
The history of missionary work in Peru began with the arrival of Lisa Hunt in April 1973, who had joined in the United States through Korean missionaries.

Peru established its first church in June 1975 with one member. Activity focused on having regular workshops, teaching the Principle and equipping people with a spiritual education.

In 1980, three members were sent out as a mobile team across the country for twenty-one days. Their activity represented the opportunity to establish a firm foundation between 1984 and 1986. In July 1985, members nationwide attended a forty-day workshop and in September of the same year, following a revival meeting, the church received membership applications from 1,200 people.

Towards the end of 1986, Victor Lim arrived to work as the national leader of Peru. An impetus was thus given to the activities of the Peruvian chapter of the Professors World Peace Academy, and it was formally registered in 1988. In the same year, CARP began an active teaching program on tradition and the spirit of devotion.

As Peru takes a serious view of family relationships, many activities are organized to include members' parents. Some were very impressed by their sons and daughters' dedication and visited the church by themselves. For the sake of greater harmony between members and their parents, a variety of activities, including witnessing, regular get-togethers and banquets, have been organized.

*** Unification Principle lecture in Peru
*** Street witnessing