
Missionary work in Chile began with the dispatch of missionaries in 1975; Russell Walters from the United States, Hiroshi Suzuki from Japan and Wolf Osterheld from Germany. In the early days, for all their hard work and effort, there was little visible result. But with the church's formal registration with the government in 1976, and with help from the church in Argentina, it began to grow. Nowadays, in any church there are an average of thirty-five attending Sunday service.

Moreover, Kenjiro Aoki, who had been working in Argentina, moved his missionary post to Chile. He devoted himself to meeting Christian ministers and clergymen and to instilling them with a new understanding of Reverend Moon. One of these was a Methodist minister who joined the Unification Church and worked as a member of a mobile witnessing team. He was driven out of his church while teaching the Principle to members of his congregation.
Now many people who followed him have learned the Principle.

*** Japanese missionaries with Chilean members ( 1989 )