The Words of the Barlow Family |
Judgment by your endeavor can be taken in two ways. The first is judgment by your personal endeavor, and the second, judgment by your endeavor as a Family or in teams.
Judgment means separation of good from evil and it is only by being aggressive against evil that the rood can be seen to work.
The amount of energy and effort used to accomplish a task will determine whether or not Father will work to achieve good. By being whole-hearted in your endeavor, you can look forward to seeing the best results, even though that may mean exposing the worst crime.
You are constantly under Judgment, and depending on your spiritual state, sometimes more severely than others. When you are high in spirit, because you feel close to the Father, it is easy to do things with and from heart. You chastise others and help them to overcome problems. You enter into projects, and find that certain facts are exposed because of your actions. You are positive about everything you do and Father helps you, also spirit world. You are judged, but often your chastisement only needs to be mild. When you are low in spirit, it is difficult to do anything. This is the time when you have to make a decided effort to do. You may feel lethargic and may have been chastised severely, therefore you should be thankful that the negativity within you is being exposed and work at being more energetic. Also, when you attempt anything, if you are not prayerful the result is disastrous. Why?
You are judged not only by what you do, but the manner in which it is done. When your endeavor is slap-dash and done without any feeling, you feel within yourself very badly. No one is pleased or receives joy from your action, and Father also does not feel any joy. He cannot use your endeavor for the benefit of others. On the other hand, when you prayerfully approach your task, (by prayerfully I do not mean so much conscious prayer, but more concern and wanting the best result for those who have to benefit from it), then your judgment is not as severe, even though you may make a mistake. What was the motive behind your endeavor? Was it for self-glorification, or to prove that you are as good as the next person, or was it because you wanted to surprise your Father through your brothers and sisters? Jesus said "Judge not, that ye be not judged," but our Father encourages us to judge because we will also be judged, and the Satanic parts of our nature can be exposed and cast away. We know that the physical reflects the spirit and it is only by our physical endeavor that we can tell how close we are to our Father. Therefore, we should be thankful that we can be judged and grow closer to Him.