NAME: _________________________________


DATE: _________________________________


1. Every person has two sets of dual characteristics. They are:

     (a) _____________________ and

     (b) _____________________ and


2. There is a force that originates from God and connects all

beings. It also represents God's "external form." This force is called:

 [Circle the right answer]


a. The force of intellect.

b. The force of love.

c. The Universal Prime Force.


3. The two positions necessary for good give and take action are called:

______________________ and ____________________________ .


4. One example of give and take action that takes place within myself is the relationship between:


________________________ and _______________________ .


5. Draw one example of the Four Position Foundation.







6. What are the Three Blessings that God gave to Adam and Eve and also to all of us?








7. Draw a diagram of any one of these Three Blessings, in the form of a Four Position Foundation.






8.   The three stages of growth are called:

_________________________, ________________________, and _____________________ .


9.    The growing period is also called the period of:

[Circle the right answer]


a.. God's direct love.

b. God's direct dominion.

c. God's indirect dominion.


10. God gave me a responsibility for my own growth, because:

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .


11. The elements given by the physical self to the spirit self are called: [Circle the right answer]


a. Elements of goodness.

b. Life elements.

c. Vitality elements.


12. When I die physically, what determines where I will go in the spiritual world?

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .


13. The most important aspect of my spiritual self that has to be perfected through the physical self is:

______________________________________________________________________________ .




How can I bring joy to God?