Unification Sermons and Talks |
Rev. Ahn |
Notes on Rev Ahn's 40 Day Workshop
Foundation of Faith and Substance
Foundation of Faith
By accepting God's word not to eat
Foundation God (1) Child of God of Faith
Foundation (1) Lord of Angels of Substance
After fall Separation of Satan
Satan (1) Child of satan By rejecting satan's word to eat
(2) Servant of Angels Subjugation of satan
Younger brother to restore the elder brother's birthright
Younger brother becomes the elder brother. Elder brother becomes the younger brother.
(1) Foundation of Faith
--> How can Abel extablish the foundation of faith ?
; Abel can establish the foundation of faith through separating from satan, who is the archangel (sexual satan).
(2) Foundation of Substance
--> How can Abel establish the foundation of substance ?
; Abel can establish the foundation of substance through subjugating satan, who is the elder brother (Cain).
Foundation of Faith
(a) The process to become a child of God.
(1) When I become a child of God, what kind of person will I be?
--> I will:
1) Become a temple of god.
2) Resemble God's divine nature.
3) Be in oneness with God.
(2) How can I become a child of God?
--> I can become a child of God through establishing the foundation of faith, which consists of:
1) Separating from satan
2) Reaching perfection.
(3) How can I separate from satan?
--> I can separate from satan (rejecting satan's word to eat) through destroying my evil desire, (satan's fortress) which causes me to make the 4 fallen natures by which fallen mankind has been committing the 4 kinds of sin.
(4) How can I reach perfection?
--> I can reach perfection (I can perfect my personality)
1) By learning, believing and practicing God's word "not to eat"
2) By living according to God's Word (Divine Principle)
2) By willingly wearing the Divine Principle bridle
4) By controlling my desire (self-control) according to the Divine Principle
Notice (a) Child of God and child of satan
(1) Child of God
--> I can become a child of God through living according to God's word (Divine Principle) by free willin which human responsibility is fulfilled.
(2) Child of satna
--> I can become a child of satan by living according to satan's word (self-centered thought and desire) by licentious will in which human responsibility is failed.
Notice (b) Divine Principle bridle
(1) As man controls a horse by using a bridle, bit and reins, God also controls mankind by using the Divine Principle bridle, bit and reins.
(2) Mankind makes the horse's bridle and also subjects the horse to wear it. On the other hand, God only makes the Divine Principle bridle, but God cannot make mankind wear it. (Jas 3:2-4)
(3) Then, who can make mankind wear the Divine Principle bridle? It is only possible for mankind to wear the Divine Principle bridle willingly by using human responsibility.
Notice (c)
--> Those who can control "myself" according to Divine Principle can go to the kingdom of heaven.
; Those who cannot control "myself" according to Divine Principle go to hell.
; You (I) should control yourself (myself) before You (I) control the universe.
(b) How can I destroy my evil desire (satan's fortress)?
--> My evil desire invites satan into me.
; Through this evil desire I become a child of satan (satan's slave) and therefore satan comes to dominate myself.
a) Method to destroy my evil desire.
(1) I can destroy my evil desire through self-denial and self-sacrifice, which means coming into the melting furnace.
--> Self-denial (Mt 10:35-37) Self-sacrifice (Mt 10:38, Jn 12:25, Lk 14:26, Mk 8:34)
(2) Melting furnace - method to separate iron and stone in iron ore.
b) Contents to destroy my evil desire
(1) Confess my sin to others and repent of my sin to God.
1) Through willingly confessing my sin(s) to others and repenting of my sin to God I can destroy my evil desire so that I can separate form , divorce from and be liberated from satan.
--> As long as I hide my sin without confessing it and repenting I can never destroy my evil desire. Therefore, I can never separate, divorce form or liberate myself form satan.
2) John the Baptist, Peter, Paul and Jesus taught mankind that everyone should confess their sin and pray to god in repentance. (Mt 3:2,6, Mt 4:17, Mk 1:4-5)
--> Heung Jin Nim, who cam back from the spirit world through returning resurrection, first taught us in the confession ceremony of the Blessed families that everyone should confess his sin to others, and pray to God in repentance.
(3) To pay indemnity or to receive punishment for my sin, which is God's blessing and education for me.
--> The contents of punishment is suffering, torture and martyrdom (punishment by death).
1) Through paying indemnity or receiving punishment, which is God's blessing and education, I can destroy my evil desire, which is satan's fortress, satan's building and satan's paved road.
--> Without destroying satan's fortress, satan's building and satan's paved road by jackhammer, I cannot make God's fortress, God's building and good soil which can receive God's word.
2) By paying indemnity and receiving punishment, I can destroy my evil desire, so that I can separate from, divorce from and liberate from satan.
; Therefore, receiving punishment is paying the consolation money (alimony) to separate and divorce from satan.
Notice (a) Natural law and the law of indemnity
(1) Natural law
1) The natural phenomena of all things and the biological person can be explained by natural law.
2) Natural law consists of cause and effect, which is causality.
3) Natural phenomena includes existence, actions of the mineral kingdom and life, multiplication activities of the plant kingdom, animal kingdom and mankind.
(2) Law of indemnity
= law of retribution
= reward in accordance with deed
= retributive justice in the universe
= karma
1) Evil desire invites satan.
--> According to evil desire and satan mankind committs sin.
; Once you commit a sin, you will surely receive punishment for it. (Jas 1:12-15)
2) When you, yourself do not receive punishment for your sin, your children and your descendants will surely receive the punishment for your sin (law of returning resurrection).
3) An evil person wants to commit sin and make his children and descendants receive the punishment.
3) On the other hand, a good person willingly wants to receive punishment for his sin with gratitude and try not to make his children and descendants receive the punishment.
Notice (b) Who punishes mankind
(1) Who punishes the criminal, the judge or the criminal law.
--> According to the criminal law by the accusation of the procsecutor, the judge decides to punish the criminal person (defendant, accused)
(2) Who punishes the sinner, God or satan ?
--> According to the Divine Principle (law of indemnity) by satan's accusation, God allows satan to punish the sinner.
; After the fall, fallen mankind exists in the midway position between God and satan.
; If the person commits sin, he belongs to satan's side. If this person does not commit sin, he belongs to God's side.
(c) The 4 kinds of sin which are caused by evil desire through the 4 fallen natures.
--> The 4 kinds of sin in Adam's family.
(1) Sin of falsehood, disbelief and rebellion.
--> God's word "not to eat" is truth.
--> Satan's word "to eat" is false. For Adam and Eve to accept satan's word is the sin of falsehood. For Adam and Eve not accept God's word is the sin of disbelief. For Adam and Eve to become the slave of satan and rebel against God is the sin of rebellion.
(2) Self-centered thought, desire and action are satan's view of life; evil theory, evil desire, and evil action.
--> Wrong religious doctrine, communist theory, and all kinds of thoughts and theories against the Principle are the sins of falsehood, disbelief and rebellion.
(3) In order to be liberated from these sins, we need to live a life of oneness with God and the True Parents through learning, believing and practicing perfectly the Divine Principle, which is God's perfect word.
(2) The sin of adultery (fornication, lewdness, lechery, lasciviousness). It is the sin of adultery which the archangel, Eve and Adam committed.
(1) All marriages and any kind of love relationship between men and women, other than the Blessing, are the sins of adultery.
--> Among Unification church members, brothers should become priests or monks and sisters should become nuns until receiving the Blessing.
; Among those who received the Blessing, those who have affections towards men or women other than their spouse commit the sin of adultery.
(2) The satan of adultery comes from my own ancestors.
--> Devils of adultery manipulate people to repeat marriages and divorces, and causes them to lead dissolute and adulterous lives. Through this, the devils of adultery destroy families and human societies.
; The satan of adultery controls people and promotes the sin of adultery through pornographic movies and magazines.
3) Example from the Bible (Jno 8:3-11) The prostitute who was captured at the scene of adultery and brought to Jesus, confessed her own sin, repented with tears and paid indemnity (received punishment). Through this indemnity condition, she received forgiveness from Jesus.
(c) Sin of murder (suicide, homicide). Homicide began when Cain killed Abel. Through this, mankind created the history of murder and wars.
1) Process of murder: Envy (knowledge, affection, position, property) --> jealousy --> arrogance --> hatred --> violence --> invasion --> murder (suicide, homicide).
2) The 3 kinds of drugs (narcotics) that lead to the sin of murder:
--> Gas drug is cigarettes (nicotine drug) Liquid drug is liquor or wine (alcohol drug) Solid drug is opium, heroin, cocaine, etc. (poison).
--> By using these 3 kinds of drugs, I can kill myself, my own family and other people, which means I commit the sin of murder. In order to get money to buy these drugs, I can commit the sin of robbery.
3) Congressmen who drink liquor become less than a dog, which doesn't drink liquor and serves its master absolutely.
(d) The Sin of Robbery
(1) The archangel made Adam and Eve fall, and became satan. By dominating fallen mankind, satan robbed all things automatically. This robbery of all things was the beginning of the sin of robbery.
(2) Kinds of the sin of robbery according to the method:
1) Robbery (in the home, on the street, in the bank, on the train, in the store, etc. Armed robbery).
2) Swindler (cheat), (individual or company).
3) Embezzler, usury (treasurer, accountant).
4) Thief (pickpocket, in the school, on the street, in the airport, etc.).
5) Bribery (illicit gains, irregularities and corruption).
--> Gambling (casino, card games, chess, go, bingo, horse racing, stock market, money interest game, real estate game, capital increasing game).
--> Those who don't offer tithes to God are committing the sin of robbery.
(3) In order for somebody to be liberated from the sin of robbery, you should repay 4 times the amount of money which you robbed, as did Zacchaeus. (Luk 19:2-8)
(c) How can God's word be realized through Adam, Eve and the archangel?
(1) Adam and Eve received God's word "not to eat" vertically.
--> Eve should have realized God's word "not to eat" horizontally through the archangel, and Adam should have realized God's word "not to eat" horizontally through Eve.
(2) By men overcoming women's adulterous temptation, and women overcoming men's adulterous temptation completely and victoriously, separation from satan is accomplished and the foundation of faith is established.
--> (Gen 3:1-3) "Do not eat"
(Gen 3:3) "Do not touch"
(Gen 3:6) "Do not look"
(Mat 5:28) "Do not think"
(1 Cor 6:9-20) "Do not think even in dreams"
(e) The examples of those who succeeded and failed in overcoming adulterous seductions "to eat" throughout the history of restoration.
(1) The 4 generations of Abraham's family (Isaac, Jacob, Joseph).
The Lord becomes he servant The servant becomes the Lord
Adam Eve Archangel
Abraham Sarah Pharaoh
Isaac Rebekah Abimelech
Jacob Fiance Wait 7 yrs
Losing the kings sovereignty Joseph Potiphar's wife Potiphar the kings sovereignty Saving
(2) Moses' course.
1) Moses, as a prince, overcame the adulterous seductions of many women at the king's palace in Egypt for 40 years.
2) 80 year old Moses overcame adulterous seduction two times through the two 40-day fasts. (Exo 19:15) All the people abstained from sex for 3 days.
3) Do not commit the sin of adultery (10 commandments). 10 Commandments (Exo 20:1-17)
--> Comparison between the 4 kinds of sins and the 10 commandments: Sin of falsehood, disbelief, rebellion.
--> 9, 1-4, 5 or (1-5,9) Sin of adultery.
; 7 Sin of murder.
; 6 Sin of robbery.
; 8, 10
(3) Jesus' course.
1) Jesus overcame adulterous seduction until he was 30 years old, as Joseph did (11th son of Jacob).
2) Jesus overcame adulterous seduction through the 40-day fast at the age of 30.
3) Jesus' guidance to overcome adulterous seduction.
--> Comparison between the Lord's prayer and the 4 kinds of sin.
Sin of falsehood, disbelief and rebellion --> (Mat 6:9-12)
Sin of adultery --> (Mat 6:13)
Sin of murder --> (Mat 6:12)
Sin of robbery --> (Mat 6:11)
(4) Noah's family --> failure.
1) Noah's 2nd son Ham should have inherited Noah's victorious foundation of faith after the 40-day flood judgement, centering on Noah's ark.
2) Ham could not inherit and establish his own foundation of faith, because he could not overcome adulterous seduction.
--> This chance was inherited by Abraham.
(5) Adam's family --> failure.
1) Abel was born as the 2nd son of Eve who committed the sin of adultery.
2) Abel, who offered the sacrifice successfully should have overcome adulterous seduction. He lost the chance to overcome adulterous seduction because he was killed by Cain.
--> This chance was inherited by Ham.
(6) Two kinds of conditions that the central person must make in order to establish the foundation of faith.
--> Originally, the father becomes the central person, but sometimes the younger brother becomes the central person instead of the father.
1) The central person should overcome adulterous seduction absolutely.
2) After overcoming adulterous seduction, the central person should offer the sacrifice according to God's will.
(e) The content and the period of time for the conditional object.
(1) The conditional object.
Old Eden New Eden
Garden of Eden Noah's Ark Adam's family 3 kinds of offerings 4 kinds of sin Ark of covenant Jesus' church
Noah Wife Tree of Tree of Abraham Sarah Life Knowledge One Other of good tablet tablet and evil 10 Commandments
Adam Eve Jesus Holy Spirit Do no eat The Lord's prayer
To lose God's word To restore God's word
Liquidation of sin of Adultery
(2) The period of time for offering the conditional object
--> The number 40
--> The period for practicing faith.
1) The period in order to separate from satan.
2) The period to establish faith through action
3) The period to restore the 4 position foundation.
; Noah's ark --> 40 years x 3 ; 40-day flood judgement.
3 kinds of offering --> 400 years (from Noah to Abraham).
Ark of the covenant --> 40 years ; 40-days x 2.
Jesus' church --> 40-day fast ; 40-days after resurrection.
Foundation of Substance
Central figure --> Elder brother and Younger brother.
1) Elder brother (1st son). Cain Archangel = servant
Cain, Esau, Aaron, John the Baptist.
--> satan's side.
2) Younger brother (2nd son). --> Abel Adam = Lord (master)
Abel, Jacob, Moses, Jesus.
--> God's side.
(a) The process for the younger brother to restore the elder brother's birthright through subjugating satan
(1) The younger brother (Jacob) should first establish the foundation of faith.
--> The foundation of faith consists of the following two things:
1) The younger brother should separate from sexual satan through destroying his evil desire by satan's word to eat.
; Evil desire caused me to make the four fallen natures by which mankind has been committing the four kinds of sin.
2) The younger brother (Jacob) should reach perfection by:
--> learning, believing and practicing God's word, "not to eat."
; Living according to God's word
; Willingly wearing the Divine Principle bridle
; Controlling my desire (self-control) according to the Divine Principle.
(2) The younger brother (Jacob) should educate and guide the elder brother (Esau) to accept and follow God's word by the younger brother (Jacob) making the following four conditions:
1) Receiving punishment from the enemy elder brother without having committed any kinds of sin.
2) Not having any complaint or resentment during the time of receiving the punishment.
3) Loving the enemy elder brother. 4) Giving all things to the enemy elder brother.
(3) The younger brother (Jacob) first should establise the foundation of faith
--> After this the younger brother (Jacob) should makethe elder brother (Esau) establish his own foundation of faith.
1) The elder brother (Esau) receiving the younger brother's (Jacob's) education and guidance establishes his foundation of faith which consists of separating from sexual satan by rejecting satan's word to eat and reaching perfection by accepting God's word not to eat.
2) Because the elder brother (Esau) has established the foundation of faith he willingly decides in his mind to obey, follow and serve the younger brother (Jacob).
3) Therefore, the younger brother (Jacob) can have the ability to make the elder brother (Esau) obey, follow and serve him.
(4) Finally the younger brother (Jacob) restores the elder brother's birthright through subjugating satan.
1) The younger brother (Jacob) becomes the elder brother and the elder brother )Esau) becomes the younger brother.
--> This is called the restoration of the elder brother's birthright.
2) Through Jacob's restoration of the elder brother's birthright, mankind (Jacob) could subjugate the archangel (satan) for the first time in history.
--> This is called the foundation of dominion.
; This foundation of dominion if called the foundation of substance.
(b) The examples of failure and success in the central history of the elder brother's birthright.
Diagram (1)
Elder brother Lord (Mankind)
Lord Lord
The servant The younger brother becomes Cain Esau Jacob restores the elder the Lord brothers position
Restoration of the elder brothers birhtright
Younger brother
Lord Lord
The Lord The elder brother becomes Abel Jacob Esau restored the younger the servant brothers position
Adam Archangel (servant)
- 2000 years later
Diagram (2)
Lord (Mankind)
The servant The younger brother becomes restores the elder the Lord brothers position Elder Elder brother brother
(AA) Lord (AA) Lord Cain Cain Esau Jacob Restoration of the elder brothers birhtright Abel Abel Jacob Esau (Adam) Servant (Adam) Servant Younger Younger brother brother
The Lord The elder brother becomes restored the younger the servant brothers position Servant (AA)
Example of Example of failure success
Diagram (3)
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