The Words of the Beutl Family |
Dear Pres. and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller,
I suppose you are well familiar with the recent lectures by Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim about the freedom society and what Cheon Il Guk means concretely. Based on their lectures I would like to address you and ask very important questions concerning the spirit manifested in your leadership. The presentations I am referring to are uploaded at vimeo.com/44852757 and vimeo.com/44905739 and vimeo.com/44869095
In his lecture about "Freedom Society: A Vision for Building God's Ideal World" Kook Jin Nim asks questions like, "What is the politics of CIG? What is its political system? What's its economic system? What's the foreign policy of CIG? Do you know the answers to those questions? Then where are these answers supposed to come from? If we gonna establish CIG should we not know what we are trying to build? If you want to build a house, don't you need a blueprint? How can we build CIG if we don't know what it looks like?"
He answered the question, "What does Father say about CIG?" by pointing out that Father spoke about the peace military and peace police as well as a country without laws and policemen, and he emphasized, "We need to know what the structure and organization of God's ideal world is."
Through his lecture Kook Jin Nim wants us to understand what the ideal world looks like. Because the goal has to become visible in the process of achieving it, I would like to address the question of what kind of structure and organization you have been creating in the European movement and how the praxis looks like.
Kook Jin Nim goes back in his explanations to the Garden of Eden where God wanted to have children who can receive His love and return His love. For this purpose He gave his children freedom and responsibility. The archangel was to serve Adam and Eve. Lucifer seduced Eve and Adam and then took the position of God. He went from being the servant to being the master of Adam and Eve who left the position of children and became servants. They lost freedom and responsibility because they became the slave of Satan.
God is trying to get Adam and Eve back into the Garden of Eden and this goal has to be achieved first of all in the extended family of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity. For this purpose Father sent out Korean elders in the Archangel position to teach God's tradition to our members who are in the position of Adam and Eve as Father told brothers and sisters on Children's Day 1983: "… the Korean elders, who are in the position of archangels to Adam and Eve. It was God's design for the archangel to take the position of teacher to the growing Adam and Eve even though he was ultimately in the servant's position… From the Divine Principle point of view, the Korean elders are in the position of unfallen archangel in the Garden of Eden and you are in the position of Adam and Eve. Their primary purpose is to teach God's tradition to you.''
Has this been accomplished on the European level? Surely not, otherwise Father would not have told you last year that Europe is sleeping. It is not God's tradition that his children sleep while True Parents are working tirelessly with a heart more serious than ever as Father told his audience in his public speeches.
What has been your reaction upon learning that Europe is sleeping and Father chastising you, Pres. Song, on many occasions? Have you sent a letter of apology to the European brothers and sisters, apologizing in tears for doing such a miserable job in taking care of the ones entrusted to your care that they went to sleep instead of working diligently to advance God's providence? I did not hear of any kind of apology on your side, Pres. Song or from you Tim Miller as vice president of FFWPU Europe.
Kook Jin Nim spoke in his lecture about the reality of the world being dominated by Satan and the history of man having been mostly a history of suffering, a history of dictators and tyrants enslaving men, a truly awful history. Even though there have been brief periods where civilizations flourished and prospered in the end repeatedly the freedom of the people was lost to the tyranny of dictators.
Kook Jin Nim sees "Populism" as the cause for the death of democracy and freedom. What started with freedom and hope turned into dictatorship. Freedom died in Greece, in Rome... Every time people dreamed of freedom that dream died again and people found themselves back under tyranny.
According to Kook Jin Nim the government of a country is in the position of archangel and supposed to be the servant of the people but in reality many nations went from democracy where the government serves the people to tyrannies. When the government leaves its position and becomes the master of the people -- that process is the Fall of man.
Do you agree with this statement by Kook Jin Nim? If you do, why don't you apply it to the reality of our church? Hyung Jin Nim said repeatedly that we do not want tyrannical leaders in our movement but what is our reality? I suppose you are aware of members who feel that their leaders show such a fallen behavior. I definitely heard it from brothers and sisters under your responsibility.
So, let us have a closer look at what has become a reality: Throughout history, periods of certain freedom granted to the people have been again and again lost due to self-centered leaders who took for themselves what didn't belong to them. And this is also the course which our movement went. Tragically we repeated the Fall of man on a collective level by following the spirit of the archangel and allowing the leaders of our organizations, to dominate our worldwide membership by putting themselves up as the center. This fact is proven by countless examples of which I will speak in detail concerning what has happened in Europe under your direct responsibility.
Kook Jin Nim explains that the people go from being the masters of the government to becoming the servants as they kick out God along the way. He stated, "Popularism is the Fall of man. Social welfare is the Fall." He came to the conclusion that when we understand government and society from a principled perspective we can understand reality in the right way.
Now what is the principled perspective of the reality of our church? Based on Father's explanation that, "From the Divine Principle point of view, the Korean elders are in the position of unfallen archangel in the Garden of Eden and you are in the position of Adam and Eve.'' It is very clear that as a matter of fact most Korean elders did not behave as the unfallen archangel but gave in to the temptation that Lucifer experienced and then dominated the ones entrusted to their care in subtle ways or very directly by demanding even absolute obedience from them.
One member asked concerning the attitude of leaders: "How much do they invest in and love members? Do they even know their members, what they do and so on? Are they serving and attending members? How much are they practically living for the sake of others outside of their leadership duties? Also they like to subordinate members to themselves. Remember the bible verse from exodus, do not worship other gods before Me. They are not True Parents they are the Archangel. What they did wrong was not to promote Father's teaching correctly and follow his words themselves. They maintained the leader centred movement in disobedience to Father. That is their gravest sin.
What else did they do wrong? They 'killed' thousands of members and stopped the birth of many more new members. They turned many people off our movement by their arrogance and lack of love believing that as the leader everyone should follow them in direct disobedience to Father having said don't follow leaders. They killed God's spirit being in our midst due to their self centred attitude. They hi-jacked God's Kingdom to make it their own just like Lucifer. This is what it comes back to, the leadership has been behaving like Lucifer.
God has run out of patience, True Father has run out of patience, expressing strongly his feelings about the leadership earlier this year. They have taken no notice, they are blind and can not see, so God has moved Nikolaus to speak up and do something about it. It is not because he is a National Messiah that he speaks up but because he is our brother who is deeply concerned about what is happening in 'our midst' and has the courage of his convictions and will not let this slide. This has been going on for 30 years. The time for patience is over and now the time for remedying the situation is here. Would you rather have a Babylonian captivity and exile situation or someone speaking the truth and bringing people to repentance as Father said that this is the only way to get back.
Father says, 'Don't follow any leader or any leader's family. Do you understand? You have to repent. That is the only way to get back.' Where did we go? In the wrong direction, away from God and His Ideal. Do you think that because we are supposedly following the Messiah everything is fine. It is not fine. The Unification Church is a mess because we did not practise what we preached, and that is to love, even your enemies. That standard of heart is not present in the Unification Church because we have not been developing our relationship with God, but instead, running around after leaders, making up all sorts of pitiful excuses for them.
What did Father say, 'Don't follow leaders or their families.' What have we been doing? That's why we have not brought the Kingdom of Heaven into the midst of us, as Nikolaus wrote about and got slammed for in America. We've been too busy chasing leaders and not loving one another as Father told us to do. We didn't obey the commandment and subsequently our sibling horizontal relationships went to 'hell', literally.
Those who defend leaders are putting another nail into the hearts of our brothers and sisters who have suffered enough through abuse and exploitation from the leadership. We don't need to hear the same pap about leaders. This is leader centred thinking, not member centred, therefore blocking the way to the environmental kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven.
Lucifer, the archangel, the leader of angels blocked the way to the Kingdom of Heaven as he wanted Adam and Eve to be centred on him. Do you understand?"
Dear Pres. and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller, do you understand this fundamental point clearly? Do you realize how much damage was caused by insisting on a pyramid type of leadership with a top-down chain of command against which Father spoke clearly already decades ago? On top of that many leaders misused their position and caused great harm without ever taking responsibility for their actions, an attitude which has once again become visible in the way you are dealing with the issues I brought up in the letter which I sent you 7 months ago. You did not respond with a single word. You are not ready to take responsibility for your own actions which disqualifies you from being in a position of leadership.
I have spoken in detail about what has actually happened so that facts can be checked by an independent jury and the truth is bound to come to light for everybody to see. Blessed are those who have nothing to hide and welcome transparency. Facts are clear in spirit world and on earth and accordingly judgment will reach those who have sinned.
Still hoping you will take responsibility for the damage you have caused through irresponsible behavior I remain sincerely yours,