Unification Sermons and Talks |
Rev. Ahn |
Notes on Rev Ahn's 40 Day Workshop
Notice (a) Elder brother and younger brother (2)
(1) Archangel |
Cain |
All mankind |
Shem |
Adam |
Abel |
Noah |
Ham |
(2) Egypt king |
Ishmael |
Esau |
10 elder brothers |
Abraham |
Isaac |
Jacob |
Joseph |
(3) King Pharaoh |
Aaron |
12 tribe leaders |
12 tribe leaders |
Moses |
Moses |
Moses |
Joshua |
(4) John the Baptist |
12 disciples of Jesus |
King Herod |
Roman Emperor |
Jesus |
Jesus |
Jesus |
Jesus |
Notice (b) Two kinds of function of Cain and Abel
Elder brother (first son) = Lord (master)
1) Cain Esau Peter Archangel = Servant
Younger brother (second son) = Lord (master) Jacob
2) Abel Jesus Adam = Lord (master)
Adam's Family
God 5a)
5c) 1) 4) Adam 2)
3b) 3c) Archangel Cain Abel Adam servant Lord
7) 6)
Servant becomes Lord Elder brother Lord Younger brother Servant Lord becomes servant
Lord should return to become the servant Elder brother should return to become younger brother Younger brother should return to become elder brother Servant should return to being the Lord
Younger brother to restore the elder brothers birthright
5b) God First Archangel unprincipled 3a) Eve
Adam Second Adam principled
(1) Fallen Adam exists in the midway position:
a) God, as the creator, has the right to dominate fallen Adam, but because God knows satan has a relationship with fallen Adam through the blood lineage, God cannot insist on exclusive dominion over fallen Adam.
b) Satan also has the right to dominate fallen Adam, through the blood lineage, but because satan knows that God is the creator of Adam who fell, satan also cannot insist on exclusive dominion over fallen Adam.
c) Therefore, fallen Adam exists in the midway position between God and satan.
(2) The reason why fallen Adam should be divided:
a) According to the principle of creation, a being should be dominated by only one master.
b) By falling, fallen Adam as one being was in a position to serve two masters. Therefore, fallen Adam became an unprincipled being.
c) In order for God to make fallen Adam a principled being, God must divide fallen Adam into two beings one serving God and the other serving satan.
(3) The method of division:
Fallen Adam should be divided according to the course of Eve's fall.
a) Eve fell into two kinds of illicit love. The first love with Lucifer, who is the unprincipled partner, and the second love with Adam, who is the principled partner.
; Explanation of the motivation of the fall: (1 Cor 6:3) --- Humankind is the master (Heb 1:14) --- angels are the servants Cain and Abel are the fruits of love between Adam and Eve.
b) Cain, as the first fruit of love (first son) between Adam and Eve, is the representative of the first illicit love between Eve and the archangel. Therefore, Cain represents the archangel (Lucifer) and belongs to satan's side.
c) Abel, as the second fruit of love (second son) between Adam and Eve, is the representative of the second illicit love between Eve and the archangel. Therefore, Abel represents Adam and belongs to God's side.
(4) Abel's sacrifice was accepted by God:
a) Abel, as the second son belonged to God's side, according to the division by the course of Eve's fall.
; Therefore, Abel's offering was accepted by God.
b) Also, as the representative of Adam, Abel can go directly to God because Adam as the Lord can go directly to God.
; Therefore, Abel's offering was accepted by God.
c) Abel should offer his sacrifice in the name of Cain, not his own name, like Jacob did in Esau's name.
(5) Cain's offering was rejected by God:
a) Cain as the first son belonged to satan's side, according to the division by the course of Eve's fall.
; Therefore, Cain's offering was rejected by God.
b) Also, as the representative of the archangel, Cain cannot go directly to God because the archangel as the servant of God cannot go directly to God, but can only go to God indirectly through Adam.
; Therefore, Cain's offering was rejected by God.
c) Cain should reject satan's dominion, through separating from satan.
(6) The gate for Abel to go into the kingdom of heaven is opened by Abel bringing Cain:
--> Abel can only go to God by bringing Cain.
a) Why should Abel as the younger brother gain (restore) the elder brothers position.
(1) Abel and the relationship between Adam and the archangel.
--> After the fall, Adam as the lord became the servant and the archangel as the servant became the lord.
; Therefore, fallen mankind, who are fallen Adam, are dominated by the fallen archangel, who became satan, through evil king dynasties.
(2) Abel and the relationship between the younger brother and the elder brother.
--> Abel, as the younger brother belong's to God's side according to the course of Eve's fall.
; The way that fallen Adam as the servant returns to his original position as the lord is the way that Abel as the younger brother should return to become the elder brother.
b) Abel's tactics and stategy and Abel as the younger brother returns to become the elder brother.
(1) Abel's tactics and stategy.
1) Abel established and maintains religious history by paying sweat, tears and blood through which religious people became martyrs
2) Abel who represents religious people recieved persecution and was killed as their property was seized by the evil king dynasty.
3) According to the law of indemnity (reward), Abel received punishment and paid indemnity without committing any kind of sin.
--> Finally Abel should recieve grace (benefit) and blessing from God as a reward for his good actions.
(2) Abel as the younger brother returns to become the elder brother.
--> When Abel becomes a dead martyr he fails in his mission. However when Abel becomes a living martyr, like Isaac, he succeeds in his mission
; Abel can succeed by making the following conditions, like Jacob and Joseph.
1) Abel should receive punishment from the enemy elder brother without having committed any kind of sin.
2) Abel should not have any complaint or resentment during the time of receiving punishment.
3) Abel should even love the enemy, the elder brother.
4) Finally Abel should give all things to the enemy, the elder brother.
--> Through establishing the four conditions, Abel should guide and educate the enemy elder brother Cain and through this Abel can make Cain obey, follow and serve Abel willingly.
; Finally Abel as the younger brother can return to become the elder.
--> In fact Abel did not make the four conditions and accordingly Abel did not restore the elder brothers birthright.
(7) The gate for Cain to go to the kingdom of heaven is opened by following Abel:
--> Cain can only go to God through Abel.
a) Why should Cain as an elder brother gain (return to) the younger brothers position?
(1) Cain and the relationship between the archangel and Adam.
--> After the fall, the archangel as the servant became the lord and Adam as the lord became the servant.
; Therefore, the archangel, who became satan, as a lord came to dominate fallen mankind, making evil king dynasties.
(2) Cain and the relationship between the elder brother and the younger brother.
--> Cain, as the elder brother belong's to satan's side according to the course of Eve's fall.
; The way that the fallen archangel as the lord returns to his original position as the servant is the way that Cain as the elder brother should return to become the younger brother.
b) Cain's tactics and stategy and Cain as the elder brother should return to become the younger brother.
(1) Cain's tactics and stategy.
1) Cain established and maintained evil king dynasties by using military power.
2) Cain as an evil king, persecuted and killed religious people and seized property from the religious people by using military power.
3) According to the law of indemnity Cain received punishment and paid indemnity for the sins he had committed.
--> Finally Cain should meet his end through being destroyed and perishing.
(2) Cain as the elder brother should return to become the younger brother.
--> The way for Cain to leave and resurrect from the situation of being destroyed and perishing.
1) First Cain should turn and change his evil direction 180 through confessing his sins to others, repentance prayer to God and paying indemnity.
2) Second, cain through these three methods should separate from, divorce from and liberate himself from satan and arrive back to the point where he had originally gained satan's word.
3) Third, Cain should destroy his evil desire through rejecting satan's word.
4) Fourth, through destroying evil desire which is satan's fortress Cain should destroy evil habits and the four kinds of fallen nature.
--> Through passing these four stages, Cain can come to follow Abel willingly.
; Finally Cain as the elder brother can return to become the younger brother.
--> In fact Cain did not pass through these four stages and according to this reason Cain could not return to become the younger brother and instead of this he killed Abel.
Notice (c)
(1) Adams family Abel is killed by Cain.
(2) Noah's family Cain (all mankind) is killed by the flood judgement.
(3) Abraham's family Jacob and Esau both were not killed.
(4) Moses' course Cain (Israel people) and Abel (Moses) both are killed in the wilderness.
--> Cain (second generation Israel) and Abel (Joshua) were not killed.
(5) Jesus' course Cain (John the Baptist) and Abel (Jesus) were both killed.
Notice:(a) The Foundation of faith centering on the history of Israel.
Noah's family Noah New Eden Animals 4 Pos. Fdn. Good sovereignty
Adam's family Fallen Eden All things 4 Pos. Fdn. Evil sovereignty
Satan Flood Judgement (all mankind) (all things )
Time period
Faith & Indemnity Conditional object Central Person
40 days Ark Noah
400 years 3 offerings Abraham Isaac, Jacob
2 40 day fasts 40 day spying Ark of the covenant Moses, Joshua 40 year wilderness
40 day (fast and Christian Church Jesus
400 years martyrdom
Notice (b) The reason why fallen mankind comes to God through all things (offering).
Before the fall After the fall
God God
Adam All things
Eve Adam
Archangel Eve
All things Archangel
Notice (c)
10 Command. Lord's prayer
God Ark of the Jesus' word
All Things All Things All Things Tabernacle Sp. Messiah Church
Adam Abel Jacob Moses Jesus
Eve Mother-son cooperation Rebekah Mother Mother
Archangel Cain Esau Aaron John the Baptist
[The Foundation of Faith]
(Noah's Family)
[1] Noah's foundation of faith:
(a) Noah should separate from satan and should achieve perfection through self-control by learning, believing and practicing God's word "not to eat."
--> 10 generations --- 1,600 years (Adam to Noah) Noah is the second human ancestor and the 1st ancestor of faith. Noah believed and followed God for 120 (40 x 3) years.
--> Noah received persecution from the people, rejected satan's word and seduction, and educated his family.
--> Noah's family entered into the ark, which was made by Noah.
(b) 40 days and the ark:
(1) 40 days flood judgement. 40 = 4 position foundation x 10 generations.
--> This was lost until Noah's time.
Noah's family = Abel = God's side
Separation from satan through flood judgement
All mankind = Cain = satan's side
(2) The ark with 3 decks represents New Eden in 3 stages = New cosmos = new heaven and earth.
Noah --- Family --- Animals
God ---- Mankind -- All Things
(3) Raven and the 3 doves:
1) Raven = satan = archangel
2) 3 doves (after 7 days -- 3 times)
; Adam --> Jesus --> 2nd coming (3 stages in Adam's growing period)
[2] Ham's failure and Ham's foundation of faith:
Shem Ham
(a) Ham's failure:
Before the Fall --> did not feel shame
--> Adam's time
After the Fall --> did feel shame (covered lower parts)
--> Noah's time.
--> After the 40-day flood judgement, they should feel as before the fall (no shame), but Ham felt as after the fall (shame about Noah's nakedness or lower parts). Ham should have restored this, but Ham failed.
(b) Ham's foundation of faith:
--> Ham did not inherit Noah's foundation of faith.
; Ham did not separate from satan because of his failure concerning Noah's naked body. Therefore, Ham did not establish his own foundation of faith.
--> According to this reason, how could Ham start to establish the foundation of substance?
Abraham's Family
Diagram - Abraham's journey
Tigris Babylon
Euphrates Persia (Iran)
Canaan (3) Chaldea (Iraq)
(1)Ur Persian Gulf
Gerar (5) (4)
Mt. Sinai
Egypt Red Sea
[1] Foundation of Faith
(a) Abraham's foundation of faith.
(a) Abraham should separate from satan and should achieve perfection through self-control by learning, believing and practicing God's word "not to eat."
(1) Comparison of Noah and Abraham: Noah --> 10 generations x 40 days --> 1st ancestor of faith --> 2nd son Ham.
Abraham --> 400 years --> 2nd ancestor of faith --> 1st son of Terah (idol maker).
(2) Chaldea (Ur) --> Haran --> Canaan (1, 2, 3, on map) (Iraq) (Syria) (Israel) --> (Gen 12:1) Abraham threw away his home town, became a beggar and entered Canaan.
(3) Canaan --> Egypt --> Canaan (3, 4, 3, on map)
--> (Gen 12:10)
--> The archangel had a relationship with Eve while Adam were brother and sister, but the Pharaoh did not have a relationship with Sarah while Abraham and Sarah were (in the position of) brother and sister.
; Sarah restored Eve's fall (for the 1st time in history).
(4) Canaan --> Gerar --> Canaan (3, 5, 3, on map)
--> (Gen 20:1)
--> Abraham failed in the 3 offerings, so he had to restore the fallen action of Adam, Eve and the archangel again. Abraham, Sarah and Abimelech did this.
; Sarah restored Eve's fall again.
(b) Abraham and Sarah's faith:
(1) Abraham separated from satan by rejecting his worldly possessions, his hometown and hie relatives, and by keeping God's word to leave Ur, and by suffering in the desert (no food, house or comfort).
(2) Sarah went into the king's palace, but she rejected the lavish life as a queen (food, clothes and fine jewelry), overcame the adultererous seduction and faithfully returned to her life as the wife of a beggar husband.
(1) Gen 12:10
Abraham --- Sarah <==X==> Pharaoh (Egyption king)
Adam --- Eve <=====> archangel
(2) Gen 20:1
Abraham --- Sarah <==X==> Abimilech (Gerar king)
Adam --- Eve <=====> archangel
(3) (Gen 26:6-11)
Isaac --- Rebekah <==X==> Abimilech (Gerar king)
Adam --- Eve <=====> archangel
(4) (Gen 29:16-28)
Jacob --- fiance (Leah, Rachel) --> worked 7 years.
(5) (Gen 39:4-11;2-23)
Joseph <==X==> Potiphar's wife <=====> Potiphar
Adam <=====> Eve <=====> archangel
(b) The Division of the 3 offerings (Gen 5:9)
--> Abraham separated from sexual satan through giving his wife to the Pharoah and made 3 offerings.
Birds of prey - vultures Mt 25:1-13 Gen 15:9 Hefer Jdg 14:18 Rev 21:9
Ram Gen 15:9 She goat Jn 1:29 ..... Lamb
Dove Gen 15:9 Pigeon Mt 3:16 ..... Dove
Cattle Bull, cow Hefer, calf Sheep Ram, Ewe Lamb
(Jdg 14:18)
"Without my heifer, you would not have solved my riddle: Heifer --> bride, virgin; bride, wife.
Explanation (a)
(1) When did Adam and Eve fall.
--> Adam and Eve fell at the top of the growth stage of the growing period.
1) God showed to mankind that Abraham's offering consisted of pairs in the formation and growth stage, but in the completion stage the offering consisted of a single being, a heffer.
2) This means that Adam and Eve reached the top of the growth stage as a pair (couple) but because of their fall they did not pass into the completion stage of the growing period as a pair (couple).
(2) Jesus inherited Adam's mission
1) Jesus came as a dove and succeeded in his formation stage mission representing the old testament age.
--> Jesus, as a dove, should restore Adam's formation stage failure and Abraham's formation stage offering failure.
2) Jesus came as a lamb and started his growth stagemission representing the new testament age.
--> Jesus, as a lamb, should restore Adam's growth stage failure and Abraham's growth stage offering failure.
(3) Jesus cam as a bridegroom Bridegroom needs a bride.
1) Who shall become the bride ?
--> After the fall all women (sisters) should become the bride to the Messiah Jesus Christ.
; Virgin (Mt 25:1-13) Bride (Rev 21:9) Wife (Jdg 14:18) Heffer --> virgin, bride, wife
2) Then what should all brothers (men) become ?
--> All men should become the restored archangel.
(4) At the top of the growth stage, according to God's providential history of restoration through indemnity restored Adam, restored Eve and restored archangel should appear.
1) The Messiah Jesus Christ who is the restored Adam, appears as the bridegroom.
2) All women, who are restored Eve, should appear as the bride.
3) All men, who are the restored archangel, should appear as the son of the bride who is in the position of Mother.
(5) Why did the blessing given to Abraham change to a curse ?
(1) Abraham did not cut the dove and pigeon of the three offerings. Therefore birds of prey descended on the carcasses of the dove and pigeon.
(2) Becaus Abraham did not cut the dove and pigeon, he recieved a curse and punishment instead of a blessing.
(3) For 400 years, the Israelites were sojourners, slaves and oppressed in a foreign land.
Explanation (b)
(1) The meaning of the 3 offerings:
--> The creation (cosmos) consists of 3 stages of the growing period.
= all humankind and all things
= all humankind and 1/2 the offering + Abraham and 1/2 of the offering
(2) The meaning of dividing the offering:
--> Fallen Adam exists in the midway position between God and satan.
; By dividing the offering, all mankind and 1/2 the offering belong to satan. Abraham and the other 1/2 belong to God.
--> By dividing the offering, the blood of death is purged.
(3) The meaning of not dividing the offering:
--> No part of the offering can be taken by God.
; Therefore, satan takes all of the offering (= all mankind and the offering).
--> The blood of death is not purged.
(4) The birds of prey and the dove:
--> Birds of prey symbolize satan (archangel). The dove symbolized Adam. Birds of prey descending on the offering means that satan dominates Adam.
--> By not dividing the offering, Abraham did not provide God's part (to be offered). Therefore satan claims all of the offering and all of mankind.
(5) 2 kinds of result:
(1) Abraham did not establish the foundation of faith.
(2) Thus, Abraham and his descendants recieved a curse instead of of ablessing. They went to Egypt for 400 years to suffer as sojourners, slaves and oppressed people in a foreign land.
In Adam's family --> archangel and Adam In Noah's family --> raven and dove In Abraham's family --> birds of prey and dove
(c) Abraham's success in the offering of Isaac and Isaac's faith:
(a) Abraham's success in the offering of Isaac.
--> Division of Isaac. (Gen 22:1,2)
Diagram God
Isaac Abraham Ram
(1) The basis upon which Abraham was allowed to make a 2nd offering:
1) Abraham's time is characterised as the completion stage. Just as Adam's time and Noah's time are characterised as the formation and growth stages respectively.
--> Therefore, by principle, Abraham has the condition for success in God's providence (completion stage is the perfection stage).
2) Also Satan took the 2 generations of Adam and Cain.
; Therefore, God has a condition (qualification) to restore the 2 generations of Abraham and Isaac.
(2) The reason for Abraham's success in offering Isaac:
1) Abraham's absolute faith and loyalty formed a reciprocal base with Isaac's absolute obedience. Through ths reciprocal base, the power of give and take action was produced.
2) As a result of this good power of give and take action, Abraham separated satan from Isaac.
3) Abraham and Isaac became living (sacrifices) martyrs.
(3) The result of Abraham's success in offering Isaac:
1) A person who failed in God's providence cannot carry on with the mission or inherit the mission to any successor.
2) Abraham, who failed in the division of the 3 offerings, succeeded in the division of offering Isaac. Through this, Abraham restored his position as though he had succeeded in the division of the 3 offerings.
3) Therefore, restored Abraham can pass on (inherit, transfer) God's providence to Isaac.
(b) Isaac's foundation of faith:
1) Isaac inherited Abraham's foundation of faith through his willingness to give his life to God as an offering.
2) Isaac, with Abraham, established his foundation of faith by offering (sacrificing) a ram. (Gen 22:13)
[2] Jacob's Foundation of Faith and Substance
(a) Jacob's foundation of faith.
(1) Jacob inherited Abraham's and Isaac's foundation of faith.
--> Jacob himself established the foundation of faith by learning from and resembling Abraham's and Isaac's foundation of faith.
--> Jacob should separate from satan and should achieve perfection through self-control by learning, believing and practicing God's word "not to eat."
--> Because of Abraham's mistake, Ishmael was taken by satan. Today Arabs (Ishmael) attack the Jewish people (Isaac).
(b) Conditions for Jacob to establish:
(1) Abel made his offering in the younger's brother's name, but Jacob made his offering in the elder brother's name. (gen 27:18-29)
(2) Jacob received the elder brother's birthright ( ) through a sworn agreement in exchange for bread and lentil stew. (Gen 25:29-34)
--> (From Esau)
(3) Jacob received the elder brother's blessing ( ) using two kids (baby goats). (From Isaac)
--> Mother / son cooperation (Gen 27:5-17)
; Rebekah's faith (Gen 26: 6-11)
(4) Jacob received the blessing of wives and 12 children in Haran ( ).
--> (From Laban) (Gen 28:1-4) (Gen 29:all; 30:all; 31:all)
; Last son Benjamin was born in Canaan.
(5) Jacob received the blessing ( ) through wrestling at the Jabbok river (branch of Jordan river).
--> (From the angel) (Gen 32:24-28)
--> The Angel touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched (socket for the thigh bone in the pelvis).
--> Jacob paid the indemnity condition for the sin of Adam's fornication.
(6) Jacob overcame 21 years of persecution and suffering. (Gen 31:38) (Gen 29:18)
1) Jacob became the slave of Laban, receiving suffering and persecution.
2) Laban deceived Jacob 10 times about property (wages). (Gen 31:40,41)
; Laban deceived Jacob about his daughters. (Gen 29:25)
3) Laban (satan)deceived Jacob many times for his own desire and purpose. Jacob deceived only one time according to God's purpose under his mother's guidance.
; Even though he followed God's guidance, Jacob still had to pay indemnity for his deception.
(b) Jacob's foundation of substance.
(a) Esau's jealousy and resentment, and Jacob's love for his enemy.
(1) Esau shot arrows at the drawing of Jacob for 21 years. Esau had jealousy and resentment because Jacob stole the elder brother's birthright and blessing. (Gen 27:41)
(2) 21 years later, Esau prepared to kill Jacob with 400 armed followers at their first meeting. (Gen 33:1)
(3) Jacob prayed to love his enemy Esau everyday for 21 years while Esau prepared to kill him.
--> After crossing the Jordan river, Jacob met Esau and gave him servants, all things (animals, property) and bowed down to Esau 7 times. (Gen 32:13-21) (Gen 33:3)
--> Animal property are female and male goats, ewes and rams, female camels and their young cows and bulls, female and male donkeys.
(4) Esau could not kill Jacob because Jacob's power to love was stronger than Esau's power to kill.
--> Jacob's love for his enemy melted Esau's jealousy and resentment. (Gen 33:4)
(b) Jacob restored the elder brother's birthright through subjugating satan, who is the elder brother Esau.
(1) Through Jacob loving his enemy Esau and giving all things to him, Jacob guided and educated Esau to accept God's word.
(2) By receiving Jacob's guidance and education, Esau established the foundation of faith. (He should separate from satan and achieve perfection through self-control by learning, believing and practicing God's word "not to eat.")
(3) Esau, as the elder brother, willingly decided to obey, follow and serve Jacob, the younger brother.
; Therefore, Jacob had the ability to make Esau obey, follow and serve him.
(4) Finally, Jacob could restore the elder brother's birthright through subjugating satan (represented by Esau).
--> Jacob, as the younger brother, became the elder brother. Esau, as the elder brother, became the younger brother.
--> Through Jacob's restoration of the elder brother's birthright, Jacob could subjugate the archangel (satan) for the 1st time in history.
(c) Abraham's providential (course) purpose was fulfilled through Isaac and Joseph.
(1) Joseph instead of Jacob fulfilled 4 kinds of conditions (separate from satan and subjugate satan). He then became the prime minister of Egypt.
; After this, their descendants became slaves and received suffering and persecution (because Abraham did not divide the pigeon and dove).
(2) If Abraham had succeeded in the 3 offerings, his descendants would not have had to go to Egypt. They could have stayed in Canaan for 400 years and established a nation of God's sovereignty. Then, Moses would have appeared and welcome the messiah (in his time).
(3) God could not send the messiah at Jacob's time because satan's side had nations and sovereignty, while God's side only had the family foundation for the messiah. (If God had sent the messiah, satan's king dynasty(ies) would have killed him.
(4) Jacob's foundation was the family level foundation for the messiah. Therefore, God had to wait for the national level foundation for the messiah to be established.
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