
Missionary work here first began with the coming of three missionaries in 1975; Carmela Acohido Roth from the United States, Ingrid Lindemann from Germany and Humihito Nanbu from Japan. The church's foundation developed through the devoted efforts of the members witnessed to by these missionaries. Government recognition of the church came in 1976. In 1986, a local radio station began a slanderous campaign against the church which went on for two years and finally led to legal proceedings.

In 1987, Stephen Boyd came as a missionary and began a bi-weekly radio program for the general public which improved the church's image. Uruguay is one of the countries where the CAUSA movement has been most active. CAUSA activities advanced rapidly in 1987. Currently, the CAUSA lecture program for the educated populace is highly developed, and CAUSA is engaged in a broad range of activities including cultural and educational programs, research of international issues, the women's movement and social development.

Through the participation of representatives of the political and religious spheres, CAUSA has rapidly grown into an organization representing all aspects of society in Uruguay.
Reverend Moon toured the churches on his visit to Uruguay from April 24 to 27, 1991.
Meeting with the president and other notables from the realms of politics, education, finance and media, Reverend Moon discussed issues pertaining to the realization of world peace and the development of Uruguay, and initiated concrete, practical plans. By giving such an impetus to the development of the providence, he left the Uruguayan people with a good impression of the church.

*** A CAUSA meeting in Montevideo