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Monkey Girls Issue 25 PaRT ii
God's Day/Haunakka/Kwanza/Xmas Edition
Seems like, so much going on, it would be wrong not to send out a holiday issue. Thanks to our new Monkey Girls, Shizuwa Noda (UB), Sung Shim Kim (NY), Hyo Sook Allen (BAY), and Kazue Sato(LA) and our one Monkey Boy Danichi Yoshida (Chicago) we threw together the final issue of the year.
The STF workshop will be going on at the same time as the NY/NJ regional workshop at UTS, Barrytown, from Dec 27th to Jan 1st.
This year, the coordinators are organizing it so that STF and CARP alumni and the parents of current STF members can join the STFers for a special program promoting a more "Settlement Age" type workshop. Main topics include: post-STF, Blessing, career/family life, etc.
CARP (Naokimi Ushiroda)
We all gathered on the 6th. Around 30 CARP leaders representing 8 countries gathered. Korea, Japan, US, Europe, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand, and the Philipines.
The purpose of the meeting was to get feedback from the other countries and help eachother to find the best way to do things. Also, one of the key points that HJN stressed was that we need to standardize the organization structure for all the CARP chapters around the world, so that progress could be measured efficiently. It was really good. HJN spoke to us several times, and had meals with all the chapters separately He expects a lot, and pushes us hard, but he also wants to give a lot to the members. We also had a chance to shoot guns. :) at flying disks. Talk about ideal stress relief.
That's it for now. you can expect to hear a lot more from CARP in the future as it develops.
Hello everyone, In spite of the fact that the Pure Love 2000 Tour concluded several months ago, I notice that people continue to sub- scribe to this list. To be sure, there's no more news coming out about Pure Love 2000. So, what to do? Please note that as of this morning, I've officially changed the Pure Love 2000 Updates News list to the Pure Love Tour Updates News list. I'm just assuming that the interest that was attached to Pure Love 2000 will likely be attached to upcoming tours as well, I've transferred all "Pure Love 2000" list subscribers to the new "Pure Love Tour" list. Naturally, you won't be hearing much until around the Spring of 2001, but once we're ready to announce tour info, sub- scribers to this list will be the first to know. As always, please write if you have any questions. Yours, Allen S. Pure Love Alliance Multi-Media Team webmaster@purelove.org
NEA (H. Gehring)
as this semester comes to an end the nea kids are studing for finals (occasionally we do get some studying done) and there are talks about holding a big old BC christmas party here. it's still just tentative, but were hoping to invite all the BC's who can get to Bridgeport for a dance party type thing. also, UB student Margret VanDerstock Hill, and NEA student H. Gehring have been cast in the professional production of the "Miracle of Fatima" a new musical. They'll be 14 shows in Bridgeport, then the cast might go on tour to US and Rome...but the tour is still being negotiated. Islhim Pearlman is running the stop light for the show, and several UB guys are doing stage crew work.
(Personal PS note)
ok so about my situation...i took a whole load of college credits was a sophmore..so i was able to take off the second semester to do field work. My field work is "public relations" for when the Little Angels do the NJ performances. basically i alone am in charge of selling around 2000 tickets.. haha whooohoo. in addition to that i will be working at the (NJ)church everyday.
-On Dec.24th, the senior sunday school (highschool stoodents) are planning to do a Service Project by feeding the homeless. It will be at sumwhere in Liberty City, a very dangerous place actually.. i heard there's like shootings going on almost everyday...pretty creepy.. BUT~ fer the sake of OtheRs~ and especially the ones who are less fortunate than we are, we are going to be helping by making it a better christmas eve fer them. We're going to be in a Muslim Mosque helping around.
-Dec. 27~29, there's going to be a Workshop in fort myers for kids 12 and up at a methodist camp.
- the seniors are going to be practicing D.P. lecture with an overhead projector with one of those lasers.
SYDNEY: (K. Rattley)
There was a summer camp for BC’s in the area. I ‘spoke’ to the high school kids (all 8 of them!) and it went rather well. In late January the first ever RYS project on this continent will be held at an for an Aboriginal community. It should be good. It’s VERY hot here, too. =)
CALI (Kazue Sato)
The West Coast winter workshop will be held at the Northern Cali church in San Leandro and a little less than 100 high schoolers from Northern & Southern Cali, Texas, Oregon & Washington state are expected to attend. I think that Kibos and Ares are going to emcee. The workshop will be held from December 26th to December 30th. Yup. It's gonna be quite nice.
Ummm...what else? I know that we are not going skiing. And that we are incredibly short staffed. I guess that's what you get for living on the west coast where there is a definite shortage of older BCs. I think that Kayo and I are going to be...well, I heard that Katja and Vicky onni are coming...but still, I wish more older girls were coming. How sucky. If Kayo weren't driving my bro and I up there I'm quite sure she would want to back out. Other staff...all guys: Vicky onni's husband, Katsukimi & Tadahisa (both from LA), Fred Park (from Seattle), and I think that one of the Hoses might come, not quite sure though...and then there's Paul and Ritz oppa. Yup. And Hyo might be drop in sporadically, but I think that she is working during that week. The theme of the workshop? Repentance.
(Danory Spitz)
okay its gonna be up in N. Cali, prbably 80-100 kids from Cali of course, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Alaska maybe? uh..basically whole west coast. We're gonna stay up at the church in N. cali, and i hear we're goin swimmin in an indoor pool. other than that i don't really know anything
BAY (Hyo Sook Allen)
The last several weeks have been in preparation for the upcoming Winter Workshop for the west coast region being held here, in the San Francisco Area in the Bay Area Family Church. The high schoolers here have been getting more deeply involved and intertwined with the planning of this workshop, meaning everything from handling logistics to icebreakers to transportation etc., the list goes on as you can imagine. This type of activity is part of the growing awareness and action of high school-parent-middle school inter-involvement and initiation. It's become a pinpointed focus here and we're reaching that goal. The workshop will be nearly 100 kids, a big amount for the west coast. Much is promising. More after Christmas and God's Day.
VA ((Kay and Miwa Peemoeller and Lena Daugherty))
Hey, this is a shout out to all the 2nd gen. ladies 15 and up. The B.Cs in Va. are having the first "Tomorrow's leaders - Young Women's Seminar" a.k.a. the bomb workshop. and we really want to meet YOU! So what are you waiting for? Let us know your coming so we can save you a place. We are sending you a schedule and a "to bring list." We need to know if you can come by the 15th so R.S.V.P A.S.A.P. Hope you can come, Your sisters in Va.
DC is having a X-mas workshop. There will be between 30 and 50 people. Staff include Eunha Stein, Lane Cowin, John Sapp¡¦. It's gonna be in the mountains by a lake or something.
NY/NJ/CT (T. Ushiroda)
Hey everyone this is about the winter WRKSHP. This year¡¯s theme is "wild adventures. stepping out of your comfort zone" Its about creating a relationship with God, and learning to be able to express your faith better. For JHS the winter wrkshp is for IL shim prep. And as always the winter wrkshp is about ending the year with god and offering up your accomplishments and admitting your mistakes (and being forgiven =) The exact times are the 27th till the 30th. Registration begins at 10 on the 27th and the wrkshp ends on the 30th at 2 after lunch Parents are invited to attend the general session on the 30th from 10:30 and join us for lunch. Registration is still open but will close soon so hurry up and register. We're gonna have the best wrkshp ever, so be there If you have any questions please write to me at coby1man@aol.com
(additional East Coast news)
True Parents held an early Christmas celebration at East Garden. This year only 150 BCs from each of the east coast regions were invited to the event. IT was actually a very relaxed, family-like atmosphere and each respective group prepared a song or play to perform in front of the group. It was nice.
(Sung-Shim Kim schuklim@hotmail.com)
Hey everyone, it¡¯s a first for me to ¡°report¡± so here goes: We¡¯re (Westchester/WestRock Church) holding a Christmas and New Year¡¯s Party shabang thingy. Its at ten pm at Agora house and there will be deco and FOOD. Each grade will be bringing things to eat and stuff. On New Year¡¯s we¡¯re going to have secret santas and we¡¯re going to do prayer and then party. This will be a nice start to the New Year with everyone togetherJ
There will be an upcoming ¡°homecoming¡± party for our wonderful oppas and onnis¡¦so keep posted and expect another party on January 14th. We'll see a lot of old and new faces J
UK (Matt Jubb)
This God's Day Britain is gonna have a workshop for all bcs 12-18. Its gonna be all about training the participants to be the best they can be either in faith or self confidence or achieving their goals with the help of their parents and bros n sis. Its gonna be from the 27th to the 3rd at Livingstone House. theres gonna be about 60 participants unfortunately we had to cut it off at that limit. But basically its gonna be the best workshop ever and one of the first mainly organised by elder BCs so its a real step forward in us learning how to do things for ourselves like we going to have to in the future of this movement.
Hyo JIn Nim Music
There's this website where u can download any/all of his songs, even his new one he sang for his wife at East Garden for the Xmas celebration.
What do you think?? Plus, the Manhattan Studio Company Webpage (Thank you Daniel oppa) www.mcsrecords.com www.mcstudios.com
Yes well.
After Christmas and God¡¯s Day, there might not be too much going on, we all have to take time out and recover¡¦.So, enjoy your time with family and friends and make new goals and resolutions for the coming year.
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