6th Grade Sunday School

The Purpose of the Messiah Part 1


Theme for the year:  “God is my friend”.  Father’s words “Do not be discouraged.  Even though sometimes you feel that there is no God, know that He is always present.  With that feeling you must remember that God is with you”  The Way of Tradition, Vol. 1 p. 2.


Warm UP


Play the following game:

Messiah Game:

Choose one or two volunteers from the class who will be guided by the “Messiah”.  These volunteers must be blindfolded.  Have the volunteers wait outside of the classroom while you set chairs tables or other obstacles.  The Messiah must guide the blindfoled volunteer to the front of the room


Discuss:  Why does the Messiah have to come?

What are the responsibilities of the Messiah?


Divine Principle Lesson


A. God’s Purpose in the Dispensation for Salvation

  1. God’s purpose is to feel joy through experiencing his children living in the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the world of God’s love and heart.
  2. Salvation is restoration;  this means to bring fallen and sinful man back to his original state of goodness.


        Satan                                                                          God


M                     W                                                        M                     W     True Parents


Child                                                                             Child                                    

            Family                                                                         Family                                                                                                                                     Society

            Society                                                                       Nation            

            Nation                                                                         World

            World                                                                          Heaven—SW & Earth

            Hell—SW & Earth                                                                           



B. The Purpose of Salvation is to fulfill the Purpose of Creation



Mind                            God

    |                                   |      

Body                           Ideal Individual


1.Ideal Individual

  1. Body/Mind=Ideal Individual/God     
  2. No religious life needed
  3. No prayer needed
  4. No Savior needed

2.Jesus came to establish the ideal family

a.   Jesus and his bride would become True Parents and establish the family where God’s love can dwell.


C. Salvation through the Cross

  1. The chosen people, the Israelites, failed to recognize the Messiah when he came
  2. It was a great error to crucify Jesus
    1. John 6:28-29

Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?  Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. 

    1. Prayer at Gethsamane.  “Let this cup pass from me.”  Wanted to remain to accomplish his mission.
    2. Judas Iscariot “woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed!”
    3. Jesus final words on the cross “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”


Use the games below to end this lesson, or another lesson when you have time:


1.  Balloon Batting


Make A and B teams (of equal number of students).  Number the players of each team.  Even number players of each team exchange places.  Give the number one player of each team a different colored balloon.  Bat the balloon to the number 2 player of the same team; down and back.  The first team with the balloon back wins.


2.  Fruits and vegetables


Choose a subject, such as fruits, vegetables, cities, or other subjects.

Sit in a circle.  The leader calls a city name and counts to 10.  The person on the right must name a city beginning with the last letter of the city just named.  If he fails to do so, he moves to the left of the leader and all players move up.  The one longest in the head chair (the one to the right of the leader) wins.

OR point to any player and call the player to your right side.  After pointing to various players, point to the one in the chair to your right.  If he fails to answer in time, he goes back to the vacant seat.


3.  Numbered chairs


Number chairs to the leaders left, the leader is number 1.  All chairs must be occupied.  The leader calls a number, then that number calls another number.  If that number does not respond, or hesitates, then that person moves to the immediate right of the leader (The last number).  The leader is always the same person.


4.  Running numbers


Prepare two sets of numbers from 0 through 9 on cardboard or cardstock.  Form two teams of 10 each.  You need a judge and a leader.  Stand at the end of the room, one team per corner.  Give each player a number.  Call a number and have the players run in front of the judge.   The first team completing the number wins a point.   The team with 12 points first is the winner.