Papua New Guinea

Missionary work in Papua New Guinea began with the arrival of Rodney Cameron and Katsuhide Ishigawa in the summer and winter of 1979 respectively. Mr. Ishigawa obtained a visa as a correspondent of the Sekai Nippo of Japan. Rodney Cameron from Australia had to find a job to receive a visa. Accordingly missionaries had to be careful about what they did.

They gave Principle lectures at a member's house every night. Then members of established churches came to join the Unification Church and our church thus came to receive persecution from the established churches. Workshops of two, three and seven days were held regularly. Twenty-one day workshops were also organized.

Although it has been difficult for Papua New Guineans to completely dedicate themselves after listening to Principle lectures, they have helped our movement in various ways: for example, the CARP movement at the National University has made great strides forward and influenced students.

*** Weekend workshop at Port Moresby ( May 22-23, 1993)