Unification Sermons and Talks |
Rev. Ahn |
Notes on Rev Ahn's 40 Day Workshop
Workshop Standards (1)
(1) Approach 40-day workshop with the same attitude that Moses had on Mt. Sinai.
(2) Purify body --> no coffee, tea or soda. Only water and juice.
(3) To receive God's word was originally a 40-day fast, such as for Moses. Now, we eat during 40-days, but focus instead on cleansing our minds and hearts.
(4) Husbands and wives abstain from relationship with each other, in order to give their whole attention (mind and body) to receiving God's word.
--> Approach God alone with a humble spirit and open mind to receive His instruction.
5 Proverbs
(1) Where there is Divine Principle, there is Father. Where there is Father, there is Divine Principle.
(2) Divine Principle is food for my spirit self.
(3) Repentance prayer is air for my spirit self.
--> Pure water and tears of repentance prayer:
; The dirt of the physical self is washed with pure water.
; The sinful dirt of the spirit self is washed with tears of repentance prayer.
(4) Complaint and dissatisfaction is poison for my spirit.
(5) Those who live for others go to the Kingdom of Heaven and those who live for myself go to hell.
(Mat 20: 26 - 28)
Two (2) Kinds of functions of the Divine Principle:
(1) The Divine Principle causes me to throw away satan's view of life and accept God's view of life.
(2) The Divine Principle liberated me from being a slave of satan and causes me to become a child of God through daily life.
Human History is Guided both by God and satan.
The Predestination of God's Will.
(1) Satan guides and makes evil history through the king dynasty sovereignty.
--> Kings have been committing the sins of adultery, murder and robbery and have been against God.
; In spite of this, every king pretends and declares that he is a "son of God."
; Through the elder brother, satan makes the king dynasty history, which is evil history. We call this the elder brother's history. ; Satan's weapons are military weapons. Using military weapons satan takes the sovereignty and has been maintaining evil king dynasties.
(2) God guides and makes good history through religion.
--> The Central religion is Judeo-Christianity and the peripheral religions are Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam.
; God's weapons are blood, sweat and tears and God uses these weapons through good persons who become martyrs.
; Through the younger brother, God makes the religious history which is good history. We call this the younger brother's history.
--> The younger brother tries to restore the elder brother's birthright.
; The younger brother represents Adam who fell from being the Lord to become a servant.
; The elder brother represents the archangel who left his position of being a servant to become a lord.
(a) The Predestination of God's will.
(1) What is God's will? God's will = to realize the purpose of creation
--> Due to the Fall:
; Purpose of Creation = purpose of salvation = purpose of restoration
(2) God's will is predestined 100%
--> God's will is unchangeable and absolute. Is 46:11.
(3) God's will is only good (never evil).
(Gen 6:5,6) God felt repentence, sorrow and grief because of man's evil.
(1 Sam 15:11) God repented and grieved that he had made Saul king.
(2 Sam 24:16) God repented for punishing the people too much.
(Jonah 3:10) God repented of his intention to punish the people because they turned from their evil ways.
(Ex 33:11-15) God does not want to punish the wicked, if they repent and change their evil ways.
(Ex 3:7,8) God has sympathy for the Israelites and wants to take them from Egypt to Canaan.
(b) God's predestination of the accomplishment of His will.
; God's will = to realize the purpose of creation = to realize the purpose of salvation = to realize individual salvation.
God's word + Learn, believe Messiah not to eat and practice Title
God's + Human = Individual responsibility responsibility salvation
95 % + 5 % = 100 %
Satan Satan's word + Learn, believe Commit to eat and practice sin
--> 95 % God + 5 % mankind
" "
God's 100 % Mankind's 100 %
1) By accepting God's word through free will human responsibility is fulfilled.
; By accepting satan's word through licentious will human responsibility is failed.
2) Even omniscient, omnipotent God cannot save mankind alone. God can only save mankind by the fulfillment of human responsibility. Therefore mankind can receive salvation through the cooperation of God's responsibility, 95 % (God's word not to eat, from the Messiah), and mans 5 % human responsibility (learn, believe and practice).
; For man to recieve salvation is for God to realize the purpose of salvation (purpose of creation).
(2) Related Bible verses (man's 5%)
(Jn 3:16) Those who believe have eternal life.
(Rom 5:1) By justification through faith, peace is produced.
(Eph 2:8) Through faith you are saved.
(Mat 7:7) Ask - it will be given you, seek - you will find, knock - the door will open.
(Rev 3:10) If you open the door, I will come to you.
(Mk 5:34) Your faith has healed you. (Jn 9:11) Washed eyes and could see.
(Jas 5:15) Prayer of faith can make the sick person well.
(c) God's predestination of the central person.
(1) Diagram
God's + Human = God's predestination for the predestination responsibility mission of the central person
95 % + 5 % = 100 %
Notice (1)
1) There are many Christian denominations which explain that God predestines some people to go to heaven and some to go to hell. These doctrines are greatly mistaken. God never predestines anyone to go to hell. God only 95% predestines that everyone will go to heaven.
2) However, according to 5% human responsibility, man himself decides and chooses whether he will go to heaven or hell.
3) We call these theories, mistaken theories and doctrines, foolish theories, wrong theories, poison theories and evil theories.
Notice (2)
There are 3 kinds of prophets:
1) Formation stage prophets are the 4 major, 12 minor prophets and Elijah.
--> They were waiting for the first coming of the Messiah.
2) Growth stage prophets are the Christian priests and ministers, including the Roman Pope.
--> They are waiting for the second coming of the Messiah.
3) Perfection stage prophets are the True Parents Moonies.
--> They are witnessing to the 2nd coming of the messiah.
(2) Examples of the predestination of the central person (centering on the mission):
1) Abel --> Seth |
2) Noah --> Abraham |
3) Abraham, Isaac, Jacob |
4) Moses --> Joshua | --> Examples of
5) John the Baptist --> Peter | inheriting the
6) Judas --> Matthias | mission
7) Adam --> Jesus --> 2nd coming |
8) Israel --> Christianity --> Korea |
9) Judas and Paul | --> Example of comparison
(3) Conditions for predestination of the central person:
--> 95 % condition
1) God's grace of the age
2) Merit of the chosen nation
3) Merit of the ancestors
4) Social (natural) environment
5) Personal ability, character, education
(d) Clarification of Bible verses indicating the doctrine of predestination:
(1) 95% + 5% Bible verses:
1) (Rom 8:29,30)
God --> foreknew, predestined, called + justified = glorified
{----------------95%----------------} + {-5%-} = (-100%-}
2) (Rom 9:13)
Esau = Cain = Archangel
Jacob = Abel = Adam
Jacob and Esau fulfilled their mission.
--> (fulfilled of mission) --> 5%
--> (received the blessing) --> 100%
; Comparison between Esau and Cain Esau recieved the blessing
--> (fulfilled his mission) --> 5% Cain was cursed (Gen 4:11)
--> (failed his mission) --> 5%
(2) 95% Bible verses
1) (Rom 9:15) --> God's mercy and compassion
--> (Exo 33:19)
2) (Rom 9:21) --> Potter can make any type of vessel using clay
--> Always compare these 2 quotes with (Rom 8:29,30) & (Jer 18:1-10)
(3) Other examples of 95% + 5% Bible verses
1) (1 Cor 15:40)
--> When human responsibility is fulfilled they receive their reward in the spiritual world.
2) (Mat 13:3-10)
--> According to his ancestors' spiritual condition, the nature of a person's spiritual mind is determined, as represented by the 4 types of land. If this person pays indemnity and separates from satan, he can change from an evil to a good man (spiritual mind).
--> The 4 kinds of land: Hard road (Path); rocky or small stone gravel covered with a thin layer of soil; soil with thorns and weeds; good soil. (Luk 8:5-8 ; 11-15)
Notice (a)
Three functions of the mind Desire requires joy and happiness
Good joy and through happiness good action
Free will
God's word good desire
Intellect == + == Desire = Emotion persue or require Human responsibility Satan's word evil desire
Licentious will
Evil joy and through happiness evil action
(Jas 1:13-15) Commit sin Recieve punishment
--> Evil desire requires evil joy and happiness
; Good desire requires good joy and happiness.
(1) The human mind has 3 functions.
--> intellect, will and emotion
; the core of emotion is desire.
1) I can gain God's word or satan's word by the function of the intellect.
2) Intellect and desire are combined by the function of the will.
3) When God's word and desire are combined by the functin of the will this desire becomes good desire.
--> This function of will is called free will and human responsibility is fulfilled.
4) When satan's word and desire are combined by function of the will this desire becomes evil desire.
--> This function of will is called licentious will and human responsibility is failed.
(2) Desire requires (persues) joy and happiness through action.
1) Good desire requires good joy and happiness through good action.
2) Evil desire requires evil joy and happiness through evil action.
--> Evil action we call committing sin.
3) When someone commits sin, this person absolutely recieves punishment.
--> Where there is sin there is punishment.
; This phenomenom we call the law of indemnity or karma. (Jas 1:13-15)
4) There are two kinds of important laws.
--> One is natural law which rules the natural world. The other is the law of indemnity (karma) which rules human society.
Notice (b)
God's value and satan's value
Truth Beauty Goodness
Free will form God's word good desire good action
Intellect == + == Desire = Emotion
Human responsibility Satan's word evil desire Evil action form Licentious will
Falsehood Ugliness Evil
(1) God's value
1) God's word is manifested in truth.
2) Good desire is manifested in beauty.
3) Good action is manifested in goodness.
(2) Satan's value
1) Satan's word is manifested in falsehood.
2) Evil desire is manifested in ugliness.
3) Evil action is manifested in evil.
(3) 3 kinds of beauty and ugliness.
1) Power (love) ---> True love and false love.
2) Appreciation ---> Beauty and ugliness.
3) Value ---> Beauty and ugliness.
(4) Three kinds of heart:
1) Mind
2) Emotion (desire)
3) Power (love)
(5) Several meanings of the "be" verb.
1) existence - There is a book on the desk
2) equivalence - He is my Father
3) passive - The mouse is caught by the cat
4) progressive - He is coming soon.
Notice (c)
(1) How can I destroy my evil desire (satan's fortress)?
Good heart Original Mind Good character nature Good habit Good behaviour Action
God's fortress God's personality God's word Good desire Good action
Intellect == + == Desire = Emotion
Human responsibility
Satan's word Evil desire Evil action Satan's fortress Satan's personality Change direction 180 Evil heart 4 kinds of Mind Evil character fallen nature Evil habit 4 kinds of sin Action
Separate from Confess my sin Through self denial Reject Divorce from to others self sacrifice In order satan's Liberate from Repent/prayer Come into the to destroy word satan to God melting furnace this Pay indemnity
(2) Bible verses
1) Evil desire: (Jas 1:13-15)
2) Forgiveness of sin: (Jas 5:15)
3) Faith and deed: (Jas 1:23,24) (Jas 2:19) (Jas 2:14-26)
4) Repentance prayer to God: (Mat 3:2) (Mat 4:17) (Mar 1:4) (Act 2:38) (Act 3:19) (Act 26:20) (Eze 33:11)
5) Confession to Others: (Jas 5:15,16) (1 Jno 1:9)
6) Pay Indemnity: (Eze 33:4-15; 8-16) (Luk 19:2-10) (Jno 8:3-11)
7) Freedom and law (Jas 1:25) (Jas 2:12)
Notice (d) Four kinds of desire, 4 kinds of social system and four kinds of sin.
a) First desire to maintain existence
1) Desire to eat, desire to sleep, desire to wear.
; These belong to natural law.
2) Economic system
--> Mankind can gain food, shelter and clothes through the economic system.
3) Sin of robbery
--> Without material (money) mankind cannot exist. When mankind gains material against the law, mankind commits the sin of robbery.
b) Second desire to multiply descendents
1) Desire for sex = sexual desire
--> This belongs to God's commandment.
; Sexual desire is manifested in love.
2) Family system
--> Sexual desire or horizontal love is the essential power to keep and maintain the family.
3) Sin of adultery (fornication)
--> Without the family mankind cannot exist. When mankind realizes sexual desire against God's law of love, mankind commits the sin of adultery (fornication).
c) Third desire to gain position
1) Desire to dominate people by using the elder brothers position.
2) Political system
--> Mankind can exist by making communities through the political system.
; The political system absolutely requires the elder brothers position which is leadership.
3) Sin of murder
--> Where there is mankind, there is arrogance, resentment and hatred which produces the sin of murder.
; Without following God's elder brother and younger brother order, mankind commits the sin of murder.
d) Fourth desire to gain knowledge
1) Desire to know the truth
--> There are two kinds of truth.
; One is natural law and the law of indemnity, the other is God's word.
2) Thought system
--> There are many kinds of organization about education.
; God teaches mankind God's word, which is truth. Satan teaches mankind satan's word, which is falsehood, through false theories, wrong theories, poison theories, poison theories and evil theories.
3) Sin of falsehood, disbelief and rebellion.
--> After the fall, mankind is educated and accepts satan's word, which is wrong theory and doctrine, through evil king dynasties, which pretend to be the son of God.
Notice (e) My four kinds of satan's chains and my God's Divine Principle bridle.
(1) Diagram
Licentious will
Gate of Free Heaven will
True Parents
Should cut Tree of Life my four kinds of satan's chain Should wear the Divine Principle Bridle Edge of Hell Should achieve self control
(2) My four kinds of satan's chains
Between archangel and Eve, fallen Eve and Adam -
1) Sin of falsehood, disbelief and rebellion
2) Sin of adultery
Between Cain and Abel -
3) Sin of murder (suicide, homicide)
4) Sin of robbery (thief, embezzler)
(3) The Divine Principle is the Divine Principle bridle which consists of a bit and reins.
--> Father, Jesus and Hung Jin Nim willingly wear the Divine Principle bridle, bit and reins.
; Wearing the Divine Principle bridle, bit and reins means self-control.
; Without wearing the Divine Principle bridle, bit and reins, no one can enter the kingdom of heaven.
Notice (f) The three proverbs which Father practised throughout his whole life.
(1) To have self-control (to dominate, subjugate, conquer my desire ) according to God's word before I control the universe.
(2) In Fathers daily life he would ask and pray to God and recieve direction. According to this direction he would follow and live
(3) Father has been living for others (God's providence), not for himself, for his whole life.
--> Father 95 % lives for others and 5 % lives for himself.
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