6th Grade Sunday School Lesson Plan
First Unit:  The Principles of Creation
Lesson #4 The Purpose of Creation

Theme for the year:  "God is my friend"  Father's Words "Do not be discouraged.  Even though sometimes you feel that there is no God, know that He is always present.  With That feeling you must remember that God is with you." The Way of Tradition, Vol. 1, p. 2

 Father's Words for the Principles of Creation Unit:  "You are a Son of God or a prince of God, or a princess of God.  In order to deserve this title, you must learn to think as God thinks, live as God lives, and be concerned as God is concerned, and love as God loves. The Way of Tradition, Vol. 1, p. 265.


Warm Up


For this activity you will need markers and a large sheet of paper. The paper should be taped to a wall where the group can see it.  With suggestions from the group, ask one young person to draw a picture of God.  Try to incorporate all of the suggestions into your drawing. Kids may say things like "white hair, "beard," wrinkles," "wise eyes,", and "really tall".  Stop after a few minutes of drawing to discuss if this is a picture of the God with whom they have or would like to have a relationship.  Then explain that you will be talking about the Purpose of Creation and about how to know God more personally.

 Divine Principle Lesson

"The Purpose of Creation"

Key points:

A.  God's Purpose for Creating

            God's most essential aspect is heart and love.  To love, He needs an object to love that can fully reflect His nature.

[Chart]                                    God                

                                             |^ Joy |V                 

                                              Creation (including men & women)

B.  The Three Blessings

            Man is to be the object of heart for God's joy by completing the Four Position Foundation.

            1.The First Blessing

                        To perfect my character (be fruitful)

God should constantly be at the center of my thoughts and actions

[Chart]                                    God                


                                    Mind     ->       Body   



                                                Perfected Individual                

            2.The Second Blessing

                        To  have an ideal family with sinless children (multiply)

                                    I should stay pure and receive the Blessing and have children

            The basic unit for the Kingdom of Heaven is the true family.

            Adam and Eve should have become True Parents. This would have expanded to a good world and the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.


[Chart]                                    God                


                        Husband      ->    Family              Wife   





                                    One World Family


            3.  The Third Blessing

                        The right of dominion over the whole creation

                                    I should love and experience joy through the creation

            My nature contains the nature of all created things (I can relate to and experience joy from all things.  (Idea:  Bring some animal pictures)


[Chart]                                    God                


                                    Person    «-»        Things 


                                                Dominion of Love


Ask the students  "Why is it important to accomplish the Three Blessings in Order?"  They are steps that must be taken in order to reach the goal.  Emphasize the importance of purity while growing toward perfection.

Applying the Lesson

Hand out the "Talksheet" and then discuss the questions with your class.

Item #1: Ask the kids what they think it means to have a personal relationship with God.

Item #2:  This activity lets kids examine how significant their relationship with God really is.  Each of these negative mandates strikes at their personal relationship with God.

Item #3:  Let kids add additional times they feel close to God that are not on the list.  Ask the group why these times are special times with God.

Item #4:  Ask each kid to create a plan for knowing God more personally based upon what is learned as people share their lists.  Explore ways the group can together develop a more personal relationship with God.

Item # 5  Challenge kids to relate personally with God.  Read and discuss Father's words.