The Words of the Beutl Family |
Dear President and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller,
Since you chose not to respond to my open letter I have to address you in this form again for the sake of our European movement which was first pioneered by Peter Koch, who taught the early members to always put our relationship with God first.
Unfortunately, such a precious attitude has been widely lost over the years with the tragic result that today the work of the Living God is no longer a priority for a big part of our leadership which is once again sadly proven by your attitude and behavior. As I am dedicated to the fulfillment of God's Will I cannot be quiet in the face of leaders not putting the desire of our Father in Heaven and of our True Parents first and foremost.
The core issue I have been sharing with you about is the hand of God moving in the lives of His children and I am shocked how little this most precious investment on the side of our Heavenly Parent for the revival of the hearts of His children means to you.
This very sad reality can be seen in many ways, most obviously in your attitude towards testimonies of dedicated members of our church, about the work of God through His children as it is expressed in the content of the thirty pages with excerpts from more than one hundred leaders and members who have expressed their appreciation of the investment of their brother Nikolaus to support deeper bonds of heart with God and among our members.
Until today you did not acknowledge a single one of these testimonies which are uploaded at page 355 -- 384 (usern. sunshine passw.: welcome) which shows how little respect you have not only for the sincerity of brothers and sisters but especially for the work of God to which they are testifying.
Not only do you not take the hand of God moving in the hearts of His children seriously but you also disobey our True Parents as it has become obvious by examples of which I would like to remind you, Pres. Song, there is the fact that you ignored Father's important direction for all Boon Bong Wangs and National Messiahs to come to Las Vegas for a five day ODP workshop so that Father had to ask in front of all participants why you did not come to this important seminar where the top leadership of our movement was present.
When Father was told that you did not come because you wanted to be with the Little Angels in Rome he inquired why you would think that Col. Pak is not enough to take care of the event – why you would choose to disobey True Parents in order to do what you preferred, maybe to be in one more photo with dignitaries? Judging from the picture reports of meetings with prominent people including various European leaders, it is mainly you who is in the photos with them. Why? Is it all about you or about bringing the people closer to God? I ask this question seriously as you ignore the testimonies of a hundred dedicated members of our church who testify to the work of God and you ignore True Parents' invitation to a very important workshop on the Original Substance of the Divine Principle, yet you have time for PA events where you can be the center of attention.
In case I am mistaken in my impression of your attitude and motivation or agenda, then please show it by finally responding to the numerous testimonies of sincere members of our church which prove unmistakably the work of our Heavenly Father through brother Nikolaus. The same applies of course also to you, Tim Miller, who has repeatedly ignored appeals and questions from my side even though they all were asked for the sake of developing our European movement.
Through your behavior you have shown how little it means to you that our church is truly centered on God and the teaching of our True Parents about which I am speaking again and again in my reflection letters, providing relevant core quotations from Father's speeches.
Pres. Song, why do you not trust the work of God through our True Parents? Instead of obeying their direction to come to the ODP workshop in May 2011 you decided to pursue your own idea. Why do you put your own agenda above the desire of True Father and True Mother who had asked for all National Messiahs to attend that seminar in Las Vegas?
Why did you not unite with the other regional directors who obeyed and came to that ODP workshop instead of pursuing your own interests? Is your way really better than that of our True Parents? It seems that you know better than them because you chose to disobey them in favor of doing your own thing, distrusting even Col. Pak and others, thinking poorly of them by not trusting their ability to manage the Little Angels event in Italy where we have a very capable national leader. How do you expect the European members to follow the directions of our True Parents when you yourself do not consider it necessary, when you obey only when it is convenient for you, but when you have other ideas you pursue them instead of showing that you are truly a filial son of God whose desire comes first?
Yes, Pres. Song, why do you put your own ideas above a direction given to all National Messiahs? Do you really value God's Will and the mission of National Messiahship so poorly that you would think that it does not apply to you when Father calls for all National Messiahs to attend a five day ODP workshop in Las Vegas? That you have little respect for the National Messiah mission is already proven by the fact that you do not care to answer even a single question concerning this mission when you were asked by the National Messiah who was appointed as representative of all Cain and Abel National Messiahs.
Dear Pres. Song and Tim Miller, what about following the motto you can read at the top of the Tongil Newsletters, namely, "Accountability over Popularity"? It seems that you make a lot of efforts to be popular among the European members and the VIPs whom you are meeting, but what about showing yourself accountable for your actions? You did not respond with a single word to my open letter which addresses you personally concerning your decisions in your public positions. This shows that you have no interest in taking responsibility for your actions, applying accountability to yourself, otherwise you would face what you have done – committing sins in front of God and True Parents. Or do you consider disobedience to them no problem?
From a distance your work may seem to be noble but upon having a closer look it becomes obvious that it is all about you and not about practicing absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in front of God's Will. This in fact means to love and serve brothers and sisters as Father has been at pains to explain to us over many years. Do you take this seriously? When Father says we should live by give and take as brothers and sisters not following commands, do you take this to heart?
When Father says that a central figure who only wants you to unite around him instead of with each other is a false central figure do you take this seriously? When Father says that leaders who are given responsibility sometimes have the mistaken idea that they have sole authority, but in fact, Abel is only Abel when he saves Cain. Do you take such directions to heart? Your behavior shows that it is still true what Father said repeatedly last year: Europe is sleeping. From top to bottom, European leaders and members are sleeping in the sight of God who is working day and night for the heartistic resurrection of His children.
And even worse, when a National Messiah is dedicated to this centrally important task of supporting revival in the hearts of brothers and sisters under your responsibility you have nothing else to do than to speak out against this work and even forbidding him from working in many countries and on various levels as I pointed out in my first open letter to you. When most leaders would be grateful to have volunteers to do a public mission and take responsibility for providential work, you prohibit me from doing so.
Even though there are the undeniably clear testimonies by dedicated First and Second Generation members of our church which speak of God working through Nikolaus Beutl, you decided to ignore all those who offer such testimonies and deny me the permission to continue such urgently needed outreach work.
In my first letter I briefly addressed various examples in this respect like my investment in France to which letters by fully dedicated members to their national leader testify, as you can read in volume 19 of Sunshine in the Heart at page 67 -- 68 (username: sunshine password: welcome). Instead of taking these clear testimonies seriously you decided to substitute them with a lie, namely, that my efforts to support French blessed families have not been helpful, denying in this way the work of God about which First and Second Generation reported to their national leader.
Your refusing to respond to any of the facts which I brought to your attention, alone suggests that you are guilty of each point as you could not come forward with any content which would show that it is not true what I pointed out in my previous letter to you. Sadly, you are not only supporting false accusations against a National Messiah but are also adding your own sin, e.g. by removing your permission for me to work in Albania and Kosovo based on lies, including falsified content of an official report signed by three leaders.
You withdrew your official permission despite clear testimonies by Albanian members for whom it is a first priority to feel and to comfort the Heart of God, who wrote for example, "… So that's why God wanted me to meet you,…" and, "You can't imagine how grateful I am to have met you. God works in such amazing ways…" or "I am grateful for your letters. You have inspired me in this difficult moment, and given me strength to carry on and I will pray harder…" Even though I have supported Albanian members to come closer to God you forbid me to continue such a God-centered work in the Balkan.
As long as grave sins are committed by core leaders of our European movement and then are not taken responsibility for, there is little hope for the restoration of this continent. Because of this tragically sad reality I am writing this second public letter in the awareness that unless the leadership repents and returns to God there is no future for the European church. We are collectively responsible for what is happening in this region of the world and will have to pay the price for our mistakes in due time.
In case you still doubt that there are very serious issues with our European leadership I would like to offer you an excerpt from one of the UPF leaders on our continent who wrote in response to my open letter: "… there will be those whose insecurity, immaturity and lack of faith will make them feel vulnerable and want to attack you as a means of self-defence. Be kind to those leaders in such a position, they need to know God's love and feel it deeply. They rely too much on position and the politics of the Unification Church and not enough on their own personal relationship with God. They probably feel that you undermine their position because that is all they have."
As long as we have such leaders in our midst for whom their position is all they have and who rely on position and church politics rather than on their own relationship with God, there is definitely not much hope for our European movement because they have little love from God to share with those for whom they are responsible.
Dear Pres. and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller, I hope that you know my motivation for speaking with you strongly is my love for you and my desire for you to become truly God-centered instead of rejecting the efforts of those who are absolutely focused on the desire of our Heavenly Parent. Unless you recognize the work of the Living God and respond to it wholeheartedly, you will harvest what you have sown in disobedience to God's Will.
Your brother Nikolaus