Unification Sermons and Talks |
Rev. Ahn |
Notes on Rev Ahn's 40 Day Workshop
(a) Is Jesus God or man ?
--> Jesus is a man not God
(1) Jesus is a man.
1) 1 Tim 2:5 - For there is one God and there is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.
2) 1 Cor 15:21 - For as by a man came death, by a man has also come the resurrection of the dead.
3) Ro 5:19 - For as by one man's dissobedience many were made sinners, so by one man's obedience many were made righteous.
4) Act 13:38 - Let it be known to you therefore brethren that through this man forgiveness of sin is proclaimed to you.
5) Acts 17:31 - Because He has fixed a day on which He will judge the word in righteousness by a man whom He has appointed.
(2) Jesus is the son of man = Jesus is a man (son of a man).
1) Mt 17:12 - So also the son of man will suffer at their hands.
2) Lk 17:22 - You will desire to see one of the days of the son of man.
3) Lk 18:8 - When the son of man comes will he find faith on earth.
(3) Jesus is the son of God = Jesus is a man.
1) Ro 8:34 - Jesus sits at the right hand of God.
2) Mt 26:39 - My Father, if it is posible, let this cup of death pass from me.
3) Mt 27:46 - My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
4) Jn 17:1 - Father, the hour has come, glorify your son in order that the son may glorify you.
5) Mt 5:3 - If you are the son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.
(4) Jesus is the same as saved man or perfected man.
--> Jesus as the Messiah is the main temple. Saved man or perfected man is a branch of the main temple.
1) 1 Jn 3:2 - Beloved, we are God's children now, it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he appears, we shall be like him.
2) Jn 15:14 - Jesus said, "You are my friends, if you do what I command you".
3) Jn 15:5 - I am the vine and you are the branches. --> Jesus is the vine, his disciples are the branches.
(5) Jesus is God.
--> This means that Jesus is a man.
1) Jn 14:9, 10 - Jesus said to Phillip, "He who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, show us the Father. Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me ?"
Diagram 1
God God Mind
Jesus Perfected man Body
Jn 2:19 1 Cor 3:16
Jesus is a 2nd God as the main temple.
Perfected man is a 2nd God as a branch temple.
The body is a 2nd mind as the minds temple.
Diagram 2
1) Temple of God 1 Cor 3:16 Because Jesus is the perfected
2) God's Divine nature Mt 5:48 Adam (2nd Adam) as the Messiah
3) Oneness with God Jn 14:20 Jesus is perfected man, main
4) Incarnation of God Jn 1:14 temple, the son of God and the
5) Son of God Jn 10:34-36, Ps 82:6 2nd god
--> Therefore, Jesus is not God the creator, but creation as True man.
2) Jn 8:57,58 - Then they said to him, "You are not yet 50 years old and have you seen Abraham ?". Jesus replied "Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was, I am."
--> Jesus is the main ancestor as the the Messiah.
; Jesus is a man, not God.
Fallen Adam Human descendent Ancestor (Abraham) Perfected Adam (Jesus)
Abraham is the descendent of Jesus and Adam.
(1) Heb 1:2 Through whom (Jesus) God created the universe.
(2) Jn 1:10 Jesus was in the world and the world was made through him.
(3) Jn 17:5 Jesus existed before the world was made.
(4) Jn 1:1-3 All things were made through him (Jesus). Without him was not anything made that was made.
Created (in image) ---> First Adam Second Adam (Jesus)
Created (in symbol) ---> All Things
Jesus = Second Adam (1 Cor 15:45)
--> Jesus is a mna.
Explanation :
(1) God created Adam and Eve and all things God created Adam in order for Adam to resemble God's dual characteristics in image.
--> God created all things in order for all things to resemble God's dual characteristics in symbol.
(2) Adam has two functions. One is the human ancestor. The other is the microcosm of the cosmos.
--> Jesus as the second Adam also has two functions. One is the human ancestor. The other is the microcosm of the cosmos.
(3) The world was made through Adam.
1) God created the cosmos using perfect Adam to be, who is the microcosm of the cosmos, as the model. After Adam's fall the Messiah Jesus came as the second Adam.
--> Therefore, Jesus as the second Adam inherited Adam's position and mission, which are the human ancestor and the microcosm of the cosmos.
2) It is described in Heb 1:2, Jn 1:10, Jn 17:5 and Jn 1:1-13 that the world (cosmos)was made through Jesus.
--> This means as follows. Because Jesuswas the second Adam, the world was made through him as Adam. ; Because everyone as mankind is a microcosm of the cosmos, the world was made through everyone.
3) Therefore, if Jesus becomes God then everyone should become God.
--> Therefore, jesus is not the creator God. Jesus is the perfected man.
(b) Rebirth, resurrection and trinity
(1) Rebirth and adopted son
1) Through Mother I can be reborn Jn 3:3-5 Tit 3:5-7
2) Jesus tried to give us his body (flesh) and blood Lk 22:19,20 Mk 14:20-24
3) Through the resurrected Jesus I can become an adopted son (spiritual adopted son). Ro 8:22,23 1 Pe 1:3-5
(2) Rebirth and ressurection
1) Rebirth
--> Through a Father and a Mother, who are Jesus and the Holy Spirit, fallen mankind can be reborn. Therefore I absolutely need a Mother to be reborn. This Mother is the Holy Spirit.
; Through rebith fallen mankind can change from satan's blood lineage to Jesus's blood lineage
; Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit I can be reborn as an adopted son.
2) Resurrection
--> External meaning of resurrection
; Internal meaning of resurrection
; We have these diagrams in the resurrection section.
(3) Two kinds of resurrection
1) Jesus' resurrection
--> Jesus' resurrection means his spirit self, without the physical self, who appeared many times to his disciples after his resurrection.
cf. Mt 17:1-8 - Mt. of Transfiguration
; After Jesus' crucifixion, Jesus's physical self disappeared and according to God's order was carried by angels to a place where no one knows.
2) Fallen mankind resurrection
--> By learning, believing and practicing God's word not to eat, fallen mankind, both spirit self and physical self can leave the realm of satan's dominion and can arrive in the realm of God's dominion.
(4) Trinity
satan God sp. trinity
fallen fallen Holy Jesus Eve Adam Spirit
satan's True True trinity Mother Father
Restored Trinity Perfect Trinity Original Trinity
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