6th Grade Sunday School Lesson Plan
First Unit: The Principles of Creation
Lesson #6 The Invisible Substantial World and the Visible Substantial World, Centered on Man
Theme for the year: "God is my friend" Father's Words "Do not be discouraged. Even though sometimes you feel that there is no God, know that He is always present. With That feeling you must remember that God is with you." The Way of Tradition, Vol. 1, p. 2
Father's Words for the Principles of Creation Unit: "You are a Son of God or a prince of God, or a princess of God. In order to deserve this title, you must learn to think as God thinks, live as God lives, and be concerned as God is concerned, and love as God loves. The Way of Tradition, Vol. 1, p. 265.
Warm Up
student cuts out a medium-sized heart. Then
cut the heart in half and have students write their name on both halves.
Put the hearts separately in two paper sacks, one for boys, and one for
girls. Mix them
up. Have students pull out any two and pray for those people each
day this week.
Explain that today we will be talking about the growing period for created beings, and how we must develop true love by growing our spirits. Developing an awareness of other people and their needs is an important way to grow spiritually.
Principle Lesson
A. The Invisible Substantial World and the Visible Substantial World
1. There are two worlds visible substantial->Like human body;
Invisible substantial->like human mind
(Ask: What are characteristics of each?)
B. The position of man in the Cosmos
1. Microcosm
2. Ruler
3. Medium of Harmony
C. The Relationship between the Spirit Self and the Physical Self
1. Structure and function of human
a. Physical Self->Mind & Body
(Ask: What are characteristics of Phys Mind: concerned about food and reproduction)
b. Spiritual Self->Spirit Mind; dwelling of God; spirit body; looks like physical body
1. Exchange of Vitality and Spirit Elements
Physical Self |
Spiritual Self |
Air +Sunlight Food/Water |
Spirit Elements |
Life elements (God’s Love & Truth) |
Physical Self |
Spiritual Self |
c. The relationship between the spirit self and the physical self
1. Quality of life converted to Vitality Element and transferred to spirit self
2. Become sensitive to God's love
a. Four Realms of Heart
Child, brother/sister, husband/wife, parent-give & forget
In our family we should:
1) Developing the awareness of other people and their needs
2) developing the knowledge of right and wrong.
3) learning the ability to give and receive true love
4) growing our sensitivity to God
3. Physical self like vine, spiritual self like fruit
4. Place in spirit world determined by daily life
Applying the
You will need markers or crayons and a sheet of newsprint for each student to create their own spiritual growth chart. See below.
100 %(I'm perfect!
75% (I'm doing very well!)
50%(I'm working on it)
25%( I'm trying)
0% (I really need to work on this)
Wk 1 Date Wk 2 Date
Wk 3 Date Wk 4 Date and so
Students should draw a line or bar graph to chart their growth in the following areas
1. |
Knowledge of right & wrong
ability to give & receive true love
Growth of sensitivity to God
Have the students list several practical things they can do to develop, learn and grow in these ways, such as praying for others, getting along with brothers or sisters, praying for others, Hoon Dok Hae, serving others, etc.
The chart can be decorated, as each student desires.
Students should continue plotting their spiritual growth for the next several weeks.