Unification Sermons and Talks |
Rev. Ahn |
Notes on Rev Ahn's 40 Day Workshop
Joseph's Course and Father's Course
Joseph's Course
(a) Invincible, Absolute Faith and Practice
(1) Death awaited Joseph twice.
1) 10 brother's jealousy and resentment: The reasons :
--> Jacob loved Joseph most and gave him a richly ornamented robe. (Gen 37:3,4)
; Joseph had 2 dreams that suggested he would become the leader of the family. (Gen 37:5-11)
--> Joseph's 10 elder brothers hated him and they conspired to kill him one day while they were guarding the flocks in the countryside. (Gen 37:19-35)
2) They determined to kill Joseph and throw his body into a deep cistern (well) which had no water in it and say that a ferocious animal had devoured him. However Reuben persuaded them not to kill Joseph, but merely to throw him into a cistern. Reuben wanted to rescue Joseph later. (Gen 37:20-22)
3) Before Reuben could rescue Joseph the brothers saw a caravan of Israelites carrying spices, balm and myrrh to Egypt. Judah persuaded the brothers to sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites instead of killing him. They recieved 20 shekels of silver as the price for Joseph (Gen 37:25-28)
* Judas Iscariot recieved 30 silver coins as the price for betraying Jesus. (Mt 26:14-16).
4) After selling Joseph, the brothers got Joseph's robe, slaughtered a goat and dipped the robe in blood. Then they took the robe to their father Jacob, who declared, "It is my sons robe, some feerocious animal has devoured him", Jacob tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and mourned for his son many days and said that he would mourn his son until he died. (Gen 37:31-35).
--> Joseph's 10 elder brothers wanted to kill him, so by selling him into slavery they virtually murdered him.
* For Abraham's offering, Isaac should die, but instead of this a ram was killed as the offering. (Gen 22:13)
* Jacob recieved the blessing from his father Isaac by using 2 young goats as food and by covering his arms and neck with goatskins. (Gen 27:8-27).
(2) Joseph was sold as a slave in Egypt to Potiphar, one of the Pharoahs officials, the captain of the guard. (Gen 37:36)
(3) Joseph was falsely accused by Potiphar's wife and thrown into prison for 2 years. (Gen 39:19,20) (Gen 41:1)
(4) Punishment and blessing.
1) Without committing any kinds of crime or sin, Joseph as an innocent person received great abuse, suffering and punishment.
--> In spite of his punishment he never complained, never had resentment and never lost his faith in God.
2) A long time later, Joseph recieved great blessing from God.
--> Finally this poor shepherd, slave and prisoner would become the Prime minister of Egypt, second in power only to the Pharoah.
Criminal behavior requires punishment or indemnity as a price.
(1) Desire as the core of emotion requires joy or happiness.
--> When the desire of a subject is realized through the contents of an object then joy and happiness are produced.
1) Good desire requires good joy and happiness.
--> Through good desire, good joy and happiness are produced.
2) Evil desire requires evil joy and happiness.
--> Through evil desire, evil joy and happiness are produced.
3) Evil desire, which is satan's fortress, invites satan.
4) (Jas 1:13-15)
--> After evil desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin (crime). and when sin is full grown it gives birth to death (punishment).
(2) Crime and punishment
1) Law of indemnity
--> If anyone commits a sin (crime) they will absolutely recieve some punishment through indemnity.
; Through this punishment God realizes his righteousness and goodness.
2) The function and result of punishment.
--> After recieving punishment, the criminal person restores their original position.
; Therefore, punishment becomes blessing and education to the the criminal person.
3) Paying the price, which is punishment, has several meanings.
--> Ransom, redemption, punishment, indemnity, education, awakening, blessing.
4) Method and degree of the punishment which is indemnity.
--> There are two kinds of indemnity. One is quantitative indemnity the other is qualitative indemnity.
; Indemnity condition of a lesser amount, equal amount and greater amount.
; Lesser indemnity, equal indemnity and greater indemnity.
(3) The attitude of the criminal person during the time of recieving punishment.
1) The criminal person who confesses his sin, repents to God and never complains or has resentment can change from satan's evil direction to God's good direction and can liberate from, separate from satan.
--> This person can have the ability to go to Kingdom of Heaven.
2) The criminal person who does not confess his sin, does not repent to God and complains and has resentment cannot change from satan's evil direction to God's good direction and cannot liberate or separate from satan.
--> This person does not have the ability to go to Kingdom of Heaven.
; This person will repeatedly commit sin, be punished and finally go to hell.
(b) Joseph overcame adulterous temptation. (Gen 39:all)
(1) Joseph became the most trusted servant of Potiphar's house and became the overseer of the whole house and servants. (Gen 39:6)
--> Potiphar said to Joseph (Gen 39:6) "So he left in Joseph's care everything he had. With Joseph in charge he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate."
--> (Gen 39:9) Joseph's response to Potiphar's wife when she tried to tempt him. "No one is greater in this house than I am. My master has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How could I then do such a wicked thing and sin against God.
(2) Potiphar's wife was attracted to Joseph and attempted to seduce him everyday. One day when no one else was in the house whe siezed Joseph by his coat. He rejected her and fled, leaving his coat in her hands.
(3) Joseph followed Potiphar's wife's directions in everything except her adulterous orders. Therefore, Joseph overcame the numerous adulterous seductions made by Potiphar's wife.
--> However, Joseph was imprisoned because Potiphar's wife falsely accused him of attempting to seduce her.
(4) Adam failed to overcome fallen Eve's seduction, but Joseph succeeded in overcoming the seduction of Potiphar's wife.
--> Jesus also succeded in overcoming adulterous temptations like Joseph.
; Catholic nuns and priests should overcome adulterous temptations in their daily lives.
(5) Can I overcome adulterous temptations, even in my dreams?
(c) Joseph loved his enemy (10 elder brothers).
(1) Through interpreting the Pharaoh's dream, Joseph became the prime minister of Egypt. (Gen 41:all) (Gen 41:25-32)
--> Seven fat cows were eaten by seven lean cows. This means that there will be seven years of abundance in which much grain will be harvested followed by seven years of famine so severe that the abundance will be forgotten and the land will be ravaged. (Gen 41:5-7)
--> Seven heads of healthy grain that were growing on a single stalk were swallowed up by seven ohter heads of grain which were thin and scorched by the wind.
(2) Through recieving serious indemnity and punishment Joseph as a younger brother restored the elder brothers birthright, which is a national sovereignty. (Gen 41:39-41)
--> The Egyption king Pharoah placed Joseph in charge of the whole land of Egypt including the palace and all the people, and only with respect to the throne of Pharoah was greater than Joseph.
; Joseph predicted seven years of famine and organized all of the preparations in Egypt in order to overcome it.
(3) When the famine struck, Jacobs family began to suffer and Jacob sent Joseph's brothers (10 elder) to Egypt to buy grain. The brothers did not recognize Joseph.
--> As prime minister Joseph had the power to kill his enemies, the 10 elder brothers. However he did not.
(4) Joseph loved his enemies the 10 elder brothers, with tears. (Gen 45:3) The 10 elder brothers were terrified at Joseph's presence, they were surprised, ashamed and affraid.
--> (Gen 45:14,15) Joseph embraced his 11 brother's with tears.
(5) Through Joseph loving his enemies, he restored the elder brothers birthright.
--> (Gen 42:6) The 10 elder brothers bowed down to Joseph as a govenor.
--> (Gen 42:9) Joseph remembered his dream when he was 17 years old. After 21 years, Joseph's dreams were realized at the age of 38, which means that Joseph became the leader and lord over his 10 elder brothers and parents.
(6) Joseph gave all things to his enemy (10 elder brothers).
--> (Gen 45:16-28) Joseph gave them land, nice clothing, nice carts (chariots, wagons) and donkeys, loaded with grain and bread and other supplies.
Notice: Joseph's life course.
--> 21 year course:
17 years old (sold as slave) (Gen 37:2-36)
28 years old (in prison for 2 years) (Gen 41:1)
30 years old (became prime minister) (Gen 41:46)
38 years old (brother's bow down to Joseph) (Gen 41:53-57) ; (Gen 42:1-7)
--> Father met Jesus at age 16 (1936) Father goes to Hung Nam prison (1948) father released from prison (1950)
; Jacob, Joseph, Jesus, Father's 21 year course.
Father's Course
(a) Father received 7 kinds of torture.
(1) Tortured by sleep deprivation.
--> Torture to the brain. Father was not allowed to sleep for seven days. N. Korean torturers, led by a Soviet Russian advisor deprived Father of sleep for 7 days. He was not allowed to close his eyes. This sleep deprivation was more difficult than a 40 day fast. After the first three days, Father was kept under constant surveillance by the guards who were working in 3 hour shifts. However the guards would keep their distance. Father looked like a spirit, his eyes were very red and he never spoke even after 7 days. All the torturers became affraid of Father, even the soviet advisor. He had tortured many people but had never experienced someone like Father. He said Father was the first person in history to endure such a thing, the first never to break.
(2) Tortured by electric shock.
--> Torture to the nerves (nervous system). This was a very dangerous and severe torture. If the voltage used on father was set even a little higher father would have died. Father lost consciousness and revived many times.
(3) Tortured by water hose into stomach and intestine.
--> Torture to the stomach and intestine. By the use of a hose, water was forced through Father's mouth and into his stomach and intestines untill they were full to the point of bursting. Then the torturers would apply pressure with his leg and foot to Father's stomach (belly), this caused water to beforced back out of the mouth and anus. If the pressure was not released in such a way Father would have died.
(4) Tortured by forced squatting.
--> Torture to the legs and thighs. Father was forced to sit Japanese style on his knees and heels. A large wooden bar was wedged behind his knees. The pressure tore his muscles and skin, spewing blood. For seven days after Father could not walk but had to crawl like a baby.
(5) Tortured by being hung upside down by the ankles.
--> Torture to the body and lungs. Father was hung upside down from the ceiling by his ankles. The the communists mixed red pepper powder and water and poured this into Father's nostrils, choking him.
(6) Tortured by hanging from his wrists tied behind him.
--> Torture to the arms and lungs. Father's hands were tied together behind his back. Then he was hung from the ceiling by his hands. The pressure forced his rib cage to push into his lungs until he could not breathe. Three hours later he had almost suffocated and passed out. His torturers thinking that he had died, cut him down. In general people died after two hours of such torture. This suffering was a similar experience to Jesus' painful three hour crucifixion. After five hours Father revived and regained conciousness.
(7) Tortured by being beaten across his back.
--> Torture to the spine and internal organs. (Heart, lung, kidneys, liver) For several days Father was beaten across his back with wooden rods, until his back was torn open and blood stained his shirt. His inner organs were also severely damaged. Eventually he collapsed and vomited blood. Many people were killed in this way dying after vomiting. Father was left for dead and his body was thrown out into the snow. His body was found by his disciples and taken home. He looked like a skeleton, nothing but skin and bones. for 10 days he continued to vomit blood until they were convinced there was no hope. doctors could not revive him with medication or injections. It took 6 months for him to recover.
(b) The reason why satan tortured Father.
--> Satan requires of Father that he throw away his mission of being the messiah.
(1) After the fall, satan (archangel) seized (gained) the Parents right and the King of King right from Adam and Eve who were predestined to become the True Parents and King of Kings.
--> In order to gain and restore the True Parents right and the King of Kings right, which is the elder brother's king dynasty from satan, Father, as the messiah, should pay the price which is receiving torture and martyrdom.
(2) In the material K-Mart, someone can come in and take out any materials (products) with the condition of paying a price, which is money.
--> In order to gain, restore and liberate all of fallen mankind, who are captured in satan's "K-Mart" which is satan's prison camp, Father should pay the price which is receiving torture and martyrdom.
(3) After paying the price, which is receiving torture and martyrdom, Father should receive permission from satan (a signed agreement, certificate) in which satan gives up the True Parents and King of Kings right of dominion over all of mankind to Father.
(c) Father's prayer of loving his enemy after receiving torture and martyrdom.
(1) Satan asked Father: Through severe torture and martyrdom in the prison camp, satan tried to make Father become angry, hateful, complaining and resentful against his enemy, the torturer who is satan.
--> And then, satan asked Father: "Can you love your enemy the torturer who is satan?"
(2) Being an airplane torture and martyrdom in the prison camp.
--> Father's wrists were tied together behind his back and he was hung from the ceiling by a rope from his wrists. Through this torture, the rib cage was pressed against the lungs. Gradually, breathing became more difficult and eventually suffocation and a loss of consciousness resulted. Finally, Father "died." Five hours later, Father regained his life and resurrected both spiritually and physically.
(3) Father's prayer:
1) Father received punishment which is torture and martyrdom without committing any kind of sin. He never had any kind of complaint or resentment during this period.
--> After Father had repeatedly "died" and resurrected during the torture and martyrdom, Father, shedding tears, prayed and asked God to forgive his enemy. He truly loved his enemy, the torturer who was satan.
2) Through this serious prayer of loving the enemy, Father melted the most evil torturer's mind.
--> This most evil torturer, who was originally a Christian had become a Communist and had killed many Christians, and finally tried to kill Father.
3) This most evil torturer looked at and experienced many Christian leaders, elders, ministers and priests as they were waiting to die through torture. They all prayed to God every day for His assistance. When God's assistance did not come, they lost hope and the faith in God.
(4) This most evil torturer confessed and repented to Father.
1) This torturer heard Father's tearful prayer several times. He was amazed at Father's prayer.
--> By hearing Father's prayer, the torturer became aware of the fact that only one man, Father, kept his faith in God throughout all of his suffering.
; Through experiencing Father's lifestyle and prayer, the torturer awakened to the realization that God must exist.
2) This most evil torturer, shedding tears, visited Father and confessed and repented of his sins of murdering many Christians, asking Father how he could be saved.
--> Father forgave him and guided him on how to be saved.
3) Through restoring this most evil torturer, who is the elder brother (archangel, satan), Father was able to gain and restore 12 disciples in the prison camp without teaching them the Divine Principle. They came through the spiritual guidance of their ancestors.
(5) Father received the certificate from satan for the first time in human history. 1) By restoring the most evil torturer and 12 disciples, Father, as the messiah, could subjugate satan, the archangel. --> Through subjugating satan, Father, as the younger brother, restored the elder brother's birthright. 2) By the accomplishment of these 2 conditions, Father received from satan the certificate through which satan gave up to Father the right of Parents and King of Kings, and the right of dominion over all of fallen mankind.
(d) God's tears and Father's prayer of comfort.
(1) God asked Father:
--> Do you need any support or miracles during your time of severe torture and martyrdom?
(2) Mother and son relationship.
--> In front of the mother, her 3 year old son is severely beaten by one man without any cause and the son dies. ; The mother's feeling is fear, shock and she sheds painful tears. Her heart is almost broken and she cries out, losing her sanity and consciousness.
(3) In Human history, the most beloved child of Heavenly God is Father. Because of Father's providential mission as the messiah, God absolutely loved Father even more than Jesus.
--> Therefore Heavenly God exists together with Father 24 hours a day. Whenever Father came into the prison camp or was receiving torture, Heavenly God also was there together with Father.
(4) In the prison camp, Father was severely tortured many times. He would come close to death and then revived many times.
--> Heavenly God represents and resembles the mother. Father represents and resembles the 3 year old boy.
1) During the time of imprisonment and torture, Heavenly God was looking at and experiencing everything with Father.
--> Heavenly God's feeling was fear, shock and He shed painful tears. His heart was almost broken and He cried out, losing His sanity and consciousness.
2) Father's spiritual eyes opened and he could see God's situation.
--> Because Father could see Heavenly God's miserable heart, he had great sympathy and could never think of asking Heavenly God to help him. Even at the point of death, Father prayed to God, "Please do not worry about me, I am alright." In this way, he comforted God.
(5) Father offered to God the certificate from satan, which restores the right of True Parents and the King of Kings, and also the right of dominion over all of fallen mankind. This means that all of fallen mankind can be saved.
--> Through these 2 conditions which are Father's prayer of comfort and Father's restoring the right of Parents and King of Kings from satan, Heavenly God allowed and Blessed Father to become True Parents for the first time in Human history in 1960.
(b) Father's providential life in Hung Nam Prison Camp.
(1) Concerning food in the North Korean prison camp:
1) In the N. Korean communist system there is no free market system in which everyone can freely buy anything. Therefore the food system was very terrible, designed to make survival impossible.
--> Especially in the prson camp the food was severely rationed inadequate and of poor quality. According to this reason every prisoner suffered from malnutrition and was starving.
2) Prisoners who were weak could survive only six months. The average person could only survive one year. Healthy people could survive 2 years.
--> Father's exceptional health enabled him to survive for 2 years and 8 months.
3) There was never enough food in the prison camp. Therefore the prisoners were allways starving and hungry as during a 7 day fast. Prisoners would die all the time, particularily during meal time when they would rest.
--> When a man died during his meal, the other people would fight over the rest of his food, even taking food from the mouth of the dead person.
; The prisoners ate buck wheat and one third of the husks remained.
4) For the first 3 weeks, Father divided his meagerly rationed food and would give half away to other prisoners.
--> After 3 weeks, father ate his own portion of food, and he thinks and appreciates that God is giving him an extra portion of his food.
; All the other prisoners complained and had resentment concerning food, but Father never complained or had resentment concerning food in the prison camp.
5) Father's followers would sometimes visit him in prison camp and they would bring gifts of rice cakes or rice read to him. These would be given to a prison official who would pass it on to Father.
--> Father would share this gift and divide it equally among the prisoners. Other prisoners who recieved such gifts of food would allways keep everything for themselves.
6) One time Father recieved a very large gift of rice cakes. He shared half of this with the other prisoners but kept half to divide again later. However, one prisoner stole this part of the rice cakes. He was caught by the other prisoners --> Father did not punish him. Instead Father forgave him. When Father divided his food among the prisoners he gave this thief a double portion.
(2) Concerning clothes in the North Korean prison camp.
1) In North Korea the weather was intensely cold in the winter time and the prisoners did not have proper clothing and they suffered from exposure.
--> Even beggars have some kind of old dirty clothers to wear in the winter time. Therefore the prisoners envied the poor miserable beggars who had nicer clothes than them.
2) One time, Father's mother came to the prison camp and brought him some good winter clothes to wear. But Father gave them to other prisoners not keeping them for himwelf.
--> Fathers mother was very upset and tearful abouth his actions but Father could not weaken because of her tears.
3) Father would accept clothing brought to him by the menbers but would not accept the clothes from his mother who was on satan's side. --> Father rebuked and scolded his mother who did not understand Fathers mission, just as Jesus once rebuked his own mother by saying, "who is my mother ..., whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my mother." (Mt 12:48-50)
(4) Concerning labor in the prison camp.
1) Near the prison camp, there was a large hill of solidified chemical fertilizer which was as hard as a rock. 10 members making up a group had to dig this fertiliser and fill large sacks with it. These sacks had to be carried to a weighing machine and afterwards loaded onto trucks. Each day one group was responsible to fill and load 1300 sacks of fertiliser onto the trucks.
2) Father took on the job of carrying the sacks to the weighing machine and afterwards loaded onto trucks. This job was 10 times more difficult than any other job.
--> Even on the coldest days, because of the severity of this hard work, Father would be sweating.
; Also the chemicals, in the fertiliser would burn the mens skin away, casing some to die.
3) The communists recognized that Father was the number one laborer that they had ever had in the prison camp. Finally, Father recieved an award from the communists in recognition of his being the number one laborer.
4) Father was the number one laborer in the prison camp where the conditions of labor were more difficult and severe than what coal mining. Father worked for about 3 years in the prison camp.
--> Father is also the model ocean laborer (fisherman) on the sea for the past 10 years through tuna fishing.
--> Marx, as a scholar, is called the "father of labor," but that is in name only. True Father, as the messiah, has proven to be the "True Father of labor."
Notice (1) Method for Father to discover the Divine Principle.
1) God gave one question and 70 answers to Father, among these 69 were wrong answers.
; Within three times, Father should choose the correct answer from the 70 answers. Otherwise Father recieved severe indemnity (punishment).
2) Father is a genius. Father's brain is better than any Phd doctor in history.
--> Using God's and satan's heart Father discovered the Divine Principle.
Notice (2) Method for Father to prevent the fall.
1) Heavenly God guided Father by shedding God's tears in his teenage years.
--> Through prayer Father always makes a reciprocal base with God, producing good power of give and take action.
2) Father never made a reciprocal base with any girls or women. Through this Father prevented the fall.
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