The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
A USA church memo concerning the Washington Times incident was sent out to leaders and members from Reverend In Jin Moon, Archbishop Ki Hoon Kim and Reverend Joshua Cotter, in which it is clarified that the situation around the Washington Times takeover is not a ‘feud between two brothers’ (specifically between Hyun Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim) but the real issue is unity with True Parents’ spiritual leadership.
True Parents are heartbroken and dismayed over what has happened, especially in light of the fact that they have been guiding our movement worldwide, over the last several months, specifically to remain united with their spiritual leadership.
The memo also confirms that each one of True Parents’ children and the members of their family who are serving in some public role in our worldwide movement are standing in complete unity with True Parents. This includes Hyung Jin Nim (International President), Kook Jin Nim (President of the Korea Foundation), In Jin Nim (President of the American Church), Sun Jin Nim (Seilo Travel), Yeon Ah Nim (Sun Moon University) and Hoon Sook Nim (Universal Ballet Company).
Further it is clarified that there is no doubt that Hyun Jin Nim deeply loves True Parents, but he may not be receiving the best advice from those who are loyal to him.
Finally it is noted that in Korea, during recent Hoon Dok Haes, Father is urgently and repeatedly stating that, during this critical time, it is important to remain vigilant in our unity with our True Parents.
This means that each one of us is called to make sure that we are truly one in heart with our True Parents who are heartbroken at this time. In reality our True Father and True Mother had to go through incredibly painful experiences during the past decades as the took responsibility for the restoration of the world, which led to their having to pay the price again and again for our not living up to the required standard in order to advance God’s providence.
Just last Sunday Father mentioned at Hoon Dok Hae that his children went to spirit world for our sake, for our liberation. We know that the True Family had to pay the price again and again for our failing to unite with the True Parents and to protect their family. True Children had to die prematurely as an offering in order to pay the price for us to be able to come into the realm of liberation.
Of course it is up to each one to realize in which point we failed to respond to Heaven’s call in our lives but on the whole it is clear that the True Family had to suffer so much until now because we did not follow in the footsteps of our True Parents, walking the way of True Love under any circumstance.
True Father and True Mother put their own children always on the second place in order to love first their Cain children, you and me. We are deeply indebted to them for everything that they have done for us and continue to invest for our sake. What is lacking is clearly our response in walking the same path as they in loving the ones in a Cain position towards us more than our direct children.
Personally I am most grateful that my second son Gabriel could receive today “his dreamlike future wife”. He is very happy that True Father matched him with a sister who fulfills his dreams. It is indeed a great blessing to receive an eternal partner through our True Parents who are clearly such a completely pure object for our Heavenly Father to work through. This special grace for my son and family was possible because we responded immediately when we received the urgent news of the upcoming Matching and Blessing.
Of course it was not without hindrances, which started with my being for the first time locked out of my mailbox with no way to enter just one hour prior to the letter containing the news of the Korean Blessing arriving there. In other words, Satan tried to begin with to stop me from learning about this important event on time so that the way for my son to attend would be blocked.
Satanic forces are trying to attack us on every level, and if we are not victorious and lack in our unity with the True Family then the way is free for them to be attacked directly. All the issues that we do not resolve ourselves come to the True Children and create a problem for them. In reality we should protect and support them as our Abel, offering our abilities to help them to fulfill their central missions.
The cause for our True Parents being heartbroken at this time lies clearly in our not uniting fully in heart with them and with one another so that great damage could be caused like the one we are currently faced with in connection with the Washington Times.
Pastor Kyle emphasizes in the iUnificationist Cyber Congregation newsletter, issued on November 14, 2009 the importance of keeping centered in the midst of the crisis our movement is going through. What are we to be centered on? It is clearly the will of God in unity with our True Parents.
A time of crisis is just as well a time of opportunity. If we are wise we will use the given situation to turn it into a victory for our Father in Heaven. What are we to do most of all? To really unite with the Heart of God and our True Parents -- taking their words closer to our hearts than ever before.
Therefore we must listen with a fully open heart and mind to what they say. Let us have a close look at what Father told us last Sunday: “From now on, the fate of nations, the world and heaven and earth will be determined by whether or not they follow these principles, in accordance with this program. Women must take this to heart.”
This means that we each determine our own fate through our behavior, whether or not we follow the Divine Principle which have been revealed at this time in history when women are called to stand at the forefront of bringing this world back to God.
In the audience were 120 Women’s Federation members whom Father addressed: “I’m not just talking about Korean women. Women from seven different nations must join together, as incarnations of True Mother who represent the mother of the world, and become one to deal with problems of the world as if they were problems in their own families, their own nations, or their own world. Women must create that kind of a legacy as a tradition for future generations. True Mother must be at the center of this.”
Who are these women from seven nations? Somebody else or is it me? This question refers to every sister in our church to ask herself: Am I ready to be an incarnation of True Mother and unite with women of 6 other nations as representative of the world? Is my heart prepared to establish this legacy as a tradition for future generations to follow?
On that 8th of November which marked the day of the substantial establishment of the True Parent UN Father told us: “True peace refers to a standard of peace in which someone who has inherited God's blood lineage becomes a mother and, with God at her center, forms a tribe, a people and a nation at a level higher than the nations of the satanic world. If we cannot go beyond that standard, then the settlement of the world of the True Parent UN will be eternally impossible.”
In relation to his children who went to the spirit world Father asked: “For whom did they go there? Was it for my sake? They went there for your sake. It was to liberate the women of today. You must go beyond this difficult pass and overcome intense difficulties so that you can avoid punishment and execution. You have no time to think about food, about day and night or about your sons and daughters.”
Let us be honest. Who among us parents has such a heart about which Father speaks here? Who has the attitude of thinking day and night about how to overcome intense difficulties while going through the difficult pass which needs to be surmounted victoriously?
Father mentioned the requirement that the number of Blessed people who can speak on behalf of heaven and earth should be 70-80% greater than the satanic world and added: “Now, the percentage is less than that. The preparations have not been set but the time has come, so we must set a condition appropriate to the season. We now have three years and one month left. You should say, I will take responsibility to set the remainder of the necessary conditions during this time. If your husband can't, then you should, and if you can't, then you should have your sons and daughters do it.”
We are not there where we should be according to God’s providence. We fall short of the required standard? How do we react in such a situation? Are we depressed about our failure or do we push ahead with all of our strength to be able to set the needed conditions appropriate to the present advanced era?
Father had to say last Sunday: “God has no one but me. There is no one else who is willing to go to the place of death. Father is trying to cross this final pass through which individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations and the entire world can become one. However, if I die simply as an individual then it would not be enough of a foundation for God, so God cannot have hope in me, either. Even when I cross that pass and stand before the gate with the key in my hand, I cannot open the door. Satan must come and open the door for me. Even if all 70 million Koreans are united centering on Father's autobiography, I still would be unable to open the door.
When I look at you, I can look at you in detail but when God looks out into space, He thinks, ‘What can I do? Where must I go?’ I can allow 60% of the Israelites and the Blessed people, even if they are false children, to go through, but God cannot allow even 1 percent. The question is how to complete even 3%. How can we do that for God? More than 16 nations should come together and tell God, Father! We will fulfill your wishes in Reverend Moon’s place. They must keep going until they attain victory in the end.”
Who are the people of 16 nations that should come together and tell God that they will fulfill His wishes in Father’s place? Does this refer to somebody else or does it include me? This question is answered by each one of us -- whether or not we are ready to take over the burden from our True Parents’ shoulders.
Our True Father speaks of reaching even 3%. This means that he is desperate that at least some portion of the chosen people can enter Heaven now. Again, it is up to each person to decide where he stands and if he or she keeps going until the victory is attained.
Father reminded us also last Sunday of the three events in January, related to God's new liberated authority, telling us that they were not about God's liberated authority towards him, but towards us. The nation cannot cross this pass and the world cannot cross this pass, so we must cross this pass and welcome God's liberated authority.
Then Father explained: “Whose coronation was it? It was a coronation of you going beyond the pass of victory. That is what you must do. Father is going beyond this pass for your sake. What are you going to do? Are you just going to live your lives as if this has nothing to do with you? This is not Father's responsibility. It is your responsibility.”
Through the Original Divine Principle workshops True Parents want us to understand deeply what our portion of responsibility includes. Whether or not we have already attended this special workshop, it is crucial for each one of us that we recognize clearly what kind of attitude Heaven expects us to have.
How far we are distant from the standard we are supposed to manifest can be understood not only through listening most sincerely to the voice of our conscience and original mind but also from many parts in Father’s speeches, be it most recently or many years ago, e.g. when he spoke in the Manhattan Center on August 29, 1985:
“I know clearly what has to be done and how to do it, and I can lead you by the hand. But sometimes I feel disgusted when I stand before you, because it is so impossible to lead you. I issue emergency instructions, but you take them lightly, saying, ‘Well, I'll do my best, I guess.’ And some people waste their time, just wanting to have fun. What a tragedy when God declares an emergency but none of His soldiers take it seriously enough to tackle it! I am speaking particularly to you leaders, you ‘big shots’.”
We may not be an important leader in our church, but the issue refers just as well to each member: Am I uniting with our True Parents’ sense of urgency which they expressed again and again over the years or has my heart become hardened, not being moved by God’s word any more?
Father said on that 29th of August: “The great blessing of God's love is waiting to be bestowed, but no one is deserving, because your blood lineage is not pure enough to receive it. You have received the Blessing, but none of you really understands its importance and value. Sometimes this makes me feel deeply hurt and full of regret. My feelings about the Blessing are so deep: it is an immeasurable, priceless gift. But you handle it like an old pair of shoes.”
It is not only our understanding of the Blessing which we are to share with all people during the remaining 3 years until 2013 but also our attitude towards God’s will that has to be checked thoroughly at this time when our True Parents are more desperate than ever that we are able to enter Heaven.
The decisive question is clearly whether or not we have a truly loving heart, a quality which is described according to John 13:35 in the Bible as the point through which people should be able to recognize us as the ones who follow the Lord of the Second Advent: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
When Father spoke on God's Day 1992 about the Unification of the New Nation he told us: “When you hate your brother or sister, you are actually hating your parents, your God. Furthermore, you are denying the very existence of your own position. Your are actually denying your original value.”
On the 49th True Parents Day Father said on April 6, 2008: “The key to establishing your family as a true owner of Cheon Il Guk is to start with the unity of the mind and body. Mother and I overcame in this area and now the temptations of the world -- money, power, or misuse of love -- have all been overcome. We are impregnable to them. You must do the same and establish your family as a True Parent family.
The history of God's providence was a bloody path of restoration from Adam's family all the way through Jesus' family as the second Adam and up to the present to the third Adam. This suffering course of God was to create a true owner, true teacher, and true parent. To accomplish this in our own families, we have to absolutely risk our lives.”
My dear brothers and sisters, do we live with the consciousness that we must establish our family as a True Parent family and that we have to absolutely risk our lives in order to achieve this highest ideal?
Another point Father emphasized on that day is the unity of Cain and Abel: “All the relationships of every nation, race and religion should become one in heart. Brothers should not fight. They should understand that when they fight, they actually are hurting their own father. This is the era when all should be forgiven and Cain and Abel should unite. We should all go before God to ask for forgiveness and turn everything over from Satan's side to God's side.”
This includes everyone: I have to turn away completely from everything that is related to Satan’s side, most of all from my fallen nature and not allow it any more to have room in my life. I must stand firmly on God’s side with nothing hindering me to respond to His Heart.
May we all get quickly there where we should be at this time internally as pure objects of our Heavenly Father / Mother while fulfilling our own portion of responsibility, which includes uniting wholeheartedly with the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Mankind.
Finally I would like to let those who are not yet aware of it know that Hyung Jin Nim made it very clear in his sermon today that even if any of the True Children or 3rd generation of the Moon family or any leader will not follow or even denies our True Parents and their directions, then the Unification Church members are not obliged to follow any one of them.
Sincerely yours,