The Words of the Beutl Family |
Dear Pres. and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller,
You have been working very hard as core leaders of Europe and gained some results but there are also issues which have not been dealt with in the proper way due to false concepts and wrong attitudes which are widely spread in our church, hindering our Heavenly Father to freely support our work. God cannot bless your efforts with beautiful fruits because the European leadership is not in line with His desire, lacking greatly in the area of establishing deep bonds of heart between leaders and members.
As regional leaders you are supposed to stand in a parental position for the 5000 members living on this continent. In what way are you fulfilling this essential task? Are you aware of what members really think about your leadership? Because most brothers and sisters would not freely tell you how they actually feel about your behavior, you are probably not aware of what is going on in the hearts of the majority of our members in Europe.
The result of such a situation is that Europe is sleeping, as Father told you. European members are sleeping because they are not being taken care of properly, otherwise they would be bright and shining, fully alive, going out witnessing every day. How many members do you have under your responsibility who have a truly alive spirit? I know the answer to this question because I have been meeting with brothers and sisters all over Europe. It is a very sad answer.
True Father said it clearly, "Europe must wake up." But nothing of this sort became a reality. I have been recently in England and spoke with leaders and members in London where the European Headquarters is situated. I experienced the spirit of British members, listening to them attentively…
The witnessing activities are in a very bad shape, starting with the lack of spirit in the ranks of the leadership which is still fast asleep from God's point of view. Life exists based on the give and take of love, and because there is little love flowing between leaders and members and amongst members as well, our church activities are in such a bad shape.
The solution should start at the top, in the hearts of the ones who were appointed to lead the European continent towards Cheon Il Guk. But unfortunately there are no signs of any readiness to improve, to change from a certain level of self-centeredness towards truly taking care of the hearts of God's children with unconditional parental love.
Dear Pres. and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller, how much time do you take on a daily basis to invest into the hearts of the ones entrusted to your care? I know that you are working hard to organize meetings, to give lectures, to do PA work, but how many deep relationships have you built during the last decade of your direct responsibility for the European church?
How many brothers and sisters feel that you are truly in a parental position towards them? The answer to this question is clearly visible in the reality of our movement being fast asleep. No motivation to get up and to go out because there is not much to witness to practically. The absence of hearts overflowing with love stops members to reach out and to testify to the work of the Living God – as they are not experiencing it.
Why are the hearts of our members not full of love? Because the ones who are supposed to be a channel for God's love are not fulfilling their responsibility, showing in this way that they are not qualified to be leaders. From this viewpoint it is clear that Europe is an 'orphanage' with brothers and sisters who are starving for true love.
It was about 6 years ago that I had a short conversation with you, Pres. Song, and when I asked you on the occasion of our both attending the lectures by Rev. Yong on the second weekend of June 2012, if I could come and see you a week or two later to have a talk about some fundamental points you said that we could talk right then and there "for one or two minutes!"
I told you that I am in a position where my national leader is not ready to speak with me, and in this way I am cut off from the church hierarchy while at the same time you expressed repeatedly that you are waiting for a report about me from the Austrian leader. I have been working a lot more in other countries than Austria in recent years so Peter Z., the national leader of Austria, is not in a position to report about my activities as he knows about it only second hand and still you put his report as a precondition for communication between you and me -- one of the few full-time members on this continent who does not receive any support by public funds while being totally dedicated to living up to Heaven's expectations in line with the actual teaching of our True Parents.
This means that you treat me, your fellow National Messiah, like a 'servant', whose report you are only ready to receive through the national leader of Austria, where my family lives, while I have been working for God in various countries, loving and serving brothers and sisters as a National Messiah who is dedicated to live up to Father's teaching that as an individual we are to live for other people, as a family for other families, as a tribe for other tribes and as a National Messiah for other nations.
Leaders of our church are cutting me off and then accuse me of not being connected to the church hierarchy. Unfortunately, you, as the European Continental Director are also joining in this practice, even though my spiritual son Peter has been supporting you for many years since you received the mission to serve the European movement. Even though my son has been attending you daily for more than a decade as a core staff member of the European Office, you, Pres. Song, are not prepared to talk with me for more than a couple of minutes which points to a rather arrogant attitude on your side.
It is not that testimonies to the quality of my work are missing. Already long ago I sent you some 30 pages of expressions of gratitude and appreciation by more than one hundred brothers and sisters who are grateful for my efforts to support them, and my spiritual son Peter Staudinger testified about me that his spiritual father loves God and people more than anything else, that for me loving our Heavenly Father and His children is the very first priority.
I do not depend on a conversation with you but the fact that you gave me only three minutes to speak with you seriously after my waiting for such a chance for more than half a decade -- and with no prospect to be able to speak with you in the future as you are not ready to deal with me directly but only through the church hierarchy -- does not shed a good light on your attitude as a person who only listens to what leaders around you say about me. Your refusing to hear from me directly shows how little you are interested in actual facts but you rely on second or third hand interpretations by certain people.
Even though those who testify to the quality of my work outnumber by far the critical or negative evaluation by certain leaders you are not considering these voices but you listen only to those who have positions in the chain of command. The church hierarchy is more important for you than actual accomplishments, which proves that you disrespect the motto which shines from the top of the Tongil Newsletter saying "Accountability over Popularity".
Pres. Song, you are not ready to deal with me because I am not popular among some leaders of our church. I have no possibility to share deeper aspects of my work with you as my continental director because you are not ready to give me the chance to do so. I did not receive a direct response from your side to any of the letters I addressed to you and Mrs. Song. When dedicated members like me are treated in such a way then this does not bring blessing to the work of leaders who show such an arrogant attitude because this kind of mindset is not in line with the Heart of Heaven.
Through your behavior you are not only looking down on a fellow National Messiah but also to all those leaders and members around the world who greatly appreciate my investment for revival and renewal in our movement.
As I have been doing my public mission for many years, reaching out to support brothers and sisters in various countries, a large number of testimonies to the God-centeredness of my work are available. Hundreds of leaders and members around the world have been benefitting from my daily reflections. What if it is clear in Heaven that they have been receiving more spiritual food from me than they do from you? Isn't the one who loves these members more their true brother?
The question of who Heaven is working through and in what way is not determined by position in the chain of command, but by the sincerity of heart that is shown in relating with others. Those brothers and sisters who are closest to embodying the Heart of God are naturally the ones whom the highest spirit world is cooperating with in order to advance God's providence.
Because of True Father's expectations which you, Pres. Song, reported as, "Europe must open the door to Russia and China…" and, "I have seen great hope in Europe. Europe will make revolutionary change… the New Heaven and Earth Civilization will arise starting from Europe." it is decisive that our worldwide membership is aware of what is at stake from God's point of view on the European continent.
When I asked you for permission to invest into Russia you refused to give it to me. Why? No clear answers were given, just as in all the other cases where permission from the side of the European Office for my investment in European countries was refused.
A superficial look might suggest that I am writing these open letters because of the way I have been treated by the European leadership, but my real concern is the overall culture of our church, how we deal with issues, especially from the viewpoint that the New Heaven and Earth Civilization will arise starting from this continent which has a very big responsibility for opening up Russia and China.
Your complete silence in front of my public letters shows already that you have no facts on your side which could prove me wrong. Heaven is watching and is our judge. By denying me the permission to work in various countries where members testify that I have helped them to come closer to God you are claiming that I am not dedicated to God's Will and therefore I have to be stopped from meeting with brothers and sisters in these nations.
Is this the answer you received from God while so many members of our church testify to the God-centeredness of my efforts? By not allowing me to invest in the places where I asked for permission and did not receive it you made a clear statement against those brothers and sisters who experienced our Heavenly Father's support through me. You are saying that you know it better than them and therefore forbid me to invest myself in these countries where permission by the leader is needed…
Do you realize that it means you have been making decisions against God's Will, that you have been hindering the advancement of God's providence by not allowing a dedicated National Messiah in good standing to reach out freely to brothers and sisters on the continent under your responsibility?
What is the foundation for your hindering me to invest into supporting our members in Europe? That I have helped many brothers and sisters already is well documented. On what basis are you opposing my outreach on the European level? Please let me know.
Sincerely yours,