Unification Sermons and Talks |
Rev. Ahn |
Notes on Rev Ahn's 40 Day Workshop
Parallels of History (7)
Diagram Comparison Between Jewish and Christian History
Abraham Moses Saul, David, Solomon Time Joseph Period
| 400 | 400 | 120 | """"""""""|""""""""""""""""""|""""""""""""""""""|""""""""""""""""""|
Age Slavery in Egypt Judges United Kingdom
Conditional object Underground Tabernacle Temple (10 sacrifices Ark of covenant command.)
Central Martyrs 15 Prophet, High peson Moses judges priest and King
Time Jesus Augustine Charlemagne Period | 400 | 400 | 120 | """"""""""|""""""""""""""""""|""""""""""""""""""|""""""""""""""""""| Age Prosecution in Rome Church patriarchs Christian Kingdom
Conditional object Underground Tabernacle Temple (10 sacrifices Ark of covenant command.)
Central Martyrs Patriarchs Monks, Pope Augustine and King
| 400 | | 210 | 120 | |""""""""""""""""""|"""""X""""""""""""|""""""""""""""""""| Divided Kingdom Jewish captivity Preparation for and return the Messiah
Temple Second Synagogue
2 major, 8 minor 2 major Malachi Elijah, High 4 minor John the Baptist Priest, King prophets
| 400 | | 210 | 120 | |""""""""""""""""""|"""""X""""""""""""|""""""""""""""""""| Divided Kingdom Papal captivity Preparation for and return the second coming
Catholic Protestant church
Monks, Pope Popes Hus Luther and King reform Wyecliff 2nd John the Baptists
Comparison Between Jewish and Christian History (centering of religious history)
<1>(a) Period of slavery in Egypt.
(1) Because of Abraham's failed offering, the Israelites received 400 years of slavery in Egypt as punishment. (Jacob, 12 sons, 70 family members came to Egypt).
(2) As a result of Jacob's victory, they could keep circumcision, (the Sabbath - after Moses) and offer sacrifices.
(3) Through the 3 miracles and 10 calamities (plagues), Moses could subjugate the Pharaoh and leave Egypt.
(4) Through receiving the 10 commandments (2 tablets of stone), they could begin the O.T. age.
--> They received the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant.
<1>(b) Period of persecution in the Roman empire. (400)
(1) Because of Jesus' crucifixion, his 12 apostles, 70 disciples and the early Christians received persecution and martyrdom in the Roman empire, (about 400 years).
(2) Through Jesus' resurrection, Christians could receive baptism, keep the Sabbath, and receive holy communion (bread and wine).
(3) At the time of Constantine (313 a.d.), the Roman empire accepted Christianity. At the time of Theodosius the 1st (392 a.d.), Christianity became the state religion of Rome.
(4) At the Nicean council (325 a.d.), the Nicene creed (based upon the Apostles creed), was established. At about the same time, the 27 books of the N.T. were fixed (canonized).
--> The underground church ended and the early church began. Books in the Bible (3 x 9 = 27 39 + 27 = 66)
<2>(a) Period of the Judges. (400)
(1) 15 judges guided the age (Othniel, Gideon, Samson, Samuel).
--> Canaan was divided among the 12 tribes of Israel.
(2) The Israelites worshipped God centering on the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant, but they turned away to worship the gods (idols) of the 7 tribes of Canaan (Baal, Ashtaroth) and denied God.
--> Then, they received punishment until they repented and worshipped God again.
; But soon they turned back to idol worship. (Deu 7:1-4) (Jdg 2:10-16)
(3) Jewish tribal (feudal society begins).
Notice The Israelites worshipped sexual gods (satan).
1) (Num 25:1-9) The Israelites worshipped sexual gods (Baal of Peor) and they were punished until they repented and changed. Phineas (grandson of Aaron) killed an Israelite man and a Midianite woman as they committed fornication (worshipping sexual gods) inside the tabernacle.
2) (I Kgs 14:23,24) Israel had male cult prostitution and worshipped Asherah, goddess of fertility, under the shade of the trees which were the shrines of Asherah. of Asherah)
3) (Jdg 3:5-7) The Israelites intermarried with the Canaanite tribes and worshipped their gods.
4) (Exo 34:15,16) God warns the Israelites against prostitution and the worship of Canaanite gods.
5) (Hos 4:all) The priest, like the people, practiced cultic prostitution as they worshipped sexual gods under the trees.
6) (Jer 2:20-25) From an early time in its history, Israel denied God and worshipped sexual gods under green trees.
<2>(b) Period of the Patriarchs. (400)
(1) The patriarchs guided this age. Christianity was divided among 5 regions (Rome, Antioch, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Constantinople). --> The Huns invaded Europe and there was a great movement of Germanic tribes which eventually created the Frankish kingdom. ; Christianity witness to the Frankish kingdom.
(2) Christian thought became confused and suffered because Christians worshipped Germanic idols (gods) and ancestors.
(3) During this time period, Christian feudal society began.
<3>(a) Period of the United kingdom. (120)
(1) The prophet Samuel (archangel) anointed Saul (Adam) to ascend to the throne and be crowned as king. (800 symbolic years from Adam). (I Sam 10:1, 20-24)
(2) Moses' ideal of the tabernacle was restored through Solomon's temple, and God's promise to Abraham that his descendants would inherit all the land of Canaan (Gen 15:18) was realized through David's and Solomon's kingdom.
(3) Incest among David's children (2 Sam 13:1-14) bore evil fruit in murder and civil war (Absalom's rebellion). David's sin of adultery with Bathsheba (2 Sam 11:all) bore evil in their son king Solomon who had 700 wives and 300 concubines (including Pharaoh's daughter and foreign women). Solomon worshipped the foreign women's idols (gods). (1 Kgs 11:1-10)
--> Finally, Solomon was punished and the nation was divided into North (10 tribes) and South (2 tribes). (1 Kgs 11:11-13)
<3>(b) Period of the Christian kingdom. (120)
(1) Pope Leo III (archangel) anointed Charlemagne (Adam) to ascend to the throne and be crowned emperor. (800 a.d.)
(2) Augustine's ideal of the city of God was realized through the Catholic church and Charlemagne's empire (the Christian kingdom).
(3) Charlemagne's grandsons divided this kingdom into 3 parts: East Franks, West Franks and Italy. (Later, Italy joined with the East Franks and they became the Holy Roman Empire).
--> Murder, corruption within the Catholic church caused this Empire to be divided. (See Notice (b) after <6>(b).
<4>(a) Period of the divided kingdoms, north and south. (400)
(1) In spite of the fact that God sent many prophets to prophesy to the kings, they denied God's temple and worshipped idol gods. (Baal and Ashtaroth).
; Therefore, they received punishment (warnings by Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Amos, Micah, Nehum, Habakkuk and 7 prophets in 1st and 2nd Kings.
(2) Jewish feudal society ended.
--> Northern kingdom (Israel) --> 9 dynasties, 19 kings, 260 years (202) years.
--> Finally, the Northern kingdom was destroyed by Assyria. (2 Kgs 17:5-24)
--> Southern kingdom (Judah)
--> 1 good orthodox dynasty continued for 394 years (335 years) 20 kings. At the end of this dynasty, they worshipped in idol gods, and were captured by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. (2 Kgs 25:8-21)
<4>(b) Period of the divided kingdoms, east and west. (400)
(1) The Pope's Golden Age.
1) Pope represents the archangel and the king represents Adam.
2) Pope Gregory 7th subjugated the German emperor, Henry 4th (at Canossa).
3) Pope Innocent 3rd dominated England's King John.
--> At this time, the barons made and agreement with King John (the Magna Carta), stating that the king could not collect taxes without consent (law), nor punish people without a trial by their peers.
; From this developed the English parliament.
(2) The corruption of the popes and the vatican (they committed the 4 kinds of sin, including sexual sins).
(1) Renowned monastics (prophets) initiated an internal reformation of the popes and the vatican. --> This failed.
(2) The mongols invaded eastern Europe. (Christian realm = Northern kingdom of Israel).
(3) The crusades: by the Roman pope's order, Christian crusaders tried to liberate Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Seljuk Turks. They tried 7 different times in 200 years.
--> They failed. (Christian realm = Southern kingdom of Judah).
(3) Results of the crusades.
1) The Roman popes authority collapsed.
2) The population of knights was devastated, so the feudal system could not be maintained.
3) Centering on the city, the merchants, craftsmen and manufacturers united with the king in order to protect their rights. With the support of the cities, the monarchy could subjugate the feudal lords. Finally, the feudal system was destroyed.
4) Pope Boniface 8th was captured by the French King Phillip 4th.
5) Christian feudal society ended.
Notice (1) East Europe and West Europe
1) Cain churches
--> Eastern Europe is dominated by the Greek orthodox church
2) Abel churches
--> Western Europe is dominated by the Roman Catholic church
Notice (2) West Franks and East Franks
1) Cain churches
--> The West Franks became the kingdom of France. Its kings asserted their independence from the papacy and would later take the popes into captivity. (= Northern kingdom of Israel)
2) Abel churches
--> The East Franks, including Italy formed the Holy Roman empire. Its kings maintained loyalty to the pope. Ultimately, the reformation arose in this realm. (= Southern kingdom of Judah)
Notice:(3) S Europe and N Europe in W Europe
1) Cain churches
--> Southern Europe is dominated by the Roman Catholic church
2) Abel churches
--> Northern Europe is dominated by the Protestant churches.
Notice:(4) S America and N America
1) Cain churches
--> South America is dominated by the Roman Catholic church
2) Abel churches
--> North America is dominated by the Protestant churches.
Notice (5) The second Israel
--> The second Israel consits of
1) Catholic nations - Rome, Frank Kingdom
2) Protestant nations - England, USA
<5>(a) The period of Jewish captivity and return. (210)
(1) King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the temple (in 586 b.c.). Jerusalem lay in ruins for 70 years. (Jer 29:10)
--> King Jehoikam and the upper classes were exiled to Babylon.
--> The Jewish people suffered famine, disease and death. (Lam 4:3-10)
(2) The Jewish people began to return to Jerusalem after the edict of King Cyrus (King of Persia) in 538 b.c. (2 Chr 36:32-38) (Eze 1:8)
--> After lying in ruins for 70 years, the temple was rebuilt = the 2nd temple. (Ezr 6:15)
--> The Jewish people continued to return from exile in 3 waves over a period of 140 years.
--> During the period of captivity, God punished the Jewish people. Through this, the Jewish people shed tears and longed to return to Jerusalem. (Psa 137:1-6) Therefore, God allowed the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem.
(3) The Jewish people received persecution for their faith and became confused. (Dan 6:7,8) (Jer 44:15-19) In Babylonia and Persia, the people worshipped idol gods that symbolized nature, ancestors and kings. The kings made the Jewish people worship idols and would not allow them to worship Heavenly God. (Dan 3:all)
In this period, Confucius appeared in China (557-479 b.c.) Buddha appeared in India (565-485 b.c.) Socrates appeared in Greece (470-399 b.c.)
<5>(b) The period of papal captivity and return. (210)
(1) Pope Clement 5th was captured from Rome and exiled to Avignon, France by King Phillip 4th for 70 years (1309- 1379).
--> All Christianity was captured spiritually.
--> At this time, the bubonic plague (black death) swept over Europe and killed 1/3 of the population.
(2) Pope Gregory 11th returned to Rome (1377).
--> The papacy was divided and at times, there were 2 or 3 rival popes.
; Later, the papacy was united.
--> 140 years elapsed from the time of the return from Avignon to Rome (1377) until the time of Martin Luther and the Reformation (1517).
(3) Great confusion appeared in the Christian faith.
1) Through the failure of the crusades which was God's punishment, papal authority completely collapsed.
2) At this time, humanistic thought (Hellenism) was brought from Greece and the moslem library in Spain to Western Europe. This led to the Renaissance.
3) At this time, 2 contradictory trends of thought appeared.
; One denied God, the Bible and the Catholic system, then evolved into the Renaissance.
; The other movement denied the Catholic system, but accepted God and the Bible. Because they repented with tears and paid indemnity by martyrdom, they could bring about the Protestant reformation.
; Early attempts at reformation by Huss and Wycliffe failed. Finally, centering on Martin Luther, this reformation succeeded because of political support from German rulers, merchants and manufacturers, centering on the Elector of Saxony.
<6>(a) The period of preparation for the first coming of the messiah. (400)
(1) Despite Israel's return from captivity, the priests of the 2nd temple were corrupt. (Mal 1:all, 2:all)
--> Ezra brought a religious reformation to Judaism. (Neh 8:9) (Ezr 9:10)
--> Malachi prepared for and prophesied about the coming messiah. (Mal 3:1, 4:1-5)
1) The synagogue replaced the 2nd temple as the center of Jewish daily worship.
2) The Bible (O.T.) was translated into Greek (the Septuagint) and Aramaic (the Taragum), which were the languages of the people, so that every Jewish person could study God's word directly. (Greek = English ; Aramaic = Japanese)
; By centering on the Law, which anyone could study and practice, Ezra liberated God and the Law from the High Priest.
3) Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem and tried to establish God's sovereignty in Jerusalem in the midst of colonial rule.
4) As a result:
--> The Jewish people gained freedom of faith to receive the messiah directly.
; Judaism divided into many parties and sects (Pharisees, Saduccees, Essenes, Zealots).
--> So, Judaism did not have one absolute theory and truth.
(2) Israel became a colony of Persia, Greece, Egypt, Syria, then Rome.
--> They suffered ideological (thought), political and economic persecution by these nations.
(3) God prepared the foundation in order for Jesus to spread his word (N.T.) from Israel to Rome, then to the entire world (Buddhism, Confucianism and other higher religions).
<6>(b) The period of preparation for the second coming of the messiah. (400)
(1) Through the religious reformation centering on Martin Luther, Protestantism was formed.
1) The Protestant church replaced the Catholic church as the center of God's dispensation.
2) The Bible was translated into all languages. The invention of the Gutenberg press (1450) made the Bible available to all.
; By centering on the Bible, which anyone could read and practice, Luther liberated God, Jesus and Bible from the pope.
3) John Calvin tried to establish the model for a Christian nation in Geneva in the midst of satan's sovereignty.
; The Puritans followed this ideal to found America as the nation of God's sovereignty and the model for the kingdom of heaven on earth.
4) As a result:
--> Christians gained freedom of faith to receive the returning messiah directly.
; Christianity divided into 600 denominations (Catholicism became just another denomination) and there wa no overall claim to an absolute truth within Christianity.
(2) Christianity suffered great persecution on the world-wide level because of dramatic and radical changes of thought, politics and economics.
(3) God prepared the foundation in order for the second coming of the messiah to spread God's word (Completed Testament) from the chosen nation to America and to the democratic, then even to the communist world.
Israel's history has several main functions:
1) Israel's history is God's only providential history of restoration. Other nations' histories are dominated by satan. Only in Israel's history does God directly try to restore a nation from satan's dominion.
2) Israel's history does not hide any kind of sin. It shows everything to mankind. Therefore, we can learn the true phenomena of sinful society (caused by satan) from Israel's history.
; Israel is no more sinful than other nations, but other nations hide their sin.
3) Israel's history reveals man's portion of responsibility. If the Israelites reject God's order, they automatically follow satan's word. For this reason, satan can attack and invade them. Thus, they receive curse and punishment.
4) Israel's blessing comes mainly from the foundations laid by Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, Moses and Joshua.
1) However, in the wilderness, Israel rejected God's order and wanted to back to Egypt (satan's country). For this reason, their foundation was damaged and the 1st generation received punishment, (600,000 died).
; In spite of this, the 2nd generation repented and restored the foundation of faith.
2) Repeatedly, during the period of Judges, Israel denied God and worshipped sexual satan. Accordingly, they received punishment. However, again and again they would repent and this eventually established Israel as God's nation.
3) Even so, Israel persisted in the sin of fornication and the worship of sexual satan. For this reason, the nation was divided, then invaded many times, and finally exiled into Babylon.
--> In exile, the Israelites repented once again and could restore a foundation for receiving Jesus, the messiah.
(5) Finally, Jesus appeared, but the Jewish people chose the historical pattern of denying God. They rejected Jesus and he was crucified.
1) To receive the messiah was the entire purpose of Israel's history. When this purpose failed, Israel lost God's blessing.
; Hebrew should have become the international language.
--> lost.
; Jerusalem should have become the world capital city.
--> lost.
2) The foundation of Noah, Abraham through Joshua, was inherited by Christianity.
--> The Jewish people survived nevertheless, but as a "museum" people, as evidence of God's providence.
Notice (b) Why was the Roman Pope and the Catholic Authority destroyed
a) They did not prepare to welcome the second Messiah
(1) They taught people 2 wrong theories One is the wrong natural science theory The other is the wrong Christian doctrine.
(2) The wrong natural science theory, which is Ptolemaic theory was taught for 1000 years through the Catholic authority.
(3) This wrong theory changed to the correct Copernican theory.
(4) The wrong Christian theory and doctrine, which is the Catholic and 600 Protestant theories and doctrines, should change to God's truth the Divine Principle which is brought by the second Messiah.
b) The Roman Popes and the Catholic leaders commited the 4 kinds of sin.
(1) The Roman Popes took God's and Jesus's position and pretended to be the Lord and the Roman Popes was worshipped by all Catholics.
--> This is the sin of falsehood, disbelief and rebellion.
(2) The Roman Popes commited sexual sins
--> This is the sin of adultery. (Malachi Martin)
(3) The Roman Popes and the Catholic leaders killed many people who declared some truth against the Catholic theories and doctrines.
--> This is the sin of murder.
; Natural scientists and religious reformers were killed by them.
(4) The Roman Popes and the Catholic leaders took and siezed many properties by using their authority. Also they sold papal indulgencies, which means a ticket to heaven through which people could pay for their sins.
--> This is the sin of robbery.
c) Finally the Roman Popes and Catholic leaders recieved punishment for their sins.
(1) The mongols invaded eastern Europe which was controlled by the Greek Orthodox church. (Northern kingdom of Israel).
(2) By the Roman pope's order the Christian crusaders tried to liberate Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Seljuk Turks. They tried 7 different times in 200 years.
--> They failed.
--> Western Europe was controlled by the Roman Catholic church. (Southern kingdom of Judah).
d) Results of the crusades.
--> The first and second Israel were dominated by their satan according to their sins.
1) The Roman popes authority collapsed.
2) The population of knights was devastated, so the feudal system could not be maintained.
3) Centering on the city, the merchants, craftsmen and manufacturers united with the king in order to protect their rights. With the support of the cities, the monarchy could subjugate the feudal lords. Finally, the feudal system was destroyed. 4) Pope Boniface 8th was captured by the French King Phillip 4th.
e) Two kinds of contradictory trends of thought appear.
--> During the crusades humanistic thought, which is Hellenism, was brought from Greece and Spain to Western Europe.
(1) One denied God, the Bible and the Catholic system and evolved into the rennaisance.
--> This Rennaisance devoloped into the Enlightenment and finally became Communism.
; This though belonged to satan's side.
(2) The other denied the catholic system but accepted God and the Bible. because they repented with tears and paid indemnity by martyrdom, they could bring the Protestant reformation.
1) Earlier attempts at reformation by Hus and Wyecliffe failed. Finally centering on Martin Luther, this reformation succeeded because of political support from the Elector of Saxony.
2) This protestant reformation developed into the religious revival and finally reached the religious unity movement.
--> This thought belongs to God's side.
f) The conclusion of providential history.
(1) Jewish providential history is the first main tree (river). The Messiah Jesus is the fruit and seed of Jewish providential history.
--> According to the rebellion of the Jewish people to the Messiah Jesus Christ, the Jewish providential history tree cannot bear fruit and seed but becomes a dried tree and finally a petrified tree.
(2) Christian (Catholic and Protestan) providential history is the second main tree (river). The second coming is the fruit and seed of Christian providential history.
--> According to the rebellion of the Catholic and Protestant people to the second coming, the Christian providential tree cannot bear fruit and seed but becomes a dried tree.
Notice:(c) Economic Development
(1) 3 greatest inventions in human economic life.
1) Fire --> energy
2) Tools --> machines
3) Money --> form of energy value exchange
(2) Development of productive force.
1) Transportation:
; foot --> horse --> 2 wheel --> wagon --> steam engine (train and boat) --> combustion engine (car and airplane) --> jet engine (rocket).
2) Machinery:
; hand tools --> simple machinery --> animals and water powered machines --> steam engine machines --> gasoline (combustion) engine machine --> electric motor machine --> electric and computer (computerized, electric powered machinery).
3) Energy:
; Fire and heat --> wood, coal, oil, gas, nuclear.
; Natural power --> windmill, animal mill, animal plows, water mill.
; Electricity --> wood, coal, oil, wind, water, solar, nuclear.
(3) Economic revolution.
1) Industrial revolution - about 1776 The steam engine appeared (steam train, boat, factory --> coal and iron factory) --> Steam engines and textile machines.
2) 2nd revolution - about 1870 Combustion engine and electricity. (combustion engine + motor --> train, boat, car, airplane, factory.
3) 3rd revolution - about 1960 (Automation revolution)
hand + foot --> inner organs --> brain " " " tools, machines engine + electricity computers " energy
(4) System of ownership.
1) Capitalistic system. Private ownership system + free market.
2) Communist system. National ownership system + planned economy (pre-determined price).
3) Developing society. Mixed ownership system.
--> God allowed mankind to experience and practice various economic systems. Through this, God will pick the best system (God already knows the best system).
Notice (d) Political Development
Diagram 1 - Centering on Europe
Diagram 2 - Centering on the World
(1) Conclusion
1) There is no God
--> Satanism
2) Thought lineage monarchy
--> Military dictatorship
3) Communist party ownership
--> Planned economy Food rationing system Communist party decides jobs, residence, travel
; This is the prison camp system.
(2) The kinds of monarchy
1) Blood lineage monarchy First World War
2) Military lineage monarchy Second World War
3) Thought and miltary lineage monarchy Third World War
Notice (e) Thought Development
Notice (f) Development of Natural Science
(1) Development of Natural Science.
1) Mathematics and astronomy developed.
--> From Ptolemaic theory to the Copernican theory. Formation - Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome Growth - Islamic countries Completion - 17th and 18th centuries in Europe
2) Physics, Chemistry and Biology developed in the 19th century.
3) Nuclear physics, knowledge of the atom and computer systems developed in the 20th century.
(2) Source and origin of communism.
1) Evolution Jean Lamark, Charles Darwin
2) Materialism David Strauss, Ludwig Feuerbach
3) The dialectic Georg Hegel
4) Violent revolution Lenin from French revolution.
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