The Words of the Beutl Family |
Dear President and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller,
When we attended together the seminar about inheriting True Parents' life course in Düsseldorf I asked you, Pres. Song, if I could meet you in one or two weeks to speak deeply about a few fundamental points but unfortunately you did not agree to such a meeting but granted me only a couple of minutes between the lectures.
On December 1, 2011 I sent you a letter with seven important questions concerning the position and responsibility of National Messiahs. Why did you not respond to even a single one of these core issues in connection with the mission of National Messiahship despite the fact that I am sharing your answers with thousands of leaders and members around the world who would all benefit from your insights?
As regional director you are responsible to guide members in the right direction. True Parents have established the mission of National Messiahship which is fully on going, as was made abundantly clear e.g. through the memo sent out by the World Mission Headquarters on May 8, 2012. Here in Europe four of the seven providential countries are situated, from which True Parents have appointed National Messiahs. This means that a couple of hundred families under your direct responsibility were entrusted with such a national level mission and in need of clear answers concerning this central task. Because you have not been ready to deal with these important questions which urgently need clarification as still many National Messiahs think that this mission has been suspended, I am bringing this issue in front of our worldwide membership.
The same applies to the issues which I have brought to the attention of your assistant Tim Miller, whom I also sent a letter 7 months ago with serious questions which refer to his actions and decisions made along with the European leadership. Why was not even a single one of these relevant questions answered? Why did you ignore all of them even though you know that I am a dedicated full-time member of our church in Europe for which you are responsible on the continental level?
You received a document of 30 pages with quotations from more than 100 leaders and members of our church which testify to the quality of my work. Why did you ignore these testimonies despite the fact that our international president and Kook Jin Nim emphasizes "Accountability over Popularity".
One of the 100 plus communities leaders spoke with you, Tim Miller, several times during last year's 7 day workshop in Greece, testifying to the big help which I provided for members of the community for which this person is responsible, as it is expressed in the following lines: "Dear Nikolaus, … Last week during the leaders' workshop I spoke 4 times with Tim Miller… In different parts of the conversations I told him how big is your help for us and in what way." So you knew that I had been of great help for these and many other members of our church in Europe – if you had read at least some parts of the afore mentioned testimonies. Why did you not consider these testimonies when dealing with my investment to support the best possible standard in our church?
In my letter on December 1, 2011 I pointed out that you, Tim Miller, falsified an official report from which you quoted in your letter to Robert Williamson by erasing a decisive part so that the meaning would be the opposite of what was expressed originally. The full content to which I am referring here can be found in part (20) and (21) of the series "Our focus must be Parents and not structure" at www.sunshine-in-the-heart.com/include/S_21.pdf In part (39) and (40) of the series "Investing in the Balkan region" you find the actual content of the report and explanations at www.sunshine-in-the-heart.com/include/S_21.pdf p. 141-147 (username: sunshine password: welcome)
Albanian Community Leaders expressed their desire for official permission for Nikolaus Beutl to be involved in their work or communities. This fact was reported by their national leader and on the same day you, Pres. Song, gave his permission for me to work in that country.
Dear Pres. Song, you sent out recently a call for European members to come and witness in Albania, while you deny me permission to work in that country. What is the actual reason for your not allowing me to witness in Albania? I have written repeatedly to the national leader but did not receive any answer concerning misbehavior on my side which would justify such a decision.
You received a report about discussions between the Albanian national leader and one city leader and Nikolaus Beutl. Instead of the signature of these three people who participated in the discussion, the signature of one person who did not participate at all in that discussion was falsely put under that report while the content dealing with my attitude was not even shown to me so that I could have corrected the misrepresentations conveyed by the national leader. Through such a behavior the European Office was wrongly informed from the side of Albanian leaders. Even though I pointed this fact out, you did not react at all but continued to insist on a decision which is based on false reports.
Even though I had your official permission to work in Albania at that time, Robert Williamson was lying to the leaders under him when he sent out a mail on July 28, 2011 in which he wrote: "Dear Nikolaus, Thank you for your email… However at this point I must ask you to return to your home country, Austria, as you do not have permission from European Headquarters to work in the Balkans."
This mail was also sent to the European Headquarters. So you knew that Robert was lying to the leaders under him because at that time I had your permission to work in Albania and Kosovo. What did you do after you found out that one of the Regional Leaders was lying to the ones under his responsibility?
Robert concluded his letter: "As Regional Leader of part of the Balkans please follow my request for you to return immediately to Austria." Tim Miller, you knew that a false direction was given to Nikolaus Beutl, against the desire of Pres. Song who expressed three days earlier his joy and appreciation for my readiness to invest into witnessing in the Balkan region. How did you react as assistant to the Continental Director when you found out that one of the Regional Leaders under your responsibility gave an order against an official document from the European Office, giving permission for my work in the Balkan countries?
Tim Miller, on December 29, 2010 I received a mail from Peter Zoehrer, informing me that you wanted him to convey the following message to me from the European Office: "We have consulted with the leadership of both STF and the French movement. It seems that in both cases they are not supportive of Klaus Beutels request and have found his recent unofficial attempts to work within their areas of responsibility unhelpful. We therefore cannot accept his request for a public mission in these areas!"
Now on what foundation does this statement stand? The commander of STF at that time, Garrun, confirmed to me at the Parents workshop for STF participants in spring 2011 that there were no unofficial attempts from my side to work within his area of responsibility! This means that this answer from the European Office is based on a clear lie.
Please explain how this lie came about? From whom did it originate? Please provide an explanation of the situation from both the side of the STF director and from your side because a very big lie was used as the basis to reject my request for a public mission in support of STF.
The same applies to my so called unofficial attempts to work within the area of responsibility of the French movement which were supposedly "unhelpful". There are clear testimonies from French members with whom I worked together during that time. Their reports to the national leader of France testify to the work of God which they witnessed while you speak about "unhelpful efforts". Even the national leader of France confirmed that I did not do anything wrong during the month I stayed in his country in November/December 2010.
Tim Miller, I sent you the full reports of these exemplary French members more than once so you knew clearly about the work of God through brother Nikolaus Beutl in the French Unification Movement and still you wrote that this work in line with Heavenly Father's desire was unhelpful. Why? Please explain the reasons.
Your brother Nikolaus