The Words of the Beutl Family |
Dear Pres. and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller,
Hyung Jin Nim says in his lecture (vimeo.com/44869095) that after realizing the secrets of the Principle we understand that Adam and Eve, the citizens of the country, should experience the highest degree of freedom and have ownership of the assets of the nation while government should be small and serve the people.
As I pointed out in my previous letter, this applies also to our church organization, that the leaders are supposed to be true servants towards brothers and sisters under their responsibility but in reality most of the tithing offered by the members is used for the expenses of leaders and not for core tasks like Home Church, Tribal and National Messiahship, which has led to more and more members hesitating to pay their tithing as they do not believe in God's money being spent in such an unprincipled way of just feeding leaders while members are starving.
Maybe you are prepared to listen in this respect to one European sister who wrote: "Dear Nikolaus, I hear ya concerning the AA leadership. Everywhere I go I meet brothers and sisters who have no real feeling of their own preciousness to God and True Parents, because some leader has given them a hard time. I have been there myself, but somehow I was too stubborn to give up. I literally came to the point of standing in a field in the dark, in the rain, in the winter with my pledge card, a picture of True Parents, and a flashlight, and having a showdown with God. In the days and weeks after that, I found my own relationship with Him, and with True Parents. (VERY long and often shared testimony).
I think we have to get rid of all the fear that's keeping us prisoners of satan. It is passed on like a fatal virus, members afraid of their leaders who are terrified of their leader and people trying to look good but never admitting they're hurting, or don't know what to do.
Leaders and Members are elder and younger Brothers, not master and servant. I heard Father say that way back in the late 70s in Belvedere, and again in the 80s, but somehow it didn't cross over to here (UK) maybe until now…"
Dear Pres. and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller, you have been at the core of the European leadership for many years, living in England, and still this dedicated sister writes in July 2012 that the understanding that leaders and members are elder and younger brothers and not master and servant did not make it into the United Kingdom even decades after Father has spoken about this fundamental point.
Is it because members would like to be servants of the leaders or because leaders demand obedience in one way or another? Members know the answer to this question, but do you also know it? What is the reason why there is still the spirit of master and servant in our church – because of the members or because of the leaders? Of course, both have a certain responsibility but fundamentally it is the leaders who followed the desire of the archangel and put themselves at the center, claiming rights which do not belong to them, which can be proven by many examples.
When I spoke in my letter which I sent you 7 months ago about such concrete examples you had nothing to say just as in response to the content of my first open letter to you? What is the reason for your ignoring my serious questions which deal with public issues and missions given by our True Parents?
Why do you ignore testimonies by dedicated members which show the work of the Living God? Do you really think you can get away with ignoring these brothers and sisters and their testimony -- substituting them with lies about a National Messiah who speaks deeply about God's Word and its application in our life of faith?
Hyung Jin Nim explains in his lecture that through the Fall Satan switched his position around and Adam and Eve attended him. Lucifer took over the position of master over Adam and Eve. If we see the country from a principled analysis the government should be in the position of attending the sons and daughters of God. That's the important point. When we understand this we come to have great power because we are Adam and Eve; it is the people who need to be in the position of the master of the nation. What does this mean applied to the relationship between the leadership of our church and the members?
In his lecture/sermon Hyung Jin Nim said, "As you know, communist countries own everything -- I have been to various communist countries – but the people cannot own anything. They have to apply for permission even to go to another city. There is no freedom at all, even of possession; people do not have private ownership. The archangel is controlling everything. The archangel becomes the master and Adam and Eve, the population, becomes the servant. That is why in such a country we cannot have a faith. That is why True Parents have been fighting a fierce battle against this kind of ideology."
Dear Pres. Song and Tim Miller, you surely agree with this content but are you aware that what Hyung Jin Nim is talking about applies also to the attitude you are practicing in how you have been handling certain issues on the European continent?
Let us take the example of Albania. You sent out a memo in which you directed every missionary coming to work in that nation, that they must obtain permission from the European Office. I did not know about this decree before I came to the country where my two sons had been witnessing in the past. So I found myself in a situation of being in a nation where I was warmly welcomed by members who had got to know my sons and came to appreciate them while at the same time I had no permission from the European Office to witness there as my sons before me.
Therefore the national leader called the European Office to get such permission which was granted by you Pres. Song, on the same day, but a few days later it was withdrawn, which meant that I was not even allowed to attend the Sunday Service where I was warmly welcomed a few days earlier. One church leader even asked my spiritual grandchild to call the police to kick me out of the flat which was such a shock for this sister to read when she received a message with such content from the city leader. My crime: I had no permission from the European Office to be in the country and therefore I was treated like a criminal because obedience to leaders and their permission is the highest law.
I have written about this reality in part (44) of the series "Investing in the Balkan region" (www.sunshine-in-the-heart.com/ include/S_19.pdf page 156...) and other installments, sharing core contents of the situations I was confronted with when working in Balkan nations. Anybody can check the details and based on them it is clear that crimes were committed by church leaders which resulted in blocking me from working in that region of Europe by spreading lies and sowing distrust. The essence of what became a reality is that core leaders abused their position and used communist methods to secure their position while sacrificing others for their selfish goals which can be proven in front of earthly courts while these facts are already very clear in front of Heaven.
Hyung Jin Nim emphasized at the end of his lecture: "The Unification Church will become a religion that defends global freedom. Brothers and sisters, I feel a new age is approaching. I also feel that we should discuss these issues in much more depths… Once we realize the meaning of the ideal world and freedom, True Parents can reign in such an ideal world of freedom centered on the Divine Principle as King of Kings… I am sorry for giving such a long sermon today but this content is so very important… I am convinced that we have a new vision that can change the world and that we can become the Unification family that can transform the world.
A historic turning point is at hand and as we approach Foundation Day I want to urge you to offer more devotion and really become the protectors of freedom and help the world realize the ideal world of freedom for True Parents."
This ideal world of freedom can only appear when we overcome the archangelic spirit that is dominating our church through leaders who act like you making it possible that a dedicated National Messiah is blocked from freely reaching out to brothers and sisters, not even being allowed to attend our own Sunday Service together with them based on your having withdrawn permission for me to work in Albania due to lies and false reports. How is it that you are prepared to listen to those negative reports, but not the positive supportive ones sent by members?
As long as the misuse of power and position is not overcome in our own ranks there is no hope for the realization of the world of freedom God and True Parents are longing for. Instead of supporting such a world, you have placed yourself along with other European national leaders not only as a hindrance for achieving such a liberated realm but you have been actively hindering the work of a dedicated National Messiah who has been fighting for decades for the realization of a world that is absolutely centered on God. The facts are all there. Your refusing to face what you have done does not make you any less guilty of the grave sins you have committed and judgment is bound to reach you in one way or another. As Hyung Jin Nim said, we are living now in a new age, a historic turning point where evil will be brought to an end through eliminating the influence of the archangel -- which is firmly manifested in our church.
When True Father wrote at least 600 pages of the original Divine Principle with his own hands over the months of June July and August of 1951 he emphasized the ideal world of freedom, repeating this over and over again. Now, six decades later, the time has come to make this ideal world of complete freedom and liberation a reality.
Actually, exactly 40 plus 21 years (separation from Satan and achieving completion) have passed since that historic starting point when brothers and sisters in all parts of the globe hear now through the mouth of True Children like Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim about the importance of establishing a "Freedom Society" or Cheon Il Guk, which a representative of all elder and younger brother National Messiahs has been addressing extensively, sharing on a daily basis with leaders and members around the world in order to support the urgently needed transformation which must be implemented in our movement.
Dear Pres. and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller, it is up to you to recognize the signs of the times and to catch up with the actual providence of God, so the day may not repeat that you Pres. Song have more important things to do than to follow serious directions from True Parents as you did when you ignored their urgent invitation to come to the ODP workshop in Las Vegas in spring 2011 or you Tim Miller, when you ignored the fact that one of the European regional leaders publicly called for "No give and take with Nikolaus (Beutl)" showing in this way your agreeing to completely unprincipled orders given by people under your responsibility… The sins that have been committed by core leaders of our church in Europe are far too grave to be ignored but they must be faced for what they represent, namely a fundamental disobedience to God's Will and the teaching of True Parents.
May you finally wake up and face what you have done and make up for the grave damage you have caused as even True Father is praying now for those who fail to do God's Will to be taken to spirit world as he told us at the beginning of this year.
Hoping for your profound repentance,
Your brother Nikolaus