Unification Sermons and Talks |
Rev. Ahn |
Notes on Rev Ahn's 40 Day Workshop
The Second Coming
How Will Christ Come Again?
<1> A Comparison Between the Return of Elijah and the Return of Jesus
(a) Two contradictory interpretations concerning the return of Elijah.
Heaven (1) 2 Ki 2:11 Mal 4:5,6
Elijah John the Baptist
(3) Jesus John the High Baptist (2) Priests
Mt 17:10-13 Jn 1:19-21 Mt 11:13-14 Lk 1:17 Mt 11:11 Mt 5:19 (4) Mt 6:22-29
--> Jewish interpretation. ; Elijah will return on the clouds. (literal interpretation) --> Jesus' interpretation ; Elijah returned as another person (with the same mission). - John the Baptist, who inherited Elijah's mission.
(b) Two contradictory interpretations concerning the return of Jesus (Comparison with the first coming of Jesus)
40 day witnessing after the resurrection Acts 1:11 Acts 9:3-6 Rev 1:9-18 Acts 1:3 Lk 24:36-43
Another Jesus person (4) (3)
First coming Born on On the Jesus' Jewish of earth clouds interpretation interpretation Jesus
Is 7:14 Da 7:13 Rev 12:5 Rev 1:7 Mic 5:2 Rev 3:12 Mt 24:30 Mt 11:13 Rev 19:12 1 Th 4:16-17 2 Jn 1:7-8 Rev 2:17
Born on On the earth clouds
--> Explanation.
(1) Jesus witnessed during the 40 days after the resurrection. ; This means that the resurrected Jesus has already returned to the earth.
(2) In (Act 1:11) Jesus ascended into heaven from the earth. ; After Jesus ascended into heaven, then Jesus descended on the clouds in the manner of the Jewish interpretation. 1) Jesus appeared to Saul (Paul) on the road to Damascus. (Act 9:3-6) 2) Jesus appeared to the author of the book of Revelation. (Rev 1:9-18). 3) Jesus appeared to many saints in history.
(3) How will Jesus return again in the last days? ; According to Jesus' interpretation, Elijah returned through John the Baptist, who inherited the same mission as Elijah. --> Likewise, Jesus will return through another person who inherits the same mission as the messiah Jesus. (Rev 12:5) (Rev 3:12) (Rev 19:12) (Rev 2:17) ; If someone denies Jesus' interpretation about John the Baptist being Elijah, then they deny that Jesus is the messiah because Elijah did not return.
(4) The first coming of Jesus. ; At the time of the first coming of the messiah, there were two kinds of contradictory Bible verses about how the messiah would come. ; One is in the flesh (on the earth). The other is on the clouds. ; In reality, Jesus appeared in the flesh (born on earth), not on the clouds. --> Which interpretation does Christianity choose today? ; Jewish interpretation or Jesus' interpretation?
<2> Evidence of Jesus' returning in the flesh (born on the earth)
(a) Bible verses about Jesus returning born on the earth. (Luk 18:8) "When the Son of Man comes will He really find faith on the earth?"
(Mat 7:21-23) In Jesus name prophesied, cast out demons, do mighty workd - still the Lord will say to them - "Depart from me you evildoers".
(Lk 17:24-27) Jesus will suffer and be rejected in the last days as at the time of Noah (there are 1 billion Christians on the earth).
(Luk 17:20,21) "The kingdom of Heaven will not come with signs. (No angels with trumpets from heaven (1 Th 4:16)).
(Luk 17:22,23) "You will desire to see the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it"
(Luk 17:33) "Whoever seeks to gain his life will lose it, and whoever lose his life will preserve it"
(Lk 17:37) Where the corpses (dead bodies) the eagles and vultures are - opposite explanation.
(b) Evidence of the Principle view that Jesus will return in the flesh. --> What is the purpose of the coming of the messiah?
(1) To eliminate original sin, spiritually and physically. --> At the second coming, the returning Jesus should eliminate original sin, spiritually and physically. (The sin of Adam and Eve who were both spiritual and physical beings and who fell both spiritually and physically). (This is why the returning Jesus needs a physical body).
(2) The returning messiah should establish the kingdom of heaven on earth and in the spirit world.
spirit --> dominates body spirit world returning messiah needs a physical body physical --> dominates --< body the earth people will be able to see the returning messiah's physical body
<3> The Meaning of Clouds
(Rev 1:7) (Mat 24:30) messiah comes on clouds (1 Ths 4:16,17)
(Rev 17:15)- water means evil people (Heb 12:1)- clouds mean good people
water --> Clouds = good people - holy people (witnesses) evaporates | | <------------ | water evil people evil is purified
<4> The reasons why Jesus said he would come again soon with power and judgement on the clouds
--> Bible verses about power and judgement: (Mat 16:27,28) (Mat 24:30,31) (Mat 25:31-46) (Mar 13:26) (2 Tim 4:1) (Rev 19:11-15)
; Bible verses about Jesus coming soon:
(Mat 10:23) (Mat 16:28) (Jno 21:22) (Rev 3:11)
(a) To give hope and courage to early Christians who would have to receive persecution and martyrdom (under the Roman empire).
In order for Christianity to pay indemnity for the crucifixion of Jesus. ; Because the Israelites killed the messiah Jesus, they received punishment for 2,000 years and 6 million Jewish people died under Hitler. ; Israel lost God's two great blessings. First - Jesus' language would have become the international language for all eternity. Second - Jerusalem (Israel) would have become the center of thought (education), family life, economics and politics, and all heavenly culture for eternity. ; The Jewish people are the 1st generation. Christianity is the 2nd generation (as in Moses' time). 2) In order for Christianity to restore the Roman empire (satan's country) to God's side. --> Christianity should pay the price to satan.
(b) In order to protect against the appearance of anti-Christs. --> If the Bible mentioned (directly) that Jesus would come again in the flesh and not on the clouds, then many anti- Christs would appear over the 2,000 year period (from Jesus until now).
When Will Christ Come Again?
<1> No one knows the time of the second coming:
(Mat 24:36) "That day and hour no one knows"
(2 Pet 3:8-10) "The Lord will come like a thief in the night"
(Rev 3:3) "I will come upon you as a thief and you will not know what hour I will come upon you"
<2> God will reveal the time of the second coming:
(Amo 3:7) "The Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets"
(Mat 25:1-13) "Parable of the wise and foolish virgins" 5 wise virgins are prepared to accept the Messiah, 5 foolish virgins do not accept the Messiah. (Oil is the Divine Principle)
(1 Ths 5:4) "You, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief"
<3> Examples from God's providential history:
--> At Noah's time - God taught mankind through Noah about the flood judgement.
--> At the time of Sodom and Gomorrah - God taught the people through Abraham about the judgement by fire.
--> At the time of Nineveh - God taught the people through Jonah, (They repented from the king down to the beggar).
--> At the 1st coming - God prepared Zachariah, Elizabeth, Joseph, Mary, John the Baptist, 3 wise men, Simeon, Anna.
Jesus used many miracles in order to be recognized as the messiah. (Jn 10:38; Lk 10:13-15; Mt 11:21-23)
<4> We Can Know the Time of the Second Coming through the Parallels of History.
Abraham Joseph Moses Saul Solomon Malachi Jesus | | | | | 70 140 | |
400 400 120 400 210 400
Second Jesus Augustine Charlemagne Luther Coming | | | | | 70 140 | |
400 400 120 400 210 400
Where Will Christ Come Again
<1> Biblical Evidence of Where Christ Will Come Again.
(a) Proof through Jesus' words. (Mat 21:33-43) "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.
Owner (house holder) = Lord
Tennants Other tennants
Jews Other nation (Israelite people) (producing fruit)
Lord ---> God 4 major Servants ---> Prophets 12 minor (Elijah)
Son ---> Jesus
(Mat 3:9) - Not only the Israelites are the descendants of Abraham. (Rom 9:6-8) - Not all the Israelites are the descendants of Abraham.
--> First Israel = Jewish people. Second Israel = Christianity (Rome, Franks, England, America). Third Israel = Other nation producing fruit.
(b) Far eastern nation (nation producing fruit). ; (Rev 7:2) "From the rising of the sun with the seal of the living God." (Mat 24:27) Lightning and the Son of Man comes from the East and shines in the West. (Rev 14:1) God's and Messiah's name written on their foreheads. (3 x 4 = 12 --> 12 x 12 = 144 --> 144,000). --> The far eastern nation which "produces the fruits" is Korea.
<2> From the Viewpoint of the Restoration of the Four Position Foundation Through Indemnity. (Perfection of the Purpose of Creation)
; First Israel = 400 years --> Slavery in Egypt. Second Israel = 400 years --> Persecution in Rome (Christianity). Third Israel = 40 years --> Persecution by Japan (Korea).
(1) God, Adam - Eve, children. (Predestined four position foundation of the ideal world of creation). (2) Satan, Adam - Eve, children (satan's four position foundation). (3) God, Jesus - Holy Spirit, Holy people (spiritual four position foundation). (4) God, Second Coming - True Mother, True Children (perfect four position foundation). --> Noah - 40 days flood, 40 years x 3 building ark. Moses - 40 days fast x 2, 40 years x 3 going to Canaan. Jesus - 40 days x 2 (fast and resurrection). Second Coming - 40 years persecution by Japan. and 40 years course (messiah's course). --> 400 years x 8 (in history). 40 years x 3 (Saul, David, Solomon) 40 days (Elijah's fast) 40 days (Jonah witnessed)
<3> Daniels interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Da 2:26-45)
(1) Satan's king (Cain) - recieved revelation Daniel (Abel) - interpreted revelation
--> God prophesied future history through satan's king.
(2) Daniel as a slave (younger brother) restored the elder brothers birhright through King Nebuchadnezzar (elder brother).
(3) History of time identity = parallels of history. --> The end of Israel history and the end of Christian history are realised in time identity.
Babylon Head Pure gold (France)
Persia Chest Silver (Spain) & arms
Greece Belly & Bronze (England) Thighs
Rome Legs & iron and (USA) feet baked clay
Stone Wind appears
Jesus = Second coming
<4> Comparison between Israel and Korea --> Both countries colonized by stron countries. ; Korea was invaded 936 times in its 4000 year history. Korean history has been a history of indemnity (punishment), suffering and martyrdom.
Rome Babylon Mongolia Manchuria Persia USSR
Greece China
Israel Korea
Egypt Japan USA
[5] From the viewpoint of the movement of the center of civilization.
--> The crossing of 3 kinds of environment
(a) Movement of the center of the river and sea based civilization
River Mediterranean Atlantic Pacific Civilization Civilization Civilization Civilization
China Ynagtze Greece England USA Hwang Rome USA USSR India Ganges France Japan Indus Spain Korea Egypt Nile Portugal Babyl Tigris Euphrates
--> Boat history
(b) Movement of the center of land based civilization
Continent Penninsula Island New continent
China Greece England USA India Italy Egypt Iberia Babylonia Persia
Penninsula Island Old continent
Korea Japan USSR
(c) The movemnet of the center of civilization according to climate.
West Autumn Spring East
(1) Summer civilization (tropical) --> Continental civilization (2) Autumn civilization (cool) --> Penninsula, Island, New continent (USA) (3) Winter civilization (frigid) --> Old continent (USSR) (4) Spring civilization (temperate) --> Island, Penninsula, (Japan, Korea)
Horse riding race
White horse riding Yellow horse riding race race Mongolia
grass field Huns 2nd
(1) grass Europe field desert (3)
1st (2) (5)
Greece great wall
Mountain China field Tigris Himalayas
India Pirates - sea robbery Bandits - Horse robbery
Egypt Agricultural race
--> Accept religion
(1) Yuan - Mongolia invaded China & ruled
(2) Ming - Chinese kicked them out
(3) Ching - Invaded again
(4) Free China - Kicked out again
(5) Red China - Communist China
Explanation :
(1) Two kinds of race 1) Using boats, sea race (pirates) dominated all over the world through the river, Mediterranean sea, Atlantic ocean, Pacific ocean. 2) Using horses, horse riding race (mounted bandits) lived in the grassy field areas and dominated the agricultural areas.
(2) White horse riding race who lived in the grass field which is central Asia (S. Russia). 1) The white horse riding race conquered the 3 agricultural races which were, India, Mesopotamia and islands (Greek). 2) This white horse riding race became the huns 1500 years ago and invaded Europe. (3) The yellow horse riding race which is Mongolia. 1) There was a grass field road, which is made naturally for the horse from Asia to Eastern Europe. 2) Centering on the great wall in China the horse riding race, Mongolians, lived in the land North of the great wall and the Chinese agricultural race lived in the land south of the great wall. --> Mongolia invaded and established King dynasties. This king dynasty ruled and dominated the Chinese people during a 150 times in Chinese history. 3) The mongols invaded Russia, East Europe, the Middle East and India. --> The mongol leaders accepted Islam. Therefore, Islamic nations invaded and conquered othe nations using military power like the Mongolian horse riding race.
<6> From the Viewpoint of the Division of the Sovereignty of Good and Evil (Restoration of the Elder Brother's Birthright)
(a) Historical division (vertical)
Cain --> Shem --> Esau Aaron --> John the N --> W Franks Greek Baptist Kingdom orthodox church
Abel --> Ham --> Jacob Moses --> Jesus S --> E Franks Roman Kingdom catholic church
(b) Division of the first and second world wars (horizontal)
First World War Second World War
To restore Adam's family To restore Jesus' family
Cain Germany, Austria, Turkey Germany, Japan, Italy
Abel America, England, France America, England, France
Adam Eve AA Adam Eve AA
Elder brother --> King dynasty --> germany, Austria, Turkey
Younger brother --> demmoc. gov. --> USA, England, France
(c) Division of the third world war (horizontal). --> To restore True Parents family Democratic and Communist world
USSR Communist world E Europe China Jesus N Korea E Germany left right W Germany thief thief
S Korea Barabbas (liberated thief) W Europe Japan Democratic USA world
1) Right thief --> Democratic world 2) Left thief --> Communist world 3) Barabbas --> The third world
(Arab and Islam, India and Hindu, S. Asia, Africa and S. America)
(d) How is the third world war progressing
USSR N Korea S Korea USA
E Europe Red China W Europe Japan
Central Africa Central Africa America America
Middle East
N Vietnam S. Vietnam
(1) After the Vietnam war, America lost South Vietnam. Also, the Soviet Union lost control over Red China. (2) America lost Iran in the Middle East, but kept Israel and Egypt. The Soviet Union influences many of the Arab nations. (3) In different parts of Africa, Central and South America, and Asian countries, the Soviet Union and America are struggling to maintain their influence.
Notice (a) The mission of Ameica
--> America should liberate every colony and should establish democratic countries. (1) America itself become a democratic system 1776 - 1865 (2) Central and South America 1820 - 1830 (3) Canada, Australia 1867 - 1901 (4) After the first world war, the defeated countries liberated all their colonies 1920 - 1930 (5) After the second world war, all countries recieved their independence 1945 - 1960 (6) After the third world war, the colonies belonging to communist countries should be liberated and become democratic countries. (7) America, as the second Israel, should welcome and accept the second coming --> Through this America should realize the purpose of its creation.
Notice (b) The mission of Germany
a) To realize God's order (1) To kill 6 million Jewish people --> Jewish people killed the Messiah Jesus Christ (2) Liberate the colonies of England, France and other countries --> God allowed colonies in order to expand and develop Christianity centering on the Bible. (3) White people should pay indemnity for making colonies, slaves and taking property --> Colonial people should appreciate recieving European culture centering on Christianity, natural science, technology, language and written word. (4) Natural science and military weapon technologies are developed.
b) To realize satan's desire (1) Germany wanted to establish and keep their king dynasty. (2) Gemany wanted to gain colonies through dividing England's, France's and other countries colonies. (3) Germany wanted to conquer and unite the world centering on Nazism.
c) The results of the Second World War (1) Germany could not realize satan's desire (2) Germany lost all colonies which they had conquered (3) Germany became a demmocratic country from a king dynasty.
Notice (c) The mission of Japan
a) To realize God's order (1) Japan destroyed evil Korean king dynasties --> Japan made war with China and Russia and gained victory by recieving England's support (2) Japan destroyed all Asian evil king dynasties (3) Japan should learn western natural science and technology and become a higher level economic industrial country. --> Japan should educte and guide other Asian countries about Western natural science and technology. (4) Japanese people paid indemnity for making colonies, slaves and taking property through the 2nd world war.
b) To realize satan's desire (1) Japan wanted to keep the evil king dynasty eternally (2) Japan wanted to conquer and dominate all of Asia eternally (3) Japan wanted to conquer and unite the world centering on Shintoism
c) The results of the second world war (1) Japan could not realize satan's desire (2) Japan lost all colonies which they had conquered (3) Through the guidance of America all Asian countries established democratic governments and also Japan itself established a democratic government through destroying their evil king dynasty by the second world war.
Notice (d) The mission of the USSR (communist countries)
a) To realize God's order (1) After the second world war the USSR initiated the third world war. 1) The USSR guided, supported and helped China to become a communist country. --> Through these wars in Eastern Europe and China, America recieved a shock, woke up and began to protect Western Europe and Japan. 2) The USSR conquered N Korea and controlled Vietnam together with China and tried to destroy S Korea and S Vietnam. --> America supported and helped S Korea and made it belong to America. However America lost S Vietnam. 3) The USSR made communist nations or had control over nations in the following 3 areas:
First Central America ; The USSR made Cuba and Nicaragua communist countries
Second Africa ; the USSR made several countries in Africa communist.
Third Middle East ; The USSR influences Middle Eastern Arab nations to be against Israel and controls Arab countries centering on communism. --> The USA makes anti communist countries in order to correspond to these three areas
(2) The USSR influenced and caused the USA and Western countries to establish labor unions nd social welfare.
(3) The USSR influenced and caused the USA to develop military technology and aerospace technology.
(4) The the USSR domination and control of the Olympics and UN it gives a shock to the USA.
b) To realize satan's desire (1) The USSR realised a communist king dynasty. --> The desire of the worker, farmer and poor people is realized through communist countries. ; The desire of the worker, farmer and poor people is that everyone becomes equal in economic life. (2) The desire is to make all countries red communist countries through violent revolution by quarrels between class. (3) Because of the third world war, military weapons and technology are developed. (4) According to violent communist revolution many innocent people were killed. --> Communist leaders and party members absolutely recieve punishment for their sins of murder and the taking of property. (5) Allmost all communist countries realilzed a beggar equality type of country because the productive forces, which are natural science, technology, machienery and capital did not develop. (6) The real phenomena of communist countries proves that communist theory is false and wrong.
c) The results of the third world war. (1) Communist countries could not realize the ideal world centering on communist theory. (2) The USSR will loose all of the nations which they had controlled and dominated. (3) Through the guidance of America all communist countries will establish democracies. (4) After this through True Parents guidance all demmocratic countries will establish God's king dynasty.
[7] Korea is the Nation to Unite All Religions
(1) Buddhism dominated Korea for about 1,500 years. (2) Confucianism dominated Korea for about 500 years. (3) Catholicism came to Korea about 200 years ago. (4) Protestantism came to Korea about 100 years ago. (5) Islam came to Korea about 40 years ago (through Turkish soldiers who fought with the U.N. troops in support of South Korea).
2000 years ago originally divided then shilla united all.
[8] Timetable of when the major religions of the world came to Korea:
[9] Rev. Moons ancestors rewembled Israel histroy
Abraham Joseph Moses Saul Solomon Malachi Jesus | | | | | 70 140 | |
400 400 120 400 210 400
Prophecy Becomes 3 prime Ancestors about Second a general ministers captured Messiah | | | | | 70 140 | |
400 400 120 400 210 400
Ancestors begin:
Baby was born in baecje. In a box on a rock and grew up in Shilla King palace.
Box Baby
Father's and Mothe's name represent N. and S. Korea
S Korea Divine Principle
Truth Moon
Jesus' Heaven cross Myung Sun Moon 2nd coming cross Earth
Sun Fish = sea Sheep = earth
S Korea N Korea
[10] God Revealed His Providence through Korean Literature
(1) Chun Hyang Jeon Eve is represented in this story by the young daughter of a woman. Adam is represented in 3 stages by the Mayor's son. Mayor's son proposes to the young girl, but cannot marry her she is of a lower class (1st Adam). Later, the Mayor's who had gone to another town with his father, comes to the girl who is imprisoned for refusing to marry another son (the archangel). This time, he is dressed as a (2nd Adam) and finds that she is determined to remain to her first proposal. He then becomes the Mayor of the himself (3rd Adam) and is able to take her for his wife (Eve restored by the 3rd Adam).
(2) Shim Cheong Jean God is represented in this story by the blind father who loses his daughter. The mother who has died represents the first Eve whom God lost. The daughter represents restored Eve who pays indemnity at cost of her life for the sake of her father. When she becomes queen, the blind father is able to regain his sight and see precious daughter once again.
(3) Hung Boo and Nol Boo
A classic story about how the younger brother wins over the brother by loving and serving him, and giving all things to him.
(4) Jeong Gam Nok
This book is something like the Book of Revelation in the Bible. It tells of how a true and righteous king will someday emerge in Korea. Many of the details are hidden and symbolic because Korean kings in the past would have destroyed it were it too specific. Copies of this book still exist today.
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