The Words of the Berry Family |
Region 18 Transition Process Accomplished in Three Stages
Bonnie Berry
July 1, 2006
Seattle, WA
Following the Opening Ceremony for the Original Palace, word quickly spread that Father had announced his plan to have all Korean Regional Directors return to Korea. Though most of us have had challenges over the years trying to bridge the culture and language barriers between our Korean leaders and ourselves, this announcement brought about a sense of sadness that we would be losing our stalwart examples of attendance to God and True Parents. In Region 18, having Rev. and Mrs. Hun Suk Lee for the last five years, we were also faced with saying good-bye to our brother and sister who had prayed for us daily, opened their home and hearts to us, offered guidance and friendship, patience and steadfast love. Together with the Lees, we have faced challenges and success, both sorrowful and joyful times. Above all, the Lees have shown us a consistent standard of attendance, obedience and loyalty to our True Parents.
When Rev. Lee returned from Korea at the conclusion of the festivities, the Lee’s began planning a party for all of us as a way to thank us for our support. On the beautiful and sunny afternoon of July 1st, families of Region 18 congregated at Father’s beautiful Windermere house overlooking Lake Washington and Mt. Rainier. We were all delighted to have Mrs. Lee prepare a sumptuous Korean barbeque dinner for us. The Lee’s hospitality and show of appreciation to us made us feel loved by them and Heavenly Parents. Families spread out on the lawn in small groups enjoying conversation, sharing memories and making plans. Children ran and played. The sounds of their laughter rang out in the summer air. There was an atmosphere of joy and celebration. In closing, Rev. Lee shared his hopes that we would continue to develop the foundation in our community and make stronger unity with one another. He also stressed that he wished to help strengthen our bond of heart with the Fatherland, Korea. He expressed hope that we could continue to stay connected in heart even though he would be in Korea.
The next day, July 2nd, was the appointed day for the official transition ceremony. The church building was full to capacity for the event. As we sang, a sense of reverence and anticipation filled the sanctuary. Heaven’s heart and spirit filled us. As new Holy Salt and Holy Candles were bequeathed to us, there was a sense that a new beginning, a new time had arrived.
Washington state leader, Mary Anglin gave a brief official announcement about Father Moon’s direction for all Korean leaders to return to Korea. She encouraged us that this is a time for the American membership to step forward and take responsibility to fulfill our Elder Son position.
Brief testimonies were heard about the Lee’s. Larry Krishnek spoke of the love and hospitality they have offered us. He also shared about the way that the Lees were able to comfort him in the face of the grief he felt at the passing of their beloved second son, Kwan Jung. This comfort came at a time when Larry felt he should have been the one giving comfort. Larry has a unique bond with the Lees, as his appointed Korean hometown is the community where Rev. Lee is originally from.
Next to speak was Hiroko Sato. Hiroko tearfully shared what we all know. The Lees have prayed for us each and every night, each and every family. She reminded us how they sacrificed. They stayed up late each night and got up early each morning to pray for us.
The final testimony came from Myung Yeob Keating. She also shared about the abundant love and service we have received from the Lees. In particular, she talked about the offering they made that binds us to them forever. During their course in Region 18, while they were attending True Parents in Kodiak, Kwan Jung was taken to the spirit world while on STF. We shared this transition with Rev. and Mrs. Lee in the closest and most intimate way. This period of transition brought our community together. But most importantly, it showed us very substantially the undying faith in God and True Parents that the Lees have. Although at times, it was not easy for them, they never hid their faces or asked for a leave of absence. They continued steadfastly in their leadership role and responsibilities. Myung Yeob said it well. She reminded us that we are deeply indebted to the Lees for eternity for the offering their family has made. We cannot forget.
Following the testimonies, a slide show set to music was shown reflecting on the many activities Rev. and Mrs. Lee have overseen. One particular slide has stayed in my memory and heart. It is of Rev. Lee walking the beach in Kodiak with True Father. Father’s hand is on his shoulder. This is an image of a Father and his son.
Rev. Lee gave a brief sermon reminding us of who we are from the perspective of God’s Providence. He compared our lives to the many central figures God has guided throughout His providence. He emphasized to us that God has chosen and called each and every one of us.
As we heard the official congratulations to all the Regional Leaders from National Headquarters we could only nod in agreement to what all these Korean couples had endured and accomplished. Our hearts were full with the awareness of the difficulties faced, obstacles overcome and challenges met successfully. We honor Rev. Lee and all the Korean leaders who have accomplished this course and received the honorary doctorate degree from Father. Congratulations!
The final task of the transition ceremony was the appointment of our acting Regional Director, Rev. Gerhard Wiesinger. Rev. Wiesinger quickly called Mrs. Wiesinger and their daughter to the dais and offered a pledge and determination of leadership focused on God’s heart of love for his children. The service was concluded with offering of flowers to the Lees and the Wiesingers, three Manseis a song and a prayer.
Now that the Lees had held a party to thank us and the formal transition ceremony had concluded, all that was left to do was to have a celebration to honor the Lees. Mrs. Paulette Wiesinger set the plan in motion to honor the Lees with a feast before Rev. Lee departed for Korea. This celebration was held on July 22nd, once again at Windermere House; once again the sun shone and it was a beautiful day. Families of Region 18 gathered for a Kalbi and Sushi dinner complete with watermelon and a beautiful homemade cake. Rev. Lee gave plaques to team leaders and others who had made significant contributions to the community, many who have served invisibly in the background year after year, without recognition. There was individual and family entertainment, concluding with Rev. and Mrs. Lee singing us a beautiful Korean song. We could not help but feel like one BIG family. Thank you, Rev. and Mrs. Lee! Thank you for providing leadership as we advanced the Heavenly foundation in Region 18. Our hearts go with you to the Fatherland. We will be praying for your success. Please return for a visit as soon as you can!
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