6th Grade Sunday School



Theme for the year:  “God is my friend”.  Father’s words “Do not be discouraged.  Even though sometimes you feel that there is no God, know that He is always present.  With that feeling you must remember that God is with you”  The Way of Tradition, Vol. 1 p. 2.


Warm UP


Read Paragraph one in Chapter Five , Resurrection, in Outline of the Principle, Level4.  Have students read the three Bible verses referenced, , Mt 27:52 and 1 Thess 4:16,17.  Pass out blank paper and crayons.  Have students draw an illustration of one of these verses.  The Bible verse referenced should be written on the illustration.


Discuss with students if these events could literally happen.


Ask:  What is the meaning of Resurrection?


Divine Principle Lesson


I.  The Meaning of Resurrection

  Passing from death to life

            1.  Dead = ignorant of purpose of life, and not knowing God

2.  Life = connected to God’s dominion through Christ

A. The Death Caused by the Fall

            1.  We are supposed to die physically when old

            2. Death =  the state of being separated from God’s love

B.  The Meaning of Resurrection    

            The process of man’s being restored from Satan’s dominion to God’s direct dominion through the Dispensation for Restoration

            1.  If a person repents of his sins and becomes a better person today than he was yesterday, then he is resurrected to that extent.

            2.  No major external change occurs

            3.  Meaning of Matt 27:52

                        The spirit selves of the passed away saints had grown closer to perfection



II. The Principles of Resurrection

            1. Believe in and live God’s Word

            2.  Based on physical self (spirit grows through body’s good deeds)

            3.  Three  stages

            4.  Based on the merit of the age (foundation of heart of people of earlier generations)





III.  The dispensation for the resurrection of spirit persons

            A.  Returning Resurrection of Spirit Persons                                                        

               Person on earth forms base for spiritual communication and partnership.

Can receive revelations and deep experience of truth, or other spiritual phenomena.

            B.  Returning resurrection of spirit persons who believed in God

                        1. Spirits want to help those on earth who believe in the Lord.

                                    a.  Old Testament spirits help Jesus’ followers

                                    b.  New Testament spirits help True Parents’ followers

            C.  Resurrection of other spirits

                        Can be resurrected by helping those on earth following Christ to fulfill an indemnity condition

            D.  Unification of religions by returning resurrection

                        Spirit people of various faiths will influence followers of various religions to follow True Parents




Alphabet Thanks.

            Students sit or stand in a circle.  First one names something he is thankful for, beginning with the letter A.  Next person must use B, etc. until all the letters of alphabet are used.  You may want to give each person a limit of five seconds.

            You can also make this more difficult by having each person say the name and the thing the person was thankful for for each person who came before.