ongoing work of the FFWPU and IIFWP.
6:30 pm Dinner
At the International Seminars a speaker at the evening dinner was often scheduled. For example, on two occasions, Hyun Jin Nim came and spoke to the guests on behalf of True Parents.
8:00 pm Special Presentations
On this evening, we scheduled two to three special presentations—each about 30 minutes—in order to provide the participants with information and inspiration related to one or more projects inspired or founded by True Parents. For example, at the International Seminars, there were special presentations from Pure Love Alliance, Religious Youth Service, American Constitution Committee’s Parents Day Initiative, the World Newspaper Project, and True Family Values. Representatives of these projects would provide an overview of their project for the participants; often they used some audio-visual aid such as a video or slides. If time permitted, there were questions and answers.
Day Three
6:00 am Staff Meeting
7:00-8:30 am Breakfast
9:00-10:30 am Plenary Session
The same format and procedure as with previous sessions.
10:30 am Coffee Break
11:00 am-12:30 pm Plenary Session
The same format and procedure as with previous sessions.
12:30 pm Lunch
2:30-4:00 pm Plenary Session
The same format and procedure as with previous sessions. However, with this session a fifteen minute video featuring True Father’s prayer was offered. The reading of the prayers proceeded after the video, with both the video and the reading taking the standard amount of time allotted (30-45 minutes).
4:00 pm Coffee Break
4:30 pm Group Discussions
At this group discussion session, participants should be given a "Seminar Evaluation" form to fill out, offering their comments on the seminar. This should be collected at the end of the group discussion.
6:30 pm Closing Banquet
At the Closing Banquet the schedule is as follows:
Invocation (from a participant)
Emcee invites two pre-selected participants to share a brief testimony of their experience. Each is given a maximum of three minutes to express appreciation and describe the way in which they benefited from the seminar.
Emcee invites several representative participants (four to seven) up to the stage to receive their graduation certificate. This could be presented by the Continental Director, National Messiah, etc.
Representative of FFWPU or IIFWP is introduced to offer closing remarks. In the case of the International Seminars this was Rev. Kwak.
Presentation of Flowers and Gifts (Optional)
Closing Announcements
Schedule a Group Photo
Day Four
Day four essentially is a day of coordinating departures. Participants in the International Seminar were given the opportunity to tour Washington, D.C. and see The Washington Times.
Discussion Groups
The discussion groups are a central component of a successful seminar. It is important that the participants have the opportunity to speak and interact, voicing their opinions, asking questions, offering criticism, etc. The ideal size for a discussion group is 12-15 participants. Each group needs a moderator. The moderator is there to set the course for the discussion and to control the order of speakers and the amount of time each speaker should have. It is important that the moderator not dominate the group with his/her own speaking, and that the moderator not allow any particular participant(s) to dominate the discussion.
It is recommended that the first discussion group begin by having each participant introduce themselves; not only their name and position, but by saying a little bit about why they’re at the seminar and about their experience. The moderator might also ask them, at that time, to indicate their specific questions or concerns. In this way, an agenda for the discussion can be established.
In some cases the moderator may choose to identify a basic theme to serve as the topic of the discussion group. For example, "What is true love?" or "What is the God-Centered Family?"
It is best for the moderator to be an experienced member of FFWPU. Also it is best if there can be two to three FFWPU members in each group, to support the moderator and to contribute to the discussion.
Discussion Group Assignments
Each participant should be assigned to a discussion group. At the International Seminars the participants were divided up, usually according to region, but sometimes according to areas of interest—for example, one could have a media group, a religious leaders group, an academic group, etc. One disadvantage of having all members of a group being from similar backgrounds is that one loses the broader experience of diversity.
The list of the members of the group should be prepared in advance and distributed at the time of registration. Each group list should contain the names of all members of that particular group, the name of the group moderator and the name of the room where the group will meet.
Inviting Participants
Selection of Participants
The selection of participants is a critical part in the process of creating a successful seminar. The following guidelines are very important to take into consideration:
1. In inviting participants, be very clear about the nature and format of the seminar. It is counter-productive to have participants who feel they were not properly informed about the seminar, its content and schedule.
2. The purpose of the seminar is to introduce Father’s words to leaders in your nation and, on this foundation, work to restore the nation. Try to get high-level religious, political, academic and media leaders.
3. Keep in mind that it is counter-productive to get a very high-level VIP who does not have the right character or attitude for attending the seminar.
4. Participants who do not have a constructive attitude can adversely affect other participants.
The Invitation Letter
Attached is a copy of the invitation letter used in the International Seminars. Feel free to adapt this letter to fit your situation (see Appendix A).
Response Form
Attached is a copy of the Response Form which participants who agree to attend the seminar are to complete, providing you with all the information you will need to take care of them and follow-up in the future (see Appendix A).
Air Travel Information
It is important that you be very clear about the Air Travel Information including reimbursements, changes after ticketing, additional hotel nights, spouses and re-confirmations (see Appendix A).
General Policies
It is equally important to be very clear about Seminar Policies, indicating what transportation, hotel rooms, meals, etc. the organizers do or do not provide (see Appendix A).
It is important for your ongoing work to create an updated database that includes all relevant information on each participant.
Seminar Venue and Participant Services
Seminar Room Set-up
The seminar room should be set up classroom style. That is, with a table in front of each row of chairs. This allows the participants to read along easily with the booklet lying flat on the table in front of them.
Head Table for Plenary Sessions
The stage should be set up on a riser of approximately 24 inches. There should be a podium in the center, and tables on either side. Seated at the head table are the reader, the two discussants and the moderator. A name card should be placed on the table in front of each panelist.
Have water available for speakers.
Have some flowers to decorate the plenary room.
The set-up for simultaneous translation should be arranged to minimize any distraction, usually in the rear of the hall.
Video and Photography
Appropriate arrangements should be made in a way that keeps distractions at a minimum.
A full banner should be prepared for the plenary session hall. The banner should have the title of the seminar, the dates and location, and if possible the logos of the sponsoring organizations. [see sample below]. For the International Seminars we prepared two banners; one for the plenary hall and one for the banquet hall. Also we prepared podium signs with the IIFWP acronym and logo. Additional signs recommended are:
Welcome Seminar Participants (at airport)
Discussion Group One, Two, etc. (outside room of discussion group)
Banquet Hall Set-up
For the Opening and Closing Banquets all participants are seated at round tables, with usually 9-10 persons per table. There is no head table on a stage, but rather a reserved table front and center, and additional reserved tables on either side as deemed necessary.
There should be a podium on a small riser for the emcee and the speaker(s).
There should also be a seminar banner, like in the seminar room, if possible.
There should be a translation available as needed.
Flowers to decorate the area near the podium.
Podium sign is appropriate.
Sound and lighting as needed.
Displays and Book Table
If possible it is good to have a display table set up with promotional materials, books for sale, and photo-graphs of activities and projects of our movement. Someone should attend the table at all times to answer questions, make sales of books, or hand out complimentary materials.
Translation may not be necessary at national level seminars, but perhaps necessary at regional level seminars.
If you do provide translation, it is important that translators have translated copies of the Hoon Dok Hae texts to be read. The reading proceeds too swiftly for a translator to adequately translate on the spot.
Also, it is best if the translators can have copies in advance of speeches to be given at the Opening and Closing Banquets, as well as copies of Discussants Remarks and copies of the introductions of the Discussants.
Translators can be set up at the rear of the hall at enough distance to minimize distraction for other participants.
A hospitality team should be on hand to take care of any special needs of participants. Examples of special needs include the following:
Luggage did not arrive at the airport.
A participant encounters health problems.
A participant encounters an emergency at home.
Ground Transportation
If participants are arriving by air, it is best to have someone to meet them at the airport and facilitate their transportation to the seminar venue.
It is important to have an accurate arrival list and departure list so that the staff can know when participants are expected to arrive and depart.
Please inform participants in advance of the plan for ground transportation.
Data Management
Based on participant’s response forms, the participants are entered into a database in order to create lists as needed for internal and external purposes. It is good for all core staff to have an accurate and updated list of participants. Also you may want to create a participant list that can be distributed to all participants.
Media Outreach
If at all possible, promote the seminar through the media. Attached is a sample press release used at the International Seminars. Also included is an article that appeared in The Washington Times, reporting on the seminar.
Video and Photography
It is important to have a photographer, and if possible a video person on hand throughout the seminar. In this way you have a good record of the seminar which can be used in promoting subsequent seminars as well as the ongoing work of IIFWP.
Sound and Lighting
A good sound system and lighting system is important in creating a successful seminar.
The booklet of readings, schedule, and related materials should be printed in an attractive design and format.
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