6th Grade Sunday
School Lesson Plan
First Unit: The Principles of
Review for the First Unit
Theme for the year: "God is my friend" Father's Words "Do not be discouraged. Even though sometimes you feel that there is no God, know that He is always present. With That feeling you must remember that God is with you." The Way of Tradition, Vol. 1, p. 2
Father's Words for the Principles of Creation Unit: "You are a Son of God or a prince of God, or a princess of God. In order to deserve this title, you must learn to think as God thinks, live as God lives, and be concerned as God is concerned, and love as God loves. The Way of Tradition, Vol. 1, p. 265.
Warm Up
Ask each student if they prayed for their prayer partner. Give them a few minutes to talk with their prayer partner(s) and to see if there is a special need to pray for during the coming week.
Review for the
Principles of Creation Unit
Give each student a paper plate and a sheet of paper.. Also, give each one a crayon. Ask the students to make 14 pie shapes on their paper plate, leaving the white space blank.
Ask the class each of the following questions. The first student to raise his hand answers. A correct answer allows that student to fill in one space on his board. If the answer is wrong, let all students write down their answers on a separate piece of paper. Every student who writes the right answer fills in a section on their "pie" on the paper plate. First one with a full board wins.
1. What are the two sets of dual characteristics in the creation? Give two examples of each set.
2. What are God’s Sung Sang and Hyung Sang characteristics?
3. What force/energy is part of God, is given to all of His creation, and connects all beings?
4. What two positions are needed for give and take action to occur? Give three examples of give and take action.
5. What forces are generated by good give and take action?
6. Using the example of a family, explain the meaning of Origin-Division-Union Action.
7. What are the three Blessings? Draw each one as a Four Position Foundation.
8. Every living being has two types of purpose. What are they?
9. What are the three stages of growth?
10. How are we different from all other created beings during the growing period? Why did God give us responsibility?
11. What is the difference between God’s Indirect Dominion and God’s Direct Dominion?
12. What is the position of man (ideal person) in the cosmos?
13. What
nutrients are needed for my physical self to grow?
What elements are needed for my spirit self to grow?
14. What is the most important aspect of the spiritual self that has to be perfected through the physical self?
15 . When we die physically, what determines where we will go in the spirit world?
Applying the
Students should continue to work on their spiritual growth charts, as outlined the past two weeks. When the chart is done, students should fill in the chart each week, making bars on the graph of different colors to show their progress.