True Parents History for Children |
First Missionaries to the West
by Linna Rapkins
Way back in 1951 Father had sat on a big flat rock overlooking the city of Pusan and the mountains and ocean surrounding it. He was a lonely man with a crushing responsibility to finish the work of Jesus and save the world from the evil influence of Satan.
As he sat for thousands of hours in meditation and prayer, he faced America and Europe in the West. Looking out over the harbor, he thought of the day when he could go to the United States to tell the white and black skinned people with the round eyes all about God's new words.
"Who will be the first missionary?" he wondered. "How will he get the Americans to listen to a Korean? Should he witness the same way we do in Korea?"
He felt impatient. "I wish I could send someone right away," he said out loud, pounding his fist into his other palm. But as he looked up to heaven, he knew God's answer before He even gave it. "You must focus on Korea first."
Yes, of course, he knew that. And anyway, the only person he could have sent at that point was Won Pil Kim, but he couldn't part with him yet.
"I must find more members quickly, quickly," he shouted to the hills. As the months and years went by, always, his prayers included America and the world.
Years later, Father was working in Seoul, and the membership was growing. One day toward the end of 1958, he was talking to Young Oon Kim. "How are you doing on your English translation of the Divine Principle?" he asked.
"It's slower than I had hoped," she replied, "but I have more than three-quarters done. Of course, it still needs polishing up, but I feel it will be finished soon."
"That's good," said Father. He seemed to be thinking of something.
"You know," ventured Miss Kim, a bit timidly, "I keep thinking about America day and night. Sometimes, I feel like volunteering to go there to work. I can't get it off my mind."
Father sat in quietness. She had studied theology in Canada, so her English was pretty good and she had experience with western people. One man, Sang Ik Choi, had already been sent to Japan. Other men had their eyes set on America. Could a woman stand up to the difficulties of witnessing all alone and living all alone in a strange land? Still, she did seem to be the best qualified.
A few days later, Father invited Miss Kim to his room. "Alright," he said, "you shall be the first missionary to the West."
And so it was that, in January of 1959, a few members went to Kimpo Airport to wave good-bye to one lone woman. She was flying off to a great far-off land. She had chosen Oregon as the first state to approach, and as they said good-bye, they wondered what this Oregon was like.
"Be sure to write," said Father as she turned toward the plane. "Write
every three days, and tell me everything about Oregon, and all about your daily activities, and everything."
"Alright," said Miss Kim with a bow and a smile, "well, at least I'll write once a week."
"Go in peace."
"Stay in peace."
And she disappeared into the plane. Father's heart beat with excitement, joy and tears all rolled into one. He had had a dream, and now it was coming true.
Eight months later, Miss Kim was followed by a Korean man, who had decided to attend a university in the States. Father told him he should be a missionary while being a student. He was David S.C. Kim, and he also went to Oregon.
In Korea, the two missionaries were gone but not forgotten. In a way, it seemed as if the clouds had swallowed them up, never to return. But always, Father thought of them and prayed for them.
To the members he said, "Our missionaries will go through many hardships. They will be very lonely. They will be rejected. They will get discouraged. It is important that we pray for them every single day."
The Korean members went about their revivals, witnessing campaigns, street preaching, and 40-day conditions, but they always remembered to pray for their missionaries in the West. Sometimes, they tried to imagine what it was like to work in the United States.
"I wonder what it's like to live in a land where everyone is speaking another language," said one.
"I can't imagine," answered another. "It must be really strange. Of course, they both speak English, but still, it must be hard."
"I wonder if they are able to get kimchee," asked one concerned soul. "It would be hard to work and stay healthy without kimchee."
"Ney" they answered in unison. And they shuddered to think of it.
Letters from America were always an exciting event among the Koreans, and they read them aloud.
"I am living with a family in Eugene, Oregon," wrote Miss Kim, "and I baby-sit for them and help clean their house while taking classes at the University of Oregon."
"Miss Kim cleaning house for others?" gasped the astounded Koreans. "What kind of country is it to let a college professor baby-sit and clean house?"
"But don't worry about me," continued Miss Kim. "It's a good way to get room and board. A foreigner is not allowed to get a job here. I just have to get used to eggs and bacon for breakfast and meat and potatoes for dinner, that's all."
Later, good news arrived through another letter. "I found two young women who want to become members," she wrote. She knew Father wanted to know all the details, so she even told their names. "Eileen Welch (Lemmers) and Doris Walder (Orme). And Doris led me to four friends who are now also studying the Principles-Pauline Phillips (Verheyan),
George Norton, Galen and Patty Pumphrey."
Later, there were letters from Mr. Kim, as well. "I have found a person, John Schmidli, who studied the Principles with me, and he brought a friend, Vernon Pearson, who is now studying," he wrote. The Truth of God was finding its mark.
Then, in Autumn of 1961, almost two years after she had left Korea, another letter from Miss Kim informed them, "I and my five members have moved to San Francisco, California. We're renting two apartments in a house and all living together, and we are calling ourselves the "Unified Family." It looks like this will be a very good place to witness. There are more people here, and they seem to be more open minded."
Father always looked happy when he read these letters. Sometimes, Miss Kim would write to him, "I look forward to the day when you can come to the States." But Father didn't answer. Heavenly Father would let him know when it was time.
A couple years later, another Korean went to America. He had a respected job with the Korean government and was being sent by the government to work in Washington D.C.
"While you are there," said Father to Colonel Bo Hi Pak (now Dr. Pak), "you can also be a missionary. You'll be the third missionary to the Western world."
Of course, Col. Pak had to take care of his diplomatic job while in D.C., but he used every free moment to witness to people about Divine Principle.
After awhile, he wrote about the "Fellowship House" he had opened at 1907 "S" Street in D.C. "I found a Korean who wants to join," he said. "He is planning to open a series of Karate centers and witness through them. I think this will be a great way to attract attention."
In the spring of 1963, he explained some of his activities. "From the beginning of this year until March, Heavenly Father drove me into the thirsty masses...," he wrote. "Some churches were scheduled to study Asia and the Far East. I caught this chance and . . . [became] a speaker on Korea, along with Jhoon Rhee as a demonstrator of Karate. I stressed the movement of the New Truth in Korea, and the unification movement of Korean churches.... I spoke of the bloody struggle of our members in Korea and the heart of the Father, which you taught us. The audience became very quiet. Some wept. They were moved so deeply.... As a result, other churches sent invitations for me to speak.... Brother Rhee and I were a team. He captured the hearts of the audience with his fascinating art of Karate. Then I attacked with testimony about Heavenly Father....In this manner, the way was opened for me to speak on the Divine Principles.... I have already received more than ten letters of invitation to speak at churches."
He went on to say, "On the 4th of March, a large church asked me to give the sermon on Sunday. In the local newspaper the next day, my sermon was chosen as the sermon of the week. Is this not the work of the Father?"
Whenever the three missionaries wrote to Father, it was obvious that they missed being with him so very much. Col. Pak once wrote, "It will soon be Parents Day.... On such important days, we who are far away from you feel so lonely. We find comfort only in working hard.... It is already three years since the Divine Principles were first proclaimed in America. Yet, not even one corner of the world has been restored yet...."
At the same time, good news continued to trickle in. Mr. Kim wrote, "We are opening a "Unification Chapel" here in Oregon. We may be able to open one in Idaho soon, too. I hope to establish a whole series of chapels."
Miss Kim wrote, "It has been difficult here in California, too. We have tried everything, much of it without success. But gradually we are finding interested people in the Bay Area (San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland). Living together in "Centers" helps to save money and to work more closely together. Living communally is a popular thing here now."
"That sounds like a good idea," said the Koreans.
"Yes, but I don't think we could get people to leave their homes here in Korea," suggested others.
"Anyway, we don't have houses big enough for a group of people to live together like that."
"Well, they may have centers, but we have churches," pointed out one person. "I don't think they have a church at all, do they? Well, maybe one chapel." They nodded, for this was true.
Then it was 1963. Four years after Miss Kim had gone, her letters told them more and more about new members and new centers. "You told me we should have centers all over the States," she wrote to Father. "So I have begun by sending the older members out to start new centers throughout California and neighboring states. In this way we will hopefully reach more people."
A few months later, she had an even more exciting announcement. "I have sent two people to Germany to start the work there," she wrote. "They were German students studying in America, and now they have returned to their own country as missionaries. A young man named Peter Koch is one of them."
"Imagine that!" said the Koreans to each other. "The words of Son- Sengnim are spreading all around the world."
"I kind of like the idea of calling it Unified Family," remarked one.
"Yes," said another, "and it's easier to say than Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity."
"True, true."
Father's face looked very happy.
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