The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
The future of our movement depends on the spirit we embody -- which is greatly determined by those in leadership positions because the ones following are inheriting their example. The treatment which Einari and I received from leaders in Europe and on the Northeast continent shows what kind of attitude prevails in our Movement:
One of judging others even if there is not a single proven or confirmed issue one could come up with against those who are accused of wrongdoings and shunned, with hatred eagerly being thrown on them. Such behaviour is diametrically opposite to the teaching of our True Parents and therefore those leaders are in reality not members of our Movement. They represent a different class of people with special privileges, free to misuse others and woe to the person who dares to criticize them for their crimes!
Father did speak the truth when he referred to those sitting in the front rows at holiday celebrations with True Parents as liars who steal assets, as idiots and bastards, as those who betray God's Will, especially the Family Pledge.
How strongly leaders are dominating their members became once again obvious when I called a Blessed family in Lithuania where I was warmly welcomed in the past. They had invited me some months ago to visit them. When Einari and I asked if we could come with them to the Sunday Service the answer was that they do not have permission from the leader to tell us the address. The national leader of that country even said that it is God's Will that he does not allow us to participate in the Sunday Service!
It was in 2005 that True Father had visited that country and spoke to hundreds of people, telling them that to set up national borders is the handiwork of Satan. Now years later the leader of FFWPU in that country bars a brother from the neighbour country of Finland and from another European nation from merely attending his Sunday Service. Our church leaders are doing the handiwork of Satan by creating walls and barriers among members which is proven in so many cases.
When you look at the behaviour of the Korean regional president of the Northeast continent and the Japanese national leader of Latvia it is clear that their attitude is light years away from the teaching of True Parents' who have emphasized that the only way to subjugate Satan is to love the enemy more than your own children. They are not doing this in any way which means nothing less than they are under Satan's dominion, not separated from him.
If we evaluate their actions from the standpoint of Christian values it is also clear that they do not even live up to this level in line with Jesus teaching to love one's enemy and to do good for those who persecute you. Let us check if they are at least fulfilling the standard of the Old Testament of an eye for an eye? No, they are not even practicing this minimum level. What they have actually done is to severely punish the brothers who have supported the members of their community and region. Each one of the Latvian and Estonian members with whom Einari and I shared can testify that speaking with us was uplifting for them, which was expressed in their gratitude for our time together.
In other words, the attitude of the president of the Northeast region and of the national leader of Lithuania are pre-Old Testament style where a person is killed even if he has helped others -- by self- centred leaders who even cannot control their own emotions, much less to speak of truly caring for others. Such is the indescribably sad and tragic reality of our leadership on the Northeast continent which can be looked at in detail by checking the attitude of one leader after another.
Of course there are those among them who have a better standard than these two examples but because it is the person at the very top who embodies a heart of hatred towards perceived enemies, our whole Movement on this continent is bound to disappear if the leaders responsible for the crimes which are happening in this region do not resign immediately and liberate their members to be free to make their own decisions. Remember the example of the family who had invited me to visit them but finally could not even bring Einari and me to the Sunday Service as they did not get the permission from their leader!
We know well that Jesus was killed based on the instigation of religious leaders of his time. The pattern of removing those who have a differing religious viewpoint from the face of the earth has continued throughout history and reached a high point at the time of the Inquisition of the dark Middle Ages where thousands of people were killed merely because their religious views differed from the official church doctrine.
What is unspeakably sad is that this attitude has not even been overcome in our movement where the killing continues on the spiritual level as it became once again visible in the national leader of Latvia throwing out a Tribal Messiah who is fully dedicated to fulfill this mission in the neighbouring country and a National Messiah who is reaching out to support fellow Unificationists in many countries. By strictly forbidding his members to have any communication with their brothers Einari and I Rev. Ando indirectly declares us as dead.
If our existence was acknowledged it is the duty of any Unificationist to treat us as any other member in good standing. The national leader of Latvia is showing a terrible example to their members, inspired by the unprincipled direction from the brother of the regional president who told him to kick us immediately out of the Peace Embassy, never to return there again.
What can our Heavenly Parent do when he has such fallen people leading our movement on this continent who are unable to love their perceived enemy? God has no way to restore His/Her children through our Movement but has to look for other people to work through in order to complete the providence of salvation through Love.
In the memo from the World Mission Headquarters sent out on May 29, 2011 it says: "The leaders of the current UCI have capriciously made use of public assets against the will and direction of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and in contradiction of the tradition of the Unification movement which we have solemnly upheld to this day centring on True Parents."
That our Movement has solemnly upheld the Heavenly tradition is definitely not true, which was once again confirmed in the Baltic nations where Einari and I were treated as criminals, thrown out of the Peace Embassy in one country and not even allowed to attend Sunday Service in another nation. We had not done anything wrong which would justify such a treatment. It is church leaders who are misusing public assets to which every Unificationist in good standing should have access. The attitude and behaviour of certain leaders in that region make a mockery of our True Parents' teaching!
When Einari came back to the church center together with a Blessed mother and her daughter the leader told him that he had received a mail from the headquarters that I belong to spiritual groups and that we are not allowed to come to the Peace Embassy. Even though Einari clarified that this is not true, neither for me nor for him because we do not belong to any spiritual group, Rev. Ando emphasized repeatedly that we must never ever come again to the headquarters of the Baltic countries.
Einari asked for the real reason why he is not allowed to come to the Peace Embassy of his neighbouring country of Latvia which is just a few hours on the boat away from Helsinki where his family lives. The church leader did not answer this and other similar questions, like whether or not permission is needed in Japan to go to the church center in the neighbour city.
To the question as to who gave the direction that Einari and Nikolaus will never be allowed to come to the Peace Embassy in Riga, the national leader answered that it was Rev. Chung.
In response Einari noted that when Rev. Ando came to Helsinki to attend Sunday Service he came without asking for permission to do so. Then Einari said that the Peace Embassy was set up by the True Parents for brothers and sisters to come there and the church leader responded, "I know, I know." Einari asked repeatedly for the reason why he and I are not allowed to come there but the church leader just said, "Finished, finished."
Einari took his bag preparing to leave and while doing so he asked again: "I am your brother. When you are kicking me out there must be some reason. If I did something wrong, tell me, then I can repent. What did I do wrong?
This is True Parents' home. They are our Parents. We are brothers. We are from different countries, but we are brothers. This is the first point in Divine Principle: Unite. How can we unite if I am out on the street and you are here? This is the Principle: Unite centered on True Parents. So if I did something wrong you should tell me as my elder brother. Then I can repent and I can repair -- because I am your brother."
Holding back his tears Einari said: "But if I did not do anything wrong and you kick me out of True Parents' home then this is bad. Do you understand? It is bad to treat innocent people like a criminal because I did not do any crime. And you know, you have seen me, I did not do anything wrong. You know it, I did not do anything wrong."
At that point the church leader blasted out at the top of his voice: "I UNDERSTAND!"
Then Einari said to him, "Thank you!" and he shook the hand of the church leader, wished him "Good Luck" and said, "Good bye."
As soon as Einari was out of the apartment the church leader slammed the door so that all people in the house could hear that now another person was thrown out of the Peace Embassy of the Universal Peace Federation in that country.
What does this situation mean? The church leader confirmed that he understood what he was doing and members were the witness: He kicked out a completely innocent person who had done nothing wrong, throwing him out onto the street followed by his anger and hatred, never to be allowed to come back again to the headquarters of our Movement in the neighbouring Baltic nations, even though this person is a dedicated Tribal Messiah living a few hours away from that public place set up for the sake of peace and understanding between people.
Such a person who acts absolutely contrary to the teaching of the True Parents claims that the members of the Unification Movement of Latvia belong to him and they have to follow his orders, pressuring them to do so by terrorizing them with his emotions of hatred which he blasts out without controlling himself so that the knees of those witnessing such events are shaking…
Satan has taken over our church centres through leaders who act contrary to the Divine Principle, including continental directors, as it became manifested in their actions which include throwing out innocent members or preventing them from coming to our church centres and other forms of misusing their position as leaders.
Heaven and earth are witnesses to this indescribably sad reality and accordingly the judgment will reach all those responsible for these tragedies, leaders who act in such a way as well as members who do not speak out and allow themselves to be treated in such a completely evil way, following leaders who have clearly betrayed God's ideal and turned what should be the house of God into a place where satanic spirits can dwell freely.
We know of the murder done in the first family of Adam and Eve and this tragedy has continued throughout history right into our midst where innocent members are judged by leaders as guilty of all kinds of things, causing them to leave our church, a reality about which Father said already three decades ago:
"I feel so much anguish and wrath when I observe the way in which some leaders have actually chased the pure lambs of our membership away. Many members become lost because of the poor demonstration of the leaders of the Unification Church, who are so far away from True Parents' spirit. For that reason, I am very angry with them." (January 1, 1983)
On that God's Day Father stated: "My concern is for one thing: how can I connect the True Love of God to all things and all people."
What is today's reality in our Movement? Top leaders like Rev. Jin Pal Chung who was promoted by his elder brother to become bloc leader over Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, are terrorizing brothers and sisters, as it was once again confirmed in the recent meeting in Yekaterinburg where he told brothers and sisters: "All libraries should be burned! You cannot learn anything from the Christians or Buddhists! Don't read and use the Bible!"
Such statements which are totally contrary to the teaching of our True Parents shocked some brothers and sisters so much that e.g. Raisa Palichevu was admitted right after the meeting with Jin Hwa Chung to the hospital with heart problems, Arrhythmia. Two other sisters were sobbing in painful tears after hearing the regional director saying all kinds of outrageous things.
There is an order to close the main site of the Unification Church in Russia, called "World of God." The site is still up but that order from above says it all: The rule of Satan in our church has begun on the Northeast continent and therefore there is no more place for the World of God because evil reigns in our Movement.
Jin Hwa Chung says that husband and wife should live separately. He encourages members to leave the children and to become full-time members. The husband and wife should be working in different missions and not live together because Love and happiness only becomes true in this way!
Heresy at its worst spread by the regional president of our Movement dominates the thinking and destroys the good emotions of our brothers and sisters in the Northeast region. Church leaders are instructed to hold meetings of Blessed families, where the personal problems in the families are laid open in front of all members. Everyone should come to these meetings and hear about the problems of others. Rev. Chung emphasizes that this is the only way how we can solve problems and build Jong Il Guk!
Who will liberate our members from this evil education about which you will learn more in future installments?