
Missionary work was begun in May 1975 by Gregory Novalis from the United States and Tokunen Miyoshi from Japan. Missionaries dispatched to neighboring countries and who could not stay in those countries for various reasons joined these two missionaries the following year. A Unification Church center was opened on January 1, 1977, and the first member joined the church that year. The church was officially recognized by the government in 1983. The first pioneer witnessing had begun in 1978 at Kisangani, and pioneer churches were established in all states by the end of 1983.

Zaire has produced 1,050 blessed couples. And now in 127 meeting places including fifty-three churches, in twelve regions, about 2,500 are preparing to receive the Blessing. PWPA and CARP are active and the church runs two elementary schools in Kinshasa. In addition, there is an cole professionelle giving vocational training, assisted by the World Mission Department (now HSA-UWC International). It obtained approval from the government as a regular university on August 27, 1993.

*** First anniversary ceremony for Zaire CARP (1985)
*** A class at the school established by our church (1985)
*** Regional leader Jacques Marion on a national speaking tour (Bandundu region,1991)