The Words of the Bentele Family

Reflections on HARP Winter Workshop 2005

Robert Bentele
February 2005

More than 90 HARPies from 4 countries (Switzerland, Austria, France and Germany) had met in a youth and military hostel well equipped for such purposes as Workshops in Appenzell. We gathered In order to say a respectful fair-well to the old year, and to start with hope and visions into the new-year; 2005.

The bright shining sun and about 30 cm of glittering snow played their part in keeping all participants in constant a good mood. The Swiss HARP parents and the HARP-leadership had Invested and prepared much for the success of the workshop.

Morning sports and roll call in the snow was the Ideal method to drive away the last remaining sleepy spirits of our youngsters. The lecture topics in the mornings dealt with the 3 No’s, meaning and responsibility of the 2nd generation, the life of our True Parents and the Heart of God.

The afternoons were filled with sports and ‘working activities’, like singing, Service for Peace, pottery and games. Special recognition goes to the 2 Service for Peace projects. The singing groups went for one day to a retirement home, and another day to a public square in the city, in order to sing there and bring joy to the people while holy sweets were distributed.

Also of course we had inspiring morning- and evening services, and testimonies of first generation representatives. A further special highlight for many was the outdoor prayer meeting on the eve of the 1st of January. Everyone enjoyed the cold winter night and felt free to open up their souls to Heavenly Father.

It was a successful Workshop which gave me hope, that all old national borders could be overcome, especially since the workshop staff, coming from the above mentioned countries, formed a harmonious team.

As a representative of the first Generation, I wish so much that we this time march into Canaan together with the 2nd generation – those who were wandering through the desert and those who were born there.

Robert Bentele

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