The Words of the Berg Family

Arizona ACLC Prayer Breakfast

Staffan Berg
September 30, 2006
Mesa, Arizona

.Rev. Timothy Henning addressing the audience at the Mesa, Arizona, prayer breakfast

The ACLC Prayer Breakfast at Mesa, Arizona for Saturday, September 30, 2006, was like a new start for the Arizona ACLC team. Rev. Tim Henning District Director from Los Angeles, and Rev. Torres were a great source of inspiration. Rev. Henning gave a powerful PowerPoint presentation on "The Seven Principles for Fulfilling True Marriage and Family, and Rev. Torres gave his testimony (brief version). New blood is so wonderful.

In addition, they came a day early to reach out to new ministers in the Phoenix area. We appreciate their effort very much. Their down-to-earth advice from the success they already had created in Los Angeles was very encouraging. Rev. Henning was victorious in bringing Mr. Henning Sr. to the first row of the program. He even skipped work so he could attend. His commitment was a great step forward for the Henning family.

Rev. Betty Tatalajski testified deeply and sincerely about the Middle East Peace Initiative and True Parents. She invited people to attend the next Pilgrimage. Rev. Tatalajski has already gone 14 times herself!

Father Walter Wrobel testified about his visit to the East Coast and the Married Priests Now movement.


Rev. Staffan Berg

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