EQ Kids Workbook: Self-discipline 6 - 8
"I'm steering my own ship!"
For each situation, give Jack a rating, on a scale of l -
10, to show how much self-discipline he is
practicing. Then name some other parts of EQ (like impulse
control, listening, integrity,
resilience, taking responsibility, etc.) that Jack could
practice or is practicing in that situation.
I 5 10
Whoa, Jack! You aren't You're getting there. Hey, Jack! You are
showing a shred of self-discipline, one self-disciplined
1. Jack has a ton of math homework. He does half of it. He
then remembers a science project
that is due the next day. He finishes the science project
five minutes before the bus comes the
next morning. He never finished his math. Rating of Jack's self-discipline:
What other parts
of EQ is Jack practicing?
What other parts
of EQ should Jack be practicing?
2. Jack is on the wrestling team. He has put on ten pounds.
The coach tells him he needs to lose
at least five pounds in the next month. He decides to give
up the usual three ice cream cones he
eats every day after school. A month later, he has lost 12
pounds! Rating of Jack's
What other parts
of EQ is Jack practicing?
What other parts
of EQ should Jack be practicing?
3. Jack is in a good mood during social studies. As the
teacher talks about current events, he
keeps thinking of funny things to say aloud. However, he
decides that the teacher might not
appreciate this, and he keeps his mouth shut. Rating of Jack's self-discipline:
What other parts
of EQ is Jack practicing?
What other parts
of EQ should Jack be practicing?
4. While the class is at recess, another kid in class, Biff,
teases Jack by making fun of Jack's
weight. In response, Jack is about to make fun of Biff's
height, but after thinking about it, Jack
decides to ignore Biff.
Rating of Jack's
What other parts
of EQ is Jack practicing?
What other parts
of EQ should Jack be practicing?