The Words of the Badosa Family |
Spanish HARP Winter Workshop
Carlos Badosa
March 2004
Hello everyone!
Well, as in many countries, January has been the month of the Winter WS. It took place between the 28th December and 4th January (stopping the program for God’s Day). The percentage of participants this WS was 100%, which was the most successful one in this aspect (even though we’re not many HARPies in Spain). The schedule was based on the European WSs and our motto was: "We are Proud of being Sons and Daughters of God" We decided to include the new HARP members in October last year, that's why this has been the most challenging WS since our elder brothers went to STF and we didn't have any kind of relationship with the new HARPies. And the most difficult challenge went to the Team Leaders, because they didn't have any kind of previous experience and lot of times they couldn't find the way to guide their own teams.
However, this WS has been the best one if we look at the organization of the schedule, and everyone could enjoy (and specially the new HARPies that never been before to a WS) the usual activities such as Capture the Flag, Treasure Hunt, team unity activities, Challenge Day, and even the Family Evening. The lectures were focused on different topics like Culture of Heart, 3 No's, Spiritual World, the First and Second Generation relationship, etc. and both generations could have a chance to give a lecture. For most of the people, the best activity was the 40-minute prayer evening, because lot of them never did that kind of activity before with such spirit, and the atmosphere we built was very moving. Also after the prayer evening we could have a very moving testimony from First Generation which made all of us cry again.
Well, it was very interesting to deal with lot of problems that you don't realise as long as there are elder brothers supporting you. Personally, I think this WS gave the opportunity to us (to the elder ones now, between the ages of 16-18 years old) to grow internally and realise that it is not that easy to guide your brothers and sisters, and in that situations you can only let God work for them and try your best. Yeah, in conclusion this have been a difficult WS for everyone, but in the end was great, which is the important thing.
Thank you everyone.
Carlos Badosa
Spanish HARP leader
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