The Early Unification Church History
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CHAPTER 10 PAYING YOUR DUES When Miss Kim came to the United States with the mission to bring the Divine Principle to the Western world. She thought at the time, she would find three strong members who could carry on that mission. She would turn the work over to them and go back to Korea. She greatly underestimated the difficulty of her mission, or the difficulty in finding someone with the capability of leadership. It would be some 30 years before she would return home to Korea, for the last time. She always looked for a man who could be developed into a leader and take over the leadership role. Probably because of Korean tradition, she felt that a man would be a much better leader and more respected as a central figure. Also, because the past history of churches led by women, many people find a group led by a woman immediately suspect. Therefore she always looked for a man to step in as a leader. This was to prove a very difficult. Finding someone to assume leadership, especially in the early days, would lead to great problems. Let's say, a person appears who has the ability and potential for leadership. That person must have grown spiritually and have a complete understanding of the Divine Principle. Unless they have been tested fully - known as paying your dues - they will run into major problems and often cause problems. How many young members aspire to becoming central figures from the worldly standpoint of being at the top of the pyramid, with no understanding the concept of serving; often serving without anyone to confide in or anyone to share the problems with. Strip away the glamour of leadership and it is often the most lonely and difficult route. I am not sure that good leaders are made, but in some way need an inborn talent. But, on the other hand, how many have the ability but never have it developed. There is no easy answer. Paying ones dues is not a unique requirement for leadership only. It is my observation that no matter what area of life you look into, the people who are a success, as a rule, have paid their dues. Take as example singers, writers or actors--some of the more obvious areas--when you look into their background you find almost without exception, they have paid their dues. Aside from the requirement for talent, that talent has to be developed, which comes from a lot of hard work and attention to detail. A member joined in San Francisco. He was well educated with a masters degree, and very articulate person. He began almost immediately to lecture the Divine Principle, and was the first member to lecture at an acceptable level, except for Miss Kim. The early members didn't lecture because Miss Kim thought we couldn't--we were really not prepared for it at that time. We probably just needed someone to lead the way and set an example. Later some of those early members became excellent lecturers. Miss Kim soon began to give him more responsibility. As he assumed more of a leadership position, and then began to exclude Miss Kim. She even washed and ironed his shirts, which he thought necessary to change sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. Something was wrong. Although his lectures were polished and well presented, something was missing. The problem was, he had no "heart". One afternoon, we had a meeting of the core members at the Flemings home in Burlingame. At the meeting were Miss Kim, the Flemings, George Norton, Paul Werner, Barbara Koch and myself. Miss Kim presented the problem with the member, how he was gradually taking over leadership responsibility but that he was out of tune with the Divine Principle and spiritually immature. In discussing the problem we decided he had never suffered or had to struggled in his entire life; in short, he had not paid his dues. He intellectualized the Divine Principle and was "all head and no heart", a term later popularized in the church. I was appointed to summarize all this in a letter to him, which I did with some difficulty. Being a hatchet man was never my thing, but I often was given that assignment, because Miss Kim thought I was too soft. Giving evictions became my thing. After being confronted, he thought about it and discussed it with Miss Kim. He accepted our conclusions about his need to grow, and it was decided he would pack his clothes and take a the next bus to Texas. Miss Kim washed and ironed his shirts, helped him pack and he was on his way on a bus to Texas. In Texas he soon found a job, witnessed, taught The Divine Principle and struggled. When we saw him the next time he was an entirely changed person. The experience had given him spiritual growth and a foundation of indemnity on which to work. In another case, in more recent years, a young man with exceptional management capability joined the church. He went on a fund raising team and within a month was made a team captain. He later was moved into another mission, however in a minor position. Because of his ability he thought he should be on top. When he couldn't control everybody around him, he started working against the others, and the ones in charge of the mission. He was finally removed and sent to Washington D.C. for reassignment - hopefully to "pay his dues" and mature spiritually - his great potential was obvious. Because of his personality, ability, and persuasive speech, he talked his way into a very responsible position and fulfilled it well. Within six months he returned to his original mission as central figure. He then went on to several other missions, and was finally matched for a blessing. He didn't like the matching which he accepted, and later was removed from his position. He dumped the blessing and left the church. Nothing replaces "paying your dues", and learning to serve. In the original position, had he co-operated with the people in that mission, instead of trying to dominate them, the mission which later failed, would have been successful. Because of his great ability, which was undeniable, he would make the difference between success and failure. It seems that his main purpose was to get to the top, and crush anyone who he though might hinder him -- not to serve and fulfill his mission. There is often an indistinguishable fine line between a member serving a central figure and being dominated by a central figure with a personal agenda, often a subconscious personal agenda. Members have often been used by some leaders who have self serving motives. This is the result of people who have not paid their dues, or who have a shallow understanding of the Divine Principle. On the other hand, people who survive such bad central figures are often stronger and more conscious of what the movement is all about. Those are only a couple examples of members who moved up too fast because of their talents. This type moves quickly to very high positions before walking away and often turning actively against the church. Before running their course they leave in their wake untold damage, often crushing those who stand in their way. The old adage, "time wounds all heels" is true, but the waiting in the meantime seems like an eternity. The church has always been in need of capable people and when one comes, they are quickly utilized. There have been many problems in the church with people who moved up to fast, because of inherent leadership capability or education, who have not paid their dues. In order to be a successful leader, one has to learn to serve, which is what true leadership means. To many people have the idea that leadership means being served by others, a concept that is ingrained in the marrow of fallen man. A careful study of Father's words will teach that serving means serving the people under you and working the hardest as an example. People should be serving a leader because they want to, not just because of the position of central figure. Serving and sacrifice is the core of Father's teaching, serving God and others. Even Father, early in his mission, served an old lady who was a spiritual leader of a small group. He served her unconditionally. At some point a person has to go through a period of serving unconditionally. Father has often personally assigned some highly capable and educated person to go on an MFT, some are on a short time others for several years. During that time they grow spiritual and learn to serve. They find themselves in the boot camp of the Unification Church, without position or status, where education gives them no special consideration. They come from this experience, after paying their dues, matured and capable of becoming truly responsible leaders. This is the reason behind the formula course. Somewhere the dues has to be paid, which means, going through a period of serving unconditionally. Most people who haven't done this inevitably are the source of many problems and often leave the church, after appearing so promising in the beginning.
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