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The Monkey Girls |
B’Cuz Issue 11
Monkey Girls
April 2, 2000
Well, how have you all been? This has been a very interesting week for us…read on for details. A HUGE thank you to all those special people who emailed us with their regional updates. This wouldn’t work with out you. And anyone else who feels there’s something going on that’s worthy of being shared but hasn’t…you know where to write us! We know that our emailing list is totally messed up and there are probably people who read this but who aren’t on our mailing list. No promises because we both are busy but if you would like to be on our list just tell us your name, age, you EMAIL address, and where you live (or what category you’d like to be in…eg, ‘old’ people, ex-stf, international, ‘leaders’, etc.) Thanks. Hope you enjoy…
Hyun Jin Nim
Well, I’ll try to find a willing volunteer to write a testimony about thKonni I’ll just brief you on what happened. As we said last issue, Hyun Jin Nim is now the head of World Carp. He came to visit us here in Chicago on Wed. We were the very privileged first group of Carpies that he’s spoken to. He spoke in the evening afte I’ll just brief you on what happened. As we said last issue, Hyun Jin Nim is now the head of World Carp. He came to visit us here in Chicago on Wed. We were the very privileged first group of Carpies that he’s spoken to. He spoke in the evening afteKonniting one of the schools that we’re teaching in to see what it’s like. He went and saw Jeremy AND Shizuwa teach one class and he said he was really impressed (that means REALLY impressed since he’s not the type to over-flow with compliments). He spoketing one of the schools that we’re teaching in to see what it’s like. He went and saw Jeremy AND Shizuwa teach one class and he said he was really impressed (that means REALLY impressed since he’s not the type to over-flow with compliments). He spokeKonnievening on how we have to take ownership of CARP. I think there were mixed reactions but everyone appreciated his visit. We also had a mini ‘Family Night’ the highlight of which was our very own ‘MUTT PRIDE’ singers (Hyo, Hanhee, Eo, Jelean and moi- evening on how we have to take ownership of CARP. I think there were mixed reactions but everyone appreciated his visit. We also had a mini ‘Family Night’ the highlight of which was our very own ‘MUTT PRIDE’ singers (Hyo, Hanhee, Eo, Jelean and moi- Konni) and when Hyun Jin Nim jammed with the PLA band (Steve, Kazuki, Dylan, and Dai san) to ‘Born to be Wild’, making all the leaders dance up front. They were all super-hilarious but it would be a toss-up between Rev. Jenkins and Robert Kittle, but Joe had the most energy and Bishop Kim was the cutest. We all see them in a new light now. =) Just Yesterday Hyun Jin Nim was officially inaugurated as head of World CARP and they’re in the middle of a two-day workshop in West Virginia with CARP leaders from around the world attending. Hyun Jin Nim then plans to go to Korea and then Japan to address CARP there. He said he was coming back to Chicago soon, too
There’s news going on about the Tour. Thank you to all you people who have already applied…the rest of you get cracking! A lot of kids are fundraising for the tour fees (read further for details). The details of the Tour are always changing so the best way to keep up to date is to put your email addy down for the PLA email newsletter. Sign up for it at the PLA website www.purelove.org It comes out once a month or so. Thank you Alan and all the hardworking PLA media people in DC.
The biggest thing that happened this week was Hyun Jin Nim’s visit. All of us are still digesting a lot of what he said.
Takashi san’s fundraising team's been busy in LA, helping the BC’s out there (see LA).
We all went to visit Christian churches today. We’re helping the Church community get guests for True Mother’s visit here on April 11. Konni’s writing a mini testimony about the experience which may come out next issue since this one is already loaded.
Eisuke, the BC in charge of the LA BC’s wrote:
LA will begin our fund raising campaign to raise money for PLA tour candidates starting next Saturday with a help of takashi's mft team and local college students. We will be covering some PLA content lectured by Garry Jones-locke and a few others. Also will be taught the HOW TOs of fund raising by the BEST BC mft team EVER. This will hopefully kick off LA chapter of PLA and local activities as well.
Thanks Ace oppa for your update and all your hard work with the BC’s there. For a post-update update People said that the workshop was really good, almost everyone attended and from today (Sunday, April 2)) all of them will go fundraising for two hours every Sunday after Church. Parents will be the drivers and ‘captains’.
Bay Area
Jolleta Hardman writes:
We are having an il shim ceremony once again for 7th and up. Its a "right of passage" where you pledge your purity and receive a ring of which you should wear all the time until you get blessed. We have to fulfill service conditions and fasting and DP study etc in order to participate. We had an opening wksp on the 24-26th and it was awsome! We were instantly unified. There were not only il shim participants but il shiim RECOMMITERS. This means that they have to do all the conditions as well except for fasting and they don’t do the ring ceremony.
The ceremony will take place on may 7th when we'll have another final worksp from the 5-7th of may. We sing songs, see a video of the ilshim wksps and bring the parents to tears(its quite scary).
Right now we are focusing on fulfilling the conditions and are checking up on each other now and then. We have trinities to make sure we stay on track. it was a blast last year and its gunna be an annual thing now.
It’s usually for 8th grade but last year since it was the first time, 8th and up participated. This year its for 8th grade AND 7th because there are so few of them AND re-committers.
Its gunna be awsome!
Thanks Joletta. Keep up the work there, guys!
Audrey Gertz wrote:
We're gonna hold a workshop here where the High School runs everything and its gonna be with 11-13 yr olds. Its gonna be stressin purity and responsibility with yourself. We're still workin on findin a place....sum people are suggesting tents (ehem..no thanx..bugs..yuck)...but otherwise we're workin on havin it around the week of april 18th. well, thats all... take care n everything.’
Thanks dear.
Josh Berndt also said the Free Teens thing last Sunday went well. I don’t know too many details about what’s going on in this area but there is certainly a lot so just keep letting us know, ok?
PLA head in Florida, Lili Kato wrote:
Resulting from the PLA Teacher Training Seminar we had in January; a presentation was given at North Miami Beach Sr. High School in February by Dr. Dennis Jackson, a participant of the teacher training seminar. He arranged for us to meet with people from the Miami-Dade School Board to see how we can get the CLUE curriculum approved by the school board. The teacher from N. Miami Beach high school has pretty much committed to using the curriculum for her classes at the beginning of the next school year. Hopefully, in the next two weeks, we'll be meeting with the school board. I'll keep you informed. Also, a second participant of the pla seminar, Sgt. Matthew Locke, is teaching the CLUE curriculum in a community center in Miami and also at Jann Mann Opportunity School, a public school. He has gotten newspaper coverage for this in the Miami Herald. He is on fire for this program and intends to expand his classes into other schools and community centers. I will be teaching CLUE at a youth conference April 3,4,5,and 6 at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church. This church has a congregation of 4000. Of course, there won't be that many at the conference, but the possibilities are great.
My daughter Aemi has over 22 kids signed up for her pla club at her high school and just last week they found a teacher who will sponsor the club. All we have to do now is get the rest of the paper work in ( constitution, activities schedule, etc. ) and give it all to the activities director and pray that she will okay it. That's it for now.
Thank you Lili and the Kato family. You inspire us all!!!
United Kingdom
(This was written by our newest STF arrival from England, Sir Jeremy Speller. So, now this is really taking on an international sphere. Thanks Jeremy)
Yes there is unification church in England! But there is not so much going on there. What can I say, in the second generation side of things we are holding workshops every 6 – 8 weeks for second generation 12 and up. The attendance is usually around 30 on the minor holidays (which we call half term) and at Easter and summer and Christmas anything up to 60 people. We are also holding a series of 7 day DP workshops led by one of our elderly sisters sheleigh weidle. These are aimed more at the elder blessed children and are proven to be very successful.
We also hold once a month in London and Sunday service for blessed children of all ages. It is a good way for blessed children to communicate more often and share in a good atmosphere and have fun together. Don’t you love that word FUN! Anyway.
On the PLA side of things we are holding activities every few months which is a good preparation for the tour in the summer. Although there is a limited attendance they are a good way of getting the blessed children together and spreading the message of PLA, they grow in size every time and we hope that one day we will beagle to get enough people to take over parliament and hold the country at ransom. The PLA is organized mainly by our only active 1st generation brother in England, Simon cooper (hey Simon I got you in there!)
Well I guess that is all for now, part from the fact that England could kick America’s butt in a war anyday! Peace out jigga’s.!!!!!
Since my (Konni’s) family lives in the land down under, I’ll make a quick mention of what’s going on down there. The church there is very small and there are hardly any BC’s there. But it’s a big country (size wise the same as the US minus Alaska) so it’s difficult to have any organized events for the whole country.
The PLA there have been doing a bit-holding rallies in the main cities of Sydney and Melbourne on weekends. The PLA curriculum is also going to be presented to the Australian education board (we have hook-ups there). Hopefully we can work top-down there. The Sydney church has recently started a Friday night Youth Group. My little sister, Iris (hi dearest!) says it’s pretty good. That’s about it for now
I wasn’t sure what title I should give this…Teddy Hose wrote a bit about a recent Band jamming session. Bon appetite.
We had an informal concert last Saturday with 4 bands; the NYC 2nd Gen band, 2GTM (Second Generation Trouble Makers), the New Eden Academy band, and my band (Omata, Tommy (Shiz's brother), Yung Kiely, and me). We performed a ska song by the Suicide Machines (that I saw in concert 2 weeks ago, friggin awesome) and "Take Warning" by Operation Ivy. It went awesome. The NEA band performed "Other Side" by RHCP, it was very well done, I had the chills the whole way through. 2GTM played popular songs like "Damnit" (censored version of course) and "What I got" by Sublime. I see a lot of potential success with these bands, we all got more talent and skillz than we know what to do with.
Keep up the work, guys (a-hem, where are my sisters in all this?)
New York
Just a quick thank you to all the peoples in New York area who sent Shizuwa and Danichi that GORGEOUS arrangement of flowers. It’s been sitting in the main (ugly-orange carpet) room perfuming the house. The photos will be out shortly. I just heard that there’s gonna be a BC talent show in a few weeks. Performing will include Masanori’s break dancing routine. Wish I could see it
Alright, you all know bczone, right? Well, there’s another website out for bc’s. It’s the brain-child of T. Ushiroda. He even left STF a bit early last year to start working on it and now it’s finally almost finished. It has a lot of potential to be really awesome-of course as long as you all contribute! It’s a bit complicated to get on…you have to download this thing then go to this address…anyway, you nerds will figure it out T. wrote: ‘2ndgen.org remember its .org not .com, it is finally here. Although its not completely finished, with your help I hope it can become one of the most informative as well as fun BC pages on the net. ‘
Check it out : www.2ndgen.org
Well, this has been a full issue, huh? Any further news from other areas will be appreciated. And if anyone has any good testimonies or such…you know who to send it to!
Signing off until next time,
Your very own monkey girlssssssss, Tamami and Konni
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