6th Grade Sunday School



Theme for the year:  “God is my friend”.  Father’s words “Do not be discouraged.  Even though sometimes you feel that there is no God, know that He is always present.  With that feeling you must remember that God is with you”  The Way of Tradition, Vol. 1 p. 2.


Warm UP (and follow up)


Reflections In a Rock

Sometime prior to the lesson, collect some rocks (or get some elsewhere), enough rocks so each person in the class receives one.  Collecting these rocks may take some time, but time well spent because each rock should, if possible, be quite different in shape, color, roughness, size, etc.

The next step is to form a circle with the class as close together as possible.  Explain that After the lesson, each person will receive a rock, and that they will be given time to study, to examine in great detail, their own rock;  they should know its complete detail.  Like each of your, each rock will be totally unique.  Teach the lesson below.

Divine Principle Lesson




I.  The Value of a Person who Fulfills The Purpose of the Creation

            A.  Child of God, resembles God

                        1.  Divine Value

                        2.  Unique value-Read Level IV, par 3 “Since man is created to be eternal, God’s desire to experience stimulating joy through a certain individual is sufficiently satisfied through that one individual.  Therefore, a person who fulfills the Purpose of the Creation is a non-duplicable entity, unique in the entire universe, whoever he might be.  In other words, a true person, a person who fulfills the Purpose of the Creation, is a unique individual who will never be duplicated throughout eternity, so he has an innate unique value, which cannot be denied.”

                        3.  Cosmic value

                                    a.  Center of and ruler of entire spiritual and physical world-microcosm of and has value of entire cosmos (spiritual and physical world)


II.  Jesus and the Person who Fulfills the Purpose of the Creation


            A.  Jesus is a man, a True Man who has fulfilled the Purpose of the Creation. 

                        1.  We are all created to be True Men and True Women, as Jesus was

                                    a.  After fulfilling the Purpose of Creation and perfecting ourselves, we will have the same value as Jesus





III.  Rebirth and Trinity


We absolutely need True Parents to give us birth (or rebirth), as children without Original Sin




Satanic Trinity                                                Original Trinity


            Satan                                                  God


Adam              Eve                             Adam              Eve


Spiritual Trinity                                   Spiritual & Physical Trinity


            God                                                     God


Jesus              Holy Spirit                  True Father    True Mother


Follow up (warm up activity continued)


Each person examine their own rock in great detail.  Then they should ask God what he can show them in their rock that reflects their own life.  (Example:  the sharp edges on one side of the rock might represent sin in one’s life that needs to be smoothed o9ut and that like the water of a swift stream smooths the stone, so might people, parents, youth leaders, etc.)  You will be pleased as you see youth participate like never before.  You’ll learn things in kid’s lives you’d never discover in a counseling discussion or even be being close to them.  They’ll reflect the past, present, and even future process they feel will have to occur so that God can use them daily. 


Review Jeopardy Game


Divide the class into teams of four to six students.  Make file cards with the dollar amounts and the addenda letters shown after the questions below  written in large letters.  (You don’t have to write the questions on the cards)  Tape them to the chalk board under the appropriate headings (The Purpose of the Messiah, etc.)

Each team should have a spokesperson.  The spokesperson can pick the topic and the dollar amount.  If the team answers correctly, they get the number of points on the card, and they can choose a question again.   If not, they lose that many points.  If the answer is incorrect, another team may answer (when called upon).  If possible, give the winning team members prizes. 

At the end of class, hand out the review questions to take home.


The Purpose of the Messiah

1.  What is salvation?   200A


2.  Does a person who has fulfilled the Purpose of Creation need salvation?  100A


3.  Why did Jesus pray "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me...?"  200B


4.  What is the purpose of the Messiah?  200C


5.  Give two other verses from the Bible that show that Jesus did not come to die on the cross. 400


6.  What kind of salvation did Jesus bring through his death on the cross? 100B


7.  Why did God give prophecies of both a glorious Messiah, and a suffering Messiah in the Old Testament?  200D


8.  What should John the Baptist have done regarding Jesus? 100C


The Consummation of Human History


9.  In the last days, the evil world will be changed to what kind of world?  100A


10.  How many times has God attempted to bring about the Last Days? 200


11.  Can God bring about the Last Days without man's cooperation? 100B


12.  What is the meaning of the Bible versus which say that the earth will be destroyed?  300


13.  Give three examples showing how the Three Blessings are being fulfilled on the worldwide level.  400



14.  What does "Resurrection" mean as used in the Principle? 200A


15.  Describe the four Principles of Resurrection.  400


16.  What are the three stages of resurrection?  300


17.  What is Paradise?  200B


18.  How can a spirit person resurrect? 100



19.  What is the theory of Predestination?  300


20.  Can God predestine anything that is not good?  100A


21.  How much does God predestine us;  100%, 95% or 5%? 100B



22.  What is Christology?  100A


23.  What kind of value is each person created to have? (3 different aspects) 300A


24.  Was Jesus a man?  100B


25.  To be born again, do fallen people need a True Father, a True Mother, or both? 100C


26.  What is the spiritual trinity?  300B


27.  What is the physical and spiritual trinity established at the Second Coming?  200

Review Questions for Home study

The Purpose of the Messiah

1.  What is salvation?


2.  Does a person who has fulfilled the Purpose of Creation need salvation?


3.  Why did Jesus pray "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me...?"


4.  What is the purpose of the Messiah?


5.  Give two other verses from the Bible that show that Jesus did not come to die on the cross.


6.  What kind of salvation did Jesus bring through his death on the cross?


7.  Why did God give prophecies of both a glorious Messiah, and a suffering Messiah in the Old Testament?


8.  What should John the Baptist have done regarding Jesus?


The Consummation of Human History


9.  In the last days, the evil world will be changed to what kind of world?


10.  How many times has God attempted to bring about the Last Days?


11.  Can God bring about the Last Days without man's cooperation?


12.  What is the meaning of the Bible versus which say that the earth will be destroyed?


13.  Give three examples showing how the Three Blessings are being fulfilled on the worldwide level.



14.  What does "Resurrection" mean as used in the Principle?


15.  Describe the four Principles of Resurrection.


16.  What are the three stages of resurrection?


17.  What is Paradise?


18.  How can a spirit person resurrect?



19.  What is the theory of Predestination?


20.  Can God predestine anything that is not good?


21.  How much does God predestine us;  100%, 95% or 5%?



22.  What is Christology?


23.  What kind of value is each person created to have?


24.  Was Jesus a man?


25.  To be born again, do fallen people need a True Father, a True Mother, or both?


26.  What is the spiritual trinity?


27.  What is the physical and spiritual trinity established at the Second Coming