The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
A former missionary to the Northeast continent wrote recently: "I've heard from my friends in Russia that the new Korean leader wants everyone to become fulltime (as it had been in the past)....even the families. That again will pull people out of their communities, away from their families and create an artificial community -- that will be tightly controlled.
My friends there are not happy with the idea and have begun to think that this may be God's challenge to them to finally stand up for what they truly believe....and follow their conscience. I sincerely hope they do."
Who is supporting these brothers and sisters who grew up under communism, and then as teenager or in their twenties joined our Movement with new hopes for liberty and brotherhood among man?
In reality the atmosphere of fear under which they were born and which determined the first years of their lives is still fully alive in their veins and most of them do not have the strength to go beyond it. This means that the rule of tyrannical leaders remains unchallenged even though most members are of course very unhappy about it while some have become so accustomed to having no real freedom that they readily accept it.
In this reflection series you learnt that on the Northeast continent the same spirit is practiced in our Movement as we can see in the outside world where the Russian government pushes out foreign NGOs while restricting freedom and human rights more and more. There is no room for Western brothers and sisters who are not submitting to the doctrine of absolute obedience to leaders. Such people are thrown out never to return again.
It is the responsibility of Europe to liberate Russia as Father had stated clearly to the former continental director, but what can God do when Europe is sleeping, what Father had stated repeatedly. Tragically, this reality applies not only to this continent but also to others like America. We are sleeping or more concretely speaking, spiritually dead because we do not really love God and one another.
Here are a few lines of evaluation by one of our European brothers: "Yes our movement is sick. Not just in the US but here in Europe too. Mother and Hyung Jin and others state from time to time that no one has joined for 20-30 years. But none of them ever ask why. Until we ask why no one has joined and people have been leaving and our 2nd Gen are not that interested we will never recover. We need to go back and find out where we went wrong.
I left the Unification Church in 1988 because it had turned into a heretical cult and I am not a heretic. That was in London. It was dead. No one was joining even though people were witnessing and people were coming to workshops. But when the guests looked in our eyes they could tell we weren't happy. No one really wanted anyone to join. People did 40 day witnessing conditions and no one joined. People became burnt out. I actually led the most successful witnessing team -- someone actually joined. I was next in line to become the church pastor in London but I didn't believe in the church anymore and had long before realised it was deeply unprincipled in teaching and practice. So I went to UTS which I enjoyed immensely and then onto Russia for 7 years as a missionary.
And yes. Our spiritual community died when it turned its back on its spiritual path -- Home Church. I remember at the time church leaders who didn't do Home Church found they had no one to organise and control as people were out in their Home Churches being tribal messiahs. So they called them back into the centres and said that providence was over. And we died. We stopped loving our neighbours. And if you don't love your neighbours God cannot be present. And we stopped loving each other. And then we stopped loving God and prayer stopped. And we became an organisation (although not a particularly effective one) and no longer a spiritual community. At least not one in which the worship of God occurred.
Nowadays despite not being a Unification Church member all I have done for the last 10 years is teach Sunday school. My friends like me teaching their children. The main service I regard as the waiting room for the spiritual world where people come as that is what they do on a Sunday morning. The kids though still have a future and I want them to fall in love with God and the Principle even if they can't stand the church."
How do you feel reading this short reflection about what had become a reality in our Movement? The brother who offered this evaluation pinpointed the core of what has been happening: "I remember at the time church leaders who didn't do Home Church found they had no one to organise and control as people were out in their Home Churches being tribal messiahs. So they called them back into the centres and said that providence was over. And we died. We stopped loving our neighbours.
And if you don't love your neighbours God cannot be present. And we stopped loving each other. And then we stopped loving God and prayer stopped. And we became an organisation and no longer a spiritual community."
These lines describe the essence of what has become a reality in the hearts of the people of the Third Israel who failed to fulfill its responsibility to go out to love and serve the people through doing Home Church and becoming Tribal Messiahs. Therefore True Parents called for the establishment of the Fourth Israel, a people who is actually living in line with God's desire and fulfills the ideal of creation by manifesting the Four Great Realms of the Heart centered on True Love.
In the here quoted evaluation you could read that it was repeatedly stated that no one has joined for 20-30 years, but none of them ever ask why. It is absolutely true that, "Until we ask why no one has joined and people have been leaving and our are not that interested we will never recover. We need to go back and find out where we went wrong."
Who is ready to face this task with a humble heart and deal with the roots of why we have become a dead movement? Who takes responsibility for what has become a reality in country after country where our members have been active during the past decades?
First, inspired brothers and sisters went out and established sacrificially a precious foundation for our Heavenly Parent to reach the hearts of His/Her beloved children. But then over the years a different spirit entered the countries in the form of putting obedience above Love. Instead of being a loving community an organization was established where following the leader was considered a top priority.
Now this tragedy is being perfected in Russia where members are asked to leave their homes to come to the three main cities where all activities will be focused – so that the ruler can control the individuals most effectively, even deciding how much money every person receives as they work in the businesses (to be) established by the new boss. In other words, the ideal of communism is about to be implemented with equal wages for all members, etc.
In the past communist leaders tried it by physical force and today our leaders do it using psychological methods which are even more effective in the long run, establishing a system where people will not rebel against the ones exploiting them because they have voluntarily submitted to their heartless dominion – though out of fear which his accepted as part of life – with absolute obedience to the master as the highest law.
What is the destiny of people who stand up against such a false satanic rule of self-centered leaders? They were thrown into prisons and concentration camps in the past and on a certain level this is still true today.
I am writing these lines in a house which was built by prisoners of war from Germany here in Estonia, my present refuge after having been thrown out from the Peace embassy of Latvia and not getting support from the neighboring countries for the fight against misuse of position and power in our Movement in this part of the world. I am so to say a prisoner in a house which was built by those whose freedom was taken away, with history being repeated of evil prevailing because those who had the chance to do good refused to do so.
Very sadly, a couple of days after Einari and I were not allowed to enter the church center in one country and thrown out of the Peace embassy in the second nation we visited on the Northeast continent, a Blessed child died before birth in the womb of our sister in the third Baltic nation.
Imagine the following situation: You see that two of the children of the family living in the house of your neighbor are kicked out by the parents, forbidden ever to return. How will you react in such a situation? Will you do something about it? What would you do?
Every decent human being would not leave these two children out on the street but would do something to bring this situation to the attention of the authorities and make sure that the children have at least a roof over their head.
But what happened after a similar situation had become a reality in one of our own communities where Einari and I were thrown out on the street by the person who is supposed to be the parent of the nation, representing the heart of God and True Parents in that country? The pastor had given a sermon about the importance of resembling God and True Father as well as True Mother, and then moved on to do the very opposite on the same day a couple of hours later with some of his members as witnesses to what kind of hypocrite this leader is.
Did anybody do something about that situation? No. Those living in that country are afraid of the wrath of their leader and the ones in other nations are afraid to speak up or they simply do not care, as it seems to be the case for most members of our movement.
No wonder that in such a situation we see even a new Blessed child not being born but dying in the mother's womb – for us to become aware of what kind of cold atmosphere we are manifesting from God's point of view. I am not speaking lightly about this subject as my own second child died in the womb of my wife after 8 months of pregnancy and I am aware of the spiritual reasons behind that painful experience. If grave sins are committed then somebody in the Abel position has to pay indemnity as we all know.
How much longer must tragedies continue to appear in front of our eyes before we wake up and realize what we are doing? We are allowing the reign of evil to prosper in our midst because we do not really care for one another.
When will we realize how much pain we are causing to our beloved Heavenly Parent, to True Father and True Mother, and to fellow Unificationists simply because we do not take responsibility for what happens to our brothers and sisters, similarly to the attitude of Cain, the first son of Adam and Eve who asked: "Am I my brother's keeper?" (Genesis 4:9)
How many more years does Heaven have to shed blood-filled tears until we realize that we are the main cause for God's pain, more than all others who do not know the Truth?