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40-Day Ideal Family Workshop in Jardim Workshop Guide and Manual
Mr. Hyun Lip Joo
40-day Ideal Family Workshop Director
Welcome and Overview
Dear brothers and sisters,
We are very pleased to welcome you to New Hope East Garden in Jardim, Brazil, and the 40-day Ideal Family workshop. I know that each of you have made tremendous effort and had to endure many hardships in order to come to Jardim. We hope that this brief orientation will help you and your family adjust to the environment and reap the tremendous spiritual benefits awaiting you.
The 40-day course consist of the three periods as below:
1. 21 days of Hoon Dok Hae
2. 12 days of Work and Service (Service Period)
3. 7 days of Leisure Time (Hobby Days) - includes three trips and official Church holidays
The ideal is to complete one period before going on to the next, though for practical reasons, the schedule of your 40-day course may be in a slightly different order.
The reading materials for the Hoon Dok Hae sessions were chosen directly by Father. During the Hoon Dok Hae period, if you are chosen as a reader, please read with a prayerful heart. Do your best to connect to God and Father's word. After the Hoon Dok Hae period is over, participants are required to take a test. Please study the questions and model answers provided, as the test will be structured in a similar way.
The day-to-day running of New Hope East Garden depends on a small core of professionally employed staff. However, for the most part, the functioning of the 40-day workshop depends on the investment from the participants themselves. It is True Parents desire to train blessed families and give them the opportunity to substantially contribute toward the building of the Kingdom.
Apart from specific assignments of regular duties (such as, cleaning, serving, etc.) there are a wide range of duties and responsibilities that can be fulfilled by volunteers. These include, Hoon Dok Hae coordination, service coordination, general affairs / administration, trips organization, security, entertainment, etc.
The priority to participate in trips is primarily based on each family's arrival and departure date, and completing the Hoon Dok Hae period. Holy Ground trips may occur during any of the three periods. These trips are pilgrimages to Holy Grounds where True Parents made conditions on behalf of God's Providence.
It is recommended that each family keep a journal of their progress during their 40-day course. A Personal Progress Tracker is provided to help you keep a rough track of your progress externally. It would be good if you could also keep a more detailed journal with particular emphasis on your internal progress.
Practical points
We have a special opportunity to practice a high standard of attendance at New Hope East Garden, which brings all of us closer to a heavenly life style. The Temple and Hoon Dok Hae rooms are Holy places. It is important to properly prepare ourselves internally and maintain the rooms externally.
1. Please remove your outdoor shoes and place them in the shoe racks provided: On the veranda at the Temple, and before the last flight of stairs in the Hoon Dok Hae room
2. Wear indoor shoes, slippers, or socks in the rooms
3. Bow upon entering and departing the rooms
4. Fill in the empty seats close to the front
5. Arrive ten minutes early to participate in the singing of Holy Songs
6. Noisy children should be taken out of the study rooms
7. Bottled water may be brought into the study rooms but no snacks.
Safety and Security
New Hope East Garden is located in an area rich in natural beauty and wildlife, but there are hidden dangers. Please take the following safety precautions seriously.
1. Avoid areas with tall grass because they contain a variety of poisonous snakes, poisonous black spiders and poisonous frogs.
2. The nearby rivers, Miranda and Plata, are very dangerous. Four (4) members have lost their lives in these rivers. Do not walk along the banks. In many places, the banks are made primarily of mud and shift easily. It is also easy to get stuck in the mud and tangled in branches and roots under the water. Swimming is strictly prohibited.
3. There is a man-made lake on the property. It is a nice place for simple fishing. From time to time it has been the home to adult alligators, which are dangerous, and young alligators, which are harmless. Children under age should not go to the lake alone. No children should use the rowboat without an adult.
4. Fishing alone or at night is prohibited.
5. Do not go out for a walk at night.
6. Do not disturb the wasp's nests near True Parents' house.
7. There are parrots and macaws on the property that are partially tame. You may feed them, however, they are still wild and can bite with their beaks.
8. Be careful with money, passports, tickets, and other valuables. Put them away securely or carry them with you.
9. Report all electrical and plumbing problems to the office liaison. There should be black tape on all shower knobs to avoid electric shock.
10. Be careful with your shoes and your hanging laundry on the weekends because of the large number of guests and members on the property.
Health and Hygiene
Tropical sunshine is often intense, especially in the summer and during the mid-day during the winter. Take a hat or umbrella along if you plan to spend time outdoors. Take drinking water along on excursions. Over exposure to the sun may cause intense headaches, sunstroke, and/or dehydration.
Living in a tropical climate in close proximity with many other people from all over the world creates an environment in which various types of bacteria can easily spread and multiply. Please to keep a good standard of personal hygiene and sanitation.
Do not put any toilet paper in the toilets; it will clog the sewage system. There is a wastebasket by each toilet for the paper.
It is recommended that you use an antiseptic on insect bites to avoid infection.
The water supply in New Hope East Garden is not suitable for human consumption. However, filtered water is available in a number of places and mineral water can always be purchased in the store.
Each room is provided with an electrical air-conditioner / heater built into the wall. Please use the air-conditioning sensibly taking care not to sleep (or stay for long periods of time) directly below or in front the device - you may have to rearrange the furniture in your room to avoid this. The device does have a thermostat to help you keep the room at a constant temperature. Please use it (somewhere around the middle) and do not set it to extreme cold. It is easy to become sick if you do not use the air-conditioning with caution. There is also an air filter in the machine, which can be pulled out from the side. This filter should be cleaned from time to time.
There are one or two western members who are resident at New Hope East Garden and have had experience working in the medical profession (as nurse / midwife). Although they have no official responsibility in this area, they would be only too happy to help you with your queries or questions. As they have been living in Brazil for some years and have experience of the local health system, they might be a good source of information if you need to see a doctor or require hospitalization. Your workshop coordinator can give you their details, if you require their assistance.
We have a fully equipped ambulance, which is always ready to be used in an emergency. Please note that it takes about 40 minutes to reach the nearest hospital.
There is a Japanese sister who is a nurse and lives in Jardim. She comes to New Hope East Garden every Thursday and Friday. The medical room (Rm. 1-1 directly across from the office) can be opened at any time in case of emergency. A small donation is requested if you receive medicine.
There is a dentist who comes to New Hope East Garden (Rm. 1-2) every Tuesday and Thursday from 8.00 am - 12.00 pm. A small fee will be requested from those who receive treatment.
Barber / Hairdressing
There is a Japanese brother resident at New Hope East Garden who has experience as a professional hairdresser for 15 years. Both he and his wife are very experienced and can cut brothers or sisters hair respectively. They normally ask 5 Brazilian Real per haircut.
Laundry Room
A laundry room is currently under construction and may be operational by the time you read this information. You will be able to machine wash clothes for a small fee.
Laundry by Hand
1. All hand laundry should be done in the outdoor sinks. Avoid washing muddy shoes or clothing in the bathroom sinks. The mud will build up in the pipes and eventually clog them.
2. Hose off excess mud from clothing outdoors before washing. Hoses are available outdoors near the washing areas.
3. Pre-wash very dirty items in a small tub and discard the muddy water directly into the outdoor drains or onto the grounds; not in the sinks.
4. Use only natural biodegradable laundry soap to protect the environment. Do not use regular detergent or any kind of bleach. It is suggested that you use the bar-type laundry soap, which is available in the store.
5. Remove your laundry from the lines once it is dry so others can use the space.
Mealtimes and Food
1. Arrive for meals on time. Meals are served only for 30 minutes. Being sensitive to others and avoiding wastefulness are part of building the Kingdom of Heaven.
2. After you finish your meal, scrape your dishes thoroughly into the large garbage cans provided. This makes for easier dish washing. The scrapings are fed to the pigs, so be careful not to throw paper or plastic in those cans.
3. Be considerate of kitchen staff, they really work hard. You will be assigned to one of the different teams responsible for cleaning and dishwashing. Schedules are normally posted on the notice board in the Hoon Dok Room and at the main entrance to the dinning room.
4. Take responsibility to wash any dirty dishes at times when there are no dishwashing volunteers on duty. Soap and sponges are available at the sink on the veranda.
5. On the veranda, there is a station near the kitchen, which provides good cold drinking water, hot water, tea and coffee free of charge. You can also purchase bottled water and juices from the store.
6. There is a fresh fruit stand in the main dining hall. Delicious fruit can be purchased at reasonable prices.
7. You are advised not take food to your rooms, as crumbs and dirty dishes attract insects.
Main Activities of the Workshop
True Father has given permission to undertake three basic main activities at Jardim:
1. Hoon Dok Hae
2. Sports
3. Entertainment
Hoon Dok Hae
Hoon Dok Hae is the heart of the 40-day workshop. We read it to inherit True Parents words but also True Parents' heart and spirit of living for the sake of others at the cost of our lives. This involves reading selected books and the Divine Principle as well as the Six Jardim Declarations, which were made by True Parents in 1995 and 1998. These are studied during the Hoon Dok Hae sessions every time a book is completed. The Hoon Dok Hae reading is an absolute condition for 21 days.
The Hon Dok Hae session is run by a coordinator, or coordinator couple. The schedule for the session is written on the blackboard with the names of the persons reading written on it as determined by the Hoon Dok Hae coordinator the night before. Participants are requested to be 6 - 7 minutes before the start of the session.
The whole 1 1/2-hour session is opened by the coordinator at 25 minutes past the hour and two Holy Songs are sung. Each reading session lasts 20 minutes. The first session is opened by reading one of True Father's prayers from the prayer book. The second session is stopped five minutes early for 3 - 5 minutes of exercises. The third session reader has no special responsibilities. The fourth session reader concludes the session with a prayer, which is followed by unison prayer and the singing of "Urie so Wonun Tongil".
Each new reader should go and sit on the chair provided at the front on the left hand side 5 minutes before reading to prepare oneself internally.
The time period between 9 and 10 pm is used by the coordinator to make announcements such as reporting on meetings with the Workshop Director, for new couples to introduce themselves and/or practicing for the entertainment being offered by the Western group on Sunday.
It can also be used for a special program such as receiving a speech from a guest speaker or for praying together at True Parents house.
There is a suggestion box for making suggestions to the coordinator. The notice board at the back of the Hoon Dok Hae room is used to post up recently received testimonies and speeches messages to individuals by fax or email and other important written materials.
Service Period
There are a number of different opportunities for service work. It is best to discuss the possibilities with your workshop leader - feel free to offer suggestions! Common activities are: Construction Work, Gardening, Working in the nursery or school (brothers also welcome!), Cleaning and Office Work.
Participants should report to the workshop office at 8:30 each morning during their service period.
Cultural / Entertainment Evening on Sunday
The Cultural Evening on Sunday is an opportunity to make an offering to bring pleasure to others as well as, of course, to develop entertainment to offer to True Parents when they are in Jardim. The emphasis should be on quality - to become as professional as possible.
Preparations should start on Monday and the fixed decision about who is doing what should be made by Wednesday. Some time in the evening after 9 pm. or in the afternoon can be used to practice the entertainment being offered (two or three items) and the ideal is to perfect it by Saturday evening.
Sunday is then used to do a rehearsal in the temple at around 3 pm depending on the other participants and when the other groups practices. On the evening itself, performing groups should gather in good time in the sound system area before going on to the stage to perform. Timing is important.
The offering from each workshop group often includes all three of the following:
A couple singing
A Western group song
A Mime (no language difficulties), Sketch or Skit
The Japanese overall Cultural Evening Coordinator needs to have details from the Western Workshop Cultural Evening Coordinator by Wednesday.
Each couple is encouraged to offer a couple song. It is said that Father asked every couple to be able to sing 50 songs professionally by the time they go to the spirit world!
It is, incidentally, possible to purchase a copy of the camera record taken for a particular Cultural Evening for $ 7, which is particularly nice to have if you have performed a couple song for example.
Sports Olympics on Sunday
This promotes harmony between the three different workshop groups (Korean, Japanese, Western) and nurtures the spirit of heavenly competitiveness. Two teams (i.e. Olympo and Pantanal) compete in various sports games. Strong support for each team is seen as just as important as actually competing. There is a melon party after the games finish around 10.00 or 11.00 in the morning.
Holy Ground Trips
The three Holy Grounds, Salobra, Perdido and Olympo (or only as far as the Americano Hotel) are a vital part of the program. They are three different Holy Grounds with three different characteristics - each of which reveals another aspect of our True Parents' work in South America and the extreme course of indemnity they have consciously gone through to make progress in God's dispensation.
Sisterhood Matching
It was explained that since Eve caused the Fall it is her responsibility to restore a nation. The Japanese are in the mother's position, the Koreans in the father position. Western members are in the position of child. The Western members should serve True Parents after finishing the 40-day workshop centering on a Japanese couple. We should all have a brother/sister relationship centered on a Japanese couple. Satan took God's children away. The Japanese members should bring God's children back to Him.
It is for this reason that both Korean and Western couples are matched to a Japanese / Japanese couple. (If the wife is Korean, the family is considered as Korean no matter what the husband's nationality is).
The test is an important part of the workshop which is taken after the participant has completed 21 days of Hoon Dok Hae. A pass in the test is necessary to obtain the certificate. All adults and children of 12 or over should take the test.
A paper with the 6 Jardim Declarations, Divine Principle Study questions and Model Answers is issued at your initial registration or orientation meeting.
The following points will be tested:
1. Any 3 of the 6 Jardim declarations.
2. A description of the spiritual condition of one historical figure, typically Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, or Mohammed
3. A Divine Principle question
4. To write the Family Pledge No. 8 in Korean Hangul (bonus question - not compulsory)
The test is normally taken on a Tuesday or Wednesday in the week after finishing 21 days of Hoon Dok Hae. A typical schedule is to meet at 2 pm., receive the test questions and study from 2 - 3 pm and take the test from 3 pm to 3:50 pm. The test thus lasts 50 minutes.
It is only necessary to write the main points regarding the spiritual condition of a person in the Spiritual World. It is better concerning the other items, however, to reproduce the exact wording of the documentation given as closely as possible. Each question is worth 30 points and there is a 10 points bonus for writing down your personal details in the right way.
The coordinator gives an initial mark as a recommendation and the central office checks and awards a pass or fail, but no point score.
What happens if one fails the test?
It is possible to take again the very same question that was failed one week later. Everyone will be helped to pass the test in one way or another.
The Graduation Ceremony takes place on Sunday morning after Pledge and Hoon Dok Hae. A representative Korean, Japanese and Western couple receives their certificate and all other graduates participate for this short ceremony. All other families are invited to observe the ceremony.
Official Photograph with True Parents
A very important part of the program is the possibility for families who have, or will shortly, complete the full 40-day workshop, to make an official photograph with True Parents. Of course, this is only possible when the True Parents visit Jardim. Many Western participants did not see True Parents while they were in Jardim. However, they are still entitled to have a picture taken at a later date even at another location if they have completed the 40-days. You will take one photograph together as a couple, one photograph together with your sisterhood couple and one family photograph as a couple together with your children over 12 years old. True Parents have requested that children under 12 years not take part in the official photographs, as they are too young to participate in the full program of the workshop and are therefore unqualified.
Morning Service Coordinator
Each week a new coordinator is chosen to lead the morning service in Korean language (lead Holy Songs, Pledge, introduce representative person who will give the opening prayer as well as morning lecturer or speaker.
Ideally, a Korean participant should coordinate one week, a Japanese participant the next week and a western participant the next. Since the morning service is conducted in the Korean language, it is not always possible to keep to this ideal. Western members who are able to speak Korean are therefore strongly encouraged to take this responsibility.
Praying as a representative of the Western World during Morning Service
One person prays publicly at each morning Hoon Dok Hae session. Prayer follows a three-day cycle: Korean, Japanese, and Western. The Western coordinator will invite a representative to pray on the morning a Western person should pray. The representative who prays is requested to wear pledge clothing.
All participants are requested to write a reflection. The reflection is written at the completion of the workshop as a full reflection about your experiences, realizations, and other comments you may feel relevant. True Parents are particularly interested in hearing extracts from these final reflections which indicate major breakthroughs between husband and wife.
A number of coordinators made up of volunteers facilitate the smooth working of the workshop. They are generally selected by the previous person in that position who is coming to an end of their stay at Jardim. It is obviously better when each coordinator can stay in office for a long as possible. The number of coordinators may depend on the number of participants present. A large workshop should have coordinators for the following areas:
An Overall Western Workshop Coordinator
A Hoon Dok Coordinating couple
A Cultural Evening Entertainment coordinator
A Sports Coordinator
A Room Coordinator
A Holy Ground Trips Coordinator
A Treasurer
An Orientation person (could be the Overall Coordinator)
An archivist / Western workshop records keeper, producing lists, speeches,
A Korean English translator
A Children's activities coordinator.
Praying at True Parents' house
From time to time, it has been a tradition for the Western group to make prayer conditions together in front of True Parents house as the last part of the evening program.
Conditions have been made for a variety of purposes such as for True Parents to visit Jardim, to support True Mother in her speaking tour, etc.
Jardim Choir
The Jardim Choir is grateful to receive support from anyone who has a reasonable voice. The choir usually practices at 1:15 pm every day and at a specific time on Sunday. The choir is often the last performance of the Cultural Evening.
We are encouraged to keep a journal on a regular, even daily basis. The purpose of this journal is not to be a diary account, but rather to be a personal tracking system concerning perceived areas of personal development, which one has established in oneself, and the progress detected that one has made during the 40-day workshop. Examples of such points could be:
1. Struggle and conflict between husband and wife due to misunderstandings, lack of communication, etc.
2. Struggles and conflicts between parents and children.
3. A poor prayer life, poor Hoon Dok Hae participation, etc.
You are encouraged to make effort every day to improve your situation and record the progress you have made. Couples who have made exemplary progress may even be requested to give a testimony if they wish.
Hobby Days
The 40-day period is an absolute condition to receive the certificate and to register in the Kingdom of Heaven. Most of the workshop is at New Hope East Garden except the organized trips to the three Holy Grounds. Participants should not otherwise leave the New Hope East Garden, even on hobby days. Special private trips such as visiting Bonito should be undertaken on extra days, which can be planned in after the 40-days have been successfully completed.
Since you are not allowed to leave New Hope East Garden, the number of hobby activities is limited, but some options are:
1. Fishing* - Do not fish alone!
2. Walks around the farm - particularly to the local waterfall.
3. Horse riding.
4. Catching up on unfinished Hoon Dok Hae hours.
5. Visiting the ostrich farm.
* Fishing
Fishing is not permitted by state law during the breading season from 1.Nov. - 28. Feb.
Tackle: Fishing is basically clear water river fishing. Light or medium tackle is sufficient. A longer and thinner rod with 8-12 lb. test line is enough. Sinkers of various weights, 1-3.5 oz., along with small sized hooks. Bring many hooks and sinkers because you will lose them. The bottom of the rivers are full of trees branches, brush, and various vegetation so you will get snagged a lot and need extra tackle. If you are a fly fisherman, try it!
Bait: You can buy dog food and flour at the store. Mixing them together with water makes a meaty dough that is good fish bait. In addition, you can try artificial bait and lures of various types, but you must bring them yourself.
Fishing Spots: There is a small artificial pond located by the main temple. There are other areas along the river known as "Mother's Place" and "Father's Place." But looks are deceiving; the rivers are dangerous. Even if the current looks slow near the shore, it is very fast and strong near the middle of the river. You can also fish off the bridge. Again it is slower near the riverbanks and faster in the middle.
To catch bigger fish, you need at least a medium size rod, large hooks (bait holder type), 25 lb. test line and a wife leader.
There are three common species of fish:
Pirahna- lives near the top of the water. For bait use any meat or red cloth.
Bacuh- lives in the mid-depth of the water. Crabs are the best bait.
Pintada- feeds on the bottom. For bait use eel-like fish.
(Note: crabs and eels are not available. No one in recent memory has caught any of these big fish from the rivers near the New Hope East Garden workshop sight in July and August.)
For safety reasons, it is a rule that workshop participants not fish alone!
Children and Nursery / School
Parents are to expected to take responsibility for their children (children over 12 years are to attend as adults *) during the course of the workshop. It is possible for children to enter the Hoon Dok Hae room and stay at the back as long as some one takes care that they are quiet and are not disturbing the Hoon Dok Hae reading (or other children).
A nursery (for children under 6 years old) and a school for western children (ages 6 - 12) have been established in the New Hope East Garden. As Workshop participants are responsible for the organizing and running of these activities, the quantity as well as the quality of the schooling varies depending on the number and ability of participants who volunteer as staff. Participants are requested to volunteer during their service period, however if numbers of staff are short, it is possible to do some work in the school and count this as part of your service period and restore the missed Hoon Dok Hae days later in the workshop.
The nursery is run jointly together with members from the Korean and Japanese workshops, but the school is conducted in English and is therefore only for the Western group.
Various educational programs have been set up from time to time to take care of and educate members of the second generation to varying degrees of success. Parents and teachers should feel free to offer their suggestions.
* Programs have been set up during the larger workshops to help and support children over 12 years in their course through the 40-days. Whilst they are requested to attend the full schedule, coordinators are requested to show flexibility and consideration with a view toward their participation.
Additional Information
Practical information about the workshop can be found in the guide "40-Day Ideal Family Workshop in Jardim - A Practical Guide for Families Wishing to Attend". There is also a separate document with detailed information about transportation from São Paulo to Jardim.
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