ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS (Textbook: Outline of the Principle, Level 4)

1.  The two sets of dual characteristics are:

A) Sung Sang and Hyung Sang, roughly translated as Internal Character and External Form.

B) Yang and Um (or Yang and Yin). These are roughly translated as Positivity (or Masculinity) and Negativity (or Femininity)ˇ

(Look up examples in the textbook.)

2.  God's Sung Sang (Original Sung Sang) is His mind, which

includes His emotion, intellect, will, and heartˇ

(The most important aspect of God is His Heart.)

God's Hyung Sang (Original Hyung Sang) is His Energy, which we

call the Universal Prime Energyˇ

3.  Universal Prime Energy/Force is part of God, is given to all His creation, and connects all beingsˇ

4.  For give and take action, we need Subject and Object positions. (Look up examples in the textbook.)

5. Good give and take action generates the forces needed for existence, action, and reproduction (multiplication).

6.  Origin-Division-Union Action:

In a family, God is the Origin. God manifests His masculine nature in man and feminine nature in woman -- this represents Divisionˇ Then the unity of husband and wife, which produces children, is called Unionˇ

7.  The Three Blessings are:

 A) To be fruitful -- to become an ideal (or true) person, by perfecting my character.

 B) To multiply -- to establish an ideal (or true) family, through relationships of true love.

 C) To have dominion over God's creation -- to establish an ideal environment, through taking care of the creation.

(Look up diagrams in the textbook.)

8.  Every living being has an individual purpose (living for oneself) and a whole purpose (living for others). To be happy, we have to fulfill both purposes.

9. The three stages of Growth are called Formation Stage, Growth Stage, and Completion Stage.

10. All created beings (except humans) Grow and become mature underthe control of the Principle (God's universal law).    But we humans grow not only through the action of the Principle but also by fulfilling our responsibility to follow God's commandments.

God gave us responsibility because He wants us to participatein creating our own character and inherit God's creatorship.

 11. During the growing period, while we are still immature, God rules us indirectly through the Principle (God's universallaw). This is called the period of God's Indirect Dominion.    Once we reach perfection (maturity of character), we become one in heart with God, and God rules us through His direct love. We call that God's Direct Dominion.

 12. An ideal person's position in the cosmos is:     (1) Microcosm of the cosmos,

     (2) Ruler of the cosmos, and

     (3) Medium of harmony between the spirit world and physical world.

 13. For my physical self to grow, I need air and sunlight (called positive nutrients) and food and water (called negative nutrients).

For my spirit self to grow, I need "Life Elements" (positive elements) from God, and I need good "Vitality Elements" (negative elements) from my physical self. Life Elements are God's Love and Truth. Good Vitality Elements are the nutrients that my spirit self receives from my physical self when my body performs good actions. 

14. The most important aspect of our spirit self that we have to perfect through our physical self is our sensitivity to the love of God. 

15. When we die physically, God does not determine whether we go to heaven or hell or somewhere in between. But it is the quality of life we have lived in the physical world that determines where we will go in the spirit world.