Rev. Moon spoke to Americans when he first came here. In his Day of Hope tours he
began by saying that he had "some new revelations from God" to tell. He said
that in doing so he will "frequently mention the chosen people of Israel." He
goes on to say that those in the audience are primarily Christians and Jews and that he
"dearly" loves his "Christian brothers and sisters" and has "high
esteem for the Jewish people." He "beg"s them to understand "that what
I will say in no way reflects my personal feeling." He is being as diplomatic as he
can, but no shirking his awesome responsibility to give Gods judgement to them. In
other words, dont kill the messenger. God is upset at both the Jews and the
Christians. He says, "Sometimes testimony to the truth is a painful task. Yet it is a
mission " and "my duty to fulfill." He warns the audience that they are
going to hear painful things: "The content of my message tonight may be contrary to
your previous understandings. Some things may be very new to you. I would like to ask that
you think over seriously what you are about to hear." As I write it has been over
twenty years since he said this and America has not been listening to him. What little
they have heard they have dismissed and some consider him a tyrant like Hitler. Gradually
though time will heal this. Rev. Moon is not immortal and will die and like Christianity
in its early days will continue to grow in spite of the ignorance and intolerance of the
world. But unlike Christianity the messiah this time completed his mission of giving the
whole truth and in creating a family that will be the seed for ideal families in the
coming ideal world. He asks that people be "openminded so that the spirit of God can
speak directly into our hearts" but so far they havent. Christianity still is
divided and fighting each other.
He says, "The history of mankind is therefore a history of evil." He gets
poetic and speaks in parables sometime to help us understand saying, "God sowed good
seed, and He intended to harvest a good crop. But Satan stole His crop before it was
ripened and reaped a harvest of evil. Human history is a crop of weeds." So his
message and that of the Divine Principle is tragic. There have been countless good deeds
done in human history. He acknowledges this saying, "Throughout history there have
been many righteous people who" led "sacrificial lives" but overall life is
basically a vale of tears because Satan is the god of this world. Mankind is deeply lost
and confused and therefore divided. But Rev. Moon calls his message one of
"hope" because even though everyone has been infected with Satans
ignorance we live in the greatest time in human history because God has been finally able
to reveal his basic truths through Rev. Moon.
Gods tactic to win a victory over Satan is not to wave a magic wand. He is
against magic wanders. God is down to earth. Why not? He created it! Rev. Moon explains
Gods plan of fighting back to get control of the earth again: "It has been the
strategy of God to summon champions out of this evil world in order to restore the world
and build His kingdom. To understand His ways, let us therefore examine the history of
Gods providence." He goes on to say that Abel was Gods first champion.
The famous literary critic Clifton Fadiman correctly judged America for giving up on
heros. (find quote in his book Lifetime Reading Plan) He said, Lets look
at some of Gods champions in Western civilization for the last 2000 years. We will
end of course with the greatest champion God has ever sent -- Rev. Moon.
Every seminary should have a class on the Divine Principle. Every school should study the Divine Principle and Rev. Moons life. No one is educated until they do. The Divine Principle will someday be the hottest topic in the world. Families will argue over it during dinner and many families may be divided over it. But eventually everyone will see that it is a logical and uplifting philosophy, just as gravity explained how the world is round. But before there is the dawn of the ideal world we have to pass through the darkest time before the dawn in which Gods greatest champion is treated to everything from bloody beatings and concentration camps in his own country to be ridiculed and jailed in America that says it honors freedom of religion.
Rev. Moon is no joke and he is no Hitler. He is the savior of the world and someday everyone will be humble enough to honor him by bowing to him and studying his words and deeds to gain the strength and knowledge to overcome Satan. Rev. Moon is not laughing all the way to the bank after taking money from young people who were his mindless slaves and abused with long hours of abusive work. He is working harder than they are and weeping for the suffering of mankind and pushing everyone and himself to end the pain and death. He looks like a religious fanatic and that scares people because religious fanatics have usually hurt people. But he is different. He is the exception to the rule. Out of the scams he has a genuine opportunity. He is on fire to save lives -- not build some church. The original title doesnt even say the word church. It is called an "association." And thats exactly what it is. A temporary organization to bring world unity. When the world is united then we dont need that organization. It is just a means to the end. The "end" is a world filled with perfect associations called families, not some monolithic church.
He says, "Marriage is the most important means of establishing Gods kingdom on earth." He never says some church is the focus. Rev. Moon is not all that concerned with politics. It is important, but so is diet and entertainment. He doesnt focus on talking about what politicians or nutritionists or entertainers do. If you read books that contain his thousands of speeches you wont find much on politics and economics or sports or all the areas of life. He almost always talks of the Bible and families. He comes to marry people and build perfect marriages and families. He is an expert on relationships especially between God and man and between man and wife. He is obsessed with it. No one in human history has ever worked harder than him. Former members leave exhausted and say they were abused and taken advantage of but nothing is accomplished without hard work. And Rev. Moon has worked harder than any person in human history. He has cried more tears than any person in history. He has taken on the greatest job and he has succeeded in building a perfect marriage. Mrs. Moon has been through more than anyone could possibly imagine. Rev. Moon said once his life is like sitting on a pin. He cant make one false move. The lives of every person on this planet forever depends on him and God has had to watch his champion be laughed at and beaten. He knows Gods broken heart and he is in a hurry.
He says we should be desperate to witness. Do Red Cross workers work strict eight
hours shifts when they are in Africa handing out food to 100,000 starving people in front
of them? No. They work round the clock. But those workers will probably eventually take a
vacation sometime each year. The president of the Red Cross will take a vacation each
year. The Messiah doesnt. And what will be the response to him when he tells
everyone to not take one until there isnt any Hungary people anymore? He will be
called a slave driver. But he practices what he preaches. Rev. Moon understands that we
are fallen and cant keep up and has said that if someone gets burned out or tired
they should not leave the mission but sit on the sidelines until they recuperate.
Unfortunately, there have been some in leadership position in his organization that have
not given that option to members. So members felt that if they dont keep up they
will guilty of hurting God, the messiah , their ancestors, their country, their neighbors
and themselves. The pressure is tremendous but Rev. Moon teaches everyone to pace
themselves. He often says victory is right around the corner, but he also teaches this is
a marathon race. His mission is to focus on building good marriages that he calls
"blessed." God has revealed to him that if we have ideal marriages we will have
an ideal world. Religion is the most important study. It is the key to world peace. Not
political systems like socialism, or vegetarianism or Shakespeare.
Rev. Moon is for freedom. He is for tolerance. In that atmosphere the Divine Principle
will win because if it is heard it will eventually touch everyones hearts, even
professionals in Religious studies and religious leaders. Also in an atmosphere of
freedom, the correct political, economic, dietary, literature, and every other discipline
will arise. Rev. moon does not have all the answers. He does not reveal how to get energy
from fission, cure cancer, play musical instruments, make the blind see or give the final
statement on fashion. He is a man, not God. He has a part to play, but each of us do to.
He is the world wide messiah, but he tells us that we are messiahs too and in our area of
excellence we are to make our contribution and make the world a better place to live. For
some that will mean they will become famous and for many others it will not. But we are
all important and loved by God. Does a good parent love one child more than the other
because that child becomes famous? Of course not.
Rev. Moon is a master teacher. To help us understand God he often gives vivid
examples to help us see the situation. He often illustrates Gods situation by saying
they are like David against Goliath. David is little and the enemy is big. Jesus was
little and Judaism was big. Rev. Moon and the Unification Church is little but will win
over the goliath of Christianity and all other religions that dominate the world. How will
he do this? With a slingshot and rock? With guns and tanks? ABC, NBC and CBS think so.
They show literal pictures of tanks and Hitler when talking of Rev. Moon. But that is not
Gods way. Like David, Gods side must fight as America did in its wars of
defense. The Department of Defense used to be called the Department of War. This is
Gods way. In Gods defense the sword can be used, but in Gods offense
only the pen can be used. And Rev. Moon is a fanatic on education and he welcomes all
viewpoints in a spirit of freedom. He creates universities and wants nothing more than
having the Divine Principle book and his speeches in every home. As of this writing, most
libraries dont even have the Churchs official Divine Principle book. I
encourage those who believe in the Principle to put them in public libraries and to
advertise in the media directing people to go hear them. Rev. Moon has said often that he
wants the principle in video and on the Internet. God is asking us, pleading us, begging
us to witness, to teach to evangelize, to shout it from the housetops as the Bible says.
We live in a modern age and our housetops should have a satellite dish that beams in the
Divine Principle into our home. It is a cultural war and our main fight is to win with
Rev. Moon speaks out strongly against any church becoming corrupt and focusing on
itself more than others. He teaches that the Protestant movement started because the
"Medieval church hierarchies were interested in their own power, their own authority,
and their own welfare." He hates this and will not stand for it in his own church. He
says the church had "formidable power both politically and economically. The
hierarchy preserved this power, abused this power, and forgot about Gods purpose.
They clung tenaciously to their positions and ruthlessly persecuted any opponent."
Does this sound like a anti-Christ who America and the world must tremble in fear of
because he wants to take over the earth. Rev. Moon teaches against the abuse of power. He
has never abused any power he has and has spent the billions that have been entrusted with
him to serve other people. Even his house he explains is used for meeting with members and
world leaders. He is not interested in wealth and fame for himself or his family or even
his church. He is interested in everybody hearing the truth and getting together to come
up a plan to solve the worlds problems. That is why he creates many specific
organizations that bring together religious leaders in one organization and political
leaders in another and the media in still another. He has relief agencies and sport teams.
He doesnt do this as a few former members write and the media cynically assumes to
stroke his ego and deceive people to give him money and power. He hates the abuse of Power
because God has had to watch Satan influence men to abuse power since day one.
Rev. Moon criticizes the Catholic church for its abuse of Power not because he hates
the Catholic church ,but because God asks him to tell everyone to learn from their
mistakes and that He was behind the Protestant Reformation because the popes and catholic
religious leaders he says, "The Christian spirit in these men was absolutely
"God", he says, "had to continue forward. ... The church needed reform,
so religious revolution came. Martin Luther launched the Protestant Reformation. ...
Throughout the land, righteous people determined to win liberation from the old doctrines
and practices." Im quoting from a speech called Christianity in Crisis that
he gave at Madison Square Garden when he first arrived in America. That speech and others
that he gave publicly and some to church members is in a book called Gods Will that
you can order from the UC. He goes on to say that the average person "wanted to
worship God, not the church." Does this sound like someone who wants the UC to be
focus of the world? No. He wants God to be the focus. And since God is speaking through
him and he is living Gods truth, then we must focus on Rev. Moon and study him and
follow him and those leaders in his movement that represent him. Those leaders who focus
on worshiping the church by pushing attendance to Sunday service and tithing and Rev.
Moons campaigns over prayer, love of God, studying Gods word, building a good
family and using their individual creativity to love their neighbor and creating a loving
church community should not be followed. Going to church on Sunday and tithing are far
down the ladder of the hierarchy of values. If the individual person is just a cog in some
machine with no brain and creativity, then it doesnt matter if there is Sunday
services and tithing it will decline and no one will join because individual spiritual
growth and happiness in being in a community is the prerequisite for growth. No church,
nation or business or family can grow physically, spiritually , intellectually, if the
members are not nourished and respected for their unique personalities and how God can
work mysteriously through them.. The little person, the average person, must be honored
and listened to and when he or she gives good input then the organization must respond to
it. Too often, religious people get power and forget about grass roots power being more
powerful than power in some headquarters. They start focusing on how they are to be
respected and looking down in arrogance to the average member out in the boondocks.
The hardest thing for those in leadership is to listen and encourage listening and being a facilitator for creativity. They want cookie cutter people marching completely in unison. There must be a blend of ritual and traditions and organization and hierarchy in any organization but God is always interested in people, not organizations. God wants people to follow him more than other people. Rev. Moon is more interested in decentralizing power than in centralizing power. Always he has sent what few followers he has out to pioneer where there are no members. He writes in regard to the Protestants what he himself teaches his own church (but not always heard) :"Direct communication with God was their desire. They helped God bring the world, step by step, closer to the ultimate goal."
He teaches in public and private that the only way to win peoples hearts and
minds is non violently. This is one of the reasons he says Martin Luther King was the
greatest American in the 20th century. Also because he was against racism.
Rev. Moon teaches that Christianity grew in the Roman Empire because love , not swords:
"Rome was the target because at that time Rome was the world. For the
world to be saved, Rome had to be conquered by the army of Jesus Christ. But this was an
impossible battle, an inconceivable goal. The Roman Empire appeared as an impregnable
fortress not subject to conquest. Jesus army was barehanded. They used no weapons,
neither swords nor spears. They were armed only with their love of God and Jesus Christ.
They marched fearlessly onward, in conviction and strength. They paid the price in blood
and sacrifice."
Rev. moon and some of his followers have paid that same price. And he asks and even
demands that we take responsibility for saving this world from physical and spiritual
hunger by using our unique personalities to blend with other members and create
organizations and do things individually at the kitchen table or wherever and make this
world a better place to live. It is sad beyond words that former members, the media and
many ministers cant see Rev. Moons goodness. He is threat all right. A threat
to Satan who blinds everyone with his false teachings.
The Unification Church has had its share of fallen leaders who do not represent him.
This is why there are former members and why so few have joined over the years. Gods
champions are leaders. Leadership the key to Gods method to gain victory. God needs
leaders to represent him and Rev. Moon. Sadly the leadership has not understood Rev. Moon
and what he wants. They too often got into worshiping Sunday service and tithing and even
asking for all the money one has. And they were too concerned about their position and in
being harsh and not giving some people a chance to take a slower course. In their zeal
they were often motivated to get results to report to Rev. Moon but didnt see the
long term picture and misinterpreted restoration as being that they were Abel and the
members were Cain and had to restore their fallen natures by blindly following and never
thinking. We all must respect leaders and give up our individual wishes especially in an
emergency time such as fighting in wars such as World War II, but some leaders in the
church rationalize and invent an interpretation of the Divine Principle or Rev. Moon's
demanding goals as pushing leadership to become dictators and emotionally and occasionally
physically abusive. In time this will lessen as the church members mature.
Its very hard to be a leader and walk the line between freedom and authority. There are times when you push and then dont.