The Words of the Beutl Family |
Dear Pres. and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller,
Kook Jin Nim asks in his lecture (vimeo.com/44905739) what it means when the government leaves its position from being the servant of the people and begins to dominate the people, and answers this question by stating that this represents the Fall according to the government being in the position of the archangel who should serve Adam and Eve, the people of the country.
The same is of course true when the government of the Unification Movement, the leaders of our church, leave their position of servant and start to dominate the members, who are in the position of Adam and Eve. The process and outcome is the same. The Fall of man is being committed with the result of spiritual death for both the leaders and the members of our church who participate in this unprincipled reality which has not only brought the growth of our church to a standstill but also a decline in our membership as it has become a reality in many nations around the world.
Kook Jin Nim spoke about the process through which the government seduces women to support their policy, and so we should also ask ourselves what methods leaders have been using in order to secure the favor and obedience of their members. President Song and Tim Miller, you know how you achieved the goal of making European leaders and members obedient to your directions. Have you been using the method of absolutely serving our members from the lowest position as you are on the top of the hierarchy? How many members who have the most humble circumstances in the European Church would testify that you are in line with what Jesus had taught, that the leader must come to serve not be served, given that you occupy the highest position on an external level?
I do not know the answer to this question but I do know very well how I have been treated by you along with the many brothers and sisters who testified to God's work through their brother Nikolaus. Not only that those testimonies have not been recognized by you in any way, but you put yourself up as judge over them, practically declaring that their testimonies are not valid because otherwise you would have taken them seriously and responded accordingly. In this way you claimed the opposite -- that God is not working through Nikolaus Beutl and therefore no permission should be given to him to witness in Balkan countries or in Russia and I am not allowed to reach out to families in France and other countries. All these decisions are based on your arrogantly putting yourself up as the one who knows God's Will better than those who directly benefitted from my work and you decided to block my way to work freely.
This is the reality which you have created and you will harvest what you have sown. If you did well, you can be glad that I am telling the world about your good deeds and if you sinned gravely against God and His children, you will naturally face the consequences at this time when Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim are speaking out strongly against those who claim rights and control over others that do not belong to them. You have been treating the people who you are supposed to serve as your 'possessions', deciding that the elder brother National Messiah of Andorra is not allowed to serve brothers and sisters on the European level – without presenting any valid reasons or justification but instead, acted on the foundation of the many lies which have been spread about me by leaders.
The facts are all there, clearly recorded, proving I have been falsely accused and judged by senior leaders of our church in Europe and on other continents. I endured this path of completely unjust persecution for many years and now the turning point has come when the ones who put judgment on me, will now be judged based on the measure they gave.
As we learn from the Divine Principle, there is a certain predestination in accomplishing God's Will, but being appointed to a position does not mean that one has automatically fulfilled it. Saint Paul spoke of predestination in the following well known verse, "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." (Romans 8:30) However the Divine Principle clarifies this bible verse accordingly: "God, being omniscient, knows who is endowed with the qualities to be the central figure in the providence of restoration. Therefore, God predestines and calls the person He foreknew in order to fulfill the purpose of the providence of restoration. Calling the person is God's portion of responsibility, but this alone has nothing to do with the person's being justified and finally glorified in God. He must accomplish his own responsibility in the position of a person called by God before he can be justified; only after he is thus justified will he be glorified by God. It is predestined that man can enjoy glory from God only by accomplishing his own portion of responsibility. There are no words such as 'man's own portion of responsibility' in the Bible, so everything appears to be accomplished merely by God's absolute predestination." (Divine Principle, Predestination)
Dear Pres. and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller, you know well that in order to receive the crown of glory you have to prove first that you deserve it based on your having practiced the teaching of our True Parents. I sent you 21 installments about "The central role of National Messiahs" (see www.sunshine-in-the-heart.com/include/S_21.pdf (page 104 to 118 and page 170 to 218) which shows the great importance of this mission and you would not answer even a single question concerning the mission of National Messiahship. Does there exist any other National Messiah in the European movement who has researched this mission more extensively than me and invested more for the sake of this mission to be fulfilled not only in Europe but on the worldwide level?
If such a person exists, please let me know his/her name and I will gladly meet this National Messiah and learn from this brother or sister. But if such a person does not exist it means that you are not responding with even one word to the issues brought up concerning the mission of National Messiahship by the person who is totally dedicated for this task to be fulfilled in every European nation! How serious are you then about Father's directions to you as National Messiahs?
Hyung Jin Nim asks in his lecture about which I reflected in my previous letter, "How will peace come?" and explains that for Buddhists the answer lies in meditation, for Muslim in obedience to the Koran, in Christianity peace will come through the Bible, etc.
Then he points out that 61 years ago Father said this: "Before peace can come there must be freedom, there must be freedom; first and foremost there must be freedom. Please think about that. If we look at pledge number four: Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to build the universal family encompassing heaven and earth, which is God's ideal of creation, and perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness, by centering on true love." Hyung Jin Nim points out that freedom comes first in this list of four: "Freedom, peace, unity and happiness. Without freedom, unity, peace and happiness cannot come. Freedom comes first. Without freedom tyrants will appear…"
This is what has not only become a reality throughout history but also in our midst where church leaders have arisen who behave more or less as tyrants on various levels. Unfortunately I have to report to you Pres. Song that you also have been referred to in such terms by European members of the First and Second Generation.
Hyung Jin Nim emphasized in his sermon on June 24, 2012: "God gave us an incredible gift of freedom, the freedom of choice. We can choose to do what… At the core of all this is freedom. The archangel position is the one who always tries to expand his powers."
And Father said: "The leaders of the Unification Church must understand that they cannot be leaders until they are first servants - until you subjugate Cain naturally by your loving actions. Abel is the subject of love, so all those who are in Abel's position must always initiate the giving of love to others. In parental love, in matrimonial love, in brotherly love, always those who initiate the giving of love, those who first give out love are in the subjective or central position."
Dear Pres. Song and. Tim Miller, what have you been doing from this viewpoint in the past years? Have you been expanding your powers or did you manifest the kind of heart Father requested for all Unification Church leaders to embody, namely, one of initiating the giving of love on every level, winning the hearts of those whom you consider to be in the Cain position – of whom you expect obedience to your directions?
Pres. Song, have you been acting as un-fallen archangel in line with Father telling brothers and sisters on Children's Day 1983? "The Korean elders will bring all the children of the True Parents - whether Oriental or Western -- together into one family... From the Divine Principle point of view, the Korean elders are in the position of un-fallen archangel in the Garden of Eden and you are in the position of Adam and Eve. Their primary purpose is to teach God's tradition to you.''
Now after one decade of your taking care of the European movement are the Oriental and Western members united as one family? Is everybody under your responsibility practicing God's tradition which you have been teaching them since you became regional director of Europe?
In what kind of tradition have you been raising us? The false teaching that you are Abel because you are the leader and members should follow your directions, an attitude which Father spoke out against clearly already back in 1978 when he admonished the leadership? "Japanese leaders – aren't you teaching a principle that I do not teach, when you say, 'I am Abel because I'm church leader. You are Cain. Cain obeys Abel. This is the Principle so obey.' There is no such principle."
Is every European member aware that there is no such principle that the leader is Abel and members are Cain? I know very well that some national leaders still believe in this heresy or false teaching which has been used to make members obey leaders.
When will you finally wake up and take responsibility for what you have done to the European movement by not educating members in God's tradition – otherwise Europe would not be sleeping but all members would be diligently working to advance the providence while living in a God-like way as Father had already directed three decades ago in the Historical Children's Day speech in 1981.
I am testifying to God's eternal and unchanging truth which I have been studying deeply for decades since I joined our movement at the age of 16 at a time when I was intensely searching for God's Will spending every day in hours of prayer and the study of religious literature.
Dear Pres. and Mrs. Song, dear Tim Miller, I am writing these public letters out of my love for you as my fellow National Messiahs in hopes that you wake up and realize that it is not the spirit of the Archangel which should guide our movement but the heart of parents manifested ideally in an exemplary way in the families who take responsibility for the mission of National Messiahship to be fulfilled in every country on this earth.
When will you finally face Father's teaching about National Messiahship and answer the questions I asked you 7 months ago as they are essential for the future of our movement in Europe where the New Heaven and Earth civilizations should start?
Sincerely yours,
your brother Nikolau