The Words of the Beutl Family |
Dear Pres. and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller,
The first theme that I addressed in volume 21 of Sunshine in the Heart is "Do not follow any leaders" according to Father's precious guidance. As a parent, he does not want us to follow some person, no matter how charismatic they may be, but to be focused on leading an absolutely God-centered life so that the Living God can guide our lives in a very personal way, what is definitely today more realistic than ever in this new era when the realm of God's direct dominion has been opened up.
We are supposed to follow God, the eternal absolute subject of our life, who we are striving to be one with. Therefore, we must never substitute God for some person whom we follow. The reason why God gave the Commandment is that His children would, through their own portion of responsibility, grow and mature in their relationship with God, thus realizing perfection. Following leaders will not accomplish that.
The 18 pages of this in-depth reflection (page 4 - 21, www.sunshine-in-the-heart.com/include/S_21.pdf username: sunshine password: welcome) based on Father telling us, "Don't follow any leader or any leader's family," deals with fundamentally important points which we all should have taken to heart when Father emphasized them in his speech on March 1, 1992 where he asked: "Do you think that my intent was to bring all your families to the same level as my own? Or do you think I wanted to stay at a higher level and keep all of you at a lower level? Did I do that? Think about it."
Unfortunately these questions were not taken to heart and carefully considered, so that we would realize that True Parents do not want us to follow some leader but to think deeply about the standard each one of us represents in front of God: "You all know what level your own family is standing on. You know best whether you are providing a condition to glorify the name of Blessed couples or disdain the name of Blessed couples. Father is now saying, don't follow any leader or any leader's family. Do you understand? You have to repent. That is the only way to get back."
We all should have repented profoundly for our failure to trust True Parents who are longing to bring us up to their level as Father clearly stated on the first day in March 1992 when he spoke about the theme "The Responsibility of Authority of The Unification Family." We should have clearly understood that we are not supposed to follow leaders but to grow up and stand on the same level that True Parents achieved by restoring our proper position of Heavenly authority as true sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father/Mother.
In respect to this fundamental task and Father telling us, "Don't follow any leader or any leader's family," one brother commented: "This is such a salient and sobering statement. On one hand Father could be saying that the standard of leaders and leaders' families is so poor and not good enough for us to follow in order to attain the same level as True Parents, therefore, don't follow them but repent and accomplish True Parents' standard through your own relationship with God and True Parents.
On the other hand, regardless of leaders and what standard they may or may not have, perfection will not be realized by following them, as man must accomplish his own portion of responsibility in his own relationship to the Word and God..
Therefore don't follow leaders and leaders' families because they're not going to lead you to the promised land nor perfect your relationship with God. Again, what is the object of our faith, The Word. If everything else is lost but we have the Word and one man and one woman willing to embody it, then God's Ideal can be realized. In fact we shouldn't even be following True Parents' family as it is not the ideal either.
Adam and Eve didn't have a model or example to follow, they just had the Word, that was their rod and staff to guide them into God's kingdom. By keeping faith in the Word they would attain perfection and the ideal standard of husband and wife, as a blessed couple. We are in the same position as Adam and Eve to keep faith in the Word, not leaders, not the Archangel. Adam and Eve were not to follow the Archangel. Similarly we are not to follow leaders. Therefore as Father said, we have to repent. That is the only way to get back.
Like a newborn baby crying and shedding tears we have to repent, and make our way back to God. Without tears there is no re-birth, just as a baby is born with tears (not always mind you) or shortly thereafter. Repentance with tears is the sign of life God is waiting for that, just as the doctor searches for the pulse or heart beat of his patient as a sign of life. God is waiting for those tears. God is waiting for a sign of life. God is waiting like an expectant Father for the cries of His new born baby. Cry out to God in repentance then you truly don't need to follow a leader as Father stated clearly, from 1981, with the beginning of the Children's Course."
21 years ago the statement was made, "Don't follow any leader or any leader's family," what we should have understood already one decade earlier through the Historical Children's Day speech in which Father told us that we entered a new era where it was no longer important to obey the directions of leaders and follow commands, but to live by love as the time has arrived to build the environmental Kingdom of Heaven by developing deep bonds of heart among us as true brothers and sisters:
"While we are marching toward Canaan, our supreme duty is to follow orders, but once we enter Canaan we don't live by commands but by love. This is that time. We are arriving now, and we must live in a God-like way. The second three seven-year courses have been announced. In the first 21 years we marched toward Canaan, and in these 21 years we shall live by love. During the exodus it is a virtue to focus on following the leader, but when you enter Canaan you live by the give and take with brothers and sisters. From today on our membership around the world shall perfect that way of life."
Tragically we did not obey our True Parents and continued anyway to follow leaders even though Father had clearly forbidden us to do so as he stated, "Don't follow any leader or any leader's family." Our grave collective sin of ignoring Father's direction has led to today's reality of our being a divided and crisis stricken movement. Let's compare this with the first two commandments as God addressed the Hebrews: "And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image -- any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.'" (Exodus 20:1-6)
By following leaders, this is tantamount to putting other gods before our Heavenly Parent. God wants us to have a relationship with him, not some person substituting for Him. That's why Jesus said I came to serve not to be served. He didn't want to become an object of worship which unfortunately he did become and therefore many people didn't develop their own personal relationship with God.
Do not confuse this with having relationships with others as part of the human family. Here we are talking about following people in a type of dependency, not taking responsibility scenario. Adam and Eve through their objectivity to Lucifer made this leader of Archangels their god usurping God's position who was their God, a jealous God. They objectified themselves to a servant and became dependent on him, because they didn't take responsibility for following the Word. Do you understand?
That Father really meant it what he said on October 28, 1981 can be easily seen from the fact that he told the participants of the first national conference on December 19, 1990: "Father would like to create a new kind of organization, not a pyramid type with a top command echelon and so many other levels that by the time the bottom is reached, half of the message is lost. Father would like to have a direct hot line for his instructions to each member. Each individual must consider that he represents not only himself, but his family, county, state, nation, and heaven and earth and is directly responsible to God."
What does it mean to have a direct hotline to Father's directions? Each member should have had such a direct connection to True Parents as Father requested in that first national conference for all Blessed families in December 1990, whereby Father had even asked that the content of his speech be recorded and distributed to all members, so that everybody would know that the time had come for all members to have a direct hotline to Father's instructions so that there was no more need of leaders as mediator between him and our worldwide membership.
Father told us on Children's Day 1983 that Korean elders are in the Archangel position and members are in the position of Adam and Eve as it is explained in the following excerpt: "... the Korean elders, who are in the position of archangels to Adam and Eve. It was God's design for the archangel to take the position of teacher to the growing Adam and Eve even though he was ultimately in the servant's position."
Only when you are true brothers and sisters can the True Parents completely accept you. From the Divine Principle point of view, the Korean elders are in the position of unfallen archangel in the Garden of Eden and you are in the position of Adam and Eve. Their primary purpose is to teach God's tradition to you.''
The Korean elders should have kept their position as principled archangels and teach our members around the world God's tradition. But unfortunately many of them left their proper position as teacher and servant and put themselves into the center, falsely claiming that because they represent True Parents they must be served and attended (well) and their orders have to be obeyed.
Father declared, "Don't follow any leader or any leader's family." on March 1, 1992, 430 plus 8 days after that historic national conference for all Blessed families which should have marked the substantial end of the leader-centered movement that was declared already one decade earlier. The number 430 stands for leaving Egypt and the number 8 for a new beginning. In this way even numerically it is symbolically expressed what should have become a reality in spring of 1992: The spirit of wandering in the wilderness where following leaders was necessary should have been completely overcome and the member-centered movement should have been firmly established in line with what Father had proclaimed already on October 28, 1981:
"Today I am declaring a new beginning: the leader-centered movement is over, and the member-centered movement is going to begin. I am teaching you that you should love one another as much as you love God and True Parents. Then the dwelling of God is with you, and Mother and I shall be with you..."
We should be a movement where we love each other as much as we love God and True Parents but in reality many leaders still demand obedience to their directions which are at times even contrary to God's desire as it is manifested for example by you Pres. Song, not giving me permission to witness in European countries other than my homeland and my mission country while True Parents have taught us to live for others, which means for me as a National Messiah that I have to live for other nations. In this way you are opposing Father's direction for National Messiahs.
What is the result of disobedience to God's Will? It is clearly death, which can be seen by our present reality as we have become a dead church, totally dead, as Hyung Jin Nim stated. As a lifeless church which is not growing and developing we have not been able to respond properly to Heaven's expectations and our sins of omission by not doing God's Will added up and led to greater indemnity having to be paid for which we are collectively responsible.
Dear Pres. Song and Tim Miller, even though you received the testimonies of more than one hundred leaders and members of our church who expressed their gratitude for my God-centered investment, you put yourself up as a judge over them, claiming indirectly that our Heavenly Father is not working through me and refused therefore to give me permission to work in various European countries or in Russia.
When will you stop opposing the work of the Living God through His children and become humble in front of Him and ask most sincerely for His point of view, how He sees the National Messiah who has been appealing to you again and again? What answer, did you receive in your prayer about the work of your fellow National Messiah appointed to Andorra?
Sincerely yours,