The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
As you may know, our True Parents went this year to the place where Young Jin Nim passed into the spirit world in order to pray for him. 2009 is the 10th year after his ascension, and also for us an opportunity to reflect on our beloved Elder Brother Young Jin Nim who had become another sacrifice in God’s providence.
Our True Father spoke about this fact in the first speech he gave after Young Jin Nim’s Seung Hwa on November 14, 1999 in America under the topic “Can I take responsibility?” This question is addressed to each one of us: Am I ready to take the responsibility? For what? To pay the necessary indemnity.
Father clarifies this at the very beginning: “In today's title, what kind of responsibility are we talking about? We are talking about the responsibility to pay indemnity. Can you think about indemnity? If you cannot take responsibility for indemnity, you cannot settle the ideal on the earth. There are eight stages of indemnity. They get more and more difficult…”
Our True Parents succeeded in going through these eight stages successfully and this task is to be achieved just as well by each one of us. Father referred to our reality and the spirit at the beginning of our movement: “When we joined, even though there was a lot of persecution, we overcame it. But when we get older, our mind loses that edge. Young people, in middle and high school, were the troops who founded our church. They brought their lunches to support the church…” In this respect we are challenged to ask ourselves, what kind of sacrificial spirit we harbor in our hearts towards the fulfillment of God’s providence.
Father clarified on that day: “Our responsibility is fulfilled through indemnity. How? Should we remain in the same status, or rise to some new point? Should we settle here, or rise up? How do you think you can pay indemnity as Americans? With your life as it is, or by working worldwide? [Worldwide.] Worldwide, so as to reach God through the eight stages of indemnity.” This attitude of being ready to work in any country of the world is now once again very actual as we have been asked to go to work in the nation which we received through lottery this year.
Father tried to encourage brothers and sisters: “There are two important H's: heart of God and hard work. You have to work hard to reach heaven. [Father refers to the 4H club.] By four H's we can satisfy God's heart and settle there forever. Heartcore, the core is heart. To become the central figure we have to love east, west, north and south. By that we can become central figures and stay in the heart of God.”
Coming back to the theme of his speech Father said: “Our topic is responsibility through indemnity. Would you take it? There are four levels of taking responsibility. As the father, I'm the representation of paying indemnity for heaven and earth. I am the king father. We should be those who take responsibility better than Heavenly Father. I will become the king of indemnity and the king of fathers. Even Heavenly Father has no mother, but through indemnity I will find the mother's sphere… King father, king mother, king elder son and king younger son, that finishes the four levels of taking responsibility… North, south, east and west. Can you take responsibility? Yes or no? [YES!] Mansei and Amen!”
Father asked his audience again: “If we become kings of brotherhood and motherhood, wherever we go we will be central figures. Wherever we go, we will become central figures. From that point of view, can you take responsibility?”
Then he explained: “Children have to unite with the mother to reach Heavenly Father. What is my mission? [To save the world.] What does that entail? Parentship, true parentship, true elder sonship, true younger sonship, true wife, true father, true mother, true family, true father's family, true mother's family, etc. etc. You should follow me in all these things.”
During that important speech Father challenged us to reflect about our readiness to take responsibility: “Jesus said, anyone who pays indemnity with delight becomes the child of God. Can I take responsibility? What is the answer? [YES.] From the bottom to the top, YES. Get down to the bottom and go up the path, saying yes and yes. The conclusion is that we will go this way. Don't be sad. Those who are treated by God as sinners can reach Heaven later. Can you take responsibility? [YES]”
True Father requested that we understand the meaning of offering sacrifices and called for repentance: “History is full of so many sacrifices. Why has God allowed it? From God's viewpoint, historical offering is for the sake of making the foundation to receive the Messiah. If not enough indemnity is set, then God has to allow more blood to be shed. It seems as if there was enough sacrifice, but it was not enough. Why? To prepare for the new era of the Second Coming. Why do those closest to God get sacrificed? We have to understand that we as well as our ancestors failed to fulfill God's will and have failed to attend the Messiah and kneel down and repent.”
Father had to state about reality: “The entire world gathered together on Satan's side and tried to accuse me but could not succeed. Unfortunately, the blessed couples could not absorb the accusation and it could reach the True Family. Did you think about giving your life to block Satan's accusation? Heung Jin was better than any security.”
The question whether or not we considered offering our lives to block Satan's accusation was addressed to all members after Young Jin Nim’s ascension because he went as a sacrifice as Father explained clearly in his speech on that morning: “Always the second son becomes Satan's target. The second son position is the middle position, between top and bottom. It is the position to pay the indemnity. Jesus was the second Adam. True Parents also have that second son providence. The providence of Adam, Noah and Abraham all were the same. We have to study each one… I discovered the secrets of Satan and of God and could start the mission of the Lord on the basis of the sacrifice of the second son.”
Father spoke then concretely of those whose life became an offering: “Centered on headquarters, the second president, President Hyo Won Eu, was sacrificed. The second daughter, Hye Jin, and Hee Jin, my second son, through a different mother, and Heung Jin, the second son centering on True Mother, and Young Jin, the second son born in America, of a different nationality, all were sacrifices. Young Jin passed away as a second son. Hye Jin died eight days after birth, and could not drink her mother's milk.”
Then Father clarified again: “Without indemnity we cannot overcome. This is the principle, the heavenly law. Did you pay indemnity? No. Only Father and Mother together did.” And they had to see with a most painful heart how several members of their family became an offering because we have not been serious enough about paying the necessary price to advance God’s providence.
Father described reality and our task: “We have to reach from the individual to the cosmic levels, and on that foundation I proclaimed on September 23 the fourth Adam's era. To do this, we have to keep absolute faith, love and obedience. Before the fall there was the absoluteness, but the fall lost all of that. The world is now at the turning point to go over the fall. Between your family and True Parents family is a big gap. As it stands, you cannot get to this level, so you have to clean it up and deny it all. The only absolute center is True Parents concept and viewpoint. So we keep absoluteness. Then there is a one way highway for our families to go there freely. To reach that, we have to pay indemnity.
The Cain side could not protect the world, so Satan tried to attack True Parents directly and the True Children had to take it on, through the second son. Because of that, Satan cannot accuse True Parents, because True Children protected with their life. Young Jin left this world, but it was an accident, not a suicide. There is no evidence of suicide… I meditated on his situation and could realize what had happened. He will work with Hee Jin, Hye Jin and Heung Jin.”
Father called for a clear awareness: “All Unification Church members worldwide should understand that we stand on the sacrifice of these four True Children, the direct lineage. We have to understand that we stand based on this incredible sacrifice of True Children and inherit their spirit. I told Mother not to cry, but with delight and a strong mind, support Young Jin.
Our children in spirit world departed from the three levels of school and from baby level. It is to protect my life and all of you must have the same determination. All Unification Church members must stand up and sacrifice. Even if all twelve children suffer greatly, we have to stand strongly to create the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. North, east, south and west eventually become the number twelve. Through the 12 stages, all Unification Church members can connect with True Parents through the True Children. We can go by becoming absolute. The purpose of the indemnity way is to become perfect.”
One decade has passed since our True Father called for our readiness to stand up and to sacrifice -- to take responsibility. He requested that we have such an attitude after Young Jin Nim went to spirit world as an offering. As we approach the anniversary of his ascension it is surely appropriate to check ourselves if we also have the heart to protect the True Parents with our lives as it is manifested in True Children.
Father appealed to brothers and sisters: “Inherit the spirit of the members who passed away.” He stated: “The truth is more powerful than an atomic bomb. Open your mouth and use it. So, do you take responsibility? Christianity and the True Family and I paid indemnity to save your family. We are sinners if we have not paid indemnity by taking out our bones and flesh.” How do we feel in the face of Father using such words to emphasize the importance of being ready to give everything in order to pay the necessary price?
At the end of his speech, Father encouraged brothers and sisters to persuade everyone wherever we go. He asked that we take action and pledge that we will do it forever. Looking back at this past decade since our True Parents lost one more of their beloved children we are challenged to ask ourselves, in which way we responded to the serious appeal to us as expressed in this speech entitled: “Can I take responsibility?”
When Father spoke to members in Montevideo, Uruguay, in December 1999 he told them: “Until now, you have had all of your interest focused on True Parents. From now on, I would like you to pay more attention to the True Children. All the children in the True Family who stood in the second position have been sacrificed so that the Providence of Salvation could be fulfilled. The time has come for these True Children in the spiritual world to do their work here on earth. They established the condition for the liberation of True Parents and the entire world. “
May we use the remaining month until the 10th anniversary of our beloved Elder Brother Young Jin Nim’s ascension to reflect deeply about our attitude towards God’s will and the True Family. May we find a profound re-determination in our heart and soul to unite with them completely with the readiness to offer our own lives in order to protect them and God’s providence in these crucial final years.
Sincerely yours,
Your brother Nikolaus