The Words of the Balcomb Family

Giving a Speech in Korean

Mike Balcomb
February 12, 2003
Chungbuk, Korea

Today I was invited to give the "chuksa" address at the Myeon Level meeting in Nam-Il Myeon in Cheongwon County, Chungbuk. As a challenge, and with a lot of help from the local family, I managed to give the entire address in Korean! It was a bit of a cheat because I had to transcribe the Hangul into Romanized characters. My excuse is that the Hangul version is in too small a font. For anyone interested, the roman file is attached. Have a go!

Anyway, the meeting was a great success despite people having to strain to catch the meaning of my part. The mayor came, stayed for lunch, as well as several state assemblymen and the village leaders (lee jang) as well.

In the afternoon we went out into the thick countryside of Munui, visiting the lee jang on their farms. One of them introduced us to his wonderful mother, 100 years young! Everywhere we go people are very welcoming and apparently even 24 hours notice is enough to come to a meeting!

Last night one of the Korean sisters met a professor from the nearby Airforce Academy in a hairdresser's shop and invited him back for dinner.

He was a Buddhist, quite familiar with True Parents work and very respectful of them. It was an interesting encounter because earlier in the day as we drove past the Academy we were told that because of security it is very difficult for civilians to enter.

Soemtimes the mountain does come to Mohammed ...

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