Unification Sermons and Talks |
Rev. Ahn |
Notes on Rev Ahn's 40 Day Workshop
The Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan at Moses' time.
Diagram - Moses map
Comparison between Jacob's, Moses' and Jesus' course.
(1) Restoration of God's word (separate from satan):
Jacob = Jacob's trial by angel (Gen 32:25-28)
Moses = God's attempt to kill Moses (Exo 4:24-26)
Jesus = 3 temptations after 40-day fast (Mat 4:1-11)
(2) Restoration of spirit and physical bodies:
Jacob = bread and pottage of lentils (Gen 25:34)
Moses = manna and quail (Exo 16:12-15)
Jesus = bread and wine (Jno 6:48-58)
--> flesh and blood.
(3) Restoration of corpse (dead body):
Jacob = embalmed for 40 days (Gen 50:3)
Moses = dispute between satan and Michael (Jude 1:9)
Jesus = body disappeared (Mat 28:12,13)
(4) Restoration of numbers involved in the growing period:
Jacob 3 day period after 12 sons 70 family Haran (Gen 31:22) (Gen 35:22) members (Gen 46:27) Moses Requested 3 day 12 tribes 70 elders period (Ex 5:3) (Ex 24:4) (Ex 24:1)
Jesus 3 day period after 12 apostles 70 disciples crucifixion (Lk 18:33) (Mt 10:1) (Lk 10:1)
1) 3 means heavens, trinity, growing period.
2) 4 means Earth, 4 PF, existence.
3) 7 means creation period including 6.
4) 12 means world including East, West, North, South.
5) 3 x 4 = 12, 3 + 4 = 7
(5) Restoration of perfect Adam (messiah) --> staff:
Jacob = crossed Jordan river with staff (Gen 32:10)
Moses = crossed Red sea with staff (Exo 14:16)
Jesus = crossed the "troubled sea" (the world of suffering) with a rod of iron. (Rev 2:27 ; 12:5)
(6) Restoration of perfect Eve and child (Mother and son cooperation):
Jacob = Rebecca supported Jacob (Gen 27:43)
Moses = Moses' mother saved and raised Moses (Exo 2:2-8)
Jesus = Mary saved Jesus from King Herod (Mat 2:13)
(7) Restoration of archangel by destroying satan (subjugating satan):
Jacob = buried idols under an oak tree (Gen 35:4)
Moses = burned and ground the golden calf and made the people drink it. (Exo 32:20)
Jesus = spiritually subjugated satan on the cross. (Jno 19:30) (Act 1:11) (Luk 23:46)
(8) Restoration of the kingdom of heaven on earth: (From satanic world to heavenly world).
Jacob = Haran to Canaan (Gen 31:13-18)
Moses = Egypt to Canaan (Exo 3:8)
Jesus = Egypt to Israel (Mat 2:13-20)
(9) Conclusion
1) Due to the fall God lost Adam, Eve, archangel and the garden of Eden (5, 6, 7, 8) which consists of the foundation of substance.
--> Adam and Eve also lost God's word by accepting satan's word, Adam's and Eve's spirit body and physical body and the growing period (1, 2, 3, 4) which consists of the foundation of faith.
2) Therefore, God should restore all these lost things centering on Jacob, Moses and the Messiah Jesus.
--> Adam Eve archangel Garden of Eden
Jacob wife Esau Canaan
Moses wife Aaron Canaan
Jesus wife John the Israel Baptist
Resurrected Holy Martyred Martyred
Jesus Spirit Peter Kingdom
Abel Cain
younger brother elder brother
Notice (b)
The reason why Jacob's and Moses' course became the model and pattern for Jesus' course.
--> (Act 3:22) Moses said, "The Lord your God will raise up for a prophet like me from among your won people. You must listen to what him." (Deu 18:15)
; (Jno 5:19) Jesus said, "I tell you the truth. The son can do nothing by himself. He can only do what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does, the son does also.
(1) Because Satan couldn't be obedient to God at the beginning of history, then he could not be expected to be obedient to the messiah who comes as the first human ancestor.
(2) God must make the model course to separate from and subjugate satan through Jacob's and Moses' course so that the messiah (Jesus) can separate from and subjugate satan.
--> Thus, Jacob's course and Moses' course are God's course.
(3) Jesus can separate from and subjugate satan through following Jacob's and Moses' course.
--> Thus, Jesus' course is the messiah's course.
(4) The Israelite people (mankind) can separate from and subjugate satan by following the messiah's course (Jesus). Therefore, Jesus can save mankind only by making mankind follow the messiah's course. (mankind saves themselves).
--> This is the saved peoples course.
The reason why God gave the Israelites the Tabernacle and the ark of the covenant.
--> Before God sent the substantial messiah (Jesus), He sent the symbolic messiah (the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant).
(1) For God, even if only one person believes in God among the faithless Israelites, still God wants to fulfill his dispensation (providence) centered on this person. Therefore, God gave the Israelites the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant as conditional objects in order that God's providence would not be destroyed, but be inherited.
(2) For mankind, God wanted to establish an eternal heavenly center on earth which would never be destroyed. God gave the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant as the eternal heavenly center to be the object of faith upon which believers could depend.
(3) For Jesus, God gave the Israelites the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant as the symbolic messiah in order for God to make the model (training) course through which they could prepare to attend the substantial messiah (Jesus).
[1] The foundation of faith
--> Moses (Jesus) should separate from satan and achieve perfection through self-control by learning, believing and practicing God's word.
; Through using miracles, loving the enemy (the Israelites = Cain = arachangel) and giving all things to them, Moses (Jesus) guided and educated the Israelites to follow God's word. ; Through this guidance and education to follow God's word, the Israelties should separate from satan and achieve perfection through self-control.
(a) The family foundation of faith centering on Moses and Jesus
Moses |
Jesus |
(1) baby martyrs(Exo 1:15022) |
(1) baby martyrs (Mat 2:16) |
(2) mother and son cooperation (Exo 2:1-4) |
(2) mother and son cooperation (Mat 2:13-15) |
(3) Moses escaped to Pharaoh's palace (Exo 2:5-10) |
(3) Jesus escaped from Judea to Egypt (Mat 2:13-15) |
(4) Pharaoh became Moses' stepfather (Exo 2:10) |
(4) Joseph became Jesus' stepfather (Mat 1:20-24) |
(5) Moses killed an Egyptian and left Pharaoh's palace (Exo 2:11-15) (Act 7:24,25)(Mar 3:31-35) |
(5) Joseph, Mary and their family denied Jesus (Luk 2:41-49) ; (Jn 2:4, 7:5) ; (Mar 3:21) |
--> Moses family course failed --> Jesus family course failed
(b) Israelites foundation of faith centering on Moses and Jesus
--> Desert of Midian - Rameses - Mt. Sinai
Moses |
Jesus |
(1) Moses represented God (Exo 4:16) ; (Exo 7:1) |
(1) Jesus was the son of God (Jno 5:19) ; (Mat 8:29) |
--> 3 functions: |
--> 3 functions: |
1) God's course - Father |
1) Jesus' course - son |
2) To the messiah - son |
2) As messiah - Father |
3) Central person - younger brother |
3) Central person - younger brother |
(2) 3 signs miracles - symbol ((Exo 4:1-9) |
(2) 3 signs - Substantial |
1) Moses's staff -protector, supporter, righteous leader |
1) Jesus = staff |
2) Hand came into bosom = leprous (AA embraced -fall) 2nd time into bosom =clean (Jesus embraced - restored) |
2) Holy Spirit = hand |
3) water turned to blood: water = fallen man blood = restored man |
3) Jesus saved the people through shedding blood |
(3) Aaron and Miriam - Image (Num 12:10) (Exo 4:14,15) (Exo 15:20)
(3) Aaron and Miriam = Jesus and Holy Spirit - Substantial
(4) Circumcision - Image take away the blood of death (satanic blood) (Exo 4:25,26)
(4) Circumcision = saved people (baptism) - Substance.
(5) 10 miracles (calamities) (Exo 4: 25,26) (Exo 15:20)
(5) Many miracles (Jno 10:38)
1) God's side (Israel) Israel did not suffer 10 calamities. By this, God guided them not to return to Egypt. Also, through miracles, God showed He was omniscient and omnipotent in order to give the Israelites hope and courage to follow him.
1) God's side (believers) Through miracles, Jesus wanted to guide the people to believe (in him as the messiah) and be saved (by following the messiah's course).
2) Satan's side (Egypt) God struck Egypt to liberate the Israelites and to cut Egypt's attachment to them. God showed that He is the Lord of judgement by destroying satan's side.
2) Satan's side (un/non believers) To the un/non believers, Jesus bacame the Lord of judgement and destroyed them. (Jno 12:48)
(6) 3 days of darkness and light: Egypt's side - darkness Israel's side - light (Exo 10:22,23)
(6) Jesus is the light: Un/non believers - perish in darkness. Believers - saved in light. (Jno 12:35,46)
(7) All Egyptian 1st born men and beasts die. Passover saved Israelites 1st born. (Exo 1:28 ; 12:29)
(7) Un/non believers will be judged. Believers receive benefit of Passover. (Jno 3:16) (Jno 11:25,26) (1 Cor 5:7)
(8) Israel took property from the Egyptians (gold, silver, jewelry). (Exo 12:35,36)
(8) Jesus restored all things to God's side. (Mat 2:11)
(9) 3-day course - Ramses to Succoth. (Exo 5:3) (Exo 8:27)
(9) 3-day course - Jesus separated from parents for 3 days in the temple. (Luk 2:46-50)
3-day course represents the growing period which was invaded by satan = separation from satan.
notice: (Josh 3:2,3)
notice: (Luk 18:33)
(10) Pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night (1st appeared between Succoth and Baal- Zephim).(Exo 13:21)
(10) Jesus is the pillar of cloud and the Holy Spirit is the pillar of fire (Act 2:2-4)
(11) Crossing the Red sea: Pharaoh sent 600 war chariots to bring back or kill the Israelits). (Exo 14:5-31)
(11) Crossing the bitter sea: "the suffering world" Jesus is the rod of iron to bring back or save the people (Rev 2:27) (Psa 2:9)
(12) Manna and quail(Exo 16:12-15) Manna appeared before sunrise for most of the time. Quail appeared in the wilderness of sin and Taberah.(2 times) (Num 11:31-33) They ate their own food (from Egypt) for the 1st month. (Num 33:3) (Exo 16:1)
(12) Manna is Jesus' flesh. Quail is Jesus' blood. (Jno 6:49) After resurrection,Jesus flesh and blood became spiritual flesh and blood (symbolized by wine and bread).
(13) Striking the rock near Rephidim (water out) (Exo 17:6)
(13) Jesus is the rock who gives the water of eternal life. (1 Cor 10:4) (Jno 4:14)
(14) The Israelites fought the Amalikites at Rephidim. --> Moses, Aaron and Hur made a prayer trinity. Joshua was the general of the Israelite army. The Amalakites symbolized satan's side. (Exo 17:8-)
(14) Jesus fought with satan to liberate mankind. --> God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit formed the spiritual trinity. The Christian church leaders are like Joshua. The un/non believers are on satan's side. (Mat 28:19)
<2> Moses' and Jesus' Foundation of Substance:
(a) Moses' Foundation of Substance.
(1) Diagram God
Golden calf Aaron Moses Jacob
evil report 10 tribe leaders Moses Joseph
Cain Abel Moses
Strikes rock twice Spiritual Moses
2nd generation 12 tribe leaders Joshua
Esau Jacob
Jos 1:16 1 - 18
Moses Diagram (2)
Moses first course:
1st attempt |
2nd attempt |
Moses |
1st 40 day fast Broke the 2 tablets of stone |
2nd 40 day fast Aaron welcomed Ark of Covenant |
Aaron |
Aaron made the golden calf |
Aaron and Miriam against Moses |
Moses second course:
10 tribe leaders 12 Tribe leaders 10 tribe leaders First generation Evil report died
40 day spying Prolonged to 40 years
--> Moses traveled from the desert of Midian to Rameses, and from Rameses to Mt. Sinai.
; During this period, by using miracles, loving his enemy the Israelites (with a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire), and giving all things (manna, quail and water), MOses guided and educated the Israelite people to follow God's word.
a) Moses' first course to restore the elder brother's birthright through Aaron.
(1) The first attempt to restore the elder brother's birthright.
--> By God's guidance, Moses went up to Mt. Sinai, fasted and prayed for 40 days, and received the 2 tablets of stone containing the 10 commandments. (God made and wrote on the tablets) (Exo 24:18) ; (Deu 9:9) ; (Exo 31:18)
; During this time, Aaron and his followers made the golden calf which represented Egypt's sexual satan. They worshipped the golden calf with burnt offerings, singing and dancing. In this way, the Israelites rebelled against God and committed the sin of adultery. (Exo 32:1-6)
; When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai and saw these miserable phenomena, he became angry and broke the 2 tablets of stone. He made the Israelites burn, grind the golden calf into powder, mix it with water and drink it. Then, he had 3,000 Israelites killed. (Exo 32:19, 20, 27, 28)
--> This first attempt failed because Moses did not guide and educate Aaron to separate from satan. Also, Moses broke the 2 tablets of stone which represented Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
; These are Moses' 2 great mistakes.
(2) The second attempt to restore the elder brother's birthright.
--> Because of Moses' guidance and education, Aaron and the Israelites all repented, separated from satan and followed Moses.
--> Moses again went up to Mt. Sinai, fasted and prayed for 40 days and received the 2 tablets of stone containing the 10 commandments. (Moses made and wrote on the tablets) (Exo 34:27,28), or (Moses made, but God wrote on the tablets) (Deu 10:3,4) ; (Exo 34, 1-4)
; 2 tablets of stone = Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge = Jesus and Holy Spirit
; The ark of the covenant = New Eden
--> mercy seat - cherubim and flaming sword. (Gen 3:24) ; (Exo 25:16-22)
; The tabernacle = Holy Place and Most Holy Place (Exo 26:all)
--> This second time, Aaron and the Israelites welcomed and accepted Moses and the 2 tablets of stone.
; At this time, If Aaron and the Israelites had continuously untied with Moses, then Moses and the Israelites could have entered the land of Canaan centering on the ark of the covenant.
--> Nonetheless, Aaron and Miriam acted against Moses and they received punishment from God. (Num 12:1-6)
; Therefore, Moses' first course to restore the elder brother's birthright failed due to Aaron's and Miriam's faithlessness.
(b) Moses' second course to restore the elder brother's birthright through the 12 tribe leaders.
--> Moses traveled from Mt. Sinai (Exo 19:1,2) through the wilderness of Paran (Num 10:12) ; (Num 12:16) to Kadesh- Barnea (Num 13:25,26).
(1) Because of Aaron's rebellion, Moses sent the 12 tribe leaders into Canaan to explore (spy) the land instead of Aaron. They returned at the end of 40 days. (Num 13:1-25)
(2) Through the 10 tribe leaders' evil report, all the Israelites turned against God and Moses, and the Israelites tried to return to Egypt. (Num 13:26-33) ; (Num 14:1-4)
(3) For this reason, the Israelites received punishment.
; The 40 days was prolonged to 40 years of suffering. (Num 14:33,34)
; All of the people 20 years and older (except Joshua and Caleb) died in the wilderness. (Num 14:29,30)
; The 10 tribe leaders who gave an evil report died of a plague before God. (Num 14:36,37)
--> Finally, Moses' second course to restore the elder brother's birthright through the 12 tribe leaders failed.
(b) Jesus' Foundation of Substance.
(1) Diagram God
Elijah John the Baptist Jesus Jacob
Judas 12 Disciples Jesus Joseph Peter
Cain Abel Jesus
12 Disciples Resurrected Jesus
2nd 12 Disciples 2nd Coming Coming
Esau Jacob
Diagram (2)
Jesus 1st Cource
John the John the Baptist Prepare for Moses condition Baptist denied being Elijah Elijah's return for satan to from Malachi to invade
Jesus 1st Cource
40 day fast Jesus Overcame 3 temptations 3 year witnessing
Disciples became 12 Disciples Disciples Jesus martyrs for 400 betrayal crucifixion years in Rome
(a) Jesus' first course to restore the elder brother's birthright through John the Baptist.
--> Moses made the condition for satan to invade the messiah Jesus by breaking the 2 tablets of stone at Mt. Sinai and by striking the rock twice at Kadesh-Barnea. (Exo 32:19) ; (Num 20:11)
; Using the 4 major prophets, 12 minor prophets and the special prophet Elijah, God tried to liberate the messiah Jesus from the condition for satan to invade him that Moses had made.
; 400 years before the messiah Jesus appeared, God prophesied through Malachi that Elijah would come again to prepare the way for the Lord. (Mal 4:5,6)
(1) The Israelite peoples' situation: Centering on the O.T. Bible, the Israelite people absolutely believed Moses' 10 commandments and were waiting for Elijah return on the clouds (on a chariot of fire from the sky). (2 Kgs 2:11) ; (Mal 4:5,6)
(2) John the Baptist's situation:
--> Before the messiah Jesus appeared, John the Baptist was to prepare the way for the coming of the messiah. (Mat 3:1-3)
; He lived a holy life in the wilderness eating locusts and wild honey, and fasting and praying. (Lev 11:22) ; locusts ; (Mat 3:4-6)
; He baptized many people in the Jordan river and finally baptized Jesus. (Mat 3:6, 13-15)
; He received the revelation many times that Jesus is the messiah. (Mat 3:16,17) ; (Jno 1:32) --> Holy Spirit descended (Jno 1:29) --> Witnessed to Jesus as the "Lamb of God"
(3) The messiah Jesus and John the Baptist's attitude concerning Elijah's return:
--> John the Baptist himself, as well as the Israelite people, did not believe that Elijah had returned through the person of John the Baptist. They still believed that Elijah would return on the clouds.
(Jno 1:19-21) ; Only one person, the messiah Jesus, declared that John the Baptist was the returning Elijah. (Mat 17:10-17) ; (Mat 11:14) ; (Luk 1:17)
(4) John the Baptist denied Jesus' declaration that he, John the Baptist is the returning Elijah.
--> Without the returning Elijah, the messiah cannot appear. This was the literal view of the O.T. prophesy which John the Baptist and the Israelites believed. Therefore, according to John the Baptist's testimony, Jesus absolutely could not become the messiah.
--> Because of this, John the Baptist killed the messiah Jesus in the same way that Cain killed Abel. (Jno 1:19-21) ; (Mat 11:2-13) ; (Mat 11:14) (Mat 17:10-17) ; (Luk 1:17)
; Therefore, John the Baptist received punishment in prison and Jesus cursed him. Finally, John the Baptist was killed by King Herod. (Mat 11:2-13) ; (Mat 14:3-10)
(5) Conclusion: Because of Jesus' and John the Baptist's mistakes, Jesus' first course to restore the elder brother's birthright failed.
; Jesus' mistake: Jesus should have loved his enemy John the Baptist, given all things to him and persuaded him to separate from satan.
; John the Baptist's mistake: John the Baptist was prepared throughout his entire life to receive the messiah. He received revelation from God that Jesus was the messiah. Even after this, he rejected the messiah Jesus.
(b) Jesus' second course to restore the elder brother's birthright through the 12 disciples.
(1) Jesus fasted for 40 days and was victorious over the 3 temptations by satan. Through these indemnity conditions, Jesus separated from satan. (Mat 4:1-11) ; (Mar 1:12,13) ; (Luk 4:1-13)
(2) After separating from satan, Jesus should achieve perfection through self-control by learning, believing and practicing God's word.
--> Jesus' word = 2 tablets of stone Jesus' church = the ark of the covenant Jesus is saviour to believers (Jno 5:24) and judge to un/non believers (Jno 12:48)
(3) By using miracles, loving his enemy the 12 disciples (representing the Israelites) and giving all things to them, Jesus guided and educated the 12 disciples (Israelites) to follow God's word.
(4) Jesus witnessed for 3 years.
; He resurrected the corpse of 3 people, healed the blind and sick--paralyzed, leprous, bleeding, fevered--the lame and crippled stood and walked, the deaf and mute heard and spoke, the blind were able to see.
; He walked on the sea, calmed the storm, caught great amounts of fish, fed 5,000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves and turned water into wine.
--> Jesus spoke and witnessed to large crowds of people several times in Judea.
; Jesus gained 12, 72 and 120 disciples. He then sent them out to witness. (Mar 3:14-19) ; (Luk 10:1) ; (Act 1:15)
--> Jesus had the authority to forgive any kind of sin. More important, He taught people not to commit sin again.
; Jesus had a doctrine of salvation.
(5) Conclusion:
--> At the court case, (Luk 22:66-71) ; (Luk 23 1-23)
; Jesus was captured by Pilate, a governor of the Roman empire because of the accusations of the High Priest Caiaphas and the Jewish religious leaders.
; Pilate declared that Jesus was innocent of any crime. Also, the Judean King Herod declared that Jesus was innocent of any crime.
; The High Priest and the Jewish religious leaders privately decided to kill Jesus while meeting at the house of the High Priest. The High Priest and the religious leaders required that Pilate release Barabbas and crucify Jesus instead. Therefore, Jesus died through the crucifixion.
--> All of the disciples that Jesus had witnessed to for 3 years, abandoned and denied Jesus during the court case.
; The 5,000 people that were fed and taught by Jesus and the many crowds of people who listened to Jesus' teachings all disappeared. ; The 120 and 72 disciples who witnessed for Jesus also disappeared. ; Finally, Jesus' 12 disciples all escaped and even his central disciples, Judas and Peter betrayed and denied him. (Mat 26:14-15 ; 39-45, 56) ; (Luk 22:55-62) --> If the 12 disciples did not deny Jesus, but had supported him, then the 12 disciples could have prevented the High Priest and religious leaders' accusation, and Jesus would not have died.
; Because of the 12 disciples disbelief and rebellion, Jesus could not subjugate satan.
--> Therefore, Jesus' second course to restore the elder birthright through the 12 disciples failed.
--> If Jesus had not performed miracles and had paid indemnity in prison, then he could have subjugated satan by loving his enemy the prisoners and giving all things to them.
; Through guiding and educating these prisoners to follow God's word, Jesus could have gained 12 disciples while in prison. These disciples would not have denied or betrayed Jesus. They would have been like the thief on the right side of Jesus on the cross.
--> 4 superstitions (misconceptions) about Jesus.
1) virgin birth
2) physical resurrection
3) destruction of the cosmos at the last days
4) part of the mission of the messiah is to perform miracles
[3] Moses' and Jesus' Failures and the Results.
(a) Moses' failure and the result.
Moses' failure diagram fiery serpents lost perfect salvation Moses b) Salvation bronze serpent gained spiritual salv.
a) Striking the rock twice Results (Moses)
first generation 600,000 died (evil report) c) Punishment 2nd generation fiery serpents kill
a) Moses striking the rock twice:
--> Kadesh-Barnea --> 40 years in the desert of Zin --> Kadesh-Barnea --> Mt. Nebo --> the castle of Jericho.
; 40 days becomes 40 years (Num 14:33,34)
; The rock is the root of the ark of the covenant
; Moses struck the rock twice at Kadesh-Barnea (Num 20:1-11)
(1) The meaning of the rock at Kadesh-Barnea (Num 20:1-11)
--> Rock = stone = messiah = incarnation of the word = substantial word = Jesus = 2nd Adam = 1st Adam (restored) = living Adam. (1 Cor 10:4) ; (1 Cor 15:45) (Rom 5:14) ; (Jno 1:14)
(2) The meaning of striking the rock once and twice
2) God's hand Moses struck first time
Living Adam Dead Adam Living cross Adam
1) Archangel 3) Moses struck struck once second time (satan's hand) (satan's hand
(1) In the Garden of Eden, the archangel caused Adam and Eve to fall. After this, the living Adam became the dead adam.
--> The archangel struck the rock once (AA = satan's hand). This means the archangel caused the living Adam to become the dead Adam.
(2) The first time Moses (God's hand) struck the rock:
--> Through this, God made the dead Adam to become the living Adam (water came from the rock).
(3) The second time Moses (satan's hand) struck the rock:
--> Through this, satan made the living Adam (Jesus) to become the dead Adam (cross).
(4) The condition for Jesus' crucifixion was caused by Moses striking the rock twice.
--> Satan's function is to cause the living Adam to become the dead Adam. ; God's function is to cause the dead Adam to become the living Adam.
b) Salvation as the first result at Moses' time:
--> The results of striking the rock twice and once.
(1) Twice and fiery serpents --> died.
--> At Moses' time:
; Lost perfect salvation Twice (second time ; satan's hand) by striking the rock twice, MOses made a condition for satan to invade. Therefore, fiery serpents appeared, sent by God and many Israelites were bitten and died. (Num 21:6)
--> At Jesus' time
; Lost perfect salvation Jesus was crucified because of the faithlessness of the Israelites (inherited from the time of Moses).
(2) Once and bronze serpent --> lived.
--> At Moses' time:
; gained spiritual salvation. Once (first time ; God's hand) By striking the rock once, Moses made a condition for water to come from the rock and the Israelites drank it. (Num 20:11)
; Because of the condition for the rock to produce water, Moses could make the bronze serpent. When the Israelites who had been bitten by the fiery serpents looked at the bronze serpent, they lived. (Num 21:8,9)
--> At Jesus' time:
; gained spiritual salvation. At the cross, Jesus gave up his physical body to satan. By this crucifixion, Jesus paid indemnity to satan (for the faithlessness of the people). Through the resurrection, Jesus made the foundation to establish spiritual salvation.
c) Punishment as the second result of Moses' time.
--> By Moses breaking the 2 tablets of stone, by the 10 tribe leaders' evil report and by Moses striking the rock twice at Kadesh-Barnea, the Israelites, including moses, received punishment.
(1) The 1st generation of Israelites could not enter Canaan and they all died in the wilderness, because of the 10 tribe leaders' evil report (600,000 Israelites died). (Num 20:11) ; (Exo 32:19) ; (Num 13:32) ; (Num 14:28-34) (Deu 32:48-52) ; (Num 20:1-28) ; (Exo 38:26)
(2) Many of the 2nd generation Israelites were bitten by fiery serpents and died because of Moses striking the rock twice.
(3) According to the 10 tribe leaders' evil report, the Israelites continuously acted against God and Moses. For this reason, out of his anger toward the Israelites, Moses struck the rock at Kadesh-Barnea twice.
--> Therefore, god told Moses that he could not go into the land of Canaan with the 2nd generation of Israelites. (Num 20:9-12) ; (Deu 34:1-7)
(4) If Moses had not struck the rock twice, Moses, instead of Joshua, could have led the 2nd generation of Israelites into Canaan himself.
(b) Jesus' Failure and the Results:
cross lost perfect salvation Jesus Salvation ressurection gained sp. salvation
Crucifixion Results (Jesus) Ressurection Persecution from 12 Arab nations 1st generation Israelites suffer 2000 years 6 million die Punishment 2nd generation Christ. recieved martyrdom in Rome. (Persecution from all nations.)
a) Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection:
Jesus crucifixion diagram
(This diagram appears in the mission of the messiah)
b) Salvation as the first result at Jesus' time:
(1) Jesus' crucifixion.
; Lost perfect salvation. Although the messiah Jesus appeared on earth in order to realize perfect salvation, he lost perfect salvation because of the faithlessness of John the Baptist, the 12 disciples and the Jewish people. (Mat 27:25-35) ; (Mar 15:34) ; (Luk 23:33)
(2) Jesus' resurrection.
; Gained spiritual salvation. At the cross, Jesus gave up his physical body to satan. By the crucifixion, Jesus paid indemnity to satan. Through the resurrection, Jesus made the foundation to establish spiritual salvation. Therefore, anyone who believes and practices God's word by fulfilling responsibility can receive spiritual salvation.
--> The resurrected Jesus appeared and witnessed for 40 days. (Act 1:3)
; The resurrected Jesus' word (tablets of stone). (Mat 28:19) The early church (the ark of the covenant).
; The resurrected Jesus is the spiritual saviour to believers, and the spiritual judge to un/non believers.
--> The resurrected Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the spiritual saviors.
c) Punishment as the second result at Jesus' time:
--> Moses' mistakes of breaking the 2 tablets of stone and striking the rock at Kadesh-Barnea twice; John the Baptist's mistake of denying he was (returning) Elijah; and the 12 disciples denial and betrayal of the messiah Jesus, caused Jesus to receive the crucifixion.
; Through Jesus' crucifixion providence (resurrection), mankind not only received spiritual salvation, but also received punishment, because mankind killed the messiah Jesus on the cross.
(1) The Israelite people, as the 1st generation, have received punishment through suffering, torture, persecution, imprisonment and slavery for 2,000 years throughout the world.
--> Finally, satan could strike 6 million Jews who were killed by Hitler and the Jewish people in Israel still receive persecution from 12 Arab countries (which represent 12 faithless disciples).
(2) Christianity, as the 2nd generation, received punishment through suffering, torture, persecution, imprisonment, slavery and martyrdom in Rome for 400 years; and in every country for 2,000 years (missionary martyrs), because Jesus' disciples caused the crucifixion by denying and betraying him.
--> The second spiritual Israel is Rome and the Frank kingdom (Catholic realm) --> England and America (Protestant realm).
(3) Jesus also received punishment through the crucifixion because he did not restore the elder brother's birthright through John the Baptist and the 12 disciples. Therefore, Jesus could not gain perfect salvation.
--> According to this reason, Jesus must return.
[4] Moses' and Jesus' Returning:
(a) Moses' returning and Joshua.
(1) The returning Moses is Joshua.
--> Moses failed to restore the elder brother's birthright two times. The 1st course was through Aaron. The 2nd course was through the 12 tribe leaders.
; Finally, Moses wanted to succeed in the 3rd course, but he failed by striking the rock at Kadesh-Barnea twice. Therefore, Moses could only enter into Canaan spiritually.
; According to this reason, Moses needs to return in order to realize the restoration of the elder brother's birthright. This returning Moses, centering on the mission, is Joshua.
(2) Joshua inherited Moses' mission, which is Moses' 3rd course to restore the elder brother's birthright.
--> Joshua absolutely believed and practiced God's word, centering on the ark of the covenant, even though Moses failed many times. According to this reason, Joshua inherited Moses' mission, and centering on the ark of the covenant, Joshua established his own foundation of faith.
(3) Joshua restored the elder brother's birthright through the 12 tribe leaders of the 2nd generation.
--> After Joshua inherited Moses' mission, by loving his enemy (the 12 tribe leaders and the Israelite people), and by giving all things to them, Joshua guided and educated them to follow God's word.
; By receiving JOshua's guidance and education, the 12 tribe leaders and the Israelites separated from Satan and absolutely followed Joshua.
; Therefore, Joshua could lead the 12 tribe leaders and the 2nd generation of Israelites to carry the ark of the covenant across the Jordan river, and succeeded in judging and destroying the castle of Jericho. (Jos 3:14-17) ; (Jos 6:8-27)
; Through this, Joshua restored the elder brother's birthright.
Notice (d) The structure of the Tabernacle
Notice (E) The 3 temptations of Jesus (Mat 4:1-11)
The cause and motivation of satans temptations
The 1st Temptation:
Place - wilderness Mt 4:1
(a) Temptation and answer
(1) Temptation by the devil. (Mat 4:3) "If you are the son of God, then turn these stones into bread."
(2) Jesus' answer. (Mat 4:4) "It is written: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
(b) The meaning of the temptation and answer
(1) The meaning of the devils first temptation
--> After the 40-day fast, satan tempted Jesus to satisfy his hunger by making Jesus turn the stones into bread.
; Through this, satan wanted to eternally dominate the messiah Jesus (stone or rock) in the same way that satan had dominated the fallen Adam.
(2) The meaning of Jesus' answer
1) The meaning of the stones Stone = rock = messiah = substantial word = incarnation of the word = Jesus = 2nd Adam = 1st Adam = living Adam. (Jno 1:14) ; (Jno 6:42) ; (Jno 6:53) (1 Cor 10:4) ; (1 Cor 15:45)
2) After his 40 day fast Jesus was almost dying from hunger. He absolutely needed food, but he rejected physical food (compare this with the Israelites always crying out for food in the wilderness because of their hunger - losing their faith).
--> Jesus wanted to liberate his position as the messiah from the condition for satan to dominate him made by Moses' failure through.
(c) The result of Jesus' overcoming satan's 1st temptation:
(1) Jesus established the indemnity condition to regain the design of perfected personality (the 1st blessing which Adam had lost). (design).
(2) Jesus established the indemnity condition to fulfill the messiah's mission and become the perfected Adam. (form).
The 2nd Temptation:
Place - top of the temple, in the holy city (Jerusalem). Mt 4:5
(a) The temptation and answer
(1) The 2nd temptation by the devil. (Mat 4:5,6) "If you are the son of God, throw yourself down...the angels will take care of you, lest you strike your foot against a stone." (Psa 91:11,12)
(2) Jesus answered. (Mat 4:7) "It is written again, `you shall not tempt the Lord your God.'" (Deu 6:16)
(b) The meaning of the temptation and answer
(1) The meaning of the 2nd temptation:
--> Jesus is the main (central or head) temple. (Jno 2:19) The saints (holy people) are the branch temples. (1 Cor 3:16) ; (1 Cor 12:27)
; Because Jesus came as the messiah, he is the main temple. Therefore, satan took him to the top of the temple and order him to fall down.
; If Jesus fell down, he would become an ordinary person. And satan would dominate the position of the holy temple (messiah) forever, and rule over all mankind.
(2) The meaning of Jesus' answer: Jesus came as the perfect Adam because he was God's substantial body, the messiah. Therefore, Jesus also came with the qualification to be Lord over all mankind.
--> Because satan was the fallen archangel, he originally was the servant of Adam. According to the Principle, a servant cannot be Lord. Therefore, satan could not tempt Jesus, God's substantial body and had to depart.
(c) The result of Jesus' overcoming the devil's 2nd temptation.
(1) Jesus established the indemnity condition to regain God's plan for the multiplication of children (2nd blessing) which Adam had lost (design).
(2) Jesus as the main temple, established the indemnity condition to restore branch temples, his bride and children, from satan's dominion among mankind (form).
The 3rd Temptation:
Place - a high mountain. (Mat 4:8)
(a) The temptation and answer
(1) The 3rd temptation by the devil. (Mat 4:9) "All this (the kingdoms of the world and their glory) I will give you if you will fall down and worship me."
(2) Jesus' answer. (Mat 4:10) "Be gone satan, for it is written, `You shall worship the Lord your God and you shall serve Him only.'" (Deu 6:13)
(b) The meaning of the temptation and answer
(1) The meaning of the devil's temptation: After Adam's fall, satan became the ruler over all things. (Rom 8:19)
--> The 2nd Adam (Jesus) came as the ruler over all things. Cor 15:27)
--> If satan could make Jesus bow down to him, he would come to be the dominator over Jesus and through this, would become the ruler over all things forever.
(2) The meaning of Jesus' answer: Jesus was God's substantial body, the perfected Adam. Satan was the fallen archangel, the servant of Adam.
--> It would be an action in violation of the Principle for Jesus to bow down to satan. It would be an action in accordance with the Principle for satan as the servant to bow down to his Lord Jesus (God's substantial body - the messiah).
(c) The result of Jesus' overcoming the devil's 3rd temptation:
(1) Jesus established the indemnity condition to regain God's plan (design), His dominion over all things (the 3rd blessing) which Adam lost.
(2) Jesus, as the Lord, established the indemnity condition to restore the dominion over all things, which had belonged to satan's dominion (form).
Mission of the Messiah
Why did Jesus come on Earth
(a) Who killed Jesus Christ
(1) Two contradictory interpretations concerning the return of Elijah
2 Ki 2:11 Mal 4:5,6 Elijah (1)
Elijah John the Baptist
Jesus John the High (3) Baptist Priests (2)
Jn 1:19-21 Mt 17:10-13 Mt 11:13-14 Mt 11:11 Lk 1:17 Mt 5:19 (4) Mk 6:22-29
(2) Two kinds of interpretation
1) Jewish interpretation
--> Elijah will return on the clouds
; Literal interpretation
2) Jesus' interpretation
--> Elijah returned as another person, John the Baptist, who inherited Elijah's mission.
; Mission interpretation.
(3) Without the appearance of Elijah the Messiah cannot appear absolutely.
1) According to Jn 1:19-21, John the Baptist denied his being Elijah.
2) According to Mt 11:13,14 and Lk 1:17 Jesus absolutely declared that the returning Elijah is John the Baptist
3) According to John the Baptist and Jewish interpretation Jesus cannot become the Messiah but can only become a false Messiah or antichrist.
4) Because of John the Baptists' failure and testimony the Jewish people killed Jesus Christ as a false Messiah.
--> Finally John the Baptist killed Jesus Christ.
(4) Comparison between Jesus and John the Baptist
Jesus |
John the Baptist |
Jesus was born by heavenly secret events (Born in a stable) |
John the Baptist was born by miraculous phenomena (Born in a nice house) |
Child of a carpenter Lowest class family |
Child of a high priest Highest class family |
Jesus lived in a very poor family Jesus was hungry everyday like a beggar |
John the Baptist lived a Holy religious life, eating honey and locusts |
Jesus did not receive an education because of his . . . |
John the Baptist received a high class education |
Jesus received baptism from John the Baptist in the river. Jesus is the younger brother |
John the Baptist baptized the Israel people and Jesus in the river. John the Baptist is the elder brother |
Jesus gained people of the lowest class Tax collectors, fisherman, prostitutes, criminal people and sinners followed Jesus |
John the Baptist gained people of the middle class John the Baptist was respected and supported by the high religious class of people |
Jesus received the providential word of God through revelation from God. |
John the Baptist received revelation from God that Jesus was the Messiah. |
(5) Why did John the Baptist reject Jesus and God despite having recieved the revelation from God that Jesus was the Messiah.
1) John the Baptist, including the Jewish religious leaders only took the Old testament word literally but did not understand the providential meaning of God's word in the Old testament.
2) John the Baptist was proud of his family background which was of the highest religious ruling class. On the other hand John the Baptist had contempt for the family background of Jesus whish was of the lowest class.
3) John the Baptist was proud of his lifestyle growing up in the high priests family. On the other hand, John the Baptist felt contempt for Jesus' life growing up in the poor, miserable family of a carpenter.
4) John the Baptist as the elder brother represented the archangel and Cain who belonged to satan's side. Jesus, as the younger brother, represented Adam and Abel who belonged God's side.
--> Abel was killed by Cain, likewise Jesus was killed by John the Baptist.
5) Because John the Baptist was denominated by satan he was against Jesus and killed Jesus, despite the fact that he recieved the revelation that Jesus was the Messiah.
(6) John the Baptist recieved a curse and punishment.
1) Jesus' curse to John the Baptist (Mt 11:11) According to this Bible verse John the Baptist was predestined to become the Messiah's highest disciple. Because of John the Baptists denial and betrayal of Jesus, Jesus could not fulfill his mission as the Messiah. Therefore John the Baptist lost his predestined position on earth and did not come into the Kingdom of Heaven in the sprit world, but instead went to hell by Jesus' curse.
2) John the Baptist recieved punishment from King Herod. (Mt 14:1-12 ; Mk 6:14-29 ; Lk 9:7-9) Because John the Baptist denied and betrayed the Messiah Jesus, John the Baptist recieved punishment in prison by being beheaded by the order of King Herod.
Notice (1)
Jesus should become Jacob who succeeded, not become Abel who failed.
Notice (2)
The Jewish religious leaders declared that we did not kill the Messiah but we killed the false Messiah and the antichrist who is Jesus.
Notice (3)
John the baptist killed the real Messiah who was Jesus.
--> If Jesus was a false Messiah, then it is very difficult for mankind to explain the following things.
1) Why did Christian culture dentering on Jesus develop and come to dominate Europe and then the whole world during the last 2000 years.
2) Why did the Jewish people as a providential chosen nation recieve punishment throughout the world during the last 2000 years.
3) There are several examples that explain about the law of indemnity.
--> At the time of Moses 600,000 Isreal people died.
; At that time of Solomon the nation was divided into 2 nations.
; Northern Israel was destroyed by Assyria Southern Isreal was destroyed by Babylonia
; At the time of the last days 6 million Jewish people were killed by Hitler.
(b) Explanation of the crucifixion
(1) Pauls explanation of the crucifixion
Righteousness (truth)
God's function
God's love
for the sacrifice cannot High sin of take Priest myself away Isreal everyday sin Heb 7:26,28 Heb 9:26,28 Heb 10:10,14 Jesus Jesus sacrifice take for the on the cross away High sinners One time sin Priest
Satan Abel ---> Dead sacrifice
sin Isaac ---> Living sacrifice
a) Jesus is killed by god
1) (Heb 7:26,28 ; Heb 9:26,28 ; Heb 10:10,1)
--> Paul said that Jesus should die
2) (Jn 14:6)
--> Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life.
; Jesus made the way of martyrdom and the cross for all Christianity. 3) (Mt 10:38) Jesus said that all Christianity should follow Jesus by taking their own cross of martyrdom.
b) Pauls 3 kinds of contradictory explanations about the crucifixion.
1) (Heb 7:26-28)
--> Jesus should die.
2) (Ro 7:17-25)
--> Jesus saved man only spiritually through the crucifixion.
3) (1 Cor 2:8)
--> If the Jewish leaders understood that Jesus was really the Messiah they would not have killed him.
; Paul declared three contradictory things about Jesus' crucifixion with one tongue.
c) Jesus should become a living sacrifice. However, unfortunately he became the dead sacrifice.
d) Jesus had the authority to forgive the sins of a criminal person without the crucifixion. (Lk 5:20-24 ; Mt 9:6; Lk 7:48-50)
(2) Jesus' explanation about crucifixion
Cain satan God Abel
John the Israel Jesus Jesus Baptist
Esau Jacob 10 elder Joseph brothers
Physical Spiritual Physical Spiritual body body body body
Learn, believe Pay the price practice God's Indemnity word
Separate from Confess my sin Divorce from to others Human Separate from Repent to God Responsibility satan Pay indemnity
(Ro 7:17-25 ; Jn 19:30 ; Acts 1:11)
The Meaning of Jesus' Crucifixion.
(1) During 4,000 years, God's providence of salvation established the foundation for the messiah (Jesus) through 4 major and 4 minor prophets, and Elijah. Because of this, God tried to save the chosen nation of God's side.
(2) However, because of the High Priest and the Jewish leaders, the National King and political leaders, the disciples and the Jewish people did not follow and accept Jesus, but denied him, then the chosen people changed from God's side to Satan's side. The chosen people came to belong to satan.
(3) Nevertheless, because Jesus came with the messianic mission, he tried to persuade and save the Jewish people through testifying to God's word and performing miracles. But, because the Jewish leaders and people denied him to the end, he could not save them.
(4) At the same time, during 4,000 years of God's providence, satan's purpose, desire and requirements destroyed the providence of salvation and finally killed the messiah Jesus.
(5) The condition of exchange is made between God and satan:
1) Satan's desire was to kill the Messiah Jesus, even though it meant that he would have to give up to God the Jewish people who belonged to him.
2) God's desire was to save the Jewish people who belonged to satan, even though it meant that he had to give up the messiah Jesus to satan (God allowed satan to kill Jesus).
3) Therefore, God and satan made a treaty with the following conditions:
--> God allowed satan to kill Jesus through the crucifixion in order that God could make the condition to save the Jewish people who belonged to satan's side.
(6) Satan prevented physical salvation by using his utmost power to kill Jesus' physical body through the crucifixion.
(7) God also opened the way of spiritual salvation by using his utmost power to resurrect the dead Jesus.
--> Therefore, we can come to the following 2 conclusions:
1) redemption by the crucifixion.
--> The Jewish people did not believe in the messiah and rejected him (sin of disbelief and rebellion). It was God's desire to save the Jewish people who belonged to satan's side by bringing them to God's side.
; Unless God pays a price to satan, then satan cannot allow the Jewish people to return to God's side. The payment became Jesus' sacrifice by the crucifixion. (Jesus was the price, the punishment, the indemnity).
2) Spiritual salvation.
--> When someone believes in the resurrected Jesus, practices a faithful life by human responsibility, repents for his sins (sin = united with satan), pays indemnity to separate from satan and turns from satan's side to God's side, then the way of spiritual salvation is opened to this person.
(c) Two kinds of contradictory prophecy about Jesus' crucifixion in the Old Testament
(d) Two kinds of contradictory prophecy about Jesus' crucifixion in the New Testament
Did Jesus come in order to die or not?
Explanation :
a) Jesus did not come to die
(1) Stephen's testimony (Acts 7:52)
--> Even though he was to be killed through being stoned by the Jewish people, Stephen testified that Jesus di not come to die.
(2) St Paul's testimony (1 Cor 2:8)
--> Paul testified that if the rulers (chief priests, Pilate, Herod) of this age had understood that Jesus was the real Messiah they would not have crucified him.
(3) Roman govenor Pilates testimony. (Mt 27:19-23) Pilates wife (Lk 23:14) King Herod (Jn 18:38 ; Mk 15:10-14)
1) According to her dream the Roman govenor Pilates wife suggested and advised to her husband that Jesus was innocent and that Pilate should not kill him. 2) King Herod declared that there was no reason to kill Jesus Christ because hewas innocent.
3) The Roman govenor Pilate also declared that Jesus was innocent Through washing his hands Pilate showed that he did not want to be involved in the killing of an innocent person, Jesus.
--> Nevertheless the Jewish leaders (shief priests and elders) pushed Pilate to release Barabbas and crucify Jesus.
4) (Mt 27:25)
--> The Jewish people said let his blood be on us and on our children.
; This means that the Israel people lost their position as God's chosen nation and then recieved punishment for 2000 years throughout the world. Finally 6 million Jewish people were killed by Hitler.
(4) Jesus' testimony.
--> Did Jesus want to die by suicide of homicide in order to save mankind.
1) (Jn 3:16-17) Those who believe in Jesus will be saved and not condemned.
; (Jn 6:29) God's providential work was for the people to believe in Jesus.
2) (Jn 5:39,40) The purpose of studying the Bible is for people to believe in Jesus.
; (Jn 5:43-46) The purpose of believing in Moses is for people to believe in Jesus.
3) (Mt 23:37) Even though Jesus wanted to save Jerusalem like a hen gathers her chicks to her, Jerusalem rejected and killed Jesus.
; (Lk 19:41-44) Because the people of Jerusalem did not believe in Jesus, Jerusalem would recieve punishment and be destroyed. Even one stone will not remain in the wall.
4) (Mt 21:33-43) Jesus begged and pleaded with tears saying please do not kill me. If you kill me you will lose the blessing of being God's providential country and recieve punishment for 2000 years.
5) (Mt 26:38-44) Jesus prayed 3 times at Gethsemane. "If it is posible, please take this cross from me, nevertheless, I will follow your will, not my will." Explanation -
--> The reasons why Jesus did not want to die. First - If Jesus had made the way of crucifixion all Christianity should become martyrs. Second - If the Israel people were to kill the Messiah Jesus Christ they would lose the blessing of being God's providential country. Third - If they kill Jesus Christ they would recieve punishment for 2000 years throughout the world and finally 6 million Jewish people would be killed by Hitler. Fourth - If Jesus died then he cannot realise his mission to become True Parents and therefore he would have to come again.
(5) Jesus' miracles (Jn 10:25,32,38) Through using many miracles, Jesus tried to prove that he was the Messiah.
(6) Jesus' curse to Judas Iscariot (Mt 26:24) Jesus said that it would have been better if Judas had not been born.
; (Mt 27:5) Judas Iscariot threw the money that he had gained from the High Priests into the temple, then went away and commited suicide by hanging himself.
(7) Peter's betrayal (Mt 26:69-75) As Jesus predicted, before the cock crowed Peter denied him 3 times in the courtyard of Caiphas' house.
; (Lk 22:61,62) After Peter had denied Jesus the third time, the cock crowed and Jesus turned and looked straight at Peter. The Peter remembered Jesus' words to him and he went outside and wept bitterly.
(8) For whom did God prepare the Israel peopleas the providential chosen nation centering on Noah, Abraham's 4 generations, Moses and Joshua, the 4 major and 12 minor prophets, the special prophet Elijah and John the Baptist.
--> They were prepared only in order to accept, serve and atten the Messiah Jesus Christ.
b) Jesus came in order to die.
--> Bible verses about the crucifixion
(1) God revealed to Jesus about his death (Lk 9:29-36; Mt 17:3-9) On the Mount of Transfiguration, God explained to Jesus about his departure (death on the cross) through Moses and Elijah.
--> (Jn 3:14) Just as Moses lifted up the snake (bronze serpent) in the desert, so the Son of Man (Jesus) must be lifted up.
; (Lk 18:31; Mt 26:52-56) Jesus predicted he would be rejected and killed by the High Priest and elders according to the Old testament prophesies.
(2) Jesus predicted he would be rejected and killed by the High Priest and three days later rise again.
(3) Peter's prevention
--> (Mt 16:22,23) Jesus said to satan, "Get behind me satan! You are a stumbling block to me. You do not have in mind the things of God but the things of men."
Explanation :
1) Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days, overcame the 3 temptations from satan, preached to the people for 3 years, guided and educated the disciples and made miracles in order to realize the purpose of creation through the fulfillment of the purpose of salvation.
--> Because John the Baptist, the High Priests and elders, Judas Iscariot, Peter and all the disciples were against, denied and betrayed Jesus, Jesus could not realize the purpose of creation.
2) Jesus made the last suppe and prayed his last prayer at Gethsemane, shedding tears and blood. He bitterly regretted the fact that he did not realise the purpoose of creation. Jesus loved and forgave his enemies and accepted the crucifixion. After his resurrection he promised to return and realize the purpose of creation.
3) Because John the Baptist, the High Priests and elders, Judas Iscariot, Peter and all the disciples were against, denied and betrayed Jesus the conditions for satan to invade Jesus were established.
--> Therefore the failure of Moses' course which means Moses breaking the tablets of stone, striking the rock twice and lifting up the bronze serpent, corresponds to the failure of Jesus' course, which means the crucifixion.
1) God fave revelation to Jesus concerning the crucifixion.
2) The prophecy of the suffering Messiah is realised through Jesus.
3) Jesus predicted hsi crucifixion and resurrection.
4) Jesus prevented Peter's attempt to prevent Jesus' crucifixion.
(e) Comparison between Christian doctrine and Unification Church truth.
Christianity |
Unification Church |
a) The purpose of the Messiah - Jesus came on Earth only to realize the purpose of salvation Christianity cannot explain about the purpose of creation. |
a) The purpose of the Messiah - Jesus came on Earth in order for Jesus to realize the purpose of creation through the fulfillment of the purpose of salvation. |
Christianity cannot explain that Jesus as the second Adam should reach perfection and become the second Messiah - They think that Jesus is the perfect Messiah from birth. |
Jesus as the second Adam should reach perfection and become the Messiah through separating from satan and subjugating satan. |
Christianity thinks and teaches that Jesus could never become True Parents and need never be married with a women. - Jesus had no sexual desire like a eunuch, and Jesus should live alone eternally. |
After becoming the perfected Messiah, Jesus should have become the True Parents through recieving God's blessing by gaining a wife. |
Jesus came on Earth in order that he should become a sacrificial lamb through the crucifixion |
After becoming True Parents Jesus should save all mankind by giving the blessing by which original sin is eliminated and satan's blood lineage is changed to God's blood lineage. |
Through being the sacrificial lamb Jesus can save all of mankind. - Christianity thinks that this sacrificial salvation is complete salvation through Christian culture. |
After saving all mankind Jesus should become the King of Kings of God's - good king dynasty by destroying satans evil king dynasties. |
Christianity cannot answer the question of why Jesus needs to come again on Earth. They believe that Jesus will come again on the clouds with the purpose of judgement. |
Because Jesus did not realize the fulfillment of the purpose of salvation, Jesus should come again as the 2nd coming 2000 years later. |
b) Christology |
b) Christology |
Jesus is God - Jesus is the creator |
Jesus is a perfect man. - Jesus is the creation. |
Christianity cannot explain the meaning of rebirth and adopted son because the do not know the meaning of the Holy Spirit. |
Jesus is the Father, the Holy Spirit is the Mother. - Christianity becomes the adopted son of Jesus and the Holy Spirit through rebirth. |
Trinity - Christianity only knows the name of the Trinity, but does know the contents. |
Trinity - God consists of male and female. Jesus is the incarnate body of God's male essence. The Holy Spirit is the incatnate body of God's female essence. |
c) Jacob and Moses made the model course for the Messiah Jesus. |
c) Jacob and Moses made the model course for the Messiah Jesus. |
Christianity never thought or knew that Jacob and Moses made the model course for Jesus' course. |
Jacob and Moses as God's chosen made the model course for the Messiah Jesus by separating and subjugating satan. |
Christianity thinks and teaches that Jesus as God does not need a model course. |
Through following God's course perfection by separating Jesus can reach from satan |
Christianity does not know that Heavenly God created Adam and Eve like Jesus - Adam and the archangel |
Jesus also should restore the elder brothers birth right through subjugating satan. - Younger and elder brother |
d) Jesus life |
d) Jesus life |
Jesus was born of the virgin Mary |
Jesus had a Father |
Jesus resurrected from a physical corpse dead body. |
Jesus' resurrected body is his spirit self. |
Through using miracles, Jesus tried to persuade his disciples, but failed. |
Because Jesus used miracles he recieved accusation from satan. - Jesus should not have used miracles. |
Jesus should die on the cross. - Through the crucifixion Jesus suceeded in his mission |
Through paying indemnity on the cross Jesus accomplished spiritual salvation. - If Jesus had paid other indemnity without using miracles he would not have died and succeeded in his mission. |
The earth is destroyed literally. |
Satan's evil king dynasties are destroyed. |
Jesus Family
Leah 10 elder brothers
Jacob Rachel Laban (archangel)
Joseph (30 years)
Elizabeth John the Baptist
Zachariah Mary Joseph (archangel)
Jesus (30 years)
First wife 11 + 9 = 20 sons 8 wives + concubines
David Bethsheba Uriah (archangel)
King Solomon
(1) 2 Sa 11:all
David Bethsheba Uriah
Restored fallen Archangel Adam Eve
(2) Lk 1:26-38
Zarchariah Mary Joseph
Restored Restored Restored Adam Eve Archangel
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