Unification Sermons and Talks |
Rev. Ahn |
Notes on Rev Ahn's 40 Day Workshop
Principles of Creation (3)
<1> The Dual Characteristics of God
Anyone can prove th eexistence of God scientifically. (Rom 1:20)
--> God's power and deity is known through all things.
; All things = the natural world --> natural science --> natural law.
(a) The Philosophy of the seed (explanation of the seed).
--> Explanation of design and form
magnet energy
both consist of energy
seed energy
(1) Seeds consists of cells. cells --> molecules --> atoms --> particles --> energy.
(2) The seed is planted.
1) When a seed is planted in the ground, its energy absorbs (attracts) mineral matter (soil, water, air, light).
2) This seed energy transforms mineral matter into plant matter.
3) Then, this seed energy uses the plant matter to form its body.
(3) How does the seed energy make its species and form by using the plant matter ?
1) Examples of iron , metal and material : Train, boat, submarine, car, bus, airplane.
2) Examples of plants: Tree --> bamboo, pine, willow, palm, maple, bush, vine.
3) Other examples of plants: Grain --> rice, wheat, barley, rye, oats, beans. Fruit --> apple, pear, peach, plum, papaya, grapefruit.
4) There is a design in the seed.
--> The plant grows from the seed energy and makes its kind (species) and form according to the design which is compacted (condensed) without using paper.
5) In order for the design (blueprint) to be made it would need (require) several thousand sheets of paper.
6) In the seed, there must be a design which is compact (condensed) without (extensive) using paper.
(4) Who makes this wonderful, miraculous design?
--> Does mankind do this? Absolutely not!
1) Every seed consists of energy.
--> In the seed there must be a design by which the form is decided.
2) In the design and form, there must exist function.
3) This function must realize the purpose of existence. Function requires design and form. Design and form require energy.
4) Conclusion: Omniscient, omnipotent "somebody" made this energy, design and form, function and purpose in the seed.
--> We call this "somebody" God, who is the creator.
(1) In the sea. Every fish contains fish eggs, which are the seeds.
(2) In the air. Every bird contains bird eggs, which are the seeds.
(3) On the land.
1) Every animal consists of a baby, which is the seed.
2) Every insect consists of insect eggs, which are the seeds.
(4) Plant kingdom
1) Every tree consists of a tree seed.
2) Every grass consists of a grass seed.
(5) Plankton
1) Phytoplankton
2) Zooplankton
(6) Molecules
--> In the molecule there is a design which consists of the molecular structure. H2O, NaCl.
(7) Solar system
--> The solar system consists of the sun and 9 planets which which comes from a design.
; 9 planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
(b) The dual characteristics of internal character and external form of God through humankind and all things.
--> Essential characteristics.
Mankind |
design (mind) |
form (body) |
Mankind and |
Animals |
design (mind) |
form (body) |
all things |
Plants |
design (in seed) |
form (body) |
energy --> design |
Molecules |
Design |
form (matter) |
form |
Atoms |
Design |
form (matter) |
Particles |
Design |
form (matter) |
effect |
design form cause
Energy internal external character form energy --> design form
Sung sang Hyung sang God
Notice (1)
Seed --> cells, molecule, atom, particle --> energy (force)
Notice (2) design - spirit mind - int. char. - sung sang
Seed energy
form - ext. body - ext. form - Hyung sang
(c) The dual characteristics of positivity and negativity (masculinity and femininity) of God through mankind and all things.
--> Attributes.
Mankind |
man |
woman |
Mankind and |
Animals |
male |
female |
all things |
Plants |
stamen |
pistil |
Molecules |
cation |
anion |
Atoms |
proton |
electron |
energy --> (+,-) |
Particles |
+ ve |
- ve |
Effect |
Energy positivity negativity cause energy --> (+,-) God
Notice: 40 kinds of particles --> protons, electrons, neutrons, photons, etc.
(d) 2 kinds of God's characteristics. --> Essential characteristics and attributes.
a) We can know what God consists of by studying mankind because mankind resembles God.
Positivity Negativity (+) (-)
man woman
Design |
Form |
Design |
Form |
Mind |
Body |
Mind |
Body |
Spirit |
Material |
Spirit |
Material |
internal character |
external form |
internal character |
external form |
Sung sang |
Hyung sang |
Sung sang |
Hyung sang |
b) What does mankind consist of ?
design, + positivity = man form (masculinity)
design, form + negativity = woman (femininity)
^ ^ | | essential attributes characteristics
c) God's essence.
positivity (masculinity)
God = energy + (design - form) <
negativity (femininity)
d) Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Eastern philosophies, Western philosophies, natural science and communism can be united centering on the Divine Principle.
1) Through the Bible (Ro 1:20; Gen 1:27; Jn 1:1-3) Catholics, all denominations of protestantism, Judaism and all denominations of Islam can be united by the Divine Principle.
--> (Ro 1:20) God's power (energy) and deity (design, form) are known through all things.
; (Gen 1:27) God created man and woman in his image.
; (Jn 1:1-3) God = word, word consists of male and female.
2) Through Eastern philosophy (positivity and negativity), Buddhism and Confucianism can be united by the Divine Principle.
3) Western philosophy, which consists of idealism and materialism can be united by the Divine Principle.
4) Through natural science every nation including communist nations can be united by the Divine Principle.
e) Conclusion:
1) Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Eastern philosophies, Western philosophies and communism can explain the existence of God only partially like blind men touching only one part of an elephant and from that one part explaining what an elephant is.
--> However, the Divine Principle can explain the existence of God perfectly, completely and comprehensively like a man with perfect eyesight can explain what is an elephant through his total perception of the elephant.
2) All religions, all philosophies, communism, natural science and any other theories or doctrines except the Divine Principle do not know and cannot explain the following things :
--> The existence of satan and original sin.
; Evil king dynasty history and religious martyrdom history.
; The phenomena in which mankind commits sin and receives punishment.
(e) God and the creation.
Internal character |
Positivity |
Man is created to resemble God's dual characteristics |
Design |
Negativity |
in image |
God Individual truth body
External form |
Positivity |
All things are created to resemble God's dual characteristics in image |
Design |
Negativity |
Invisible Substantial world
Visible substantial world
God = Creator Creation = Universe
(b) Explanation:
(1) God consists of design and form as His essential characteristics.
--> God also consists of positivity and negativity as attributes of His essential characteristics.
(2) Humans were created to resemble God's dual characteristics in image, becoming an individual truth body.
--> All things were created to resemble God's dual characteristics in symbol, becoming an individual truth body.
(3) God, the creator, as the invisible substantial subject, created the universe (creation) as His visible substantial object.
--> Therefore, God is subject and the universe is object.
Notice (a) 2 kinds of positivity and negativity
(a) Positivity and negativity, from the viewpoint of the aspect of existence.
1) form convex concave
2) color bright pastel
3) smell strong weak
4) sound loud soft
5) quality
6) quantity many few
7) texture rough smooth
8) time fast slow
9) space high low
10) function nice poor
11) movement strong weak
12) int. organs hard soft
13) ext. form top bottom
14) position top bottom
15) temperature hot cold
(a)(2) Positivity and negativity, from the viewpoint of the aspect of multiplication.
1) humankind man and woman
2) animals male and female
3) parts of plants masculine and feminine
4) parts of energy (+) and (-)
Notice:(b) The kinds of combination of design and form, and positivity and negativity.
a) Positivity and negativity in different bodies and in the same body.
(+) (-) (+,-)
Design |
Form |
Design |
Form |
Internal character |
External form |
Internal character |
External form |
Positivity and negativity in different bodies |
Positivity and negativity in the same body |
(1) Mankind (1) Plants
(2) Higher animals (bears) (2) Molcules, atoms
(3) Some plants Holly tree, fern, pecan tree, asparagus, cottonwood jackaranda, ginko nut.
3) Some lower animals Snail, earthworm, sea lily, crinoids.
(b)(2) Positivity and negativity in different bodies.
North Pole Magnet
(+)ve Electricity Electricity (-)ve
Sea Land
South Pole
a) Centrifugal force (away from center) turning movement
1) Rotate (on axis)
2) Revolve (orbit) --> sun is axis.
b) Centripetal force (toward the center)
--> Gravity
Notice:(c) 2 kinds of relationship and combined relationship.
(a) Relationship between design and form. (Internal character and external form).
--> External form (form) completely resembles internal character (design).
; Therefore, design and form are completely congruent.
(b) Relationship between positivity and negativity.
--> Positivity and negativity have completely opposite characters, even though between positivity and negativity there exists a complimentary relationship.
; Therefore, positivity and negativity can unite as one in a complimentary relationship.
(c) Combined relationship between design - form, and positivity, negativity.
(1) From the viewpoint of the aspect of existence in one person:
Positivity Design Complement Subject Design Mind
Negativity Design
Positivity Form Complement Object Form Body
Negativity Form
Essential Attributes character
(2) From the viewpoint of multiplication (male and female) in one couple.
Design Positivity Mind male Subject Man Husband Form Body
Design Mind Object Woman Wife Form Negativity Body female
Notice (d) Structure, design, form, and action, design, form.
Corresponds In the Mind Realised
God's word Design Intellect satan's word
In the In the seed action
God makes Dominion of Will Human Good or these 3 the Principle Responsibility evil things action Form
Autonomy of Emotion Good or evil the Principle (Desire) Desire (form) - form
Structure design & form Action design & form
Only God makes the God and satan make the design and form design, only man makes the form
Biological person Personality person and all things
Belongs to Natural Law
Belongs to social rules, national laws, ethics, morals, traditions, customs, fashions
(b) Comparison between the 3 functions in the mind and the 3 functions in the seed.
(1) In the seed.
--> There are 3 kinds of function in the seed.
; Design, dominion of the Principle and autonomy of the Principle.
(2) In the mind.
--> There are 3 kinds of function in the mind.
; Intellect, will, emotion (desire).
(3) The 3 kinds of function in the seed correspond to the 3 kinds of function in the mind.
(4) Design corresponds to intellect. Dominion of the Principle corresponds to the will. Autonomy of the Principle corresponds to the emotion (desire).
(5) Intellect and emotion (desire) are combined through the function of the will.
; Likewise, design and autonomy of the Principle are combined through the function of dominion of the Principle.
(6) In the seed, only God makes the design, the dominion of the Principle and the autonomy of the Principle.
(7) All things and the biological person can grow to reach perfection automatically because of the 3 functions (force of the Principle) in the seed.
(c) Dominion of the principle and autonomy of the Principle.
(1) What is the meaning of the autonomy of the Principle?
--> Due to the seed energy, the plant seed sprouts, grows and bears fruit. All of these phenomena of the growth process are caused by one function of seed energy.
--> This one function, which is to realize the phenomena of the growth process, is called the autonomy of the Principle.
(2) What is the meaning of the dominion of the Principle?
--> When, due to the seed energy, the plant seed sprouts, grows and bears fruit, how is the kind (species) and form determined?
--> The kinds (species) and forms of all plants are determined by the design, which is in the seed.
--> This other function, which is to realize the form according to the design by combining the design and the autonomy of the Principle, is called the dominion of the Principle.
(d) Explanation of action, design and form.
(1) The essential force of human action is emotion (desire).
--> Desire is the core of emotion.
(2) Emotion (desire) absolutely requires purpose in order to realize action.
--> This purpose needs or includes the reason, cause or motivation.
(3) The purpose of desire is taught / learned by the intellect as to which direction is good or evil.
(4) Finally, the purpose of desire chooses the direction (God's word or satan's word) through the will.
1) If the will chooses God's word, we call this free will. If the will chooses satan's word, we call this licentious will.
2) If the will chooses God's word, human responsibility is fulfilled. If the will chooses satan's word, human responsibility is failed.
3) If the will chooses God's word and human responsibility is fulfilled, then self-control is realized.
4) If the will chooses God's word and this person realizes good actions, then we call this person a good person - a person with God's personality.
--> If the will chooses satan's word and this person realizes evil actions, then we call this person an evil person - a person with satan's personality.
<2> The 3 Functions in the Growing Period and Human Responsibility
(a) 6 periods of creation and restoration.
(1) From the 1st day to the 6th day.
(2) 6 ages (epochs): cosmozoic; azoic; archaeozoic; protozoic; paleozoic; mesozoic; cenozoic (geological names). (3) 6,000 years (Biblical history).
(4) 2,000 years divided into 6 periods.
--> Slavery in Egypt; Period of Judges; United kingdom; Divided kingdom; Captivity and return; Preparation period.
(5) 600 years before Jesus.
--> Confucius, Socrates, Buddha appeared.
(6) 600 years before the 2nd coming.
--> Renaissance appeared.
; (2 Pet 3:8) One day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like one day.
(b) The 3 stages.
a) The 3 stages' names in the growing period.
sphere of perfection direct dominion
all things humankind God
(1) Seed --> growing process.
; sprout - grow - bear fruit
(2) Evening --> night --> morning (Gen 1:4,10,12,18,21,25) 6 times "good"
(3) The human ancestors fell occurred at the top of the growth stage. (Gen 15:9) - Abraham's 3 offerings
b) Examples of the number "3" in the Bible.
Jesus --> 3 wise men --> 3 gifts (gold, frankincense, myrrh) --> 3 years public ministry ; 3 temptations ; 3 disciples ; 3 prayers in Gethsemane ; 3 denials of Peter ; 3 questions to Peter ; 3 hours of darkness on the cross ; 3 days until resurrection.
Noah --> 3 decks of the ark ; 3 flights of doves from the ark.
Abraham --> 3 days before reaching top of Mt. Moriah ; 3 offerings.
Jacob --> 3 days course.
Moses --> 3 days course ; 3 days of light and darkness.
Joshua --> 3 days course before crossing the Jordan river.
Jonah --> 3 days in the whale's stomach.
3 archangels --> Michael, Gabriel, Lucifer (Lucien).
Trinity --> God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.
(c) Examples of the number "3" in the natural world.
(1) 3 kingdoms - animal, plant, mineral kingdoms
; 3 states of matter - gas, liquid, solid
; 3 dimensional world - height, length, width
; 3 points - to make circle or create stability
; 3 primary colors - blue, red, yellow
; 3 secondary colors - green, orange, violet
; 3 nutriments - protein, fat, carbohydrates
; 3 parts of tree - root, trunk, branches
(2) 3 main parts of body - head, torso, limbs
; 3 main inner organs - lungs, heart, stomach
; 3 functions in the mind - intellect, will, emotion
; 3 stages of life - womb (water bag), natural world (air bag) spirit world (love bag = follow God's word and then receive God's love)
(c) Explanation of the 3 functions
(a) 3 functions (3 names) in the growing period.
Sphere of the dominion over (1) all things and angels the result of the Principle < (by force of the Principle) (2) biological person
Angels Period of immaturity (by human responsibility)- (3) personality person
Period of indirect dominion (4) God + personality person (God dominates indirectly)-
(b) Explanation of the 3 functions.
(1) All things and the sphere of dominion over the result of the Principle.
--> According to the design, autonomy and dominion of the Principle, all things can grow to reach perfection automatically (God's design and form in the seed) by passing through the sphere of dominion over the result of the Principle in the growing period.
(2) The biological period and the sphere of the dominion over the result of the Principle in the growing period.
--> According to the design, autonomy and dominion of the Principle, the biological person can grow to reach perfection automatically (God's design and form in the seed) by passing through the sphere of dominion over the result of the Principle in the growing period = force of the Principle.
(3) the personality person and the period of immaturity in the growing period.
1) The personality person can grow to achieve perfection through self-control by denying satan's word "to eat" and learning, believing, practicing God's word "not to eat."
--> It is God's responsibility to give His word to humankind. And it is man's responsibility to learn, believe, practice God's word "not to eat."
2) When humankind achieves a perfect personality, he can gain 2 qualifications: To become a son/daughter of God and To dominate all things and angels.
--> When a personality person gains these 2 qualifications, it becomes possible to pass beyond the period of immaturity in the growing period.
(4) The personality person and the period of indirect dominion in the growing period.
--> Until the personality person reaches perfection by passing through the period of immaturity, which is the growing period, God can not dominate him directly. He can only dominate him indirectly through God's word.
; Therefore, we call this the period of immaturity.
(5) The perfect person and God's direct dominion.
--> When man reaches perfection and gains the qualifications to become the son/daughter of God, God can directly dominate this perfect person.
; When man/woman gains the qualification to dominate all things and angels, God allows man/woman to dominate all things and angels.
(d) The reason why God created humankind with human responsibility.
(1) Because God created humans and all things, He has the qualification to dominate humans and all things. (creativity --> dominion)
(2) In order for humans to gain the qualification to become the son/daughter, and to dominate all things and angels, humans should also create all things and angels. --> However, humans have no ability to create all things and angels.
(3) Therefore, instead of humankind creating all things and angels, God gave humankind the qualification to become the son/daughter of God and to dominate all things and angels through humankind creating his/her own perfect personality. (creativity --> dominion)
(4) Then, how is the human personality created?
1) The creation of human personality is realized through the personality person growing to reach perfection.
2) The personality person can grow to reach perfection.
--> Through separating from satan by destroying my evil desire and by rejecting satan's word to eat.
; And by learning, believing, practicing God's word "not to eat."
3) It is God's responsibility to give His word to mankind and it is mankind's responsibility to learn, believe and practice God's word "not to eat."
(5) What is the contents (core) of God's word?
1) The core contents of God's word is God's commandment "not to eat", which means not to commit sexual sin.
--> After receiving the blessing, mankind can recieve True Love, which is God's law of love.
2) Satan's las of love.
--> Through satan's love, the family society and nation is destroyed.
--> Satan's law of love: Allows marriage and divorce ; changing partners ; free sex ; homosexuality ; pornographic movies and magazines ---> all of which destroy the function of the conscience.
(6) What are the results of perfection?
--> when humankind achieves perfect personality, he gains 2 qualifications:
1) He becomes the child of God.
--> This means to establish the foundation of faith.
; Without separating from satan (the archangel), no foundation of faith can be established.
2) He becomes the Lord of angels, (dominate all things and angels)
--> This means to establish the foundation of substance.
; Before the Fall, without restoring the elder brother's birthright by subjugating satan (archangel), perfect humankind could automatically dominate all things and angels.
(7) Conclusion:
--> Without humankind creating the perfect personality person, God's purpose of creation cannot be realized.
: God created humankind with human responsibility in order for God to give His grace to humankind. God's grace is for man/woman to participate in God's great creation project by humankind creating his own perfect personality.
<3> The Spirit Self and the Physical Self. The spirit world and the natural world.
(a) The existence and the eternal life of the spirit self.
(1) The existence of the spirit self. (Gen 2:7) - The lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being. (1 Cor 15:44) - It is sown a material body, it is raised a spiritual body. (Ecc 12:7) - The dust returns to the ground it came from and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
Spiritual eye 5 spiritual senses Spirit spirit self --> eternal world life
Physical physical self --> dust world 5 physical senses Physical eye
(2) The eternal life of the spirit self.
1) (Mat 17:1-9) Jesus went up the Mt. of Transfiguration
(2 Kgs 2:11) Elijah went to heaven in a whirlwind
(Act 9:3-5) Saul met Jesus near Damascus
(2 Cor 12:1-4) Paul's spirit self had been in Paradise.
2) (Rev 22:20) The disciple John met Jesus' spirit self (Luk 24:36-40) Jesus' spirit self appeared to the disciples in the room (Jno 20:19-29) Jesus spirit self appeared in the room through the wall.
3) (1 Pet 3:18-20) Jesus went to hell and preached to those evil spirits who had died at the time of Noah (Luk 16:19-26) The rich man in hell asked Abraham to send the beggar Lazarus to his descendents (1 Sam 28:8-15) Samuel appeared and talked to Saul through the woman mediator.
(b) The spirit world and natural world centering on mankind.
(1) Diagram of God, mankind and the cosmos.
Spirit world I. S. W. Internal Spirit character self
God Mankind
External Physical form self Natural world V. S. W.
(2) The relationship between mankind and the cosmos.
1) Mankind is the ruler of the cosmos.
--> Ruler (Lord)
; The spirit self is the ruler of the spirit world (ISW).
; The physical self is the ruler of the natural world (VSW).
2) Man is the microcosm (condensed cosmos) which is the encapsulation of the entire cosmos - microcosm.
; The spirit self is the microcosm of the spirit world (ISW).
; The physical self is the microcosm of the natural world (VSW).
3) Mankind is the mediator and center of harmony of the cosmos -
--> mediator.
; The spirit self and the physical self are the mediator and center of harmony between the spirit world and the natural world.
(1) Comparison between the seed <===> tree and man <===> cosmos.
--> God expands the seed to become a tree.
; God condensed the tree to become a seed.
--> God expands mankind to become the cosmos.
; God condensed the cosmos to become mankind.
(2) Cosmos = spirit world + natural world.
(3) Without mankind, the two worlds cannot relate and harmonize.
(c) The relationship between the spirit self and the physical self.
(a) The structure and nutriment of the spirit self and the physical self.
Diagram God's word God God's love Life element satan
Light Human (+) satan's word responsibility Air
spirit element God's word
vitality element Action centered on God
Food God's (-) Action centered on satan love Water
Satan's dominion
physical mind spiritual mind Physical Spiritual self self physical body spiritual body
Biological person Personality person
Notice Explanation of the word.
(1) Life element --> God's truth (word) and God's love.
(2) Spirit element --> God's truth (Divine Principle)
(3) Vitality element --> Personality person living by the Principle (action centered on God).
(e)(2) The process of the perfection of the personality person.
--> Adam and Eve received God's word as well as satan's word.
Diagram God
God's word Life element satan God's love choose which satan's word word
spirit element God's word Principle
physical spirit (a) mind together decide mind Good
(b) Human God's satan's life love dominion
(c) evil together live
(d) Go to Heaven Vitality elemants Personality living by Principle Go to Hell
physical spirit body Personality living body by satan's word
self sacrifice self denial
(a) confess my sins to others repentence prayer pay indemnity
(b) Live by the Principle
No self sacrifice No self denial
(c) Do not confess my sins to others No repentence prayer Does not pay indemnity
(d) Live by satan's word
(d) Spirit mediums and photography of the spirit body
(1) Swedenborg
(2) Sandarsing
(3) Outside spirit mediums
(4) Our members spirit mediums
(5) Photographs of the spirit body
(6) Priest Monseignor Benson
--> "Life in the world unseen" written by Anthony Borgia, a friend and spiritual medium of Monseignor Benson.
; Priest died in 1914.
(b) The 3 stages of human travel.
--> The place where a person goes (destination) is decided by their good or evil actions in their life on earth.
(1) Life in the mother's womb (in the water bag, water capsule).
placenta baby umbilical cord
throw away doctor or nurse cuts
--> The baby resembles his parents and grandparents (for 4 - 7 generations) human structure and human actions. And, the baby inherits their 4 kinds of sin and receives their benefit.
1) Human structure (examples):
; External appearance ---> eyes, nose, mouth, ears, face, hair and skin color, hands, feet, height, weight.
; Internal organs ---> lungs, heart, liver, kidney, bladder, brain.
2) Human action (examples):
; Tone of voice, expressions (laughing, crying, talking), appearance of character.
3) The 4 kinds of sin.
--> The baby resembles and inherits his parents 4 kinds of sin (denying truth, sexual misconduct, violence and murder, robbery and gambling).
; The baby receives punishment for the parents 4 kinds of sin.
; The baby receives punishment for his ancestors 4 kinds of sin who are in the spirit world. A baby less than 7 years old sometimes dies because of his ancestors sin. Through this baby's indemnity, the ancestors in the spirit world receive benefit and are liberated from their sin. We call this phenomena the law of returning resurrection.
4) I cannot change my structure, design and form in the seed but I can change my action, design and form centering on the Divine Principle.
--> To receive punishment is God's education or blessing to the good person. On the other hand, to receive punishment is God's curse to the evil person.
(2) Life on earth (in the air bag).
physical self Spirit self life cord
placenta baby cocoon butterfly
throw away doctor or nurse cuts
1) The spirit self flies like a fish in the water and a bird in the air.
2) If the life cord is not cut, then the spirit self can come back into the physical body and can receive it. (Jno 11:1-44) (Luk 7:11-15) (Luk 8:49-56)
3) The example of an electric light bulb.
--> The brightness of the electric light is determined by the capacity of the filament to receive the electricity (30%, 70%, 100% of brightness).
4) God's love is self-generating like the light emitted by the sun. The human spirit self is like the filament of an electric light bulb. The human spirit receives God's love in the same way that the filament of an electric light bulb receives energy.
--> How can the human spirit self receive God's love?
; Mankind can receive God's love through the spirit self by rejecting satan's word "to eat" (separating from satan) and by learning, believing and practicing God's word "not to eat." (Gal 5:19-26)
5) Those who serve others go to the kingdom of heaven.
; Those who serve myself go to hell.
; Those who serve others can make a filament of their spirit selves. Those who serve themselves cannot make a filament of their spirit selves. (Gal 5:14) ".... love your neighbour as yourself." (Mat 22:37-40) ".... love God with all your heart, .... love your neighbour as yourself."
6) Mankind lives in the natural world in the day time (awake) and lives in the spirit world in the night time (asleep).
--> Mankind should destroy his evil desire. It is difficult for evil desire to realize evil action through the physical self in the day time.
; It is very easy for evil desire to realize evil action without the physical self in the night time.
7) Through confessing his sin to others, repenting to God and paying indemnity for his sins, mankind can restore the filament of his spirit self and can begin to receive God's love.
--> One receives punishment (pays indemnity) so that his descendants do not inherit his sin.
; If he receives punishment, but doesn't confess and repent, then he will go to hell. However, his descendants will not inherit these sins.
; If he receives punishment and confesses and repents for his sins, he changes his direction towards heaven. Then, his descendants will not inherit his sin.
(3) Life in the spirit world (in God's love bag).
External Internal spirit body spirit body spirit cord
cut by angel or satan Goes to heaven Chestnut Dissapears or hell
1) Comparison between the human body and the Chestnut.
2) There is a high capacity automatic video tape recording my whole life in the spirit body. According to this video tape, it is determined whether a person will go to heaven or hell, (automatically).
3) There is no kitchen, bathroom or bedroom in the spirit world.
--> Speak only one language.
4) Perfect persons amongst Blessed couples such as Heung Jin Nim and Jesus live in a very nice spirit environment.
--> They fly (freely move) in the high realms of the spirit world, where there are gardens, fragrant with birds in melodious song.
--> There is only one language spoken.
5) Evil persons' spirit bodies in hell look like animals.
--> Some fight and kill each other continually, eternally.
; Some live alone in a dark room.
<4> The Purpose of the Creation (11)
(a) Good and evil desire, and good and evil joy and happiness.
a) When the desire of the subject is realized through the contents of the object, then joy and happiness are produced.
(1) Desire of subject - desire purpose hope will expectation ambition
--> The core of heart (emotion) is desire).
(2) Contents of object - money (possession, property) power (position, authority) knowledge (honor, prestige) love (affection)
(3) Realize - accomplish fulfill achieve attain
b) When a good desire centering on God is realized through the contents of an object, then good joy and happiness are produced.
--> The desire to fulfill God's will of restoration is a good desire.
(1) The Moonies' church witnessing activities ---> action to save evil people from going to hell.
(2) The Moonie church economic activities --> action to establish an economic base through fundraising.
--> The Moonie church businesses.
(3) The Moonie Church business.
(4) Witnessing to priests and ministers.
--> ICC (all Christian denominations)
--> IRF (all religious denominations)
(5) Witnessing to professors.
(6) All others (fine arts, media, cultural groups, etc.)
(c) When an evil desire centering on satan is realized through the contents of an object, evil joy and happiness is produced.
--> The desire to fulfill satan's will is an evil desire.
(1) Evil joy and happiness are followed by insecurity, pain and fear of conscience.
--> Pay indemnity, receive punishment, go to hell.
(2) If a person repents during the period of paying indemnity and receiving punishment, he can throw away an evil desire, change his direction and accept God's desire.
(3) Kinds of evil desire.
1) Excessive desire = the archangel had excessive desire.
2) Premature desire = Eve had premature desire.
Notice (1) Someone kills a person and robs them of one million dollars.
--> This person feels evil joy and happiness about the money. However, he also feels insecurity, pain and fear in his conscience. He will pay indemnity and be punished. He will then blame the money rather than his evil desire.
Notice (2)
When a Blessed husband throws away his Blessed spouse and takes another beautiful woman, he feels evil joy and happiness about this person. However, he also feels insecurity, pain and fear in his conscience. --> He will pay indemnity and be punished and the gates of hell are waiting for him. He will then blame the woman rather than his evil desire (excessive desire).
(b) The purpose of man making all things and God creating all things.
(a) All things made by man.
(1) All things made by man have various functions.
--> Useful value, appreciation value.
(2) When mankind uses man-made things which only have function, he gives them purpose.
--> The watch's function is to tell time.
; Mankind uses a watch according to various purposes.
; When mankind uses this watch according to various purposes, he feels joy and happiness.
(b) All things created by God.
(1) All things created by God have various functions.
--> Useful value, appreciation value,
(2) When mankind uses all things created by God, he gives them purpose. --> Iron, metals, wood, etc. have their functions. --> Mankind uses these according to various purposes. (airplane, boat, train, house, etc.) ; When mankind uses all things according to various purposes, he feels joy and happiness.
(c) Fallen mankind and all things.
(1) When fallen man uses all things, they sigh, cry and groan. (Rom 8:25, Nu 22:22-35, 2 Pe 2:16, Jude 11, Rev 2:14)
--> The gun will cry if it is used by an evil man to kill someone and steal their money.
--> When an evil person eats food, the food will cry.
(2) Fallen mankind misuses all things and destroys the environment, such as air and water pollution.
--> Through all things, mankind receives punishment.
(d) God's purpose for creating all things.
--> Man's desire is realized through using (appreciating) all things.
; Mankind absolutely needs an environment of all things as his object.
--> God created all things in order for mankind to feel joy and happiness through mankind using and appreciating all things.
(c) God's purpose for creating mankind and satan's purpose
(a) The function of human beings.
(1) Auxiliary function.
--> The function of the biological person.
; Head (brain) ear, eye, nose, mouth, hand, foot, etc. These all have their function.
mouth - (minister, professor, singer)
hand - (painter, pianist, boxer, musician) Head Brain foot - (dancer, runner, soccer, skater)
brain - (scientist, inventor, composer, manager)
(2) Main function.
--> The function of the personality person.
; The main function is to keep and follow God's law of love.
--> The main function is to perfect the personality by not committing the 4 kinds of sin.
; Due to the Fall, mankind lost the value of the main function.
(b) Relationship between God's purpose and man's purpose of existence.
(1) Because God, the creator, gives mankind the purpose of creation, mankind can have the purpose for existence.
(2) The main purpose of the existence of mankind is to become the son/daughter of God and the Lord of angels and all things. (Jno 6:28,29) ; (Jno 1:12)
(c) Mankind's position in the cosmos centering on mankind's main purpose.
(1) Due to the Fall, mankind lost his main purpose for existence and fell away from his original position.
--> Therefore, God is continuously crying because the purpose of creation was not realized.
God - personality person - all things
parents - children - house and garden
(2) After the fall, satan has been dominating fall mankind.
--> Satan's plan was realised and satan became happy.
satan - fallen mankind - all things
false parents - children (dead due to Fall) - house and garden
(d) The realization of God's desire and the realization of satan's desire.
(1) God is crying (shedding tears of sorrow).
--> Due to the Fall, God's desire was not realized.
Return Good joy God's Beauty Contents Perfect and good of person happiness desire Give object not to produced love eat
is realised through
effect cause Reflect - make recriprocal base
(2) Satan is dancing.
--> Due to the fall, satan's desire was realized.
Return Evil joy Satan's Ugliness Contents Fallen and evil of person happiness desire Give object To produced illicit eat love
is realised through
effect cause Reflect - make recriprocal base
(e) God's purpose for creating mankind, and the failure.
(1) God is the God of goodness.
--> God's heart (emotion) is good.
; God's desire (core of heart) is good.
(2) How are joy and happiness produced? When the desire of the subject is realized through the contents of the object, then joy and happiness are produced.
1) Through good desire, good joy and happiness are produced. Through evil desire, evil joy and happiness are produced.
2) Desire = emotion = impulse to love = stimulating affection = heart.
; realize = reflect = feel (see, experience) myself through an object (mirror).
(3) The desire of the God of goodness as the subject is realized (reflected through the contents of mankind (perfect personality) as the object.
--> This is the cause.
= The God of goodness as the subject gives love to mankind as the object and mankind returns beauty to God --> This is the effect.
--> This is the effect.
--> After the Fall, mankind could not become a perfect personality. Therefore, mankind could not return beauty to God.
(4) The God of goodness, as the subject, created mankind as an object in order for God to feel joy and happiness.
; By God's desire of love being realized (being reflected) through perfect man who becomes the son/daughter of God, and the Lord of angels and all things (cause).
; Through God giving love to mankind and mankind returning beauty to God (effect).
(5) Conclusion
--> What is God's purpose of creation.
1) Adam and Eve should reject satan's word to eat and should accept and practice God's word not to eat. Through this they should reach perfection and become the Messiah.
2) Through recieving the blessing from God, Adam and Eve should become True Parents and their children should should become children of God (True Parents).
3) After this True Parents should become King of Kings to mankind and then all mankind should become the Lord of angels and all things.
Notice (a)
--> After the Fall, Heavenly God experienced great sorrow and has been shedding tears until today.
; Fallen mankind became the object of satan and for this reason, satan feels evil joy and happiness.
Notice (b)
Parents child second myself Parents Mirror
God Man second God God Mirror
Notice (c)
(1) Jesus is God's substantial mirror.
(2) Fallen mankind is satan's substantial mirror.
(d) The restoration of the 3 blessings and the 4 position foundation.
(Gen 1:28) - Fruitful (grow), multiply, dominion
--> Due to the human ancestors' Fall, the 3 blessings and the 4 position foundation was lost.
; These 2 points (3 blessings and 4 position foundation) are being restored through human history.
kick out God moved Satan God God God
Fallen Fallen Holy Jesus True True Spirit Father Mother
Satan's Adopted True son son son
Spiritual Spiritual & physical Satan's Spiritual salvation God's nation nation nation All things All things All things Satan's Spiritual Kingdom of sovereignty sovereignty Heaven of Christianity on Earth
(e) The relationship between dual purposes, and good and evil.
Whole purpose --> Family Nation World God
Indiv. purpose --> Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind.
son of filial piety patriot great man saint
(1) The whole purpose centering on God becomes the subject and the individual purpose becomes the object.
--> The whole purpose is good and the individual purpose can become good only by following the whole purpose.
; If the individual purpose does not follow and leaves the whole purpose, it becomes evil. (leaving proper position)
(2) If the individual purpose becomes the subject and dominates the whole purpose as the object, then this becomes the most evil sin. (reversal of dominion)
(3) In fallen society, the dutiful son, patriot and great person are the model for the ideal world.
(4) The individual must live for the family, nation, world and God.
--> Then, this individual person will become the center of the family, nation, world and cosmos.
(5) Anyone who lives for the whole purpose goes to heaven.
(6) The whole purpose always means God's purpose.
(7) God's whole purpose always takes care of the individual purpose.
--> The center leader should always take care of Blessed families and members. ; Jacob as the whole purpose takes care of Esau as the individual purpose.
(8) Examples: Hitler, Stalin, Roman emperors, dictators and kings in general throughout history, used the whole purpose for their own individual purpose.
--> Today, communist leaders have become like rich capitalists who live only for their purpose.
<5> Subject and Object, Give and Take Action, Universal Prime Force
(a) Subject and object in human society.
(1) The kinds of subject and object.
1) The relationship between internal character and external form.
--> Form completely resembles design (internal character).
; For and design are completely congruent (congruous).
2) Relationship between positivity and negativity.
--> Positivity and negativity have completely opposite characters and yet (even though), between positivity and negativity there exists a complementary relationship.
; Therefore, positivity and negativity can unite as one in a complementary relationship.
design form positivity negativity
(2) Subject and object have a relationship of design and form in human society. These are not relationships of (+) and (-):
[subject (design)] [object (form)] woman ] prime minister man ] cabinet ministers woman ] company president man ] employees woman ] teacher/professor man ] students woman ] pastor/minister man ] church members woman ] mother man ] baby boy
1) In human society, except in the family, every subject and object relationship is one of design and form.
; The relationship of positivity and negativity does not exist.
2) In human society, except in the family, if a relationship of positivity and negativity is formed, it is adulterous (fornication).
(3) In the family, subject and object are the following:
1) design --> form - 95%
2) positivity --> negativity - 5%
* Only in the family, between husband and wife, does the relationship of positivity and negativity exist.
(b) How are good and evil give and take action, and good and evil 4 position foundation determined in society?
(form) Object subject (design)
Evil power Good power
Evil give and Good give and take action take action
Evil 4 Pos. Good 4 Pos. foundation foundation
1) Every being consists of subject and object.
2) Every being has purpose of existence and function to realize that purpose.
3) The design of the subject is decided by its purpose and function. The form of the object is decided by the design of the subject.
4) When a subject and object form a relationship of design and form, the subject dominates the object.
5) When the subject dominates the object, then the subject and object form a reciprocal base.
6) When the subject and object form a reciprocal base, then the power of give and take action is produced.
7) If the subject and object form a reciprocal base centering on God, then good power of give and take action is produced.
--> If the subject and object form a reciprocal base centering on satan, then evil power of give and take action is produced.
8) If the structure is made by the good power of give and take action, we call this structure the good 4 position foundation.
--> If the structure is made by the evil power of give and take action, we call this structure the evil 4 position foundation.
(b) Examples of good and evil give and take action, and good and evil 4 position foundation in human society.
Form Design
Obey family family family family educaion children father education - form - design God
Obey family family family family life wife satan husband life - form - design
Obey God's Church Church God's word disciple Jesus word - form Object Subject - design
Obey Bible Church Church Bible word member minister word - form Action - design
Obey school School School School education student teacher education - form Evil Good - design
Obey company Company Company Company management employee president management - form - design
Obey national Nations Nations Nations laws people government laws - form - design
Explanation (1) When subject (design) and object (from) form a reciprocal base centering on God's purpose, a good power of give and take action is produced.
; Through this good power, good human actions are produced and a good 4 position foundation is formed.
(2) When subject (design) and object (form) form a reciprocal base centering on stan's purpose, an evil power of give and take action is produced.
; Through this evil power, evil human actions are produced and an evil 4 position foundation is formed.
Examples of give and take action in th enatural world.
--> There is no good and evil give and take action. There is only neutral give and take action.
(1) Between plants and animals, plants give oxygen to animals, animals give carbon dioxide to plants.
(2) Between flowers and bees (butterflies), flowers give nectar (honey) to bees (butterflies), bees (butterflies) give pollen to flowers.
(3) Centering on the lungs, Co2 is exhaled to plants, O2 is inhaled to the lungs.
(4) Centering on the heart, arteries carry blood to the body and veins carry blood to the heart.
(c) Give and take action, and repulsion in human society. (Luk 12:51-53)
(1) Good give and take action centering on God and evil repulsion.
1) When subject and object centering on God form a reciprocal base in human society, the good power of give and take action is produced. Through this good power, good action occurs.
; This person goes to heaven.
2) Evil repulsion.
--> If a good reciprocal base is prevented by someone, then the good give and take action is not produced.
; This prevention through which a good reciprocal base is not formed is called evil repulsion (rejection).
(2) Evil give and take action centering on satan and good repulsion.
1) When subject and object centering on satan form a reciprocal base in human society, an evil power of give and take action is produced. Through this evil power, evil action occurs.
; This person goes to hell.
2) Good repulsion.
--> If an evil reciprocal base is prevented by someone, the evil power of give and take action is not produced.
; This prevention, through which an evil reciprocal base is not formed is called good repulsion (rejection).
--> Through this, we can separate from satan.
(d) Origin - Division - Union Action.
(a) Good and evil origin - division - union action, and good evil 4 position foundation in human society.
purpose origin (function)
object subject division 4 position form design foundation
evil good united united Time Space body body
evil good evil good evil good multiplied multiplied ODU ODU 4 4 body body action action P.F P.F
(1) When the design as subject and the form as object make a reciprocal base, the power of give and take action is reproduced through the central point.
--> Through this power, a united body (multiplied body) is formed.
(2) God and the united body (multiplied body) make an axis through the central point.
(3) Origin - division - union action makes the 3 stages through time.
--> The 4 position foundation makes the foundation of existence in space.
(4) If the design as subject and the form as object centering on God's purpose form a reciprocal base, then a good origin - division - union action and a good 4 position foundation are established.
(5) If the design as subject and the form as object centering on satan's purpose form a reciprocal base, then an evil origin - division - union action and an evil 4 position foundation are established.
(e)(2) Good and evil turning movement in human society.
satan |
God |
object |
subject |
object |
subject |
form |
design |
form |
design |
wife |
husband |
wife |
husband |
employee |
president |
employee |
president |
student |
teacher |
student |
teacher |
live for myself |
live for others |
United body Action Multiplied body Children
(1) If the design as subject and the form as object makes a reciprocal base, the power of give and take action is produced, centering on the central point
--> Through this power, a united body is formed.
(2) God and a united make an axis through the central point.
(3) When subject and object forma reciprocal base centering on God's axis, the power of give and take action is produced.
--> Through this power, a turning movement occurs and can continue.
(4) According to the type of axis, the turning movement establishes the shape of a circle, a cone (hemisphere) or a sphere.
(5) If an axis is established centering on God's purpose, a turning movement will occur and can continue forever.
--> If an axis is established centering on satan's purpose, a turning movement will occur, but cannot continue.
(e) Universal prime force and the comprehensive explanation of mankind.
God's universal prime force.
Internal UPF (+) God's God's Spiritual God's heart UPF energy mind (-)
God's Energy Maintaining (+) force Physical God's God's energy body structural force (-) Action G&T External force action UPF
Man's universal prime force (and all things).
Internal UPF (+) Man's Man's Spiritual Man's heart UPF energy mind (-)
Man's Energy Maintaining (+) force Physical Man's Man's energy body structural force (-) Action G&T External force action UPF
(1) Where does the force of give and take action come from?
1) When a subject and object form a reciprocal base, part of the structural force appears.
--> This is the force of give and take action.
2) Therefore, the causal power of give and take action is the universal prime force.
(2) Man's structural form in the biological person.
--> Because God made design and form in man's seed, man's structural form is made automatically.
(3) Man's action form in the personality person.
--> God or satan makes the personality person's action design (God's word or satan's word).
; Then, the personality person's action form is established according to human responsibility.
; Through this responsibility, man chooses God's word or satan's word.
Explanation of God:
(1) Who is god? What kind of God? Which kind of God? (When, Where and How does God exist?)
1) Who is god?
--> God's name is Jehovah, Yahweh.
2) What kind of God?
--> God is unique, absolute, unchaining, perfect and self-existing. (Exo 3:14)
3) Which kind of God?
--> God is not an evil God. God is a god of goodness in order to realize righteousness.
(2) When, where, does God exist?
1) God exists eternally (time).
2) God exists as an omnipresent being (space)
(3) Why does God exist?
--> God is the creator.
1) Because God is the creator, God created mankind angels and all things.
2) Because God is the creator, God is True Parents and man is true son/daughter. All things are the house and garden of mankind (environment).
--> Because God is the parents of mankind, God is a god of personality; God is a living god.
; Because God's essence is love, God's love is realized through mankind. This is true love.
(4) How does God exist?
--> God is an omnipotent (almighty) and omniscient God.
1) One part of God's essence is physical energy (power) which consists of external universal prime force.
2) The other part of God's essence is spiritual energy as the internal universal prime force, consisting of intellect (omniscient), will and emotion (heart).
3) The 3 functions of God's spiritual energy as mind (heart).
value Reason / order manifestation heart natural law
Intellect Truth Scientist
Word (logos) Righteousness
Heart Design impulse
Emotion Beauty Artist God
Affection for others Form
Creativity Design Free will
Will Goodness Saint
Creative Form personality
4) God's dual characteristics.
--> God consists of design (internal character) and form (external form) as essential characteristics. god also consists of positivity and negativity as attributes.
; Through the philosophy of the seed, we can understand that God consists of purpose, function, design and form, and energy.
(5) Why and how God has been shedding tears until today.
1) Because God is the creator, God absolutely tried to realize the purpose of creation after the Fall, through the history of restoration.
; The purpose of creation is accomplished through the cooperation of God's portion of responsibility and man's portion of responsibility.
2) After the human ancestors' fall, satan (the archangel and originally the servant) has been dominating fallen mankind (who represents Adam who was originally the master).
; After the human ancestors' fall, no one understood this situation which is the reversal of dominion.
; Because of this reason, mankind alone cannot separate from satan and subjugate satan.
Notice: Various Views of Life
Diagram - Unification view of life
Before After the the Midway fall fall position
God God God satan
Man All things Adam
Archangel Fallen man Cain Abel
All things Fallen archangel Adam archangel Elder Younger brother brother
Materialism Humanism Monotheism
Diagram - Theistic
Theism Monotheism God exists
Mohammed |
Jesus |
Cain type messiah |
Fallen mankind |
Abel type messiah |
All things
Judaism Christianity Islam
Diagram - Materialistic view of life
Materialism God does not exist
Nature All things
No spirit Spirit exists Atheism Fallen Polytheism mankind
Materialism Worship nature
simple Hinduism materialism Shamanism
mechanical materialism
dialectic materialism
money materialism
- Do not worship God - Worship animals, spirits and material
Diagram - Humanistic view of life
Humanism God does not exist
Western Evil king Fallen Eastern dynasty mankind
No spirit Spirit Aetheism exists
Democracy All things Worship Worship Decide law the man who fallen man by majority separated from satan
Secular humanism Buddhism Worship Dewey Confucianism ancestors
Animal humanism Darwin
Labor humanism Shintoism Marx Taoism
Sexual humanism Freud
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