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The Monkey Girls |
B'Cuz issue 3
Monkey Girls
November 18, 1999
Hey, I guess the last issue was a lot more interesting than the first issue, cuz we got a lot more responses this time.. thanks a lot guys. J Anyhow, we’ve been really busy these days so it’s harder to find time to get all this info out every week at the same time, but you don’t mind so much, right?
I heard a rumor about the 2000 Tour being sponsored by NIKE. Well, just in case it wasn’t obvious enough, if you ever have any questions regarding anything PLA your best bet would be to ask us here. We keep in touch with all the head honchos so….anyway, it would be great if we could get some big-time sponsors like Nike, which is what a lot of hard-working people are in the process of working on at this very moment. The Tour is going to cost a tremendous amount of money, much more than the pittance that the Tour fee has been lowered to. So, if you want to help us get some corporate sponsorship and donations PLEASE write one-two short paragraphs (those of you have been on the Tour) about the Tour, service projects and stuff. Send them to pureall@aol.com These will be used in new promotional material.
Also, the "webmaster" of the www.purelove.org site wants to get in on some information on how to make the site more, umm funky , so if you have any ideas or suggestions, please send them in
The PLA web site has been updated with all the new info regarding the Tour. Just to let you know that this Tour is not restricted to only BC’s so if you have any outside friends that would be interested, invite them along!
The official age on the applications is 19, you have to be born before Feb 28, 1981 (thanks Eunha). Father never really officially announced the age was 16 sooo…. We’ll keep you posted on this.
This is a web site designed by one of the older oppas, Jacob with David oppa’s assistance. It’s actually very professionally done and it’s really quite good. It’s bound to get better, too. Check it out: www.bczone.com. Also, check out Jacob and David oppa’s bios, it’s interesting and says some cool stuff about them. You can also be a reporter for your area. I noticed that not so many people were keen on this idea, but you’re the ones who benefit, right?
Well, this is the last week for all the PLA teachers here to teach classes. We’ve been having graduations for all of classes. It is amazing but I think that these deprived, inner-city, kids of broken families have actually learned a lot about purity. Most have made an honest commitment to a pure lifestyle. GO PLA!!! Our combined STF workshop has been put back to the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after Thanksgiving. This will give the MFT teams out on the road longer to get their butts up here to Chicago. (And Thanksgiving weekend is a total ‘crush-out’ opportunity-meaning you can make tons of money.) We’re all still fundraising after this.
This Saturday True Parents are coming here to Chicago!!! All the Blessed families and us Carpies have all been preparing a lot, hoping that True Parents could make it. We did a chain-prayer vigil with all of CARP where at least one person was praying from 12 midnight to 6 am…! The whole Chicago area has been working really hard so that we can set the right conditions for them to come… its nice how dedicated they (we hehe) are.
Because the STF workshop has been moved back, this Thanksgiving the BC’s around here will get a workshop. ALRIGHT.
Bay Area
Apparently the school that Paul and Lenka went to wasn’t to up on the "abstinence-only" education they were teaching…. Quote Paul "it’s my personal belief that they are Kinsey advocates" (Kinsey is a sicko who did sexual experimentation and was verrrry liberal). He wrote a testimony about the whole experience that has a lot of deep insights. (Ask if you want us to forward it to you.) But in BC activities, things seem to be going good. The workshop still goes on, for 6th through 8th graders. High schoolers who want to attend will be staff. These lucky kids also have lots of casual get-togethers for fun. Yeondo went home from STF-fundraising for a little while and hung out ‘da sistas. Nice, huh?
These guys will also be having a Thanksgiving workshop for Middle School bc’s. Mary unnie will be making her way down from Seattle for this. Other staff members include Eiske oppa, Ji Eun unnie, hyon do oppa, and katsumasa oppa. All STF graduates, alright!!! In December the high-schoolers will have their ‘cool 6 day winter workshop’- Danory -
We just didn’t add this stuff in last time cuz we already had too much info to put out, we decided to just keep it for this week… ok so!! Yeah lots od BCs are real active in all the Bridgeport activities….Harumi unnie is the secretary of the Ocean club and co-editor with Tadashi of Compass, a Japanese newsletter on campus. Kiyomi and Margaret unnies have a musical theatre club. They are planning a production of Grease. Harumi unnie and Jonathan oppa help with set designing. Egiko unnie is on the judicial committee, keiha onni is senator of Arts and Sciences, Hiromasa oppa is vice-president of the Student Congress, Highmy onni is the House of Reps secretary (and PLA president at UB), and Sunhee onni is the financial committee secretary, Kotun is on the volley ball and basketball teams, Fuyuka onni is vice-pres of the Japanese Association, and Minori onni is the executive secretary of the Student Congress. Whew, that is really awesome, isn’t it? BC pride, baby!
Well, we got a nice response from Joletta, a BC in Ohio. Her, Milene, Yusun, and ChiYun, some other little BC’s are pretty isolated form other BC’s, I gather, but they’re still active. They all put a booth together at a festival near Joletta’s home with a bunch of PLA brochures and they handed out Blessing candies. Now, that is just awesome. Good job, guys.
Well, we’d still like to get more updates from other areas. NY Sunday school sounds fun, they all still hang out together after Sunday school… Hopefully we’ve answered the questions you asked after last issue. Please feel free to contact us. We may not have time for personal responses but we really appreciate your responses.
Peace out, true love style.
Yours truly, monkey girls (Tamami and Konni)
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