The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
Because we are central figures in this final period of God's providence it is natural that the absolute good spirits of the highest spiritual world want to support us as we invest ourselves to build God's Kingdom of Peace here on this earth. The question is only, to which extent do we recognize their efforts to guide us so that we can be at the right time in the right place in order to meet those people who are ready to assist us in a certain situation or with whom we should share based on their having a good ancestral and personal foundation to understand God's will deeply.
It has been my life-long experience that nothing happens by chance but especially the meaningful encounters which we have in life were prepared in Heaven. This fact became once again vividly alive and visible during my recent visit to Assisi in Italy, where I attended a summit of the Global Peace Initiative of Women.
110 participants from different parts of the world gathered from August 9 to 11 in order to share under the theme: The Divine Feminine: Guiding Global Transformation. At the link: www.gpiw.org/assisi-about.html you can find out more about this conference which was meant to be a think-tank meeting in order to develop the foundation for global peace to be realized based on the special investment of women who care for this noble goal.
When one member of our movement forwarded me the information about this summit I understood that our Heavenly Father wanted me to attend this event which is introduced on the website starting with the words: “It is said in the East that when greed and selfishness become strong and materialism predominates, the Divine emerges in its feminine aspect and guides the transformation of these negative energies. Now is a time of such transformation.
We find ourselves at a cross-road, seeing the weakening and even collapse of economic and religious structures, and at the same time witnessing the birth of something new, yet undefined. There is the sense that new forms must emerge to reflect the awakening consciousness, that will accommodate the unitive energies and help us move away from the divisions and polarizations that have characterized human society over the last many centuries.
The cause of women dedicated to work for unity, emphasizing the importance of developing the Divine Feminine to bring lasting peace on the earth, is surely close to the goals of the Women's Federation for World Peace and I hoped that our organization would be represented there as I was informed about this important summit by one of its members."
The introductory words offered by the founder and convener of The Global Peace Initiative of Women, Dena Merriam, continue with the following words: "We must move from a theology of exclusion to one that sees the beauty in all paths and the universal principles underlying all religion, focusing on commonality rather than differences. We must move from an economy of greed to one of sharing, from social structures that divide to ones that unite, to a worldview that sees the sacredness and living energies in the natural forces so that we can again come into harmony with the earth and her life systems. For these shifts to come into play, we must begin to balance West and East, materialism and spirituality, male and female, we must make way for the Divine Feminine to emerge."
Such words could just as well have been written by a member of the Unification Movement and as such I wanted to support this summit. For this purpose I prepared a short letter in which I emphasized the importance of becoming a peaceful person who strives to resolve conflicts based on values which benefit all mankind, and encouraged the participants to become familiar with the work of the Women's Federation for World Peace because it is important that all efforts for peace are combined as much as possible with the readiness to learn from one another and to work together beyond organizational borders. I offered two links: www.wfwp.us and www.womenaspeacemakers.org
In my letter I also pointed out that as created beings we have a God-given potential in us, with our heart as the core aspect of our personality. The most important and fulfilling task in life lies in developing one's ability to love because the more we are able to love in the right way the richer our lives will become. To support a deeper reflection about True Love I created for each day of the year a picture card with some words in connection with this timeless theme.
With my personal letter and the here mentioned material which you may know through the website dedicated to Heung Jin Nim burnt on CDs for each participant I headed for Assisi. On the way I unexpectedly met with one brother who offered me the best film which was made about the life of Francis of Assisi (Brother Sun and Sister Moon by Franco Zeffirelli) as a gift which I could not only watch on the day before the summit started to connect more closely with the spirit of this saint, but also present it to one of the core organizers of the Global Peace initiative who was not yet familiar with this valuable production.
The place for this conference had been chosen according to the importance of Saint Francis, who has been called to revive the prevailing church of his time that had become too materialistic along with Saint Claire of Assisi who founded a women's monastery tradition. It is of course far beyond the intent of this letter to share more in detail about the lives of these two great saints, but what I could witness is their spirits being present at this convention with participants testifying that they have been guided by them to come to Assisi at this time.
In my heart is much gratitude for all women who are concerned about the role that the Divine Feminine can play. It is essential to have a close look at the characteristics of True Love as a foundation for the Divine Feminine to emerge to its full bloom, opening up the way for men to rise higher in their ability to love in a selfless way giving birth to a truly loving mankind through the Divine Feminine being embodied in the hearts of women.
To what many of the participants of the Assisi summit testified unanimously is that each one of those who came to this meeting has been hand-picked by heaven, by the Mother Divine, by God or by whatever being or entity the individual may perceive our Creator or guiding spirit. The great diversity of backgrounds being represented at that gathering speaks for itself, especially considering the fact that there was no point during the two and a half days which the representatives from the various religious backgrounds spent together that a tension was visible among the participants.
Dena Merriam concluded her introductory lines to this summit with stating that many people around the globe are sensing that some transformation is underway but the vision of what lies ahead has not yet become clear: We gather to begin to articulate the values and principles that must guide this transformation, to acknowledge the new energies emerging and the role that the Divine Feminine can play.
Who has the best answers to respond to this challenge? Certainly they are in the hands in the hearts of those who are united with the True Parents of Mankind. They provide the deepest foundation in order to develop the God-given femininity to a divine level of perfecting one's ability to love. Once a heart is profoundly moved to walk the way of True Love, a solution can be found for all problems because then the purpose of the whole will always be considered in the proper relationship to the individual purpose one may pursue.
In the letter that I prepared for this meeting I expressed also my hope that all participants will come to manifest a heart of True Love which is able to give unconditionally and to love even one's enemy with the readiness to sacrifice for the higher purpose which will lead ultimately to our own lives being enriched greatly. In reality each of the more than 100 women who attended this conference along with a couple of men representing the masculine aspect in support of the Divine Feminine have a different level of heartistic development with lots of room for improvement, while at the same time each one had a substantial area of accomplishment which led them to be part of this important event.
Of course, from the viewpoint of God many things we are doing are not yet ideal according to the desired standard, but what touched me during these days in Assisi, the city of peace, was the work of Heaven to guide people further to deeper understanding through sincere sharing from the heart by those who spoke freely about what moves them.
Unfortunately there was no female representative from our side attending this summit to convey more of our standpoint at a place where many people gathered who are searching for answers concerning what can be done in order to advance the cause of bringing about a global transformation based on developing the Divine Feminine with which all women born on earth have been endowed by our Creator with the individual responsibility to perfect this potential to truly reflect the divine feminine qualities of God.
How important it is for Heaven that our voice can be heard was obvious for me from beginning to the end of this conference, which started in the afternoon with a time of meditation and prayer, readings and chanting, guided by representatives of different traditions, combining Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, and other elements, expressed in music and words, dance and movements just as well as silence as opening invocations.
As I did not know any participants in advance I surely depended on the guidance from above to come in direct contact with key leaders and VIP delegates of this summit which became a reality in many ways, even as simple as the hotel staff forgetting to give me the meal tickets. Upon arriving at the entrance to the dining room I was asked to go to the reception to pick them up while the same happened to the main responsible person of the Italian chapter of the Global Peace Initiative of Women. So naturally we became familiar with each other as we headed together to the lobby of the hotel.
When I sat down on one of the last empty chairs of the dinner tables I found myself to be the neighbors of the program director of the previous activities of that organization. In this way I could learn first hand about the experiences which had been made in the outreach efforts so far and introduce my background to this open-minded woman with Chinese roots, who was very grateful to receive materials about our work in the field of education as this area is also of primary importance in her concerns. There were more opportunities for extensive sharing with her on the second day of the conference during breakfast and at other points during the summit.