Unification Sermons and Talks |
Rev. Ahn |
Notes on Rev Ahn's 40 Day Workshop
The Fall of Man (5)
<1> The Root of Sin (Original Sin)
(a) What is the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
Fruit < literal or symbolic?
(1) Jesus' words: (Mat 15:11-19)
--> What goes into the mouth does not defile a man.
--> What comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man. (Hos 4:1,2)
(2) From the viewpoint of God.
1) Would God test man in such a way that man could die?
2) Would God, as a loving Father, create fruit that would kill mankind?
(3) From the viewpoint of man.
1) Could this fruit be so desirable that man would even throw away his life?
2) Could this fruit cause original sin that could be passed down from generation to generation until today?
--> Therefore, this fruit cannot be literal, but must be symbolic.
; In the Garden of Eden, the trees probably symbolize mankind. (Jno 15:5) Jesus is a vine (Rom 11:17) Jesus is an olive tree (Dan 4:19-22) Men of Judah are trees (Isa 5:7) The king is a tree (Psa 1:3) He is like a tree
(b) The tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Diagram - Garden of Eden
T of KGE T of Life
Eve Adam
Diagram - Tree of Life
Gen 3:24 Due to the fall the original way is closed
First Adam's desire Gen 2:9 Tree of Life
Adam Original way Cherubim Flaming Sword Perfection To become True Parents
Due to the crucifixion the first detour is closed
Second Adam's desire Rom 13:12 Tree of Life
Jesus First way detour O.T peoples Perfection desire To become True Parents 1 Cor 15:45 Ro 5:14
By paying indemnity second detour is opened
Second Adam's desire Rom Tree of Life
2nd coming Second way detour N.T peoples desire Perfection To become True Parents
(3) Explanation of the Tree of Life
a) The first Adam is unfallen Adam in the garden of Eden.
--> Unfallen Adam is the first Messiah.
(1) Original way to the Tree of Life (Gen 2:9)
1) By rejecting satan's word and accepting God's word, the first Messiah, Adam, can grow to reach perfection through the original way.
2) When Adam reaches perfection he should become the tree of life.
; When Adam becomes the tree of life he should become True Parents by receiving the blessing from God.
(2) Original way to the Tree of Life is closed.
--> Because of Adam's and Eve's fall the original way is closed.
; Therefore God prevented and guarded the original way using a cherubim and a flaming sword. Gen 3:24.
(3) Results of Adam's fall
--> Because of Adam's and Eve's fall, Adam could not become the tree of life and True Parent.
b) The second Adam is Jesus.
--> Jesus should inherit the first Adam's mission. Therefore Jesus is the second Messiah (1Cor 15:45, Ro 5:14).
(1) The first detour way to the Tree of Life
1) By rejecting satan's word and accepting God's word, the second Messiah, Jesus, can grow to reach perfection through the original way.
2) When Jesus reaches perfection he should become the tree of life.
; When Jesus becomes the tree of life he should become True Parents by receiving the blessing from God.
(2) The first detour way to the Tree of Life is closed.
--> Because of Jesus' crucifixion due to the rejection of the Jewish religious leaders the first detour way is closed.
(3) Results of Jesus' crucifixion.
1) Because of Jesus' crucifixion he could not reach perfection. Therefore he could not become the tree of life and True Parent.
2) However through the merit of Jesus' resurrection by the crucifixion for ransom (redemption) and indemnity, Christianity can receive the benefit of spiritual salvation.
(4) Old Testament desire
1) O.T peoples desire is to be realized through the second Messiah . Jesus.
--> The O.T peoples desire is to become a branch of the Tree of Life through receiving a branch of the tree of life from the second Messiah Jesus.
2) However, because of Jesus' crucifixion the O.T peoples desire could not be realized.
c) The third Adam is the second coming.
--> the second coming should inherit the first Jesus' mission. Therefore the second coming is the third Messiah.
(1) The second detour way to the Tree of Life.
1) By rejecting satan's word and accepting God's word, the third Messiah, the second coming, can grow to reach perfection through the second detour way.
2) When the second coming reaches perfection he should become the tree of life.
; When the second coming becomes the tree of life he should become True Parents by receiving the blessing from God.
(2) The second detour way to the Tree of Life is opened.
--> By the second comings paying indemnity and ransom through receiving torture and martyrdom in the prison camp, the second detour way is opened.
(3) The results of the second comings sucess.
1) Because of the second comings success, the second coming can reach perfection.
2) Therefore the second coming became the tree of life and became True Parents through recieving the blessing from God for the first time in history.
(4) New Testament desire
1) N.T peoples desire is to be realized through the third Messiah the second coming
--> The N.T peoples desire is to become a branch of the Tree of Life through receiving a branch of the tree of life from the third Messiah, the second coming.
2) For NT peoples to receive th ebranch of the tree of life is to receive the blessing from True Parents.
Notice - Conclusion
1) The tree of life symbolizes the perfect Adam to be. There is the seed of life in Adam.
2) Therefore the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil symbolizes Eve.
; Eve produces the fruit (baby). According to Eve's direction, Eve becomes either a Tree of the knowledge of good or a Tree of the knowledge of evil.
(c) The identity of the serpent and Eve's crime.
(1) The identity of the serpent.
--> Abilities that the serpent had.
-1) The serpent could talk with Eve. (Gen 3:1)
-2) The serpent knew God's direction or commandment. (Gen 3:1)
-3) The serpent could persuade and deceive Eve. (Gen 3:5)
-4) The serpent was thrown down from heaven. (Rev 12:9)
--> Therefore the serpent must have been a spiritual being.
; Only angels were spiritual beings beside mankind.
(2) The angel and Eve's crime.
Gen 3:4,5 to eat
Gen 2:17 not to eat
Rev 12:9 Great dragon
Rev 20:2 eyes shall 2 Pe 2:4 opened die ancient dragon serpent accept reject
sexual sin Covered Angels with fig Gen 3:7 satan devil leaves
spiritual Jude Naked being 1:6-7 body
Eve did not feel Gen 2:25 Fornication shame immoral unnatural lusts Gen 39:6-9 Potiphar ate his wife
Jn 8:44
Pro 30:18-20 Job 31:33
(3) Expalanation of the angel and Eve's crime
a) Angels crime
(1) What is the serpent.
1) It is described in Rev 12:9 and Rev 20:2 that the ancient serpent is a great dragon, the great dragon is satan and satan is the devil.
2) According to the explanation of the identity of the serpent the serpent must be a spiritual being.
3) Besides mankind only angels are spiritual.
(2) Did the angels really commit any kinds of sin ?
1) It is described in 2 Pe 2:4 that God sent the angels who had sinned to hell
2) What kind of sin did the angels commit.
--> It is described in Jude 1:6-7 that the angels who left their position committed sexual sins similar to the sexual sins of Sodom and Gomorrah and were kept in hell by God and bound with chains until the judgement day.
3) Then with whom did the angels commit sexual sins?
--> Sexual sins absolutely require a partner, without a partner, no one can commit sexual sin.
b) Eve's crime
(1) Eve received two kinds of contradictory words. One is God's word . The other is satan's word.
1) God's word is "do not eat" the fruit.
--> It is described in Gen 3:3, that God told Eve if she ate of the fruit or touched it she would surely die.
2) Satan's word is to eat the fruit.
--> It is described in Gen 3:4,5 that satan told Eve if she ate of the fruit she would not die and her eyes would be opened.
3) Finally Eve rejected God's word not to eat and accepted satan's word to eat.
(2) The results of Eve's crime.
1) Eve did not feel any shame about her nakedness before the fall.
--> It is described in Gen 2:25 that Eve did not feel ashamed of her nakedness before she ate the fruit.
2) Eve did feel ashamed of her nakedness after the fall.
--> It is described in Gen 3:7 that after Eve ate the fruit she covered her naked body with fig leaves.
3) Eve did not eat the fruit with her mouth but she did eat the fruit with her lower parts, which she later covered with fig leaves.
--> It is evident that Eve committed sin with her lower parts.
4) It is described in Gen 39:6-9 that Potiphar had no concern except for the food he ate. Food represents Potiphar's wife and eating represents Potiphar's sexual love with his wife.
5) Adam and Eve covered their lower parts with fig leaves after the fall.
--> It is described in Job 31:33 that Job did not conceal or hide his sin as Adam did (KJV).
c) Conclusion
--> There are two persons who committed sexual sin. One is the angel the other is Eve.
1) It is evident that the archangel committed sexual sin with Eve.
--> After Eve's fall with the archangel Eve committed sexual sin with Adam.
2) Therefore after the fall the archangel became satan and the human ancestors became the fallen ancestors.
--> Because of this, satan became the lord and came to dominate mankind.
; It is described in Jn 8:44 that fallen mankind are born of the devil.
(1) What is the fruit of the tree of K.G.E.
--> The tree of K.G.E symbolizes Eve. Therefore the fruit of the tree of K.G.E symbolizes Eve's love.
(2) Spiritual fall.
--> The fall between the archangel and Eve was a spiritual fall.
; Children could not be multiplied (conceived).
(3) Physical fall. The fall between fallen Eve and Adam was the physical fall.
; Children could be multiplied (conceived).
(d) Evidence that the original sin was fornication.
1) Satan became the father of mankind.
--> Because of this, original sin has been passed down until today. (Jno 8:44) Satan is the father of mankind. (Mat 3:7) Mankind is the son of vipers. (Mat 23:33) Mankind is theson of vipers and serpents. (Psa 51:5) Behold I was bought forth in iniquity and in sin did my Mother conceive me.
2) Religious people have led celibate lives. Christianity - priests and nuns. (Mat 19:12) (1 Cor 7:38) Buddhism - also priests and nuns.
3) Circumcision of Israelites.
--> Circumcision became an indemnity condition because the human ancestors misused their lower parts.
4) The family is the basic unit of the human society and nation.
--> The family begins with love and ends with love. The family consists of love. Without love, the family breaks down.
5) Developed countries can solve every problem except the love problem (sexual crime). The more developed a country becomes, the less that sexual crimes are recognized and punished.
6) Bible verses from the O.T., Jesus and Paul.
--> "Do not eat" (Gen 3:1-3)
--> "Do not touch" (Gen 3:1-3)
--> "Do not look" (Gen 3:6)
--> "Do not think" (Mat 5:28)
--> "Do not even dream" (1 Cor 6:9-20)
1 Cor 6:9-20. Do not think even in dreams. Every sin is committed outside the body, but fornication is committed against the body.
1 Cor 7 (all) Concerning celibacy, marriage and fornication
(e) Expalanation of wrong theories about satan
(1) Originally, satan was a good angel.
1) Angels cannot exist in the Garden of Eden unless created by God who is good.
2) After mankind becomes perfect, angels, who are servants, cannot fall.
3) Angels fell during man's growing period. If Eve, who was the master, had rejected the archangel's seduction, the archangel could not have become satan.
(2) There is a theory that satan existed before God created the cosmos.
--> This theory is greatly mistaken and absolutely false.
1) If 2 contradictory subjects existed before the creation of the cosmos, they would have existed in conflict and would have destroyed each other.
2) If satan existed before the creation and was against God, then Jesus and mankind would not be able to separate from satan and subjugate satan.
3) The archangel, who became satan, was originally the servant. Therefore, man, who was originally created as the master, can separate from and subjugate satan when he perfects himself.
--> The O.T. and N.T. are wonderful, God-given videotapes.
--> The Divine Principle is a wonderful God-given video machine and television which Father made.
<2> The Motivation and Process of the Fall
(a) The angelic world and mankind.
(1) The purpose of the creation of angels.
1) Glorify and praise God. (Rev 5:11) (Rev 7:11,12)
2) Servant and messenger. (Luk 1:30,31) Angel Gabriel came to Mary (Mat 28:5) Angel came to a woman in front of Jesus tomb. (Act 12:7) Angel liberated Peter from prison. (1 Kgs 19:5) Angel brought food to Elijah.
--> The mission of the angels is to glorify and praise God, and to be the servant and messenger for both God and mankind.
(2) The relationship between angels and man.
1) Man is master. (1 Cor 3:16) Man is the temple of God. (1 Cor 6:3) Man judges the angels.
2) Angels are the servant of man. (Heb 1:14) Angels serve man (Rom 22:8,9) Angel is a servant
3) Angels act like man. (Gen 19:5) The people mistook the angels at men in Lots house. (Gen 32:35) Jacob wrestled with an angel. (Gen 18:8) Angels ate a meal with Abraham. (Heb 13:2) People mistook angels as normal servants.
4) The archangel is Lucifer. (Isa 14:12) How you are fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning Daystar son of dawn fell down from heaven. (Eze 28:13-16) You (angel) were in Eden were cast down from the mountain of God. You were the annointed guardian Cherub.
(b) The motivation and process of the spiritual fall.
--> The fall between the archangel and Eve.
(1) God's love is vertical, parental love.
1) Before the creation of the human ancestors, the archangel who was the servant, existed as the central person of the angels and all things.
--> Therefore, before the creation of the human ancestors, the archaangel Lucifer received and monopolized a higher level of God's vertical, parental love than anything else in all the creation. ; The archangel looks, thinks and acts as if he were a king.
2) Because Adam and Eve were created as the lord of the archangels and the children of God they received a higher level of God's vertical parental love than the archangel.
--> Therefore Adam and Eve should become True Parents and king of kings toward all of makind, the angelic world and all things.
(2) The archangels comparison of love and the feeling in his mind.
--> Through the archangel comparing these two levels of vertical parental love from God, the archangel felt a lessening of God's vertical parental love as before.
; Therefore the archangel felt in his mind the following three things.
1) The archangel envied Adam's and Eve's position, which is lord of the archangel.
2) He felt jealousy toward the persons who are Adam and Eve.
--> Through arrogance which means being proud of myself, the archangel felt jealousy. This jealousy developed to become hatred and this hatred developed to become violence and murder. (invasion and war).
3) He felt resentment towards God who is the Parent.
(3) God's vertical parental love and the archangels horizontal sexual love.
1) In order for the archangel to compensate for his feeling of lessening of God's love than before, the archangel wanted to keep his same central position towards Adam and Eve even though Adam and Eve were the lord of the archangel.
--> In other words the archangel wanted to take Adam and Eve's position of lord and he wanted to come to exist in Lords position.
2) Methods in order for the archangel to take Adam's and Eve's position of the lord.
--> By killing Adam and Eve the archangel could take the lord's position.
; By taking Eve who should become Adam's wife the archangel could make her his own wife.
3) Finally the archangel chose the method of taking Eve as his wife.
--> This action is horizontal sexual love.
; In order to receive God's vertical, parental love the archangel tried to realize this purpose through horizontal sexual love with Eve.
(4) The archangel who was the wisest among the 3 major angels persuaded Eve.
--> During the growing period of Adam and Eve, the archangel guided taught and took care of them as a teacher or parent.
; Because the archangel is a teacher and Adam is a classmate for Eve, Eve thinks that the archangel is wiser and better than Adam.
1) Eve's age was 16 years old. In the beginning Eve kept God's word not to eat absolutely and rejected satan's word.
2) The archangel, who is a servant, was sexually attracted to Eve, who is the lord and felt a strong impulse of horizontal sexual love towards Eve.
3) Without receiving Eve's permission, the archangel cannot realize his horizontal sexual desire.
--> Therefore the archangel continuously tried to persuade Eve every day.
4) Eve's mind gradually moved and changed and she began to forget God's commandment not to eat.
--> Finally she accepted satan's word to eat, which is marriage to the archangel.
(5) The archangel made Eve fall. When the archangels excessive sexual desire and Eve's premature sexual desire made a reciprocal base, the evil power of give and take action was produced. Through this evil power the archangel and Eve fell.
--> This was the spiritual fall.
; The archangel felt pangs of conscience because the servant cannot sexually love the lord Eve eternally.
(6) The archangel, as the servant, dominated Eve, who was the lord through the illicit horizontal sexual love between the archangel and Eve.
--> This was the reversl of dominion between the lord and the servant.
Whe the archangel persuaded and seduced Eve to reject God's word, if Eve would have reported and prayed to God a reciprocal base would have been made between Eve and God and the good power of give and take action would have been produced.
--> Through this good power, Eve could have rejected the archangels persuasion and seduction and could never have fallen.
If Eve had not been persuaded by the archangel, and had rejected the archangels word in her period of immaturity, then she would not have fallen and the archangel would not have fallen and become satan.
; In this sense, Eve was responsible for the archangel becoming satan, because she was his master and God's commandment was given to her.
Concerning the spiritual fall between Eve and the archangel, Eve had primary responsibility and the archangel had secondary responsibility
--> Eve as the lord should have the qualification to dominate the archangel as the servant.
--> Although God did not create evil angels, after the fall, a good angel became satan or the devil.
Concerning the physical fall, Adam had primary responsibility and fallen Eve had the secondary responsibility (between Adam and fallen Eve).
--> Adam, as the Lord, should have the qualification to dominate fallen Eve.
The order of responsibility to prevent the fall was: Adam --> Eve --> archangel After the fall, the order of evil was: archangel --> Eve --> Adam
The archangel felt pangs of conscience at the fall in spite of feeling evil joy and satisfaction through sexual gratification (fornication).
Eve did not completely understand sexual desire at the time of the fall.
Two kinds of evil desire are excessive desire and premature desire.
a) Excessive desire.
1) The desire of a servant to usurp the master's position.
2) The desire of a prostitute to become a virgin.
3) The desire of a beggar to become a rich man. (The desire of a gambler to become a rich man quickly).
4) The desire of someone to deceitfully a doctorate degree.
b) Premature desire.
1) The desire of a farmer who wants to harvest before his crops are ripe.
2) The desire of Unification members who do not want to wait until the Blessing.
3) The desire of the chrysanthemum which naturally blossoms in autumn to want to bloom in spring.
a) Vertical parental love
(1) Parents love their children.
--> After the fall according to their conscience, parents try to realize vertical parental love.
(2) Compassionate, sympathetic, merciful love.
--> these three aspects of love belong to vertical parental love.
; Jesus' love, Buddha's love / mercy and Confucious' compassion or sympathy means allmost the same thing which is vertical parental love.
b) Vertical returning love
--> Children return beauty to their parents.
; Children show appreciation to their parents because of their parents vertical love. Their children are called children of filial piety or dutiful children.
c) Horizontal love
(1) Horizontal sexual love between husband and wife.
--> Husbands give love to their wives. And the wife returns beauty to her husband.
(2) Horizontal friendly love
--> Horizontal friends love between brothers and brothers (elder and younger).
; Horizontal friends love between sisters and sisters (elder and younger).
(3) Horizontal enemies love
--> Jesus loves his enemies.
d) Vertical parental love and horizontal sexual love.
--> Children who do not receive the vertical parental love of their parents easily commit actions of horizontal sexual love during the growing period of school time.
(c) The motivation and the process of the physical fall. (The fall between fallen Eve and Adam).
(1) After Eve and the archangel fell, Eve gained the following 3 things:
1) Fallen Eve felt uneasy, insecure, fearful, painful, regretful and remorseful because she acted against her conscience.
2) Through her relationship with the archangel, Eve received the knowledge that her original husband was to be Adam.
3) Eve fell from the position of the wife of the Lord to the position of the wife of a servant.
--> She became the first prostitute in human history.
(2) Fallen Eve's thinking was that the only way to leave the realm of death and regain life was through a relationship with Adam.
1) Eve considered confessing her fallen action to Adam and that she had become the wife of a servant (prostitute).
2) Eve also considered deceitfully hiding her sin and not confessing (her fallen action to Adam).
--> She finally decided to deceitfully hide her sin and not to confess.
(3) Fallen Eve persuaded Adam in two ways:
1) She deceitfully hid her sin (that she was a prostitute).
2) She strongly persuaded Adam to deny God's commandment not to eat everyday.
--> In the beginning Adam kept God's commandment not to eat absolutely. After receiving fallen Eve's persuasion Adam gradually began to forget God's commandment not to eat.
3) Finally Adam was persuaded by fallen Eve.
(4) After fallen Eve experienced illicit horizontal sexual love with the archangel, she sexually approached and seduced Adam who did not yet know sexual love.
--> Then she stimulated Adam's evil sexual desire and caused him to have an impulse of evil sexual love.
(5) When fallen Eve's excessive desire and Adam's premature desire formed a reciprocal base, the evil power of give and take action was produced.
--> Through this evil power, fallen Eve and Adam fell.
; this was the physical fall.
(6) Fallen Eve dominated fallen Adam who was the lord through the illicit, horizontal sexual love between fallen Eve and fallen Adam.
--> This was the reversal of dominion between the Lord and his wife.
When fallen Eve tried to persuade Adam to reject God's word, if Adam had reported and prayed to God, a reciprocal base would have been made between Adam and God and the good power of give and take action would have been produced.
--> Through this power, Adam could have rejected fallen Eve's persuasion and seduction and could never have fallen.
Adam had a chance to prevent the fall 3 times.
1) Through not being persuaded by fallen Eve to reject God's word not to eat Adam could have kept God's commandment not to eat.
2) By making a reciprocal base with God through reporting and praying to God, Adam could have kept God's commandment not to eat.
3) By Eve's confessing her sexual sin with th earchangel to Adam, Adam could have kept God's commandment not to eat.
--> By rejecting God's word and not overcoming sexual desire Adam as the lord fell to become a foolish, miserable servant through Adam losing 3 very good chances.
1) If Adam would have kept God's commandment not to eat Adam would not have fallen.
--> Therefore Adam could have grown to reach perfection through passing his period of immaturity to become the Messiah.
2) Through receiving God's guidance Adam as the Messiah would try to save fallen Eve and the fallen archangel.
--> Adam should guide fallen Eve, who later is represented by Sarah, to reject the fallen archangels seduction, who is represented by the king (Pharoah).
--> The reasons why fallen Eve could not confess.
1) She felt very ashamed that she had become a prostitute in her conscience.
2) She felt very afraid that she would be rejected by Adam because she was no longer a virgin.
3) Allthough she committed a terrible sexual sin with a servant, through her arrogance of being proud of herself seh pretended to be a good person.
Eve made several great mistakes
1) Eve did not keep God's commandment not to eat.
2) Eve did not report and pray to God.
3) Eve did not confess and report.
4) Eve did not willingly receive punishment, like the example of the prostitute in the Bible (Jn 8:3-11)
5) Eve did not want to go to hell alone. therefore she brought Adam with her to hell.
6) Eve inherited sexual action from the archangel and multiplied and transfered this sexual action to Adam.
The best way to separate from satan and be liberated from his sin is through confession, repentance and paying indemnity.
1) The best way is to follow God's word not to eat. However, if a mistake is made, it is then best to confess and repent.
; The earlier you confess and repent, the earlier you will separate from satan and be saved. The later you confess and repent, the later you will separate from satan and be saved.
The archangels great mistakes were as follows.
1) The archangel as a servant took and siezed the human parents right and the kings right.
--> This is the desire to become a lord or leader.
2) The archangel as the servant sexually loved and took the lord's wife.
Fallen Adam and Eve felt pangs of conscience at the time of the fall in spite of their feeling of evil joy and satisfaction through evil horizontal sexual gratification.
Adam did not completely understand sexual desire at the time of the fall.
For Eve the archangel was satan. For Adam fallen Eve was satan.
For sisters, a handsome man or boy is satan. For brothers, a beautiful woman or girl is satan.
The Results of the Fall(a) The restoration of the fallen family and nation.
--> The loss and restoration of the 3 blessings and the 4 position foundation.
kick out |
Jn 8:44 Devil is Father |
Satan |
God |
God |
Fallen Eve |
Fallen Adam |
Holy Spirit |
Jesus |
Mt 3:7 Mt 23:33 Children of vipers |
Fallen children |
Gal 4:5 Ro 8:23 Adopted son Spiritual salvation |
Ro 7:19 21 All things wait for Adopted son |
Satans sovereignty Gods sovereignty
Satans king dynasty Christian king dynasty
2 Cor 4:4 God of world Lk 14:26 Is 9:6
Jn 12:31 Ruler of world Mt 10:35 37 Gal 5:22 Fruit of the
Gal 5:19 satans sins Mt 10:38 spirit
Gal 5:24 sins of the Jn 12:25
flesh should Mk 8:34
crucify my Mt 5:28
evil desire 1 Cor 6:18
(b) The 4 kinds of fallen natures and the 4 kinds of sin. (Mat 15:11-19) (Hos 4:2)
(a) Failure to take God's viewpoint (God's word).
--> Sin of falsehood, disbelief, rebellion.
God's word sin of Accept satan's do not eat falsehood word
choose sin of Reject God's disbelief word Satan's word should eat sin of Become satan's Satan's thought rebellion slave and Communism Human against God responsibility
--> Eve and Adam committed the sins of falsehood, disbelief and rebellion.
; If fallen mankind is to be liberated from these sins, they must first accept God's word.
; Through accepting God's word (Divine Principle), we can restore the failure to take God's viewpoint.
Notice: How is fallen nature produced and how does it result in the 4 kinds of sin?
Satan's word + desire |
evil desire |
evil habits evil character evil heart |
4 kinds of fallen nature |
4 kinds of sin |
By licentious will
(b) Leaving one's proper position.
--> Sin of adultery (fornication).
(1) The archangel left the servant's position and reached the master's position when Eve accepted him and they committed the sin of adultery.
(2) Fallen Eve left the prostitute's position and reached the master's position when Adam accepted her and they committed the sin of adultery.
(3) In any case, if anyone commits the sin of adultery, they must first leave their proper position.
(4) Bible verses that help us prevent the sin of adultery.
--> Liberation from the sin of adultery.
1) "Do not eat" (Gen 3:13)
2) "Do not touch" (Gen 3:1-3)
3) "Do not look" (Gen 3:6)
4) "Do not think" (Mat 5:28)
5) "Do not even dream" (1 Cor 6:9-20)
(4) Reversal of dominion.
--> Sin of murder.
(1) After the archangel fell and became satan, the archangel became the master of Eve.
--> After fallen Eve fell with Adam, she dominated Adam. (This is the reversal of dominion).
(2) Therefore, the archangel became the master of Adam.
--> Cain, representing the archangel, became the master of Abel who represented Adam.
(3) According to the reversal of dominion, Cain committed the sin of murder by killing Abel.
--> Jealousy, arrogance, hatred, aggressiveness, violence and murder (suicide, homicide).
(4) If someone wants to be liberated from the sin of murder and restore the reversal of dominion, they must love their enemy like Jacob and Joseph did.
(d) The multiplication of sin, self-justification and transference of responsibility.
--> The sin of robbery
(1) The multiplication of 3 kinds of sin previously described.
--> Horizontal multiplication through family, society, nation and world.
; Vertical multiplication through passing on sins to descendants.
(2) After satan dominated mankind, centering on the first 3 kinds of sins, satan could seize (capture) all things.
--> This is the sin or robbery.
(3) Like Jacob, mankind must give all things to his enemy (Esau) and love his enemy. Through this, mankind can subjugate satan and restore all things.
--> Jacob must enable Esau to establish the foundation of faith.
The relationship between the 4 fallen natures, the 4 kinds of sin and the 4 basic essences (structures) in human society.
(a) Truth and thought system.
(1) Institutions of thought and education
1) Elementary, middle, high school, college and university.
2) Church, cathedral, synagogue, mosque, temple
3) Media, library, museum, bookstore
(2) Providential organizations in the Unification movement
3) WMA, Newspapers
(3) The contents of thought and education
1) God's truth
--> Divine rinciple and natural law
2) Satan's word
--> False theories and doctrines, communism, shamanism, hinduism, shintoism.
3) God's word and satan's word.
--> All religious theories include partial truth and partial falsehood.
(4) The failure to take God's viewpoint (God's word)
1) The sin of falsehood, disbelief and rebellion
2) Satan's neck chain.
(b) Love and family system.
(1) Love is the basic power to make the family.
1) The family is the basic system for the existence of human society.
2) Without the family, the human society would perish and disapear.
(2) True love centering on God.
1) Priests and nuns should live alone their whole life for 2000 years by God's order.
2) At the last days mankind can receive the blessing from True Parents.
--> Through this mankind can become a child of God.
(3) False love centering on satan
1) After the fall, every marriage and family belongs to satan until receiving the blessing
2) Evil sexual phenomena centering on satan
--> Marriage and divorce, one husband and several wives, (includes evil kings), one wife and several husbands, (includes prostitutes), free sex, child sexual abuse.
3) After the fall mankind lost True Parents and belonged to satan's false parents.
(4) Leaving ones proper position
1) The sin of adultery
2) Satan's waist chain.
(c) Sovereignty and political system.
(1) Without living in a community mankind cannot exist.
1) The first type of community was the realtionship between Cain and Abel (Esau and Jacob)
2) Human communal societies developed from agrarian societies into urban societies and nation societies.
3) Human communal societies absolutely require a sovereignty in order to maintain order.
(2) Satan's king dynasty history.
--> After the human ancestors fall, satan established and maintained evil king dynasties using military power.
; According to the law of indemnity (Karma), the evil king dynasty is destroyed (perishes) by another king dynasty.
; Until today, evil king dynasties have repeatedly risen and fallen.
--> This satan's king dynasty history is realized through the elder brothers history.
(3) Religious cultural history
--> God's providential history of restoration is established and maintained by God's guidance and human responsibility.
; Cultural history centering on religion is realized through god's blood, sweat and tears.
--> God's religious cultural hsitory is realized through the younger brothers history.
* Satan's weapons are military weapons. However, God's weapons are sweat, blood and tears.
(4) How do politcal systems change in history ? Satan's king dynasty --> democratic system --> God's king dynasty.
(5) The reversal of dominion
1) The sin of murder
2) Satan's wrist chains.
(d) Money and economic system.
(1) Without food, clothing and shelter mankind cannot exist.
1) Human economic (material) life is realised through the economic organization, which are production, distribution and consumption.
2) The greatest 3 inventions in human economic life.
--> Fire
; God gave mankind air, sunlight, water and soil.
--> Tools
; Stone, bronze, iron.
--> money
; Shell money, bronze money, silver money, gold money, cash money, check money, credit money.
(2) The human essential desires for existance and multiplication of descendents.
1) Desire to eat Desire to sleep These belong to natural law Desire to wear
2) Desire for sex This belongs to God's commandment
(3) The history of the developement of the productive force.
--> The developement of the productive force depends on the developement of natural science and technology.
1) The history of the developement of transportation.
--> Animal, water, wheel, steam engine, combustion engine, jet rocket.
2) The history of the developement of machines.
--> Tools, simple machine, steam machine, combustion engine machine and electric motor machine.
(4) The history of the changing of the economic system.
1) King ownership system
2) Private ownership system
3) Communist party ownership system
4) All land and property should be restored to God.
(5) The multiplication of sin and self-justification.
1) The sin of robbery
2) Satan's ankle chains.
(c) The tree of sin and the tree of life.
satan's evil king dynasty
Islam Communism Kingdom
Confucianism of Christianity Buddhism Heaven
Blessing - take Parents away original sin
cut and engraft
Mohammed Confucious Buddha |
Adam / Eve |
Tree of sin |
Jesus O.T Tree of life |
Second Coming N.T Tree of live |
(a) Original sin (root).
sin of falsehood disbelief and rebellion Adam and Eve committed sin sins of sin of adultery Adam's family sin of murder Cain and Abel sin of robbery committed sin
(b) Collective sin (trunk).
1) Jesus came on earth as the tree of life and he tried to cut the trunk of the tree of sin in order to take away its root. But, through the crucifixion, he did not fulfill his mission.
2) The 4 kinds of sin continued to be passed on to mankind. In addition, there was the sin of the murder of Jesus.
3) But, anyone believing in Jesus Christ could receive spiritual salvation.
(c) Hereditary sin (branch).
(1) Mankind can inherit the 4 kinds of sin from 4 to 7 generations of his ancestors. (Exo 20:5) (Exo 34:6,7)
(2) If the branch ancestors believe in Jesus or any other religion, their good merit can be inherited by their descendants. --> But, if the ancestors did not believe in any religion (or practice goodness), then only evil and the 4 kinds of sin can be inherited by their descendants.
(d) Personal sin (small branches and leaves).
(1) The 4 kinds of sin that are committed by any individual.
(2) This person can receive spiritual salvation through belief in Jesus and the practice of repentance.
(3) This person can receive perfect salvation through belief and attendance in the 2nd coming (True Parents) and by receiving the Blessing which takes away original sin.
(e) Explanation of the tree of life and tree of sin.
(1) After Adam and Eve fell, all mankind belonged to the tree of sin.
(2) According to God's providence, Jesus came as the tree of life (messiah), but he could only cut 1/2 of the trunk, because of the crucifixion. Therefore, he only brought spiritual salvation.
--> Because Jesus could not take away original sin, Christianity remains and lives in the tree of sin.
(3) Also, the peripheral religions (Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam) could only partially cut down the tree of sin.
(4) The second coming (messiah) became True Parents and opened the gate of blessing by taking away original sin.
--> Through this Blessing and engrafting, the True Parents completely cut down the tree of sin. Therefore, the tree of sin will disappear externally and only the tree of life will remain eternally.
--> Today, the tree of sin includes Judeo-Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, HInduism, other religions, all philosophies, all thought systems and communism.
(d) Activities of good and evil spirits.
God good sp. good sp body phys body good actions
satan evil sp. evil sp body phys body evil actions
Good spirits of the O.T. age and the N.T. age.
--> This means good spirit selves or good angels. These spirits are often referred to as the Holy Spirit in the Bible.
Concerning Jesus, the trinity and rebirth, the Holy Spirit absolutely means the female spirit in the position of spiritual True Mother. (Jno 3:)
(a) Good groups and evil groups.
(1) Good groups.
1) Servant of servant religions
--> Hinduism (nature worship, etc.)
2) Servant religions
--> Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, Judaism.
3) Adopted son religion
--> Christianity (Rom 8:23).
4) True son religion
--> Unification Church.
--> According to the level of religion, good spirits will guide, help and influence good religious groups.
(2) Evil groups.
1) Until fallen society becomes the kingdom of heaven, governments belong to the evil group.
--> Communist governments and king dynasties.
2) There are many kinds and levels of evil groups centering on the 4 kinds of sin and their specific organization.
3) Mafia, drug groups, terrorist groups, gay groups, racist groups, phonographic groups, gambling groups, communist groups, satanic "religious" groups and satanic rock groups.
(b) Good ancestors and evil ancestors.
(1) Good ancestors.
--> We can receive good influence from good ancestors who believed in various kinds of religions.
(2) Evil ancestors.
--> We can receive evil influence from evil ancestors who committed the 4 kinds of sin.
(3) Good ancestors (5% - 20%) Evil ancestors (80% - 95%)
(c) How good spirits and evil spirits can influence me.
(1) I receive good and evil influence from the nation.
--> Evil king dynasty government, communist, democratic, military king dynasty, government and democratic government.
(2) I receive good and evil influence from the various religious groups and from evil criminal groups.
(3) I receive good and evil influence from good and evil ancestors.
(4) I receive good and evil influence from good family and school, and evil family and school.
(5) My responsibility.
1) Separate from satan.
--> I must liberate myself from the evil nation, evil groups, evil ancestors, evil spirits, through repentance and paying indemnity.
2) By receiving help from good spirits.
--> I must receive good spiritual help from the Unification Church good spirits (Heung Jin Nim, Jesus) and my good ancestors.
3) I make the foundation that determines if good spirits support me or if evil spirits dominate me.
--> I can make a good foundation through absolute faith and practice. Or, I can make an evil foundation through complaint and dissatisfaction. Complaint and dissatisfaction are poison for my spirit self.
(e) The same action is determined as good or evil according to its purpose or direction.
a) God's word and satan's theory.
(1) God's word is the truth.
--> It is evil for someone to destroy the truth.
(2) Satan's word is evil and sinful.
--> It is good for someone to destroy satan's theory through Divine Principle.
b) Sins concerning love (conjugal forms of love).
(1) It is good and God's blessing for a Blessed husband and wife to love one another within the family.
(2) It is the sin of fornication for priests and nuns to love each other.
(3) It is the sin of adultery to love another's husband or wife.
(4) It is the sin of fornication for members to love each other before the Blessing. (Belongs to excessive and premature desire).
(5) It is the sin of fornication for members and people to love each other homosexually.
c) The sin of murder.
(1) It is the sin of murder for someone to kill another person for any private reason.
(2) It is not the sin of murder for someone to kill another person for a public reason.
1) The flood judgement at the time of NOah was not the sin of murder.
2) The killing of the 7 tribes of Canaan was not the sin of murder.
3) It is not the sin of murder to kill a condemned man by a judge's decision.
4) A policeman who has to kill a criminal in the line of duty does not commit the sin of murder.
d) The sin of robbery.
(1) It is the sin of robbery for someone to seize another person's property for a private purpose.
(2) It is not the sin of robbery for a national sovereignty to take property (taxes) from the people.
(3) It is not the sin of robbery for a national sovereignty to take property (fines) from criminals (people who break the laws).
(f) The various standards of value.
(1) The standards of good and evil of various religions.
--> The standard of good and evil is decided by the theories and doctrines of various religions and religious denominations.
(2) The standards of good and evil of various nations.
--> The standard of good and evil is decided by the law of various nations. (communist, democratic, religious-political, military- dictatorship, etc.)
; Communist system =
--> Theory + one-party, military-dictatorship + centralized economic system.
; Nazi (fascist) system =
--> Nationalism + one-party, military-dictatorship + free market economic system.
(3) Standard of good and evil of various philosophies, thought systems and traditions.
--> The standard of good and evil is decided by various theories and doctrines of philosophies, through systems and traditions.
--> Bentham theory (utilitarianism) = good and evil is decided by the majority in the parliament.
--> Dewey's theory (pragmatism) = good and evil is decided by practicality (also known as instrumentalism).
--> Tribes in developing nations = good and evil is decided by their traditions.
(4) The standard of conscience.
--> Fallen mankind decides the standard of good and evil by choosing among the various national laws:
; various religious theories and doctrines,
; and various philosophies, thought systems and traditions.
--> By choosing among these theories or doctrines, fallen man decides his standard of conscience.
(5) Evil mind.
--> Evil desire (self-centered thought and desire), excessive desire and premature desire.
--> This evil desire forms a reciprocal base with satan. Through this foundation, the evil power of give and take action is produced.
--> We call this evil power the evil mind.
(6) The standard of the original mind.
--> The spirit mind forms a reciprocal base with God's word. Through this foundation, the good power of give and take action is produced. We call this good power the original mind.
; The compass always points to the North Pole. The original mind is the compass and God's word is the North Pole.
--> Since the fall, satan has been dominating man's spirit mind. Because of God's grace in the ages of restoration, the central person's spirit mind can be restored and the original mind can work properly through this central person.
(7) The ultimate (absolute) value of the standard of goodness.
--> The True Parents' Divine Principle (God's word) is the absolute value of the standard of goodness.
--> This Divine Principle is the rod of iron. (Psa 2:8-10) (Rev 12:5)
--> Through this absolute value, all standards of value throughout history in the fields of religious teachings, philosophy, thought systems and traditions, will be judged and will eventually disappear eternally.
<4> The Method to Prevent the Fall and how the Fall was Possible
Diagram (1)
Autonomy of Principle Force of Principle Force of Love
Dominion of Principle
Commandment Force of love Not to eat + Faith
God's word Eve Eve AA
Free will Fulfill human Fail responsibility
God's word Eve Eve AA
Diagram (2) The method to prevent the fall of Eve.
--> Possibility of the fall of Eve.
Method to prevent the fall of Eve Good power of give and take action Make a reciprocal base
God's word not to eat Eve's faith Eve's AA faith
Free will Fulfill Human responsibility
Possibility of the fall of Eve Make a reciprocal base Evil power of give and take action
God's word not to eat No Eve's faith No Eve's AA faith
Human responsibility Fail Licentious will
Explanation (a)
(1) The method to prevent Eve's fall.
1) When the archangel tried to seduce Eve into immoral fornication, Eve had already received God's word.
--> If Eve had reported or prayed to God, then God's word and Eve's faith would have formed a reciprocal base and the good power of give and take action would have been produced.
2) Through this good power Eve could have rejected the archangel's seduction and Eve would not have fallen.
; Therefore, if Eve had not fallen, the archangel could not have become satan.
(2) The possibility of the fall.
1) When the archangel tried to seduce Eve into immoral fornication, if Eve and the archangels seduction made a reciprocal base then the evil power of give and take action would be produced.
2) Through this evil power, the archangel and Eve fell.
--> For Eve, the fallen archangel is satan.
(3) How is good power and evil power produced ?
1) Neutral power When subject and object form a reciprocal base, the power of give and take action is produced.
2) Good power. When subject and object form a reciprocal base centering on good desire, which is combining God's word and desire, then good power of give and take action is produced.
3) Evil power. When subject and object form a reciprocal base centering on evil desire, which is combining satan's word and desire, then evil power of give and take action is produced.
Diagram (3) The method to prevent the fall of Adam.
--> Possibility of the fall of Adam
Method to prevent the fall of Adam Good power of give and take action Make a reciprocal base
God's word not to eat Adam's faith Adam's faith AA
Free will Fulfill Human responsibility
Possibility of the fall of Adam Make a reciprocal base Evil power of give and take action
God's word not to eat No Adam's faith No Adam's AA faith
Human responsibility Fail Licentious will
Explanation (a)
(1) The method to prevent Adam's fall.
1) When fallen Eve tried to seduce Adam into immoral fornication, Adam had already received God's word.
--> If Adam had reported or prayed to God, then God's word and Adam's faith would have formed a reciprocal base and the good power of give and take action would have been produced.
2) Through this good power Adam could have rejected fallen Eve's seduction and Adam would not have fallen.
; Therefore, if Adam had not fallen he would have become the Messiah and could have saved fallen Eve.
(2) The possibility of Adam's fall.
1) When fallen Eve tried to seduce Adam into immoral fornication, if Adam and fallen Eve's seduction made a reciprocal base then the evil power of give and take action would be produced. 2) Through this evil power, Adam and fallen Eve fell.
--> For Adam, fallen Eve is satan.
<5> Freedom and License (self-indulgence) centering on human responsibility.
--> Free will and Licentious will.
(a) the contents of freedom.
(1) There is no freedom apart from the Principle.
(2) There is no freedom without the fulfillment of human responsibility.
(3) There is no freedom without actual result in the accomplishment of the purpose of creation.
(1) Truth (God's word, natural law) belongs to God.
(2) Beauty belongs to all things.
(3) Goodness belongs to mankind (Psa 23:6)
(b) Explanation of freedom and license.
Free action Become a child of God free will
God's word not to eat Fulfill Life Blessing Freedom Principle
Good result Will Faith
Intellect + Desire (emotion)
Licentious action Self indulgence
Become a child of satan
satan's word damm Fail licentious will Death Curse License Punishment
Non Princ.
Fall is caused evil result by license
Confess my sin Unfree action to others Divorce
Reject satan's word Separate Liberate from satan by the fall Repent to God Lost freedom Pay indemnity
Self sacrifice Became the Self denial slave to sin
<6> The Reasons why God did not Intervene in the Fall of the First Human Ancestors.
--> The Omniscient, Omnipotent God knew about and could have prevented the fall. Why didn't he prevent it.
(a) In order to set up man as the dominator of all things and angels:
(1) According to the principle of creation.
--> The personality person and the period of immaturity in the growing period.
1) The personality person can grow to perfection through separating from satan and rejecting satan's word to eat.
--> And through controlling my desire by learning, believing and practicing God's word.
; It is God's responsibility to give mankind his word and it is mankind's responsibility to learn, believe and practice God's word "not to eat."
2) When mankind achieves perfection, he gains 2 qualifications: To become the son/daughter of God and to become lord of angels and all things (to dominate all things and angels).
3) When the personality person gains these 2 qualifications, it becomes possible to pass beyond the period of immaturity in the growing period.
(2) If God directly intervenes in the human ancestors' fall during the period of immaturity in the growing period, he would give the qualification of perfection to immature man.
1) Then, first, mankind would eternally remain in a state of immaturity and
2) Second, mankind would not be able to gain the qualification to be the son/daughter of God, and dominate all things and angels.
(3) Therefore, God did not interfere in the human ancestors' fall during the period of immaturity in the growing period, so that man could become the son of God and so that man could dominate all things and angels.
(b) For the sake of the absoluteness and perfection of the Principle.
(1) According to the Principle of creation.
--> The personality person and the period of indirect dominion in the growing period.
; Until the personality person reaches perfection by passing through the period of immaturity, which is the growing period, God cannot dominate him directly. God can only dominate him indirectly through God's word. Therefore, we call this period of immaturity, the period of God's indirect dominion.
(2) The human ancestors fall occurred during the period of immaturity which is God's indirect dominion.
--> If God tried to prevent the fall and directly interfered in the human ancestor's fall, it would violate and destroy the Divine Principle which states that God may not directly intervene and dominate mankind while he is still in the period of immaturity during the growing period, which is God's indirect dominion.
(3) God is an absolute God through the Divine Principle.
--> If God violates and destroys the Principle, then God cannot be the absolute God.
; Therefore, in order for God to be the absolute God, for the sake of the absoluteness and perfection of the Principle, God cannot prevent and interfere with the fall.
(c) In order that God alone be the creator.
(1) Because God is the creator, if he interferes in some action or event, God gives it the value of creation.
; Therefore, if God interfered in the 1st human ancestors fall, he would have given this fallen action the value of His creation.
(2) The human ancestors fall occurred because of satan.
--> Therefore, if God interferes in the human ancestors' fall, he would come to give this fallen action the value of His creation. Because of this, satan would become the 2nd creator.
(3) Therefore, because God did not want to make satan the 2nd creator, He did not interfere in the human ancestors' fall, in order that He alone would remain the creator.
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